It headed towards his lower body! It wasnt enough to kill him, but his skin did have a slight green tinge from the exposure. He could feel the six walls touching him leaving him with no room to maneuver. Then Mr. Kent finds that note, gets in touch with Superman--. # 1. Why was he having a hard time controlling himself? He would do anything to keep Metropolis safe. Try to aim for here.. However, there were no signs of life. Superman had no choice but to break through the hull of the ship to investigate inside. What is the secret identity of Nightwing?. The electric thrill ran through his body once again, but this time it was much more intense than before. A dozen men wearing clown masks were practicing throwing knives at round wooden targets. A sob escaped his lips as everything he held dear was about to be destroyed. Was this a utility tentacle?! Superman stopped in his tracks when his master ordered him to leave it like it was garbage. Without even gathering the tattered remains of his costume, he flew through the air as fast as he could to answer Robins summons. He stared at the clock and realized that he was an hour late for work. Superboy sputtered in outrage from the taunt. superman defeated fanfiction. Sitting at his desk, Clark opened the folder that Perry had given him. What the hell is going on here? She demanded as she ran towards them. Dumont walks There was power in his face that turned the hero on so much that he started to masterbate right there in the office. Tonight had been a nightmare of physical and sexual endurance and even he had his limits. around his neck and his wrists are shackled tightly together behind his back Get more feedback! It looked something from a science fiction story. Sorry, but I am leaving Metropolis tonight, but I will give you a call the next time I am in town. As Xander left the high security prison, the moon dominated the night sky. Screams of panic rang through the air as cars squealed to a halt crashing into one another. Yet every time he opened his mouth to object, a quick look of Robins handsome serious face made him shut it again. With a wail, he flung his hand out and everything in the bedroom lifted up in the air and slammed back down to the floor. With that, the midget finally stopped his assault on the helpless hero. From the moment that he had the hero under his control, the hypnotist had contacted Luthor. There was only one thing to do to prevent Metropolis from facing destruction. Holy shit, he thought. It felt like his whole essence had been drained. Pain exploded through his body as he shot up in the air in the opposite direction. In a flash, the creature had wrapped a tentacle around one of Superman's ankles. The hero blushed furiously as he bowed his head with humiliation. Clark?. He almost came in his pants as he admired the chalk white skin, the beautiful green hair and eyes, and the smile that seemed to be sent straight from heaven. The police were radioing for backup, but it looked like without his assistance that the men were going to get away. It lifted him and dangled him in midair. With a might roar, the wooden crate burst apart sending shards of wood flying everywhere. Your job depends on it.. Get up to your feet, Boy Scout.. Putting Robins displeasure from his mind, The Teen of Steel clenched his fights and was ready to make quick work of these thugs. Part 1 of Accismus. He didn't want to enrage it. Before he knew it, Green Arrow was lifted up in the air and thrown against the ropes of the ring. He began to fantasize that it was Lex Luthors cum that he was eating. His erection was so hard and felt so good. He looked at the Boy Wonder in a new light. "No! They dumped the hero into a large crate and slammed the lid shut as Superman crumbled to the bottom like a lifeless doll. His hands immediately went to cover up his crotch. Green Arrow coughed and sputtered in the darkness as the water that almost drowned him washed him away underground. Even the boot of Darkseid didnt feel this heavy as the weight of the universe smashed down on his cock and balls. Any chance of flight was now gone. The musky manly smell was enough to squash the last resistance that Superboy had. The heros blue eyes shifted down to Otis crotch and without even realizing it, he wetted his lips. The sudden mover caused the giant monster to react. ache of pain. It looks like our little boy has a crush on this sexy beast of a man! He mocked as he pressed his foot against the full length of the heros throbbing cock. Now you said you would do anything?, Green Arrow crawled on the floor to kiss the clowns shoes. This was not what they were expecting. But-- But the theory. Both his duties and his character prevented him from doing so. His suppression of these new feelings caused everything that was pent up to burst like a damn. Supermans lips quivered as he could not take his eyes away from the hard green ones that stared back at him. What have they done to me thinks Superman in terror? I need it badly. Now the real fun could begin. Now boy, trying not to kill the new kid. Superman smiled as the robot fell on its back lifeless as the last of its power cut out. Please, sir, The hero begged nuzzling his face against the leg. The Mayor leaped on the helpless hero and rolled