Nonetheless, we believe that many of the proposals outlined below could be extended to consider indigenous and native people; people from other underrepresented racial and ethnic identities; people from working-class backgrounds; people with disabilities; the queer community; non-binary, genderqueer, and gender nonconforming people; etc. Offer a special orientation session for incoming students and families of underrepresented racial and ethnic backgrounds. It is especially important for PE/Athletics to have a dedicated full-time staff member; PE/Athletics is housed in a different building and operates on a different schedule from the rest of Dalton. It seems a bit dramatic and to compare this to the Germans in WW2, not even taking into consideration how "unethical and vile" it is, no? The hour is late. . By my count, the signatories are about 70% female. You could provide an appropriate perspective. This madness has palyed out before and it didn't end well. What a pathetic ingrate! On the contrary, we must [engage with] the Dalton community in an intensive, comprehensive, ongoing examination of our cultural norms, our policies, and our programs, and most importantly, we must change them. There are racist people. Anyone know where these demands were obtained? The outpouring of pain from current students and alumni reflect ongoing trauma in the Dalton environment that has been underappreciated and unaddressed. Technician Salary Range: $222 $600 / Week Shared Housing Available At Nominal Rate. As promised. I pity those parents paying to have their children tortured into fearful, spineless, timid victims. BLM, Kendi & DeAngelo are fine with White people feeling this way because it comes with "White Guilt" - which they all benefit from greatly. Information on cruise ship jobs, cruise ship employment application. (the English word is "poison"). This barrage of utter bullshit is nothing short of pompous putricity. We are also inspired by the demands currently being championed by Black Students Demanding Change. Does this faculty really believe this is the route to go? The only way closure of the school would not be beneficial to social utility is if the rotten teachers and administrators (1) are hired elsewhere and (2) cause in sum even more trouble than they do concentrated at Dalton. Dalton should commit to publicly explaining the mechanisms that it employs to prevent discrimination in recruitment, hiring, and promotion. If Dalton doesn't acquiesce to these demands, there will be a mutiny. It's too embarrassing for a bloc of people with the emotional investments the Dalton School's influential constituents apparently has. You people make me sick, you're beliefs are stupid and disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourselves for peddling woke nonsense. Not even a little bit. The irony. And it's Head of School now because master (in Headmaster and anything else) is racist. Schools like Dalton are ill equipped to be running special education programs, remedial programs, or vocational programs. Why haven't they succumbed to all the racist abuse? Has BLM acknowledged any of those young people shot down this past summer? Dalton says, Our mission to educate studentshinges on their capacity to think critically and make ethical decisions that stem from a core belief in the, Dalton Head of School Responds to the Naked Dollar, Breaking: The Dalton School Is in a Full Meltdown. The people who signed this must think that money grows on trees.