Tree Ripe. If you think that organic prune juice is just for the elderly, think again! Please don't change this. He hasn't had an interest yet in drinking soda so we think he will continue to drink it for the foreseeable future. Love your products!!! Thank you! Learn the good & bad for 250,000+ products. August 10th 2016, 3:04 pm. I will never buy cranberry juice from any other company! I just wanted to say keep up the good work and that your efforts have not been unnoticed. Have gone back for more grape juice and purchased the Cherry juice as well. Oh my goodness, so delicious! It also has a beautiful tartness and balanced sweetness. I've tried a few of your other flavors and this is simply incredible. My husband and I are hooked on your organic pure cranberry juice and order cases through Amazon. See full item details. In an 8 oz serving of Lakewood organic pomegranate juice there are 150 calories, if you consume it unsweetened. If you notice itching or swelling in your mouth or on your skin after drinking celery juice, you may be allergic. Keep up the great work and I wish you and your business continued success. Every juice is such a treat, I can not recommend enough to give justice. I hope to contribute & help other users like it has helped me. Consuming it regularly helps to protect your heart protected as it is high in antioxidants and phenolic compounds. To supply all of these products and maintain them to be all organic is quite a lot of effort and I hope you always stay organic. I shop at Publix and found you there, thank you! Keep up the good work. I've tried other brands but Lakewood is the best in my opinion! I've tried many other organic juices, and if you've tried many you're aware that you're not paying for what you think is inside. Keep up the good work. I first start drinking the tart cherry in the quart bottle maybe 10-15 years ago, I didn't recognize the basics concept at first, but I saw the ingredients and I said to myself "I have to try this!! I just wanted to share how much my son Evan enjoys your juices. PURE and ORGANIC. Thank you so much for providing such a wonderful juice. Rarely is a beverage healthy AND tastythis one is! It's most popular The aloe drink is a great digestive helper and it has a refreshing taste. Many days I virtually live on this juice!! He has conservatively drank 3 to 4 bottles a week since he turned 2 and has consumed over a 1,000 bottles by our estimates. Martinellis. Hi,I just received my first shipment of your pomegranate juice, via 2. Lakewood is my go to brand for packed juices. My wife and I especially love your Concord Grape juice. I have bought the pomegranate+blueberry juices for several months now. Tastes just like Hawaiian punch without the red dye and other bad stuff. Drinking this juice isnt only beneficial for its individual nutrients, but also for the presence of fiber together with a combination of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This drink is simply the best ORGANIC drink money can buy. Thanks again for great quality product. Lakewood Organic takes pride in producing a line of fresh-pressed 100% pure organic and premium juices, with no additives or For more information, go to: Products reviewed in this video: Organic Pures 32 fl. I bought your pineapple juice for a recipe. The amount of vitamins and minerals packed in a single cup is just amazing. Taken internally, pure whole leaf aloe is associated with: bowel regularity and bowel motility, joint function and circulation, soothing occasional mild stomach irritation, supporting the healing process, supporting the immune system and aiding digestion.