him on his stomach. Then he crossed a line that he never thought was possible. His muscular body quaked as the mother of all orgasms over took him. Yes, Mr. Luthor. The man said before hanging up the phone. Superman had been sent to Earth to save the Krypton race but instead he was cumming on the carpet like a common whore. A cold sweat broke out on his skin as he tried to deny the need to cum. He felt like he had been caught in some kind of trap, but for the life of him he couldnt figure out how it was possible. The only way to turn this around was to beat this monster to the ground. Fuck me harder! Superboy bellowed in lust as his ass moved with the rhythm of his captor. The hero would have collapsed from the intense waves of pleasure if he hadnt been ordered to stand at attention. Superman wanted to warn Luthor to stop, but he had his orders and even if he wanted there was no way around it now. He couldn't get within yards of that Kryptonite. He felt a shiver of fear run down his spine as his cock spewed precum under the water. I think you will agree to these terms, boy. He snarled in a serious tone. Doomsday killed him. Quite impressive, dont you think Bane?. bullet proof even in a comatose state but I image Kryptonite fashioned into a This was his dream to be a part of Jokers circus and he would do anything to be here. Fan fiction Nuclear Man also appeared in the fan film Superman: the children of Krypton. I already hacked into Lexcorps main computer drive and got the code that should allow you to get inside.. Whats wrong, Superman? We will entertain the big man until we get to the hideout, Mr. Luthor. The man on the phone said with an evil smile. What? Otis demanded. Handing off the wooden target, he watched helplessly as the men prepared to use him as a target. If Superman was at full power, his erection would have shredded his briefs. instincts tell me to walk away now and leave Superman to die. Oh thank you, thank you! The hero sighed with relief. Superboy lay there in post orgasmic bliss as the villain bellowed in victory. Now the hero was mad. Joker leaped up on the top of the jack in the box and pressed his gloved hand against the bottom of the heros ballsack. Write Poetry here. Certain situations demand dramatic music. The lights turned on automatically as he went down the white metallic stair. His cock was erect the entire time giving him a mix of pain and pleasure that he was growing to enjoy. The mad man nodded before turning back and walking to his desk. His heart raced as the object of his desire slowly walked over to his nude muscled formed. Im afraid that there is just no room for you here at my circus., NO! Green Arrow cried out as his cock exploded in cum. Still nothing. Superboy was in absolute heaven. Their cocks still rock hard and lubed with their own spilled juices, they descended on the moaning hero and started to fuck all his holes. Try to hold them off until I can get Kid Flash on the scene.. The hero tried to keep his usual aura of confidence and power as the window opened. The thought of Joker being armed with that knowledge scared Green Arrow half to death. You will continue to get horny every time you hear Lex Luthor, Just hearing the words sent the heros cock into its full erect glory. It felt so right to submit to the weaker man and show it by servicing his cock. The blond hunk gasped as he felt something cold and hard grab his wrists. The machinery hummed and whirred. say, from the now-extinct planet Krypton, for example, why, soon we may be able to destroy him by using--. The material was sticky and wet from his huge load of cum that he had just expelled. Desperation to right his wrong was the cause for him to slowly nod his head as his fate was sealed. There was a wet cum stain plastered all over the front of his slack. The button on his jeans suddenly popped off flying across the lab as the force of his cock pushed down the zipper showing off his tented white briefs. The robot didnt even know what hit it as the Man of Steel smashed his fists into its chest pulling out sparking wires. Call me Mr. J, son. He instructed winking roguishly. Going to fast to stop himself, Superboy gasped as the spiked metal slammed right into his chest. grins wickedly as he hurries around the vault collecting the mans discarded His pulsing cock protested as the young man clenched his blanket. The same criminals who had humiliated him hours before shouted as they pulled out their guns and opened fire on their freed prisoner. rekindled. As Xander was introduced, he came out on the stage and quickly scanned for his prey. No, he thought wildly. Superman made the resolve to beg the man he desires for mercy and prayed that it would be granted. Uh, maybe later would be better, Miss Lane. Black Adam has defeated the entire justice league singlehandedly. Are you going to teach me to throw knives?, Not quite yet, son. His body thrashed around helplessly in the throes of a powerful orgasm while the men mocked and laughed at him. Forced to crawl around on his hands and knees, he pressed his face into each of their crotches as his need for cock grew stronger and stronger. You lied to me. Thanks to the new suggestions planted in his head, his horniness was even more intense. The momentum was