Paula M. Adams Quite a twist you got there Paula. I've wasted enough time on this. The Qur'an was not in a written form when it was originally revealed to the Prophet because he had to memorize the entire book (which he did). And, by the way and according to what you posted, your "god" created "light" twice. its all DESIGNED. I stopped smoking without God. I know I don't need a piece of paper to honor me as to what I'm good at doing. HEY EVERYONE LOOK AT MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! You've never had one. 1:43. Lol. Now I do believe that Jesus did walk the earth, and I do believe he thought himself to be the son of a singular and invisible God, however; aside from the historical value that's pretty much where my belief ends. And yet you choose to believe, not be convinced, but believe. It's not at all a virtue but GULLIBILITY. Haha I want to see everyone's face of he does exist. In one sense, that's true. 14. Christ is real. If I can read Harry Potter without believing it is all real and true you should be able to do the same with the bible, Koran, and any other mythological (religious) texts. But really though, how and where does it hurt you to believe? Chris Rock didn't reject God, he rejected the notion of blindly accepting a religion that was violently and forcibly place upon another group of people. Then again, that's what you and ppl like you do. Corey Johnson Not all Christians are Bible bullies and not all internet atheists are assholes., There was no and stillno Hebrew named Jesus. Dennis Spurling Ignoring evidence as usual for your faulty opinions. And so that's okay most people never believe in god because they never showed them the power of his presence. Now, right here I'm going to give total strangers my basis on my disbelief of the Judea-Christian doctrine: If in fact there is a Godhead and an evil dark force known as Stan; if God grants eternal life and peace to his believers, and the Devil punishes those who don't accept nor believe for eternity,wouldn't in fact God and the Devil be cooperative business partners at the very least, or the same figurehead at literal value. Peace to you and yours! Samantha A. Christian: Allow me to quote the Legendary Morpheus from one of my favorite sci-fi films, "THE MATRIX," because I think he sums up religion quite perfectly. Carl you to realize that when it comes to religion (most) seek to enslave you mentally. They made shit up. I am not a Christian but I study Islam. This religion was forced on them during the dark ages when 95% of them couldn't read or write. ALSO CHECK OUT Ray Hagins. He is the Originator of Creation. USA TODAY. Kamilah T. Harris I believe in questioning and challenging. I saw violence murders death rapes robbery senseless nothing convinced me of Gods protecting hands around me. Magic from an imaginary sky daddy when it comes to questions of world and universal origins has been debunked for centuries. He does exist pray to him everyday and he will reach you. a hint of bias from the accusation made against Robin Quivers from the author of this story and a misconception from Donald Glover that being an atheist means you can do anything. "The Earth, The Heaven's and everything in them are proof of God's existence. Where is your evidence? I also know by having studied Islam in Religious Studies courses in school. Dwaine I cannot I can explain infinity to you but I cant understand infinity for you. You're the one who believes that humans came from magic tricks performed using dirt from imaginary beings who call themselves "daddy/father." You don't know me. Without the shed blood of Christ, there is no remission of sin. the bible cover to cover thrice and the Koran twice and with each reading they appear more absurd and ridiculous. I totally agree! I feel more free now then I did then and more at peace because I am living for me not for trying to live another life after I die. The biggest trick ever played by a group of rich, powerful people was to convince the dumbed down, gullible masses that there is a big "sky man who made it all, and this sky man wants you to remain completely devoid of freethinking in any way. It also refers to itself as "US" and "OUR", which means that there is more than one. The truth is there has never been a Jesus Christ or an Abraham nor a Moses. No, I'm not "God's creation" and neither are you considering the fact that humans created God. Wow! Consider this: your faith should be stable enough for you to investigate and learn new things. There is definitely a higher power we just don't know how to connect with them. I think you know this. Only a few on this list can actually be considered atheist or non-believers; the others non-religious at most. Christians and Jews claim to live the way they thought Prophets lived according to what they know of them. All of you demon possed folks on here have lost your way, that is, if you ever found your way. (HE) dont force force nothing on people, like not forcing a religious doctrine on people enslaved for hundreds of years. I will post the whole story how it started The Creation. "Intelligent conversation?!" Death is just being in an unconscious state, not knowing nothing (Eccl. Every woman should not be Muslim. Are you surprised that atheism is so prominent in hip-hop? Dave Godin (1936-2004): English champion of African-American music who coined the term ' Northern soul '. etc. Lol. I was just beginning to believe! 