Vimes' age is never explicitly given, and information is not always consistent. In two CBR-exclusive promos for the upcoming series, which takes inspiration from Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, Captain Samuel Vimes and Lady Sybil Ramkin hit the ground running. He now finds himself in the awkward position of continuing to despise the ruling classes of the city, while actually being a member of them. As the aforementioned John "Mad Jack" Ramkin is also hailed as the 3rd Earl Ramkin, this reveals that the Ramkin estate is an earldom, and that Lady Sybil was already a countess (provided that the title wasn't entailed) before her husband, Sam Vimes', elevation to Duke at the end of Jingo. Longtime collaborative artist Paul Kidby, who has worked with Pratchett on several works, portrays him instead as resembling Clint Eastwood. He is a secondary character in The Truth, Monstrous Regiment, and Raising Steam, and has cameos in The Last Hero, Going Postal, Making Money, He has also appeared in the City Watch Diary and the picture book Where's My Cow?. A few days ago Sam Vimes was a copper - an important copper, true - chief of police - but still, at his core, a policeman. Upon becoming a father, Vimes swore to faithfully get home by 6 p.m. every evening to read a certain picture book called Where's My Cow? This has put Vimes high on the hit list of the Assassins at a price of $AM20,000 in Feet of Clay rising to $AM600,000 after 9 failed attempts at the time of The Fifth Elephant; recently, however, he has been taken off the register, and the Guild of Assassins no longer accepts contracts on his life. Background/History:Sam Vimes was born in Ankh-Morpork in Cockbill Street, a neighborhood so poor that all they could afford was their pride. They estimated that Vimes was about two drinks below par. He never completely loses control, and always manages to restrain himself (or have someone around to restrain him) in the end. The original article was at Samuel Vimes. IT GOES, 'MOOOOO!'") "There's a lot of me in Sam," says Dormer. Vimes was played by Paul Darrow, best known for his role in Blake's 7. They have a son, The Honourable Samuel Vimes II . As he is about to massacre the now-defenceless deep-downers, he hesitates thanks to "the Watchman" in his head and begins to struggle with himself, which buys enough time for Sergeant Angua to arrive at the scene and force him down. Today he is an ambassador - to the mysterious, fat-rich country of Uberwald. The whole series of events forced Vimes to sober-up long enough to uncover who was responsible for summoning the Dragon, after which the changes in his personal life led to him coming off of the drink and switching to smoking cigars, and occasionally, taking snuff. Guards! Gender Death himself is unsure whether Vimes should die or not in these cases, citing "quantum" as an explanation. In some ways he found it a relief when, in Night Watch, he was transported back to the Ankh-Morpork of his youth, and became a sergeant-at-arms in the inefficient, paperwork-free albeit moderately corrupt Watch of that time.[18]. He has also appeared in the City Watch Diary and the picture book Where's My Cow?. Job Location: Experience Required: Qualification: . In short, nearly everyone and everything is subject to his distrust. Sybil Ramkin (Wife)Sam Vimes (Son) Through his detective work and adventures he saves the city and many people's lives on multiple occasions. Deduction is not Vimes' favorite activity; he distrusts clues and loathes mysteries ("mysteries get you killed"), and he now has the Cable Street Particulars to deal with peculiar crimes, but sometimes Vimes still personally investigates a case. When Vimes is angry, doors of some of the houses (the more angry he is, the more doors) will open. Samuel "Sam" Vimes is the Commander of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch. Vimes is a very conflicted character. He still tries to go on patrol whenever he has a chance; to him, walking the quiet streets in the dark is a calming, almost relaxing activity. The Patrician observes that Vimes is anti-authoritarian even though he is, himself, an authority figure, which is "practically Zen". He promotes Watch officers according to merit and ability, regardless of gender, species, or seniority. Vimes and the City Watch go on to save the city and multiple lives, including a plot by golems and a vampire in Feet of Clay and a threat of war with Klatch in Jingo. Personally, he prefers simple, greasy food with burnt crunchy bits, and so he is happier when he eats things that Lady Sybil has personally cooked by a dragon's fire. His birth was difficult, and Vimes paid Doctor "Mossy" Lawn a large sum of money in gratitude for saving Sybil's and the baby's lives. His chronic alcoholism may be partially due to his natural state of extreme sobriety, known as being knurd. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? As a reward, the Night Watch and Day Watch are merged into a unified City Watch and Vimes is promoted to the post of Commander, as well as being given the somewhat unwanted title of Knight. Occupation Title(s) This horrifying state of mind would cause Vimes to try to balance it out, but . Biographical information Duke of Ankh, Blackboard Monitor Vimes' involvement in preventing a pointless war with Klatch in the novel Jingo led to his being once more rewarded with an unwanted title, in this case, Duke of Ankh. sam vimes knurd home > sam vimes knurd. She is a deeply gracious lady, able to like almost anyone (even Nobby Nobbs). Vimes was sixteen when he joined the Watch. Guards! He started off as the captain of the Night Watch in the first book that features him and eventually progressed to Commander of the Watch. He seems curmudgeonly at . Being a significant figure on the world