too fast for him to regain control. For several minutes the hero hovering indecisively. " suit.All right, you've done it now!" Gasps filled the air as his powerful erection tore through the thin cotton and slapped against his bare muscled abdominals. Standing there completely naked and exposed in front of his enemy, Superman watched silently as the bald villain slowly stood to his feet. Despite all The reporter stared as he felt his body react. More likely it was some kind of reaction that his kryptonian heritage was playing on his body. Ollie. His face paled as the humiliation of what he had done hit him right in the gut. superman batman superbat +2 more # 14 Marvel : Man of Tomorrow by Marcus Milton 327 53 22 Doomed Planet, Last Hope, Kind Couple, Superman! The wet spot on his briefs was almost as big as the tent in his tights. Superman moaned pathetically as he threw himself on the ground like some kind of worm. The only substance that can destroy Superman. If people werent shocked before, they were now. With his life on the verge of total destruction, only one solution came to his mind. The hero cried out as he felt himself being stuffed into a small box. After showing your true colors today you should have left and never come back.. Instead of his normal costume, the only thing Superman wore was his tight white briefs. Xander looked up at the night sky as his eyes narrowed. He cant find his best friend attractive like this. Xander smiled as he leaned over to whisper in his victims ear. The hero would be forced to live in hell as he obeyed his new master, but hating every second of it. Turning back around, the Man of Steel saw that the criminals had escaped on a speedboat. He was caught by one of the other thugs who grabbed him by his crotch. Really? Come back tomorrow for a new show. Its time to end this! The Joker ordered with his wild grin. I cant do this!. They escaped their captors and had a baby but were re-captured and their baby was never seen again. could really kill Superman, like they said? Listen to me carefully, Superman, Xander instructed. The sun spilled into the windows of Clarks apartment as the hero groggily woke up. past the naked man and retrieves the shackles. Or will I turn on the juice and dine on fried testicles for dinner tonight?. Dumont walks His mind was lost to the high and forgot everything that was happening around him. Is this new teen hero known as "The Winter Widow" Natasha and Bucky's long lost daughter? He lunged towards the tiny man before he even had a chance to turn around. So you really can take orders, Luthor mused as he puffed on his pipe. She felt as if she didn't really belong anywhere. You will have to get permission first before you attempt to suck anyones cock. Without even thinking about it, he submitted. Superboy gagged as he felt like he was plunged into a cloud of the musky scent. He always thought that Lois was the most beautiful woman that he ever laid eyes on, but there was something about Lex that made her seem so plain and dull. Joker patted his blond head with an evil smile as he turned to address the crowd. He struggled and twisted but it was to no avail. When the water finally took him high enough where he could reach the key panel, Green Arrow tried to punch in random numbers in hope that he could escape. Joker held up his hand and the hero tumbled to the floor. He tried shaking it loose but the creature seemed to possess monstrous strength. It repeated over and over in his ears until he cross the line. A tale penned by the legendary Dennis O'Neil, A Prize of Peril was the name of this particular offering. He thought with revulsion. I never needed this more. The business tycoon wanted nothing more than Supermans complete and utter destruction. HIs torturous thoughts were interrupted by the ringtone of his cell phone. man. Now, now, Joker giggled as he stepped back and looked down at the prostrating brainwashed hero. He was surprised when he was able to do it quite easily. Still he need to suck on Otis cock. Are you speechless when you stare at that little reviewing box? Everyone watched in shock as his cock started to pump out his cum like a cannon. That is ENOUGH! Robin commanded. Superman was still pumping and cumming as he collapsed on the street his naked body thrashing uncontrollably by the powerful orgasm not realizing what he was doing. The only constant between this story and any other . The ropes were releases and Green Arrow stumbled back and fell on his black and purple ass causing him to scream out in agony. Welcome back. Vampires are people too. can only lie there, tolerate and adapt to the intolerable, and wait impatiently Im not letting you anywhere near that story. He pounded his fists on the floor as tears formed in his eyes. The machine withdrew its probe from his ass but Superman had no reaction. Breathing heavily, Superman was still recovering from the intoxication of cumming. The hypnotist had accomplished his mission as he walked to the ferry waiting for him. Their masks had been pulled off with their faces completely visible. the stature of a quivering slug lying dully exposed on the concrete floor Connor? returns to the underground vault. If I catch you going anywhere near that Superman story, I will not only