His tax cuts are helping revitalize enterprises. In fact, the recent and growing success of Huawei in Europe can also be attributed partly in addition to their service-oriented focus (see again the point of purpose-driven ambition) to their philosophy of explicitly incorporating a strategy to develop cooperative relationships with competitors in the market. The US doesn't need to conquer the world through violence. They can transfer to other industries though, and take on new roles. Many companies' financial statements last year weren't great because they needed to pay income tax arrears. Some US politicians are criticizing Huawei everywhere they go. Creating a committed work force in service of its purpose requires that people are inspired. Technologies are advancing. We believe US laws are open, transparent, fair, and just. Part of making the dreams of customers to come alive is the idea that providing the best service possible is crucial to the success of the company. Arjun Kharpal: Mr. Ren, as we come to the end of the conversation, I want to focus on your future. Second, we don't really sell in the US market, so we will not be affected by a sales ban. Huawei, in contrast, decided to provide these services to their customers. Ren is the son of school teachers and grew up in a mountainous town . It's not up to me to designate a successor. Western companies are no different. Arjun Kharpal: Mr. Ren, I want to move onto a bigger picture of the world of technology. | All rights reserved. When we first entered the telecom industry, we started by reselling products from another company. Join us in Amsterdam for the 2023 European Compliance & Ethics Institute! Arjun Kharpal: But you created the world's largest telecom company. As a matter of fact, one of the strengths that people usually refer to when talking about Huaweis founder is that he is always thinking about the kind of company he wants Huawei to be in the next 10 years. AI can help translate text into 70 different languages simultaneously. Our financial statements are audited by KPMG, which can clearly show whether or not we are supported by the Chinese government. If I could not pay, I would be hounded by creditors every day. He also. Its fighting spirit, however, made it resistant to many negative influences and today Huawei can be called the only true global Chinese company. By taking a set of coordinated actions that add up to a strategic change, a leader can kickstart the process without creating organized opposition. Arjun Kharpal: Do you feel that your military-style speeches empower the employees here? Arjun Kharpal: You were in the People's Liberation Army. If a single backdoor was found in even one of the countries where we operate, our sales would shrink in all of them. Do you think that companies like yours are too powerful and need to be regulated? His message resonated throughout the Chinese corporate world; one of the sledgehammers now sits in the National Museum of China. In the third phase, after 2007, the strategy was to simplify management and be creative with top talents to turn Huawei into an efficient and creative creator of customers dreams. High-OQ leaders foster an understanding, or ethos, of who we are. When leaders move from managing individuals or small groups to leading entire organizations, they need to create a shared understanding of whats important and what the organization stands for in other words, an ethos. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. It takes a lot to get to the top of an organization: a high IQ, emotional intelligence, technical competence, and a variety of personal characteristics, such as fortitude and resilience. Arjun Kharpal: You said you've not had any communication with Donald Trump. And I don't really care about all that. It does not depend on what Donald Trump has to say. Minimum time is spent in making decisions as chain of command is emphasized. Huawei was founded by Ren Zhengfei when he was in the mid-age crisis. Ren zhengfei himself attributes his success to several characteristics. CNBC.com is the preeminent financial news source on the web, featuring an unprecedented amount of video, real-time market analysis, web-exclusive live video and analytical financial tools. But there are still more than 180,000 employees working at Huawei. Why cannot we edit human genes? Accelerate your career with Harvard ManageMentor. Harvard Business Publishing is an affiliate of Harvard Business School. Underlying his focus on story telling is his strategy to energise people and introduce a sense of vitality to the projects that need to be undertaken. He relentlessly convinces his employees through stories and actions. One Chinese company that is increasingly becoming active in Europe is the Chinese telecom giant Huawei. It's now just a scientific fantasy, and wouldn't necessarily ever happen. Just tell me what you think are going to be some of the significant technological developments over the next two years that you see coming. November 12, 2015. Terry Leahy steadily worked his way up to become the CEO of UK-based Tesco, one of the worlds largest supermarket companies. Our costs were low for two reasons. As he spent decades building one of the biggest tech companies on the planet, Ren Zhengfei kept a low public profile. When the state wanted to give me some awards for all of this, I felt ashamed. Are you starting to think about how your own intellectual property like chips could be used and sold to third parties like Apple? I can share some numbers with you. Moving forward, we will invest more in this direction. Ren has unique qualities which make him different from other, leaders. In the early years of Huawei, this toughness was symbolised by his focus on fighting and surviving as a primary strategy for his people. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Mr. Ren: Because I don't actually know technology that well, and I didn't invent anything. That's why we told the German government that we are willing to accept their regulation. Mr. Ren Zhengfei has been capable of pioneering the development of technology while growing in the world. Mr. Ren: I don't know what the US is after and have no idea how they are going to resolve the trade disputes. I only wanted to keep my belly full. He began by abandoning the tradition that the dean chaired all defenses of doctoral dissertations; he made it clear that his priority was engaging with external stakeholders, particularly corporate executives. If we didn't abide by those laws and regulations, we wouldn't survive even a day. Mr. Ren: We are open to Apple in this regard. We will not distribute any extra profit to our employees. I'm a puppet leader,' founder Ren Zhengfei says This is the fifth in an eight-part series looking at how Huawei has found itself at the epicentre of the US-China tech war Ren Zhengfei has. It will greatly increase productivity. What do you make of his views? Steve Jobs and Tim Cook have managed to turn Apple to an iconic brand. Particularly the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21, His ability to critically reflect on past successes and at the same time to identify the future challenges in the next decade makes Zhengfei an impactful business leader in the eyes of many Chinese. But if you were in the room with the US President, what would be your message to him? Tanks can cross a swamp, but needles can pierce hard things through. From what has been discussed above, we can easily find the relationship between the leadership of Ren zhengfei and the rise of Huawei. The US government is actually advertising for us in a good way. For midlevel leaders, strategy is generally about persuading others of the need to change. To reinforce the message, he sent congratulatory emails when faculty had acceptances in such journals (but not for acceptances in academic publications). Why do I like to use military terms? We will also increase our sales revenue, which is now more than 100 billion US dollars, to around 250 billion US dollars. Turning to personnel, George replaced the people likely to generate the most opposition and appointed a new, supportive vice dean from among the existing department chairs. Mr. Ren: We want the US government to treat Huawei fairly and without prejudice. What Industries are the Best Teachers for International Managers? And he left other core aspects of the business, such as steadily improving the retail offer (Every little helps), untouched. We don't talk about anything else, because we know that our communication is being monitored. Indeed, as the Chinese say: Every generation produces its own great character (Jiang shan dai you ren cai chu) and each exerts impact for hundreds of years (Ge ling feng sao shu bai nian). Ren is an active supporter of Communist Party of China. In his pursuit of the Huawei dream, Ren Zhengfei seems to know his own limitations and does not portray himself as the ultimate know-all leader. The first phase ran from 1987 to 1997 and can be characterised as the years of chaos, in which Huawei, in the words of Zhengfei: was trying to survive the entrepreneurial stage. They carry a clear message. Arjun Kharpal: I want to go back a little bit to talk about the US-China trade war because Meng Wanzhou was arrested in Canada on behalf of the US authorities. First, we want to provide the best connectivity in the world, and 5G is part of connectivity. Arjun Kharpal: You mentioned you abide by the local laws here in China. Small projects like this ignited my passion for scientific research. There are various types of leadership styles (Fiaz et al., 2017) 1. To give the new changes time to take effect, he delayed a formal discussion of the new strategy until his third year, by which time both revenue and ranking were higher and attitudes had become more favorable. An organization offers telephone exchange equipment. However, we are not in any position to require other companies to do the same. Leahy succeeded with both dramatic changes in part because he maintained a modest demeanor throughout. Mr. Ren: I think technology will advance even faster than we could ever imagine. Unlike many Chinese companies that set up many businesses but most cannot be called successful, US companies know how to narrow their focus and then charge forward. The interview was first broadcast on CNBC's Squawk Box Asia on 15 April 2019 and the full interview will air as a special episode of CNBC Conversation on Friday, 19 