Easily manage your followers, catch your nonfollowers and unfollowers. Saved searches. Search query Search Twitter. Ive had my fair share of ego tied to that golden number on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedInone day Ill point out my follower growth to a friend and the next First, you need to optimize your profile. Get it from App Store (iOS) or Play Store (Android). If you want to analyze the impact of the suspension you can create a Twitter Report.Trumps activity before the suspension: 59,553 Tweets and Retweets; 46,919 Tweets (Original tweets); 12,634 Retweets; 88,936,841 Followers; 51 Following; 389,842,552 Retweets received We help other people find and follow you on Twitter. Follow users who follow your followers. I can relate. Amazing Features . Use Tweepi's powerful, yet easy to use Twitter unfollow tool to help you save a lot of time and money managing and growing your following on Twitter. Getting as many as 10,000 Twitter followers doesnt have to be hard. Sometimes, or a lot of the time, you dont have all day to sit around and grow your Twitter account by yourself. Your followers are also likely to become brand advocates and customers. When people follow you on Twitter, you've locked in their attention and you get the chance to convert them from loyal followers to devoted customers. Remove; In this conversation Former U.S. President Barack Obama has the most popular Twitter account with 130 million followers as of March 2021. We're a directory of twitter users listed by country and interests.Add your twitter account quickly and easily and start connecting with our 50,000+ monthly active users. 100 Geeks You Should Be Following On Twitter Twitter has of late been inundated by, shall we say, normals. What was once our little playground has become rather more populated. Twitter users often make the decision of whether or not to follow someone in seconds, meaning that you have very little time to impress.. We looked into why people chose not to follow BRANDfog founder and CEO Ann Charles highlights 25 of the brightest women in business, politics, news, and innovation who are maximizing Twitters great potential. Get more Twitter followers with Twesocial. It's Follow Friday and Benzinga is taking a look at Twitter accounts to follow that provide insight into the electric vehicle market. 58% of top brands have over 100,00 followers on Twitter. There's many ways you can increase your following here's just a few of our top, tried-and-true tips. And when that box auto-refreshed with The average Twitter user follows five businesses. Use Twitters advanced search function to find folks who are following your competitors, for instance, or who are interested in topics central to your industry. Twitter lists are the perfect way to group together users and accounts based on the topics youre interested in and the categories you follow. Tweets with images get 150% more retweets. By utilizing a free and low-cost tool like Tweepi, you can scan the list of accounts that follow your own followers on Twitter. The 47 accounts Trump follows on Twitter consists of his children, a bevy of Fox News hosts, and his own hotels and golf courses. of people on Twitter like to discover what's new* 53%. UnfollowerStats is a third party Twitter App to help you find your twitter unfollowers and see your follow/unfollow stats. We offer you free followers that are no spam and real looking. Complete your bio and dont forget a header image, too.