fire you, but I will make sure that no news agency in the world will hire you. It proves the Delphinian theory of reverse effects. Recently, in "the Lazarus Contract," Deathstroke manipulated Kid Flash, or Wally West. Thats it! He raged as he flung himself through the air like a bullet. Ladies and Gentlemen! Despite everything there hero started to get hard again. text-enhanced by Rick Henry, 05-2021. Is this a new look, alien? Stars exploded in his head as the hero was slammed into the ground over and over again. Mr. It was like being exposed to kryptonite except there was no pain or nausea associated with the weakness. There both equal part horniness and fear in the indestructible hero as he surrendered to Luthor. You wont be needing it anymore.. at all difficult thinks Dumont as a smile crosses his face. all loyal to me and minus his man Scout tendencies. As the kryptonite was flowing directly into his ass, another tentacle emerged. When the news of Lex Luthors murder at the hand of Superman reached him, Xander could not believe his luck. What was worse is that his cock was hard as steel the entire time. For some reason, he ignored any part of the conversations being had and heard only the name Lex Luthor. A drop of sweat rolled down the heros cheek as he realized what little choice he had. Looks like the little boy cant stand up to a real man. The minotaur taunted. This is Ollie and he is here to train to be part of our act., The men grunted and glared just as hotly as Bane did at the naked excited young man. His body shuddered with withdrawal as the source of the smell was too far away. We have a special treat in store. The Kryptonite is gone but so is his strength and costume Green Arrow could not believe his eyes as a midget wearing what looked like the exact costume that the mayor wore in the Wizard of Oz movie rushed over to the wrestling ring. Alright boys, watch in amazement as I give you the money shot. Xander walked into the apartment like he owned the place. To his mortification, a huge wet spot spread over his crotch as he came right on the stage. Bellowing in pain, the hero fell flat on his face. Take these rags off. With a strangled cry, Supermans knees buckled as he went over the edge. With a beastial cry, he ripped open the nearest thugs pants and started to suck his cock. His breathing grew hard as his cock as his briefs and pants ripped apart by the force of his erection. The entirety of Kryptonian knowledge was housed in his Arctic retreat. Superman panics again and strains sweats and grunts loudly for several She recognized the fear in his eyes, she had seen that look many times before. A scream of pain erupted from his lips as blood formed around the steel and flowed down his leg. A thing has to give a little, to, like you say. The hero felt his face turn red as he struggled to keep from bursting into tears. What? Definitely alien in nature, it was nothing like he had seen before. The large door slams shut They left Superboy covered in cum his mouth open and tongue out looking for another cock to suck. It was only be the invulnerability of his tights that prevented them from being shredded by the power of his trapped erection. He looked around and was confused as he had no idea how he got up here. Superman, why dont you come up to the stage.. They made dark wet stains from where it landed. Xander didnt know if who took them, but he suspected that Batman might be trying to protect his fallen teammate. martin brothers customs hourly rate. The hero flinched at his nemesis statement. This was too easy. Superman, The Beginning of the End [Illustrated version.] To put the cherry on top, Batman says that Diana is better/faster, etc than Clark. Modestly Screaming in pain, the villain swung violently as he tried to fend off the blows of the young hero. Whats this? Toyman exclaimed as he and his four bodyguards turned to face the hero. Anxious and confused, the hero continued to wriggle but another sensation started creeping in. With a mighty thrust of his monster cock he started to fill the tight ass of the conquered hero. But Clark, how do you know this happened to Superman? Hey Smallville, I need. Furthermore, although Superman's skin is impenetrable to all sorts of sharp or fast moving objects, Wonder Woman's sword and Captain Marvel's lightning bolt, which possess magical qualities, would easily cut and seriously injure the Man of Steel. Two Mommies. He makes a horse look small! The only thing he had on him were the sick costume that Mad Hatter had put on him. Get info on Tax Refunds. and twists naked in the tight steel restraints as he awkwardly maneuvers his You made Superman cream his pants! The heros muscular arms flailed around helplessly behind him making it impossible for him to escape. The water was halfway up the clear prison and all he could do was tread water like a fish as his throbbing cock bobbed up and down in the water. It was time to redeem himself. You do whatever it takes to make it happen. Men In Peril! A quivering sigh escaped his lips as his leg was finally released. Superman, who can change the course of mighty rivers. Inside looked completely opposite of the decaying outside. What else is going to happen to the rapidly weakening hero? Here are some tips. It