April at 9am (SG/HK). .. . .. .. Ren Zhengfei is successful Chinese businessman. We have become what we are today with our own strength. People back then thought his discovery was useless and ignored it for 100 years. Photos/ Taddeo Bwambale . The slogan at that time was: We shall drink to our hearts content to celebrate our success (ren sheng de yi xu jin huan), but if we should fail lets fight to our utmost until we all die (ju gong jin cui, si er hou yi). During the day, we were building a highly modernized factory. He lives with his daughter Cathy Meng who is also the CFO of Huawei. OQ, as well call it, consists of five competencies: sending messages that reinforce strategy, fostering an ethos, using action strategy, rebelling from the top, and staging moments of theater. Do you think Huawei is at that point yet? In particular, we will build the simplest networks, ensure cyber security, and protect user privacy. This is a challenging competency and a powerful one. Although he has introduced a strong focus within Huawei on continuously learning and reflecting, he leads his company with the passion of a true founder. After limited discussion, George instituted a program that rewarded faculty who published in the top practitioner journals with a bonus of up to 15,000. Although he is a billionaire, Zhengfei prefers a low profile lifestyle and even travels on the public transport. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. In his view this could only be achieved by providing excellent services. For example, if AI is applied to tractors, they will be able to work 24 hours a day. Mr. Ren: Collaboration and shared success. You've obviously not been present in that market for a while, Huawei has been in a lawsuit over there suing the government. In the Qingdao headquarters of the Chinese company Haier stands a display case containing a sledgehammer. Early life. There's a lot of disagreement, of course, on what the right course of action is in Europe. Is that the right way forward? 2023 | A2Z Pte.Ltd. This proves our equipment is secure. At first, we had several hundred employees focus on this point, then we had several thousand, tens of thousands, and now we have hundreds of thousands. The Central Committee had also been disbanding parts of the Chinese military because it was so large. After we were discharged, we were assigned to different places across China. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. That's the shortcoming of Trump's approach. Its success stems in no small part from its ethos, the wolf spirit of Huawei, created by founder and chairman Ren Zhengfei at the start. In a way Zhengfei works hard to always keep clear to himself a kind of meta-view that enables him to make informed strategy decisions. Steve Jobs is known more internationally. We obviously couldn't control our customers, so we had to get hold of the products. Looking at the Fortune Global 500 list, Huawei is the only mainland Chinese company (out of 91 Chinese companies listed) earning more revenue abroad (67%). However, most of us didn't really understand how important this decision made by the CPC's Central Committee was. Why do they accept these things? The differences of leader skill in America and China. In the words of Zhengfei: Chaos was removed and structure entered Huawei. In a way obsessed by doing good for the customer, Zhengfei is relentless in communicating this purpose by means of stories to his employees and convincing them that they all should be dedicated to pursue the mission of the company: To connect people via communication.. Some top military officers didn't understand it, either. That's why some deep-pocketed countries with rich oil reserves are buying from us. If we spread things too thin, there is no way we will be successful. I would like to express my own opinions instead of as a Huawei representative. Saying that he was great is an understatement. Google is now helping blind people see the world with nerve sensors, although they are not as good as human eyes. He does not only consider this kind of power to be an important personal characteristic but sees it as an essential part of the Huawei culture. Third, follow the small rules so that you can break the big ones. But our strategy of focused investment never changed as our capital grew. Director, CEO Born on October 25, 1944 into a rural family where both parents were school teachers, Mr. Ren Zhengfei spent his primary and middle school years in a remote mountainous town in Guizhou Province. They viewed the rat problem as one the company had the responsibility to solve. It was analog technology, analog automatic control. Huawei is to a large extent no stranger to this system. He has maintained the company as private and his management style has been extremely October 01, 2018, Source: To give you a simple example. One of the consistent qualities that have been attributed to Ren Zhengfei is his ability to inspire others. We have reflected on this a lot. Mr. Ren: I think Mr. Jobs was a great man. For example, in the desert and rural areas in China, rats were a plague for the telecom connections to customers. CEO's are the driving force behind any for-profit organisation. Arjun Kharpal: Mr. Ren, you've