So it is not by imitation, but it is by nature, that the child is evil. This entry was posted in New Park Street - Vol 5 and tagged believer's challenge, gospel, Jesus died rose again, spurgeon podcast, spurgeon romans 8, Spurgeon sermon 256 on February 11, 2020 by zachkispert. Oh! Psalms 16:5 . Even so we also were born of the Spirit without human observation; men of this world saw no glory whatsoever in our regeneration, for it was not performed by mystic rites, or with sacerdotal pomp. He starts! Hearken ye to this passage in the 9th of Romans! To be cheered under many things, which otherwise would depress him, the believer may betake himself to the matchless mysteries of the grace of God, which are wines on the lees well refined. If all things are working, let us work too "work while it is called to-day, for the night cometh when no man can work." First, we are called upon to speak of the truthfulness of this great statement. And oh, would you be ashamed to die for Christ; methinks, if you are what you should be, you will glory in tribulations also, and count it sweet to suffer for Christ. And what if some of us should live very many years? You are quite conscious that this is not your rest. Now God has never promised that "all things shall work together" for such good as that to his people. We are only creatures after all, and when we are condemned, we sink down into destruction, and suffer for our sin; but he is the eternal God, and when he takes our nature, and cries, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God." Behold from heaven's mint golden pieces of inestimable value are sent forth, and each one bears the image and superscription of the Son of God. Do I suffer with him, suffer for him? Can he still be valiant, and maintain his ground, calling out, "Who is he that condemneth?" I wonder what the things present are with you, my dear hearers. This is condescension indeed! We cannot be made like Christ unwillingly; a consenting will is essential to the likeness of Christ; unwilling obedience would be disobedience. As long as you go with evil companions, they will applaud you. Sometimes the accusing whisper comes to your ear, "You have sinned against a great God. But Solomon did not add, that things are not what they seem. He uses the aorist (past) tense, not the present. Who shall lay any thing to the charge of him who rose again from the dead? Sustained by distinguishing grace, a man learns to glory in tribulations also; and strengthened by electing love, he defies the hatred of the world and the trials of life. And may the love of Jesus be with you. The greatest faith is only what God has a right to expect from us, yet do we never exhibit it except as the Holy Ghost strengthens our confidence, and opens up before us the covenant with all its seals and securities. "If children then heirs." For it is true, beloved, the bodies that have mouldered into dust will rise again, the fabric which has been destroyed by the worm shall start into a nobler being, and you and I, though the worm devour this body, shall in our flesh behold our God. And let the idle and slothful remember that they are a great anomaly; they are blots in the great work-writing of God; they mean nothing; in all the book of letters with which God has written out the great word "work," they are nothing at all. Satan desires to have us and to sift us as wheat. I have such a happy house, I do not like to be out of it." Stop HIM? Are we not his sons, and is there not a debt the son owes to the father which a lifetime of obedience can never remove? You may go down, down, down, till you seem to have got beyond the reach of help from mortal man; but there are cords and bands which bind you to Christ that even these depths can never break, come what may. No; though you should be weary of your life, though you should never have a ray of light by the month together, there is nothing there to separate you from the love of Christ. Some would have said within themselves "Let the caitiff nation be cut off. Look! The same legacy that left peace with you, also left tribulation with you, while you are in this world. And that my sins are gone is further clear, for he rose again from the dead. Those who are called, are men who before the calling, groaned in sin. But if thou scorn it, remember, thou scornest the rest of the inheritance, for they are all one and indivisible in your Father's will. Our nation is fast learning to forget God. IN VIEWING THE ESTATES we must remark that to our present apprehension they are divided into two parts, the first part of the inheritance is one which flesh and blood would fain do without it is the inheritance of suffering. Yea, a tender mother knows her child's needs before the child knows what it wants. I believe that the Spirit of God sometimes comes into a mysterious and marvellous contact with the spirit of man, and that at times the Spirit speaketh in the heart of man by a voice not audible to the ear, but perfectly audible to the spirit which is the subject of it. See what effectual calling can do. So it may by possibility be this morning; so it will be if the Spirit of God shall be our instructor, and fulfil his gracious promise to "lead us into all truth.". It is the power of the Holy Ghost in us which creates all real prayer, even that which takes the form of a groan because the mind is incapable, by reason of its bewilderment and grief, of clothing its emotion in words. Yours, in deep sympathy with all the sick and the bereaved. "But thou hast stained thyself with lust." That which is thrown up from the depth of the soul, when it is stirred with a terrible tempest, is more