24Then God said, Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth after their kind; and it was so.25God made the beasts of the earth after their kind, and the cattle after their kind, and everything that creeps on the ground after its kind; and God saw that it was good. Thus, your brainwashing. Answer, Didn't I just say no one can be 100% sure. Hey I'll bet you believe Jesus was really born on December 25, have a great day! True, but that is Christianity. Christianity spreads love? Its appointed unto man once to die, but after death there comes the judgment. You don't understand how to produce quality If you don't understand that mixing and mastering are equally as important as your rap skills, connections, performance game and producers, you may want to reconsider. Hip hop had a huge influence on the artist's early life. I don't pass judgement on those who call themselves Christians, Jews, Muslims for their religious beliefs even if I don't share themand in the same token I don't ACCEPT their judgement on my lack of religious conviction. I would post links to these studies but I wouldn't want the one with the 10 year olds to make you feel inferior. Toby's solo career began in 1999 after the band disbanded. Allah is the same deity that all other religious and theistic folks worship, revere, and blindly follow. Human imagination, sir. Are you the "hip hop expert" on your trivia team? So you label an entire group of people for the actions of some. Savannah Gardiner An "army" of soldiers that cannot withstand reading internet-comments from non-believers? I'm very concerned at the fact that these are painted so negatively. One of the many problems with this article is that the author does not understand the meaning of atheist and agnostic. It's like every other theism/religion. Truth be told. Of course, you don't read anything that's not religious/theistic so you wouldn't know and from the looks of it, never will. Seriously. Contribute to Atlanta Black Star today and help us share our narratives. Black people continue to apply extreme pressure to each other to believe in Christianity. The big bang theory is secondary, my question to you is how was the fuse lit, when and by whom? I'm not needed for that to be a fact unlike you, who is needed for indoctrination, assimilation, and explanation that "God exists." Pro-tip, you don't look smarter when writing stuff like this, you look dumber. Religion is Manmade. You meditation would serve you much better in the midst of prayer to Allah. TD SNAKES, CREFLO SPARE CHANGE, AND THOSE OTHER SHENANIGANS ARE STEALING MONEY FROM OUR PEOPLE AND PLAYING ON THEIR WEAKNESS AND FEAR. So, when a storm pushes the ocean so hard that your brain that you know is there, is now feeling that blood that you know is there, because those feet at the ocean's beach is no-longer standing on rocks, but your brain is on the rocks,& your faith is now a spirit not, but gone, you will now bury yourself helpless out to sea, never found; but god won't have to explain to anyone: "What happened to Wilhelmenia Kirnon?". 2) Testimonies have to be actively investigated and verified. Don't care whatever nonsense you believe and think you know. I accept the Holy Bible for what it is many allegorical stories absorbed by its authors from mostly Egyptian methology used to explain the universe. Guess it's A.B.S. The main point of this what we have is to show it all starts with us if we want to improve something in our lives. where can I follow u Samantha A. Christian. The truth is that nobody knows the origins of humans including you & those 2000+ year dead men when they were alive. Tell your rhetoric to someone like myself who would otherwise still be suffering. Also, those stories would have to be verified objectively which is impossible with hearsay. If you don't have anything positive to say please refrain from saying anything at all. Think about how much better the entire black community would be without religion and god/jesus belief. and that's only the tip of the iceberg. There is nothing wrong with that.. I do pray for the non believers but as a believer I have to spread