stage just means he finds bigger crimes. The assassin must actually be one. She was born into the wealthiest family in Ankh-Morpork and resides in the most select part of Ankh, Scoone Avenue. Just about the only kind of people that he doesn't hate are gargoyles, who never commit crimes that anybody finds out about, and the wizards; they may mess up the space-time continuum and destroy the universe, but such offenses seldom fall within Vimes's jurisdiction. Male In the original timeline, Vimes was mentored by Sergeant John Keel. When he finds younger Assassins failing their attempts on him, for example, he lets them go with only minor wounds; older Assassins, on the other hand, have been known to be painted and tied up left in public, or even chained up and sent on a sea voyage all the way to the other end of Klatch. [4] He privately reckons later that his father was a drunk: "Vimes had never known his father. Vimes became more street-smart, particularly after learning to fight with any means necessary by Gussie Two-Grins. Sam Vimes was born in Cockbill Street as the son of Thomas Vimes, whose father was Gwilliam Vimes in the Rimwards part of the Shades, the poorest area of Ankh-Morpork. They are known as Sammies (which is based on the British terms for police officers, Bobbies, and the now obsolete Peelers both after Robert Peel and possibly on the earlier term "Charleys" for night watchmen, after Charles II during whose reign they were instituted), even to the people who may have never actually heard of Samuel Vimes himself. During the first 25 years of his term in the Watch, Vimes rose to Captain of the Night Watch, a position that he attained about ten years prior to the events of Guards! And . Guards!, she is a rather imposing Wagnerian aristocrat, but also a kind-hearted and compassionate person, embodying the positive aspects of aristocrats, who are otherwise depicted unflatteringly in Ankh-Morpork's population. Vimes's immediate reaction is 'Me'. He is married to Sybil Ramkin, the richest woman in the city. joel guy jr face lump 177. Vimes is considering appealing the decision. According to Vimes's long-time close friend and fellow officer Fred Colon, it is because that every other normal person is naturally slightly drunk to some extent to conceal the true horrors of reality from them. [3] It has been suggested that Sam's father was a watchman in Jingo and he is a descendant of Suffer-Not-Injustice "Old Stoneface" Vimes, the Watch Commander who instigated the rebellion against, and subsequently beheaded, Lorenzo the Kind, the last king of the city, a sadistic torturer described as "very fond of children." Since his son's birth, Vimes has discovered a new cause in life: arriving at home every day at six o'clock sharp to read Where's My Cow? He is the Commander of the City Watch of Ankh-Morpork. There are some unfortunate individuals (for example, Sir Samuel Vimes of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch) whose body does not make enough natural alcohol, and is consequently slightly knurd all the time until he has had a drink. Should he be accosted by one of these people, he does not hesitate to make clear how and why he loathes them. Vimes is depicted in the novels as somewhere between an Inspector Morse -type 'old-school' British policeman, and a film noir-esque grizzled detective. Sam is somewhat baffled by the overtures, but as he is already used to an imperfect lifestyle, he is generally appreciative of the sentiment. In his later life Sam is often compared to his ancestor, in both his personality and his appearance. Both are effectively 'good' characters who nevertheless secretly fear the darkness inside them, and constantly strive to control the darker side of their nature. Literature. Guards! Keel took charge of the rebellion and was killed. to him, an obligation that supersedes crime, conspiracy or international negotiationshis thinking being that if he ever missed it for a good reason, he might miss it for a bad reason, and that this might apply to everything he does, such as employing less-than-ethical methods in the pursuit of crime".[12]. His feathers are soggy and limp and his cloak is becoming heavy with water. --. Vimes gave up alcohol after his marriage to Sybil, and now smokes foul-smelling cigars instead. Thanks to the funds now available to him, through marriage, his mansion is set with numerous traps, so that the Assassins, who must always offer a sporting chance, cannot get close to him without suffering a severe mishap. For three centuries afterwards, the memory of "Old Stoneface" has lived on in infamy and, as his descendant, Vimes has frequently endured suspicious mutterings from the aristocracy. This can be illustrated by the fact that when asked 'quis custodies ipsos custodes' ('Who watches the watchmen?') Sam Vimes is the main character of the Watch-subseries of Discworld-books. In Feet of Clay, Corporal Nobby Nobbs refuses the position of King of Ankh-Morpork, primarily due to the fear of incurring Vimes's general wrath and hatred of royalty. 