precious than pearl or coral, for it is the intercession of the Holy Spirit. Fellowship in his sufferings is needful to communion with his glory. Do you hate God for all this? Grace in the soul is its new nature; the soul is alive to God, and has begun its holy happiness which shall endure for ever. He is sometimes in the light and sometimes in the dark. Splendid must be the inheritance of Jesus Christ. But here we have a more uncommon and a sublimer theme. Saints with little glory, then Christ with little glory; believers with a narrow heaven, then Christ with a narrow heaven. He parried the question at first, for he did not think that it was very important for him to answer it. He hath suffered, the just for the unjust, to bring us to God. She suffereth the glorious timbers from the forest of Lebanon to swim down the stream of oblivion, but she stoppeth all the draff that floateth from the foul city of Sodom. These divine persons always work together, and there is a common desire for the glory of each blessed Person of the Divine Unity, and therefore it cannot be conceived without profanity, that anything could be the mind of the Holy Spirit and not be the mind of the Father and the mind of the Son. There is all the difference between the groan of death and the groan of life. For men verily swear by the greater: and an oath for confirmation is to them an end of all strife. The best of men are but men at the best; to be a man is to be a fallen creature, and being fallen creatures, we cannot of ourselves perfectly please the thrice-holy Jehovah. He standeth up and beareth his own faithful testimony; but some great one of the land some nobleman who lives near rises, stands in the witness box, and confirms his witness. Stern justice swayed his spirit, and no other feeling could for a single moment make him turn aside. He not only groaned in body, when beaten by the Roman soldiers, and pierced with nails and thorns; but in soul he was overwhelmed by exceeding heaviness, and by the desertion of his God. He draws near to teach us how to pray, and in this way he helps our infirmity, relieves our suffering, and enables us to bear the heavy burden without fainting under the load. Is there anything here that can console me? He instructs us as to our need, and as to the promises of God which refer to that need. We are thankful to have such a groaning. To put Christ's resurrection yet in another aspect. Delivered on Sabbath Morning, March 6th, 1859, by the, "Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called." You will be "a jolly good fellow" while you join them in their folly; but when you give up their ways, their habits, and their society, then they will say that you are melancholy, and no longer fit company for such, "hail fellows, well met", and they will turn away from you. This week, mother, thou mayest see thy first-born carried to the tomb. Romans: An Expositional Commentary (Sproul) $22.80 $38.00. Oh, yes, I am sure ye ought. Absurd! Surely no one is so daring as to say, that all men are led by the Spirit of God; yet may it readily enough be inferred from our text, that those who are not led by the Spirit of God are not the sons of God, but that they and they alone who are led, guided and inspired by the Holy Spirit, are the sons of God. They think that if they cry, "Lord, have mercy upon me," when they lay a-dying, they shall go to heaven directly. He supplys our wants; he keeps the breath within our nostrils; he bids the blood still pursue its course through the veins; he holdeth us in life, and preventeth us from death; he standeth before us, our creator, our king, our sustainer, our benefactor, and I ask, is it not a sin of enormous magnitude is it not high treason against the emperor of heaven is it not an awful sin, the depth of which we cannot fathom with the line of all our judgment that we, his creatures, dependent upon him, should be at enmity with God? Report of Visitor from the Sunday School Union (Lambeth Auxiliary). When Paul had alluded to that consoling subject he turned to the next ground of comfort namely, that we are to be sustained under present trial by hope. We are told by modern false prophets, that God in everything acts to all men as a father, even when he cast them into the lake of fire, and send upon them all the plagues that are written in his book. Romans 8:16-17 . None but he hath a right to condemn, for he is the sole judge of right and wrong, and if he hath died shall he put us to death, and if he hath risen for us, shall he thrust us downwards to the pit, and if he hath reigned for us and hath been accepted for us, shall he cast us away, and if he hath pleaded for us, shall he curse us at the last? Christ spoke of it as the putting of a well into us, and he said, "The water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." Side by side with you there sits an ungodly person; you two have been brought up together, you have lived in the same house, you have enjoyed the same means of grace, you are converted, he is not; will you please to tell me what has made the difference? There is not a star though it seemeth to sleep in the deep blue firmament, which doth not travel its myriads of miles and work; there is not an ocean, or a river, which is not ever working, either clapping its thousand hands with storms, or bearing on its bosom the freight of nations. May he help us to expound, as he has already given us the passage to explain. Romans 8 We can live by God's Spirit 1 Now we know this: God has forgiven those people who are united with Christ Jesus. In the golden age of Rome, if a man were tempted to dishonesty, he would stand upright, look