F ew works of feminist theory are more contentious and more important to a diverse feminist dialogue than The Dialectic of Sex by Shulamith Firestone. Naomi Wolf Originally published in 1970, when Shulamith Firestone was just twenty-five years old, and going on to become a bestseller, The Dialectic of Sex was the first book of the women's liberation movement to put forth a feminist theory of politics. Edition 6th printing. Family abolition, love revolution, childrens liberation, the elimination of biological sex: such were the demands of the New York militant Shulie Firestone. Naomi Wolf Originally published in 1970, when Shulamith Firestone was just twenty-five years old, and going on to become a bestseller, The Dialectic of Sex was the first book of the women's liberation movement to put forth a feminist theory of politics. "No one can understand how feminism has evolved without reading this radical, inflammatory second-wave landmark." "The Dialectic of Sex is a truly visionary work. "No one can understand how feminism has evolved without reading this radical, inflammatory second-wave landmark." Firestone S. \(1984\)The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revlution, USA: William Morrow and Company Inc. 130p.p. The Dialectic of Sex is a must-have for those interested in feminist theory, both past and present. The dialectic of sex -- On American feminism -- Freudianism: the misguided feminism -- Down with childhood -- Racism: the sexism of the family of man -- Love -- The culture of romance -- (Male) culture -- Dialectics of cultural history -- The ultimate revolution : demands and speculations The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution is a 1970 book by Shulamith Firestone. Naomi WolfOriginally published in 1970, when Shulamith Firestone was just twenty-five years old, and going on to become a bestseller, The Dialectic of Sex was the first book of the women's liberation movement to put forth a feminist theory of politics.Beginning In 1970, at the age of 25, Firestone published her utopian manifesto The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution before disappearing forever from the scene of politics. share. Thirty years later, many of Firestone's ideas remain startlingly relevant, making Dialectic essential reading not only for its value as feminist history but its contribution to feminism's future.-Lisa Miya-Jervis, editor and Reviewed by Serene Williams. The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution by Shulamith Firestone, 1970. flag. The dialectic of sex; the case for feminist revolution Item Preview > remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Dialectic was both lauded and excoriated,ofteninthesamere-view; the Times called its au-thor brilliant and preposter-ous. It was ridiculed on talk shows as it climbed the best-seller list, and was cast as the littleredbookforwomenwhile it was changing world views in un-red female America. Show Details. With its rejection of [] 6th printing.. MM Paperback in b/w illus wraps.. VeryGood unmarked, no spine creases.. EMBED. A feminist classic, it has been called the clearest and boldest presentation of radical feminism. No_Favorite. Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! Item Price $ 15.00. THE HUMAN ALTERNATIVE TO 1984-A SLASHING ATTACK ON MALE SUPREMACY THAT CHARTS THE END OF THE SEXUAL CLASS SYSTEM THE OF SEX It's reappearance now, during yet another period of 'ridicule' towards women's rights, is perhaps even more pertinent than its first publication. Kathleen Hanna, founding member of

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