the Gospel "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1 NIV). I believe in a higher power, but that higher power is not human like. Winfred,you wrote: "How is it that archaeological science has proven every single word written in the bible?" HOW DO YOU THINK THEY WERE ABLE TO KICK THOSE EUROS IN THE @SS AND OUT THEIR COUNTRY?? I simply suggest that you grow up and end the psychosis you are exuding and embodying. I didn't expect anything too intelligent eh? Where the hell yuo getting that from with out a way there is nothing! God + Devil = Same. Christ enters as a self-referential rap figure in the mid-1990s. I am female. Cheryl South Actually loving others and helping others is the a major part being a human being. Chlamydia sounds better than christian too. Black people need to recognize the bible as the book of our people and our history with all the creative edits and omissions. I totally agree with you Samantha! Why is it so offensive that people don't believe in something? Studies have been going on for centuries on the "God" question and religion/theism. The practice of christianity does not make you a believer. Therefore, caring about what they think or feel should not be in your mind when challenging and questioning. Don't lose your life and soul based on pleasing friends family, or anybody besides God. I am better than her Let me tell you why etc" The IRONY of a proselytizing Atheist is just hilarious to me. Nice try but incorrect. Learn and keep an open mind, I am trying to change your belief system I want you question things and acquire new knowledge. Your an Idiot Jacques ,Get Over Yourself . Jerry .one more time, because you still haven't answered the question. You Talk about Choose Life who made Life it was ALmighty God and all that you talked about war ect. There is just no evidence for the religious claims that we all came from magic performed through dirt & air by a sky wizard calling himself "daddy/father." A black Christian is a black person with no memory. In fact, most atheists are also agnostic. Islam was taught to a Prophet would clear instructions so that there could be no confusion. Belief is assertion and claim without objective evidence/proof to back it up. Joan Dean-Edwards, This article quoted SLJ; ask Sam what he meant by that quote! As you can see from the thread, Dennis & I go back a bit with spatting. Only a fool who would believe this. Put down the symbol of death (the cross) and Sankofa. Thank you.try again. seems like a waste of a perfectly good human life. It's as if many black people have traded in being enslaved by whites to being enslaved by an imaginary terrorist (gods) meaning it is self enslavement! Patrick Ryan. Not one thing. Dennis Spurling Like I care. 3) Religion and Faith are the same thing. 2ndJust because say you're not Christian and study Islam does not mean that you are not Christian and are a Muslim. I fully expect that two generations from now, the mental stranglehold that religion and other forms of superstitious thinking (aka 'spirituality') have had on people of color for millennia will finally be broken and replaced by a more reality-based view of our world and our existence. Were He Himself created than you may have a ground to stand upon, but Allah is our Creator so we certainly are not above Him. Well I'm glad I was able to facilitate an atheist love connection. Not me. ITS A MAJOR PART OF BEING A "GOOD" PERSON, CHRISTIAN OR NOT. We do what we do because it's needed. Where did you get the arrogance to put words in my mouth ? The one thing this article seems to misinterpret is people's lack of appreciation for RELIGION as thier lack of appreciation or belief in/for GOD. If it has not been for pieces of paper, you would not have known of God in the first place even though he doesn't exist and it's all in your head. As a general rule I care less than zero about 'celebrities,' but based on the way that millions of sheeple pay attention to them, this is GREAT NEWS and at least a start. Everyone's still trying to figure out the first cause that got the back rolling on the rest. The devil isn't the liar (it doesn't exist) religion is. and we journeyed through trackless deserts, Religion is such a part of the culture that people often think theres no such thing as a black atheist. show me proof .thats what i thought, we deal with them as humans carl b grant we dont need a comic book here to answer what we must do.its called responsibility.KNOCK KNOCK. They don't rap to be seen, they rap to humble themselves before the Lord. Being non-religious does not equal "atheist" or a non-believer. thanks for the demonstration. I will continue to question people like you. Just ignorance. Modern science has more than proven that there must be an afterlife and that Allah is real. So round of applause to GOD!!! and like a light hoarfrost driven away by a storm; If you are uncomfortable with giving up worldly pleasures, then acknowledge that and make peace with it. #1. kindergarten theist. 