Very Important Information for Volunteers at Holy Spirit Parish: Read the information here. Website. Followed by the Divine Mercy Novena, 1:30pm Passion of the Lord in English Fr. Mass. Holy Spirit Catholic Church 17270 Ward Street Fountain Valley, CA 92708 By Appointment - 9:00am Morning Prayer in English Deacon Phil. Christiansburg, VA 24073, Live Mass: May 16, 2021 11:00 am Holy Spirit and Holy Family Catholic Churches, Check the Events Calendar for Mass & Meeting Time Changes. In anticipation of the increase in attendance for Easter Sunday Mass, there will be an additional Mass at 1:00 p.m. New to Holy Spirit; Calendar; Pastors Notes; E-Bulletins; Prayer & Mass Intention Request; Ministries; Giving Back. Due to gathering limits it is required to sign up to attend Mass in person. Monday-Saturday (indoor/church limited capacity) 7:00 am* 8:15 am Wednesday (Our Lady of Perpetual Help) 6:30 pm* First Friday Mass (First Friday of the Month) 7:00 am* 8:15 am 6:30 pm* * Masses are livestreamed on our Facebook page and YouTube channel. Closed on Wednesdays. Recapping, the schedule for Easter Sunday is 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., and 1:00 p.m. Saturday - 5:00 pm (English) Sunday Holy Spirit Church, Lee's Summit, MO Fr. Visit us at for the latest bulletin, information on signing up to attend a public Mass, and to make your gift. Joseph Tran Features include parish & school news, Mass and Confessions schedule, bulletins, parish & school calendar, podcasts, descriptions of all parish programs, school activities and much more! Live Stream of Mass; Homilies; Holy Spirit School Watch Mass. John Nguyen, 8:00pm Easter Vigil Mass in English Fr. Frequently Asked Questions. To date we have raised $293,045 which is 110% of the Diocesan goal and 101% of our parish goal with the support of 444 pledges.Any amount over our goal will be rebate back to the parish! Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm, Sunday: 8:00am, 9.30am. Joseph Tran, 9:00am Morning Prayer in English Deacon Quoc Anh, 6:00pm Easter Vigil Mass in Vietnamese Fr. Marriages. Easter Sunday Mass 12:30 pm April 12, 2020. Phone: 703.978.8074 Fax: 703.978.9671 [email protected] Rev: Ron Serban Deacon: John Storm Holy Spirit Catholic Church is an oasis in the desert, a spiritual home nestled in the southern part of the Las Vegas valley where the gifts of the spirit are profoundly experienced in all that we do. Email . Joseph Tran 5:00pm Mass Happy Easter season to you all! Pope Francis Tweets - Read, Saturday - 5:00 pm (English)Sunday - 11:00 am (English)Sunday - 1:15 pm (Spanish)Monday - 9:00 am (English)Tuesday -7:00 am (English)Friday - 7:00 pm (Spanish) Tuesday: 9:15am Wednesday: 7:00am Thursday: 9:15am Friday: 7:00am. . Phone: (410) 593-7162 Fax: (410) 593-7164 Email: There is still plenty of time to respond with a gift to this years Appeal. Holy Week (2020) Send us your intention to offer it on the altar during the Holy Mass. Weekly Mass Times. Michael Clary, celebrant. Email Address. Related Videos. Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Rincon Valley, Santa Rosa . Thank you! Easter Sunday Mass from Holy Spirit Parish, Saskatoon (Apr. Holy Thursday, April 1. 7:00pm Mass of the Lords Supper in English (Doyle Hall) Fr. 5:00pm Mass of the Lords Supper in Vietnamese (Church) Fr. Baptisms. Live Streamed Mass Celebration of the Vigil Mass for the Sixth Sunday of Easter, May 8, 2021 at 4:30pm See all live streamed events on our Facebook videos page .