said in the past that the US government hasn't seen Huawei's technology and source code. He said, Those are air bubbles. In 1960, there was a serious famine in Guizhou Province. Or do you feel sometimes they are intimidated by that style of leadership? Arjun Kharpal: So that's a metaphor for your daughter? After getting, retired from the military, Ren has planned to work in electronic business. Secondly, hes full of enthusiasm and ambition. Is only slower computing good for us? For such a powerful country to be scared of a small company like us, some other countries are saying, "Your products are so good that the US government is scared. This approach transformed Huawei into a company of strivers and fueled rapid business growth. They are out of the ordinary and unexpected. Ren joined Peoples Liberation Army with the aim of making synthetic fiber. Publication Date: Rebelling from the top means taking on the biggest challenges only when you have the most firepower. He is very careful not to feed the myth of his leadership and rather emphasises the importance of working hard in the success story of Huawei. Data is a real-time snapshot *Data is delayed at least 15 minutes. Also, much attention is focused on ensuring that an intellectual exchange is guaranteed within the company. His ability to critically reflect on past successes and at the same time to identify the future challenges in the next decade makes Zhengfei an impactful business leader in the eyes of many Chinese. The hiring of IBM also made it possible for Huawei to learn from the West to allow introducing a more global vision. Indeed, EU officials initially wanted to investigate the anti-dumping act in relationship to Huaweis products. At first, this focus approach let us start pulling ahead of our Western peers in a given area. Whether or not we can get back to business in the US depends on whether our customers want to buy from us. If we didn't pay taxes or follow the laws and regulations in the over 170 countries where we operate, we wouldn't have survived in those countries. Figure 1: The Leadership Lessons of Ren Zhengfei, The core of Ren Zhengfeis leadership is the undeniable fact that he is very clear about the purpose of Huawei, which is helping customers to realise their dreams. Copyright 2023 Harvard Business School Publishing. In order to support his family, Ren Zhengfei implemented a strict system of food distribution in his family. We will also push the Chinese government to sign a cyber security agreement with the German government. KPMG wouldn't hide anything for us. However, he is not among the current three rotating CEOs, and personally holds 1.42% of the shares of 'Huawei,' valued at over US$2,200 million in 2018. By the time I got my business license, I didn't have a single penny left. Ren said, Huawei people, especially the leaders, are destined to work hard for a lifetime and to devote more and suffer more than others. That ethos emphasizes that individual aspirations are subservient to the needs of the company, just as individual wolves are subservient to the pack. When Huawei was just founded, the world of communications was extremely under-developed. Leadership styles. High-OQ leaders rebel from the top. We just focus on a single point. Dong Mingzhu, Chinas most successful businesswoman and the head of Gree Electric, has a persona that says, Where Sister Dong walks, no grass grows meaning she is really, really tough. Consequently, Huawei's performance took a nosedive and employee satisfaction also sank. So firstly, we must abide by Chinese laws and regulations. All he cares about is how to thoroughly solve every problem his company meets and how to improve the efficiency of the whole group. The last thing we want is to have bureaucrats or managers lead our way in technology. Arjun Kharpal: Have you tried to reach out to the president to speak to him about it? However, Ren zhengfei and Huawei made it in the end. Huawei's founder Ren Zhengfei in a media interview 5 or 6 months ago said that the effect from the US sanctions has been less severe than he had feared. In phase 2, running from 1997 to 2007, Huawei became more structured by hiring IBM to implement management structures as these were completely lacking at that time. By David De Cremer and Tian Tao. If the US opens its telecom industry and its operators say they are going to purchase tens of billions of dollars in equipment from us, I wouldn't believe it and wouldn't be willing to make billions of investments. This is how, John Sutherland on Leadership and Teamwork, Pro-active Leadership: How to overcome procrastination and be a bold decision-maker, ChatGPT and Its Impact on Author Transparency in Scientific and Academic Journals, How New Age Entrepreneurs are Changing the Way We Think About Business, Layoffs in Tech: Redistribution of Resources Amid a Tech Transformation. PIC:A portrait of Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei. It helps reduce many people's workloads. The leadership of Ren Zhengfei, however, does differ from this rather controlling only style in important ways. Where does this idea of competing in a cooperative way come from? The leadership of Ren Zhengfei, however, does differ from this rather "controlling only" style in important ways. Arjun Kharpal: Mr. Ren, we spoke about Apple and Steve Jobs. But there are critics who point to certain national intelligence laws in China that compel Chinese companies to help the government with national intelligence work if they're asked. There was no chance for us to step back and start another business. Sign up for free newsletters and get more CNBC delivered to your inbox. The qualities that help managers rise in the organization emotional intelligence, high IQ, technical competence, and so forth dont necessarily make them effective once theyre in a leadership position. We are actually learning from US companies. If so, what did she say to you? When George started as RSMs dean, in 2008, he was an outsider and a foreigner. When Huawei dominated the domestic market on a large scale, its problem in human resource was more than Huaweis original management system can handle. The authors describe seven characteristics of Zhengfei's leadership style, including 'adaptive vision', 'humble dedication' and 'winning by cooperating'. I would have to repay tens of billions of dollars in debts. A Division of NBCUniversal. We will wait for the court to make its judgment. Effective moments of theater have three important characteristics. Because we want to grow our harvest and produce actual results. Of course, we can still be concerned about this, but we believe we will have the ability to harness AI and create benefit. There has also been questions about your past as a communist party member and what that means for Huawei. Such a system prevents the company from collapsing due to a single leader, raises efficiency, and avoids inaction due to over-democratisation. Today, the instrument I made may not be an innovative technology, but at that time, it was a good invention. We should not worry that it will hinder social progress. It was hard times. This practice differed from the ones used by Western companies, which had advanced technologies and equipment, but ignored their services sector. Do people know what type of leader you are and what to expect when they interact with you? We want to hear from you. This hurts no one. I believe China and the US should stress collaboration and shared success. Along the way he introduced one important innovation: the Clubcard, the UKs first supermarket loyalty card, which allowed Tesco to leapfrog Sainsburys into the number-one retail spot. I think that is how this story is likely to end. For example, Huawei plans the development of the company by decade, whereas most of their competitors such as Ericsson and Motorola plan it by financial quarter or year. She's, of course, facing extradition to the U.S. How did you feel after her arrest in December? 2023 CNBC LLC. It will never happen. After he reduced taxes, he should have been friendlier to other countries and try to convince everyone that the US is a great place to invest. A common theme in everything that Ren Zhengfei as a leader undertakes is the ability to reflect, think and act. No backdoors. Before I was able to settle into this new position though, China disbanded many of its military forces and everyone had to go find another job. Cuts and bruises toughen her up, and even since ancient times, heroes were born of hardship. Zhengfei is a big fan of the practice of story telling and makes extensive use of it as a vehicle to deliver his ideas to employees in a passionate manner. On one hand he possesses the characteristics of a controlling leader who makes all the decisions. Second, we strive to become the world's best in edge computing. This does mean though that many translators and stock analysts and the like will lose their jobs. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Second, ultra-broadband connections, and ultra-large storage systems, as well as micro-computing storage and edge computing. Arjun Kharpal: Mr. Ren, you talk a lot about the distance between Huawei and the Chinese government. Everyone at GE knew what to expect from Neutron Jack Welch. To stay one step ahead of your competition, sign up today to our exclusive newsletters to receive exciting insights and vital know-how that you can apply today to drastically accelerate your performance. His company reflects these traits. As can be expected of a man with an army background he served in the Peoples Liberation Army he is known to be intense and tough and never loses control. Mr. Ren: There are perhaps some employees who have been intimidated by my military-style speeches, because about 160,000 employees have left Huawei. Combining storage and computing will enable devices to run faster. Huawei, one of the biggest company focusing on making communication tools like cellphones, is famous all over the world. For me, it was an exciting experience. It is an invention of Erdal Arikan, a Turkish professor in mathematics. Will Europe understand us when they see how much effort we are putting into this? Bureaucrats or Managers lead our way in technology today with our own.... He was an outsider and a foreigner also made it possible for to... His ability to inspire others the German government that we are today with our strength. 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