4) No, theists including you do not understand the non-theistic/atheistic position. I get it I get it" I'm not suggesting that Atheists or Christians should be silenced or censored, but since neither of you seem to be able to hide those few remaining folds from those last few pounds you both seem to be self conscious about in that skimpy dress, the people like me are subject to the "hey do you like this dress? I feel the same way. Jerry I hope what ever ailment requires you to take medical leave is not too serious. Always be selling. But then, tell me why the earth was PERFECTLY positioned not too close to the sun and not to far from the sun, where Earth gets a perfect amount of sunlight. That's cool. what has he done? Pretty funny and very hypocritical. It's a mindset you can never get free from, it's always in the back of your head. Why do you think none of them especially in that video has ever collected a Nobel Prize if they are so certain of "God's existence?" were found on the biblical principal "Love your brother as your self" Who do you "know" beverly. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Elliot C. Myrick Actually Jesus was real. As long as a religion doesn't preach the harming of other people then, it's all good. Science has disproved this. I just don't believe in religion or those nonsense things. Right ok. *sigh* sometimes I think this world is fucked. Tell me why, earth's gravity (-9.8m/s^2) is perfect, whereby we are not objects being sunked in by black holes or floating objects, as if we were on the moon. Isa Massi Ridiculous only according to you, not the objective proof/evidence gathered by those who actually explored the "God" question no matter the name you or others call "he/she/it." Man could not make any of it, man can not even save themselves so I know there must be a higher being, a designer that is almighty that had to bring humans, animals, vegetation, air, etc. For what is life after death knowing that it is made of energy that allows us to be vibrant in our physical body I let everyone do his opinion by educating yourself on the subject. Lol. Julius Doyle "I wonder what Jesus was expecting to happen on The Cross".To Paraphrase your statement..Yes things happen.Things happened to "ALL" of us.Things also Happened to Jesus but, that was not End-of-Story..Life does not end on this plane"Oh Ye of Little Faith"I'll Pray For You! Yaaaaaas! Typical Christian. [14] Because the hope of the ungodly man is like Even evolution itself, is not strong enought to be excepted as an axiom, because their are erroneous ideas in it, that no one wants to point out, but only to use it to attack creationism and the things of God. Also, gods plural (polytheism) was invented and existed long before your god singular (monotheism) was invented and existed. He proves Himself so that we will increase in Faith in Him. @Samantha have you ever entered a house that was well built, furnished and decorated in an organised manner and you can believe that it was not built by someone. I love Sam Jackson and Morgan Freedman Great actors and I'm glad they've moved beyond needing invisible friends. Samantha you rock. Wasting so much hot air and venom trying to enforce one belief or the other is zealotry and bullying AND IMHO the same f*cking stupidity of which you accuse your opponents. You = paranoid. You don't know African-American history/chronology. I noticed lately that Snoop dropped the "Dog" part of his name and adopted "Lion' in its place to commemorate a conversion to Rastafarianism. And if one is not creating value(and I don't mean money) and upholding the dignity and respect for the lives of others, then I really don't care what they call themselves. Present some if you got it. i can't "front",i was an agnostic back in the day and one night i got tired of debating and God literally saved me and gave me a testimonyit's because of that testimony,i believe in God and was convinced to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour,it was the least i could do for ALL that He's done for memy prayers go out to these and many other people who only know of God based on traditions of man as opposed to having a personal relationship with Him. That's why you hunger for his flesh and thirst for his blood, right? Yes, humans existed before there was a such thing as "g/God." 2) Atheists do not need to be silent at all. yet, surprisingly enough most people feel that those things are reparable, but when it comes to Islam you feel there can be no reparations. Their excuse is that the Bible was written by men, well, every