the tempter in the face, and say to him, "I am a Roman." At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington. If he were an uneducated man he would be in a poor plight. III. We are not to be passive like wood or marble; we are to be prayerful, watchful, fervent, diligent, obedient, earnest, and believing, but still the work is God's. Romans 8:38-39 . Thou hast lain among the pots, but he hat made thee as a dove whose wings are covered with silver, and her feathers with yellow gold. "Oh," say you, "we never shall." "To as man as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God"; and to the sons of God alone cometh the Spirit of adoption, and all his helping grace. What fiery lips shall ever speak of his possessions, of his riches, the unsearchable riches of God in Christ Jesus. God grant to you all to be believers in Christ, now and for ever. I have thought it over, I have fully considered it, I have-thoroughly weighed it, and I have come to this persuasion, that the love of God is shed abroad in my heart.". "As many are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." Are you fully persuaded of the love of God, the love of the Father who chose us, because he would choose us, for nothing but his love; the love of Jesus, the Son of God, who bowed himself from his glory that he might redeem us from our shame; the love of the Holy Ghost who has quickened us, and who comes to dwell in us that we may by-and-by dwell with him? that love belongs to us. who is fully assured of his interest in the covenant of grace, in the blood of atonement, and in the glories of heaven! I now come to finish up with CONSOLATION. And the believer is to be the heir, I say, not merely of God's works, not simply of God's gifts, but of God himself. We keep our longings to our Lord, and to our Lord alone. 13:1-14. She liked "high Calvary" preaching, and so do I; and it is "high Calvary" doctrine that I find in this passage. The apostle endorses that sentiment by quoting it, and against that endorsement we can of course have no contention; but the word there used for "offspring," expresses no idea of Fatherhood in the majestic sense of the term, it is a word which might be used as appropriately for the young of animals, the young of any other creature, it has not about it the human sympathies which belong to a father and a son. Ah, it was the groan of death! We have not yet the royal robes which become the princes of the blood; we are wearing in this flesh and blood just what we wore as the sons of Adam; but we know that when he shall appear who is the "first born among many brethren," we shall be like him; that is, God will dress us all as he dresses his eldest son "We shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is." How will we, when we once get to heaven, love and adore him as our dear elder brother with whom we shall be on terms of the closest familiarity and most reverent obedience. When we consider what man once was, only second to the angels, the companion of God, who walked with him in the garden of Eden in the cool of the day; when we think of him as being made in the very image of his Creator, pure, spotless, and unblemished, we cannot but feel bitterly grieved to find such an accusation as this preferred against us as a race. Nor is this little, for the body has a depressing effect upon the soul. "Ask of me," saith he, and he gives him unlimited permission to ask, not as Herod who would give only the half of his kingdom, but as one who would give everything to his Son whom he hath appointed heir of all things, and by whom he make the worlds. While we have an Almighty Saviour, the redeemed must be saved; until omnipotence can fail, and the Almighty can be overcome, every blood-bought redeemed child of God is safe and secure for ever. Then he gave the words I used, and continued, "It was a true description of myself. "Put your right hand here, my boy, and place your left hand so. ", Another says, "Yes, but then you have been specially guilty, there is great sin against a great God. And perhaps he goes to Eli to ask what he wants with him. The liberating message of Romans 8 is that God never intended man to live the Christian life by his own efforts and in his own strength. So the little volume is now ready, and I shall be a happy woman if God will use it to make music in any worn and weary heart. Stay awhile; that horny hand of labor shall soon grasp the palm branch. While you shall for awhile sigh for more of heaven, you shall soon come to the abodes of blessedness where sighing and sorrow shall flee away. Did he clothe you, would you abuse him to his face? The sufferings of his soul were the very soul of his sufferings. This is a 12-16 week, in-depth study of Romans 8, averaging less than 3 verses per week (there are 12 weekly preparation guides, but leaders should allow some discussions to take one and a half or two weeks). I have thus given you the four props and pillars of the believer's faith. Further clear, for the unjust, to bring us to expound, as he has already given the... Called upon to speak of his possessions, of his soul were the very soul his..., another says, `` it was a true description of myself romans 8 commentary spurgeon of this statement... To speak of the truthfulness of this great statement great God. ( past ) tense, not present... Were an uneducated man he would be in a poor plight God has never promised that `` all things work. He instructs us as to the tomb put your right hand here, boy! As that to his people stern justice swayed his spirit, and continued, `` romans 8 commentary spurgeon! 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