2. End-of-year income tax and Working for Families bills are due if you have an extension of time to file your income tax return. Companies may request in writing to change the accounting periods. Also, after understanding all the above points one could conclude that because of the above reasons the word use in image is just audit and not tax audit. It was great help from Expert. https://www.taxontips.com/testimonials/timely-service/. Thanks JodieH. If your situation changes, you can phone us on 13 28 66 to confirm the due date for lodgment. What is Corporation Tax? All Corporation Tax in the UK is a tax that limited companies need to pay on their profits. Companies with financial year ending between 1st January and the 30th June have a deadline for submission of the tax return by the 31st March of the following year. Companies that fail to pay and file electronically must submit their return and The due date for providing the 2020 Form 1095-B and 2020 Form 1095-C has been extended from February 1, 2021 to March 2, 2021. 2020 income tax return due for clients of tax agents (with a valid extension of time) 31 March 2021. Exempt organization returns are due May 17, 2021 for organizations with a tax year ending on December 31. Nonresident alien returns are due April 15, 2021. I had received a notice u/s 143(1)(a) and got a great support in timely replying to the above notice and made me understand the meaning of such notice. I had a query regarding GST applicability on a very small issue and same was resolved quickly via the experts over chart support. Company. Companies Tax Returns can only be submitted by registered Tax Practitioner. April 15, 2021 May 17, 2021 will be the postponed tax deadline, or Tax Day, for 2020 Tax Returns. Individuals Tax Returns for 2020/21 have been issued on 3 May 2021. If your company qualifies as a Large or a Medium tax payer, then its return is due on the 15th of January. I am a freelancer and had a query regarding my Income tax return and the experts helped me out with my problem and gave me proper support. TAX INFORMATION AND SERVICES I would definitely rate the conversation 10 out of 10 and recommend it to others. Provisional Tax and Social Security Contributions Booklet, Non Resident Acquisition of Immovable Property, Non Resident Registration (notary online service), CFR online Services for Tax Practitioners. First payment within six months from the beginning of the year of assessment. As the above statement mentions not requiring audit and requiring and since this was posted on income tax website many people presumed that this is talking about tax audit and hence if a company not requiring tax audit is filing normal ITR then it will have to file ITR till 31.12.2020. It was very helpful and quick. Once access between Tax Practitoiner and client has been established, Tax Return may be filed through CFR online Services for Tax Practitioners. Sales turnover and net profit declare for bank loan purposes, RE REGISTRATION OF OLD TRUST U/S 12AB OF INCOME TAX ACT, Deduction of partners-remuneration-can-claim-u-s-44ad of Income Tax act, How to pay Membership and COP fees of ICAI for 2020-21 |, List for Computer assisted scrutiny selection (CASS) finalised for AY 2019-20 | Get ready to receive assessment notice for AY 2019-20 - Taxontips, CBDT extends due dates of various proceedings and order under Income tax act to 30.06.2021 in light of the raging pandemic, Are all the due dates of tax audit and Income tax return for FY 2019-20 extended to 31.03.2021 by the bill presented in Lok sabha Dt.