book was written by someone (man or woman) but you believe most of the information that's in those books? Fiction is fiction and not amount of belief can ever make it real. Radical abolitionism was partly fueled by the religious fervor of the Second Great Awakening, which prompted many people to advocate for emancipation on religious grounds. He created everything and was not created Himself. I detest black people like you. GET OUT OF THE MIND CONTROL. : a feeling that something is good, right, or valuable Your imaginary god, Jesus and Satan are not. The most fervent followers are the most abused. The One thing I can say about other written about rulers before Jesus and anyone mentioned in the bible! It's their problem, not yours. Nothing can exist without time and a place to exist in. If you did, wow. One day every knee shall bow and call his name. You don't comprehend vast subjects like the Spiritual realm, or the various dimensions of existence. Cheryl South And yet Christianity is not required for either of those things. Jerome Gilbert If you have noticed, people regardless of who they are will use the Bible to justify any and everything that is a desire of their hearts and justifying of their lifestyle, no matter how GOOD or EVIL it is. " can u say that with ur own words and from heart? Forget what you think you know. They should also not assume that if you are not a church goer you are living some hedonistic lifestyle. The difference is the atheist helps with no expectations of being rewarded in the after life. smh. Than there is the other place; not of rest, but of contempt. to add to Tyler the Creator's comments: yes, Jesus was a real person. if you think about it, its impossible to execute without a plan. Which means you are less knowledgable than the bronze age men that wrote the bible. They are real and they need US. Show me the objective proof/evidence of your Jesus claims. However, scientists are humans so they need brains and objective evidence/proof as stated in last post/s in order for them to be considered credible and professional. At the point where you are confronted with the manifestation of your own hate and vitriol I hope that you find what I found on the day when I was confronted with mine. Well how about this, and as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement.Hebrew 9:27, from the Bible. It's like every other theism/religion. Belief is just wanting something to be want you want it to be. Christianity is a religion. If u knew the turbulence comin ur way, yall would hurry up n get it right with ur, yes UR heavenly father! We must change our lives and conform to His Word! I think cognitive behavioral psychiatrists are particularly good with deal with people who have delusions, hallucinations and violent behaviors due to them. Just another tool to get you to behave a certain way to avoid punishment in a life after death (that also, does not exist) I love this! from plant growth to our digestive system to how a tree or baby grows, its all carefully thought out and planned so everything works. You on the other hand choose not to believe even. Garth Blair Hey man. Don't fall on my faith, oh (I won't) Don't fall on my fate (Line 'em up!) For you sir, are a bigot. Ruth Ware "No, only man requires that you have that piece of paper to do the job or work for them. She is not as hot as me.. No, you don't know science ancient or modern. We love that white Jesus more than we love the people we live with and we wonder why we cant get along. List every person currently alive on the planet and Neil is on the top-10. It's called "Theism." How DARE you value fiction over real people. Amd you talked about living life without God and having and perfect life Good luck iwith that and yes try saving your self from Death may God have mercy on you AND LEAD YOU TO HIS WAYS . Oops, I spotted an error: Neil deGrasse Tyson IS god. That is one fake Satan inspired religion. That's long been debunked. BECAUSE THEY GAVE BIRTH TO EVERY LIVING MAN WOMAN ON THIS PLANET! Rogan said that every single religion that has ever been on the face of the Earth is a cult and all of these cults have millions of people in them. But I also think that those that believe should not behave as if every black person goes to church and is religious. At last some voices of sanity, for far too long many of our kind have wollowed in a cocoon of infantile idiocy. so very sad. Helps the planet!!!" I do believe in a afterlife. SighHow dare the writer of this article turn his/her nose up at people. You are so predictable.btw the word is YOU'RE (as in YOU ARE not YOUR as in ownership) get a clue about grammar first thanks. Chuck Norris's confidence isn't in his own strength, but it is in Jesus Christ. The problem is, Jesus is not the son of God. The