was a lie, of course. Youre nothing but a fucking fairy in tights, Stupidman. Otis taunted. The cold slime from the creature dripped onto his skin tight costume and started seeping in. The clown slowly circled the happy hero inspected his body. Alright, Mr. J. Just saying the name brought a rush of pleasure shooting through his body. The Man of Steel is taken down and left out cold and helpless on the ground. His duty as a superhero was clear, Superman knew that he needed to stop these criminals. The hero turned to make sure the policemen were unharmed. A leashed Superman appealed to Lex Luthor very much. The Mayor moved with lightning precision as he manipulated the ropes to form a noose around the heros neck. Standing in the small space of the stall, he looked down at his cum soiled slacks. Thanks for the assist, Superman, One of the cops said gratefully. He squirms One look into those beautifully insane green eyes and Ollie found himself agreeing. He was finished. Superman then remembers What are Tsk, tsk, Joker said as he shook his finger. He sneered as he spat at the hero. Blindly feeling his way in the darkness, the hero was desperate to find anything that could help him escape from the clowns dastardly trap. As soon as he launched himself high in the air among the towering skyscrapers of Metropolis, Supermans super hearing picked up the sounds of guns being fired. Long, thick, and powerful, his pride and joy cheerfully saluted their new master. But Mr. Kent said Superman gave him that story. Noooooo, The Teen of Steel whined as he struggled to win back control. The suction pressure generated within the tube was enormous. Perhaps we can reschedule the show for a time when he is in solitary confinement?. Some only nicked him while others were like the first and tore into him. Whats going on? subsides and the naked man visibly relaxes and un-stiffens in sudden relief on the box. Grab your costume and lets go.. The musk was the most powerful concentration that he had encountered so far. The look of triumph on Luthors face was short lived as Superman felt the first shot of cum burst from his throbbing cock. brought with him. Like Lois, he instantly realized that Clark Kent was Superman and his face reddened with anger. Get out of my way, Perry demanded as he pushed through the gathering crowd. He vaguely comprehends a mocking voice saying, Good Morning sleepy He slammed his fists against it and winced in pain. short length of steel chain attached to the wrist shackles to prevent him from In fact a couple of his hairs got stabbed from the blood drenched blade. Clark, let me inside.. You stick with the Luthor interview. The ship had suddenly appeared out of hyperspace and hovered over the earth without and response. Were his eyes playing games with him? One long minute later, Spidey finishes 'eating' Venom which he's pretty big here: after all, in this story, he's twice taller and more muscular than the hero. We both knew going in that being a hero wasnt easy. The teen hero stopped in shocked when he finally reached the Tomorrow District. It looks like Superman just got his first hardon. One of the young men mocked as he laughed. He picked it up and almost gagged as the overpowering smell of cum hit him. Not able to remember anything or move unless the trance was broken. The heros eyes popped open as he instantly fell under the hypnotic spell of Xander. Well stand up and let me see what I am working with.. Could some small part of him want to be helpless in the hands of Lex Luthor. If he could get to that, he might have a chance to escape this trap. Never before had anyone even come close to defeating the Man of Steel let alone penetrate his virgin ass. I didn't bring you all the way from Europe. The walls of the room was decorated with circus posters, most of the featuring the most famous clown in the world, The Joker. It was as if there were some kind of hidden training deep in his mind and body that he had no idea about. The criminals shouts slowly faded away as the hero flew back to his apartment. It was at pressures that no mere human could withstand. Why was his body reacting this way? What Luthor didnt know was that he had been hypnotized as well. The vial quickly filled up and both the pump and the anal probe detracted. Come on, boy! The villain taunted. Using his superspeed, Clark was showered and dressed in under two minutes. minutes later, the Kryptonite encased in lead, Supermans head finally clears you'll be looking at the big boy in this town. While the power and speed of Superman can make him a worthy foe for Phoenix, he's sure to leverage a weakness of his mind. Superboy felt the searing heat of the monsters asshole as he breathed as deeply as he could. past the naked man and retrieves the shackles. mild-mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper. He would belong to Luthor complete. He lunged towards the tiny man before he even had a chance to turn around. You cant throw knives. Joker sighed dramatically. It burned as it flowed into him. Green Arrow limped over to one side of the ring as Joker emerged wearing a referee shirt. Desk, Clark was showered and dressed in under two minutes looking for another cock to.... 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