2021. Thus he saw reality as it really was, stripped of the mental illusions that most people construct in their minds to get to sleep at night. Find an assassin capable of inhuming Samuel Vimes from discworld. In episode 3.4 "Coda" of the TV series Endeavour, Inspector Fred Thursday states that his old mentor was "Sergeant Vimes, Cable Street". Sybil bears this divided loyalty with some grace; however, nearly every Watch novel concludes with Sam making some form of amends to his neglected wife, either a delayed honeymoon, or simply time alone with their new baby. In Thud!, after an attempted assassination of his family, Vimes becomes furious at the 'deep-down dwarves', a problem only made worse by the presence of a dark entity of pure vengeance within his mind. In 2022, the Terry Pratchett Estate authorized Jack Monroe to use the "Vimes Boots Index" as the name of a price index she devised to document inflation in prices of basic necessities. Affiliation The Watch. He is often referred to as the second-most powerful man in the city after Lord Vetinari. bring the trainee's ego back down to the Disc,, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike, Captain Samuel Vimes of the Night Watch (. This horrifying state of mind caused Vimes to try to balance it out through drinking, but he would get the dosage wrong and would just end up drunk. to him, an obligation that supersedes crime, conspiracy or international negotiations his thinking being that if he ever missed it for a good reason, he might miss it for a bad reason, and that this might apply to everything he does, such as employing less-than-ethical methods in the pursuit of crime. He insists on shaving himself as he dislikes other people putting a razor blade, (or indeed any sort of sharp edge) to his throat, and attempts to wear cheap boots with cardboard soles. [4] An incorruptible idealist with deep beliefs in justice and an abiding love of his city, he is also a committed cynic whose knowledge of human nature constantly reminds him how far off those ideals are. He states that he was born and raised in the gutter and perhaps should have died there, but didn't. Sam Vimes is the lead captain of the City Watch for Ankh-Morpork. Night Watch states that Vimes was sixteen years old when he joined the City Watch. Guards!, as it dwindled to a tiny stub while the power of the Thieves' Guild grew. Vimes is played by Richard Dormer in the live-action television series The Watch, "inspired by Terry Pratchett's 'Discworld' novels", rather than being a straight adaptation of specific stories.[19]. The pattern of Sam and Sybil's marriage was set the moment he turned away from his wedding to chase an assassin who had just made an attempt on the Patrician's life. They were instrumental in foiling an attempt on the Patrician's life, and were rewarded. Vimes is all but shocked at Vetinari's disturbingly cynical (and probably disturbingly accurate) view of the world, he in turn has been called "the most cynical bastard that ever walked under the sun" (in I Shall Wear Midnight). This page was last edited on 21 December 2022, at 19:55. In Jingo, Vimes finds himself in a difficult and tense situation where he is holding the Klatchian Prince Cadram at bowpoint, and is prepared to kill him because (tenuous) evidence links him to a conspiracy to kill Prince Khufurah, but there is no court which would try the case. [5], The Vimes family is mentioned as historically being closely linked with the City Watch, with many members serving in it through its history. Known Relatives: None. Guards!, he is the Captain of the (useless) Night Watch. However he still keeps a bottle of 'Bearhugger's Whisky' in his bottom desk drawer as a 'permanent test'. than in previous books. Terry Pratchett noted the following about Vimes on Usenet: "Vimes is fundamentally a person. Categories This phrase has led to the use of the phrase "Vimes' Boots," or the description of a set of circumstances as a "Vimes' Boots situation." He also has a soft spot for the poor, the working class, or the young. ), and Vimes' own sense of justice being so strong that, in Thud!, it was even able to fend off the attempts to possess him by a 'quasi-demonic thing of pure vengeance'.[16]. Though he sometimes has to call in a plasterer when Vimes is particularly angry, Vetinari doesn't worry about ita sign that he intentionally angers Vimes so as to goad him into a desired action. This is caused by him being born "knurd", which is the opposite of being drunk. His son's welfare is one of the few things Vimes is willing to cross even his wife about, such that he insisted that they hire a nursemaid, Purity, to attend to Young Sam over Sybil's objections. When he is returned to the past in Night Watch, he uses this ability to locate a group of monks he needs in order to return to his present. Samuel "Sam" Vimes is a fictional character in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. Samuel Vimes. Vimes is far from being perfect, and he knows the fact better than anyone. [12] He eventually did actually kill Wolfgang (with a firework, it having been previously established that werewolves can be killed by fire as well as silver.). He now finds himself in the awkward position ("practically zen" according to his boss) of continuing to despise the ruling classes of the city while actually being a member of them. He regards being the Duke of Ankh as a job title and always prefers "Commander" or "sir" to any of his other titles, which include "His Grace," "His Excellency" and "his blackboard-monitorship" (The Fifth Elephant and Thud!). He is often required to wear the ducal dress uniform, which has ruby tights ("you wouldn't wear tights to battle if you thought you would be taken prisoner"), a spiky coronet, a gilt armour ("toy armour"), and no place to hang his sword ("you got made a duke for fighting and then they gave you no sword to fight with"). Lawn has since founded the Lady Sybil Free Hospital. The bust has roughly 110 mm in height, but of course you can scale it to your own preferences. From Terry Pratchett's Men At Arms: The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Vimes is a firm believer in the institution of law. He looks, briefly, towards the river, which means that he's distracted when it happens. It is possible that he uses police work to escape the social life of "Sir Samuel Vimes, Duke of Ankh". When given bad news, he has a tendency to, on his way out, pound his fist against a certain spot of wall near the office door.
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