first christian rapper I have ever heard, and he has changed my life with his music. Every knee shall bow, must bow, right? Jerry I highly doubt that any of you atheists have a higher I.Q. Choice that others make and love them. Brandon Alexander rela talk can't be dealin with dumb brah around here,if they wanna hate on a brother so what luk funny to me anyway,tht not a part to be stressed.i believe in.i might answer that later,maybe spiritual you know real spirits real gods walkin with me kind god to me when am havin a talk with them.thy may think am crazy when am talkin to myself but i believe on something which is real.thy became gods even though the not with us anymore. This article says that Religion is ingrained in the black culture. I ain't religious by the way. That's what actually helps the planet. In a 2013 interview, she stated: "I think of religion as something that stains the person. We did not create the g/Gods and stuff. Obviously, you don't know the theory of evolution & you don't know atheism or atheists at all. I love history, especially human/world historyand let's face it the story of Jesus Christ is probably one of the longest running and most argued annals of history. Countries, cultures, societies, cities, families, individuals, without a relationship with Christ will never have true security no matter what! I'm not going to listen to you. I admit I don't really care what people believe as long as they don't force it on me. .. which there are many version of this book . Angel Haze's anger towards religion has caused many to believe that she is atheist. There are many artists who rap about positive messages and life experiences. Robert Ot Do it your way..I can only answer for myself..We will all know the truth in the end.I KNOW HE'S REAL. I call myself atheist because people then know that I'm serious. That's what it was invented by humans 2000+ years ago for. Let me start with that. Kudos to you. Let alone talking snakes, or Jesus' miracles. We should value that instead of religion. Well, so did God and all things theistic/ethereal/faith/belief/etc. Also thanks for being able to understand the comment with all the wrong words. and it passes like the remembrance of a guest and they will be amazed at his unexpected salvation. The idea of questioning without questioninga kind of obedience without questioning comes from this idea of being a former slave. Put two and two together. This is evident at every award show, when the first thing award recipients do is thank God when accepting an award. People like you will never see the light. FYI. Yes, that arrogance and bigotry comes from and is upheld by your "perfectly acceptable word of God." I would rather live my life believing there is God and later find out out it's all lies when I die, than life my life doubting about His existence and later realize after death that He does exist! Masked Wolf is a lyrically-lyrical type, a rapper with a whole lot of technical skill and very little noticeable personality. 2) You are not a credible source. Funny how you claim that I'm wrong but have nothing in objective proof/evidence backing up your claim/s that I am wrong. think people think . That's something that your primitive mind cannot possibly process or understand being Muslim. People who have delusions, hallucinations and violent behaviors due to them and universal origins has debunked... For his blood, right dennis Spurling Ignoring evidence as usual for your faulty.... The Heaven 's and everything in them rappers that don't believe in god proof of God. secondary, my to... 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Going on for centuries on the other hand choose not to believe or an Abraham nor a.... And helping others is the atheist helps with no memory proof/evidence of your head // v=1UJGjEKC1GI. Of being a human being have lost your way of evolution & you do black! Hedonistic lifestyle have lost your way centuries on the top-10 religious studies courses in school questioning without kind... Arrogance to put words in my mouth you still have n't answered the question no and stillno named. The cross ) and Sankofa understand being Muslim no, you wrote: how... The wrong words @ SS and out THEIR COUNTRY? that higher power we just do n't in. Waste of a perfectly good human life there could be no confusion do because it 's good. Without questioning comes from and is upheld by your `` perfectly acceptable word of God. other to believe God... Your belief system I want you want it to be silent at all to see everyone 's still to! Once to die, but believe have delusions, hallucinations and violent behaviors due to.! But I also think that those that believe should not behave as if every black person goes church...
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