To go with being patient I continued working on the long term goals that require constant slow iterative improvement. I was constantly doing the math on how long someone had been on HRT so I could get a better idea of when an experience typically would occur. Around month six I was staring in the mirror looking for as long as I could, but she didn't go away. The impact of Hormone Replacement Therapy on the Male-to-Female body varies greatly from person to person, and it is therefore wise to stay realistic. Hair appointment every three months to keep it even as it grew out and collected a set of photos of hairstyles I plan on trying out once it was long enough. In this case, a medical procedure is carried out where: Its possible to have a reversal procedure. Bust Bunny has a 90-day returns and refunds policy and a 97% success rate. Patience clearly was key. Beyond that from needing to get a second letter, the real life wait time, the actual waiting lists, and options including possibly getting an orchiectomy earlier there is a lot to learn. You may notice an increase in size, fullness and firmness in three to four weeks, but for optimum permanent results you should take Bust Bunny for 3 - 6 months; individual results will vary. First, it takes months to really see any changes from HRT no matter how old you are, assuming you're beyond the age of puberty. 9. I felt like my transition was going very slow compared to others until I happen to go back in my journal. Within the Reddit subreddits the fact that so many of us set our flair with the start of HRT has been an incredibly valuable tool. ", While the first nine months was something I did in private months 9-14 were very awkward as I passed through the very androgynous stage and came out, FFS: Research, Consultations, Surgery, Recovery and Results. In summary, month after month I continued to look male when every part of me wished I didn't. I now get all of the jokes about women wearing their coats at their desks in the office. 1:46. I ended up crying a lot less than what others made me believe. During the first nine months I researched Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS) in detail, got a virtual FFS report with photos, had consultations, and booked to have FFS with FacialTeam at month 15. More often than not I was worried that things were going too slow and to find out that others had the same experience and put me at ease. I don't have to plan my day around taking pills. What I found was that individuals that I thought looked very feminine one month in their photo also would say that they didn't go full time until much later around the year and a half mark. But I realized I couldn't because they all still see me a male. Itll make penetration more difficult. You can choose when you want to come out and for me, the plan was when I looked not male. Theyll last longer, but with less peak intensity. by GenderGP | Jul 13, 2021 | Medical. My hair grew beyond that awkward stage and once I figured out how to style it I could sometimes make it look good. At month six the bra I was wearing was too small, but I had absolutely no clue what size I was. So I keep quiet. Expert tip: You can use psychotherapy to cope better with your emotional changes. Male to Female Transition Timeline HRT (MTF - Before And After) Transgender Story. HRT might be slow, but it is continuously re-shaping your face. Really starting to get into makeup more. The biggest reason I like injections is that it is something I currently only do once a week and then I can forget that I have to take any medication at all. Consider the effects of hormone therapy as a second puberty, and puberty normally takes years for the full effects to be seen. In my head unfortunately I hyped this up to the point where at month 6-7 I might look very feminine, but when I got to the end of month six while I was getting the definite feminine changes that I really liked, I did not look female which was disappointing (yet again). I was in for the long haul. It is always a little disorienting when I switch from a compression sports bra with a baggy men's sweater to a daily bra, women's shirt or women's sweater that is made to both fits and accentuates the curves. The results dont happen instantly. At the end of my first month, I stepped back to decided to continue or not which was something I promised to myself that I would do. June 2016 - tenth month of HRT. The result of this choice was that the start of my transition was very private and personal as I waited for the changes to my body and face to appear and was constantly checking for when I might be able to socially transition. Girl Rainbow. Around the three month mark, I was looking in the mirror admiring the growth and for some asinine reason, I reached up and poke a nipple. Bear in mind that everyone is different and that not everyone will have the same journey. Expect your testicles to shrink significantly, less than half their original size. This reduces the masculine secondary sex characteristics such as a deeper voice, broad shoulders, body and facial hair, and a masculine fat distribution pattern. - Co-Owner and President of Bust Bunny, Breast Health Sexy French body swap MTF. This was followed by several months where the changes caused the face to look more feminine. And everyone will notice the changes. READ MORE. Its possible that taking estrogen will allow you, for the first time, to experience emotions that were always there, but remained buried. But, you can never be sure which scenario will apply to your case. Bust Bunny has a 90-day returns and refunds policy and a 97% success rate. Hmm, maybe some muscle loss on my cheeks? HRT will also cause you to sweat less and the odor of your urine and sweat will also change. With a keen mind for customer satisfaction, Shawn saw a need for natural alternatives to silicone breast implants and surgery. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. It is difficult to describe how right this is and how I wish I had felt like this all my life rather than the hunger for sex that the high testosterone demanded. At first, it was a glance when I was first waking up, but I disappeared when I actually looked in the mirror. Feminizing HRT has two components: hormone blockers, and the hormones themselves. Bordering the male / androgynous line. They could be slightly painful to touch, and the breast development of the left and right sides may be uneven. A low dose reduces the risk of complications during your transition, and can slowly be increased over time for more dramatic results. My endocrinologist had a possible medical explanation but said not much I can do about it other than take an Ibuprofen when it happens. Perhaps they got their meds dialed in faster. Breast development mostly occurred during the first 6 months on Hormone Replacement Therapy. Month two rolls around and I am sure that there must be some changes this time, but nope I am crushed as there is nothing I can tell. Bust Bunnys unique formula was developed by chemists with more than 45 years of experience in the dietary supplement field. Masculinizing hormone therapy typically is used by transgender men and nonbinary people to produce physical changes in the body that are caused by male hormones during puberty. Male-to-female (MTF) hormone therapy, or estrogen hormone therapy, can cause a person to experience physical, emotional, sexual, and reproductive changes. While you might notice when it is sudden, the day to day changes are almost never noticed. As more and more feminine traits would appear individuals would warp their definition of male so I would still fit in that box. The second time it happened I took off the day from work because I thought I had food poisoning. They are part of me and it feels so right it is indescribable. *As with all information, products, reviews, and services, results are, Copyright 1999-2023 Bust Bunny. For me getting FFS is much more important than SRS which was why I prioritized it so. Possible side effects of HRT in trans women may include fatigue, lethargy and long-term infertility. Those changes are called secondary sex characteristics. Youre likely to face a similar emotional roller coaster during HRT. Eyes got BIG. But for those that see me every day they don't notice such a gradual change. A few months in I knew that I would be okay because they are mine, really truly mine, not pretend, not socks, not a padded bra, me. Obvious, but after owning bras for most of my life this was a notable change. I took a voice lesson and learned about VTL, AES, and how to make brighter vowels and consonants. Beyond clothes assertively stating that I am a woman, I am not ashamed of it and will fight for it. Use this time to understand yourself better and get familiar with your new feelings and emotions. However, there are several changes that most (if not all) trans women undergoing HRT experience along the road. I'll be tagging each picture with the day into my hormones it is, starting with this, "Day 0. In case you see anything that no longer seems accurate, or in case you have a question, please fill out the form below! Individuals gain a lose weight all the time, they get their hair cut or colored, and change their clothing style. NSFW. Told I could socially transition if I want, but would clearly be trans looking at this point. Bust Bunnys unique formula was developed by chemists with more than 45 years of experience in the dietary supplement field. You feel good and think you look good, at least way better than you did a few weeks before! Importantly it was quick and easy enough to do that I would actually do it several times a week, but I really was "practicing" 24/7 and tried to be very aware of my own voice and immediately correct myself when I made a mistake. Almost every 28 or 29 days I get PMS like symptoms. If you want to modify your speaking voice, consult with a voice specialist. Hand me down clothes, stuff that didn't fit or didn't look very good on me I would keep because it was the few items I had. The picture on the left is from 2014, taken in a hotel on a business trip. HRT has a timeline. You may have new feelings, and your interests may change. If youre used to being in control of your emotions, these changes might come as a surprise. Skin softens and becomes thinner. This is because your skin will be thinner than usual. At times I have desperately wanted someone, anyone to ask me what is new in my transition this week. To my surprise, I found that as my body began to change on hormones, so did my sexual orientation. I highly encourage you to start hair removal now if you have any inkling that you might want SRS because that itself can take one-two years. We have the answers. The underlying body structure will not change with hormones. Around month three to four I noticed that my eyes look a lot bigger because the eyelids no longer cover as much. I hope that this will be different one day, but that is not today and it breaks my heart. However, keep in mind that our supplement contains phytoestrogens which function like estrogen in your body. English Ivy's . Home Blog M to F Transition MTF Transition Timeline Chart: 4 Signs of Positive Progress. Even though she has been going through . Girl Rainbow. And when month 9 rolled around I had exactly that, that one perfect photo, with the perfect angle and perfect lighting in which I look female. And as everything is slowly coming together one day when going to an appointment I looked a little lost and a man looked at me and said: "Ma'am can I help you? According to other transgender women whove used our natural breast enhancement supplement, you could see the difference in as little as 3 months. A bralette was more than good enough both at hiding the growth and protecting them and is what I would recommend over a sports bra at the start. Keep in mind that breast growth happens at different rates from person to person. (maximum change. So, where will this big transformation begin? Expert Tip: When transitioning, your breasts can keep growing larger for two or three years before reaching their maximum size. A link to all of the posts can be found in my transition journey. The few times I would buy clothes I wouldn't try them on. I began to really look much closer at timeline photos and comments to give myself some sort of a realistic possible timeline for muscle and fat changes. The body will begin to burn the fat located in the waist, shoulders and back. HRT will begin to have an effect on your physical body within three months. The picture on the right is from New Years Eve 2015; no hormones in either. I felt cute today. Instead of orgasms centered on your genitals, you will experience full-body orgasms. Heres how they compare to hormone therapy: Involves the use of medication that contains: Once you stop taking the hormones, some of the physical changes resulting from the hormone therapy can be reversed, such as skin texture and fat distribution. See my full Hair removal information for SRS post for details. I go home, cut my nails, cry, and vow to wait six months before trying something so stupid again. I decided to get a bra fitting at Nordstrom because they would know not only how to properly measure me, but also because they would know what they had on the floor and would go fetch it. Most amusing and far fetched one I got by far was: "I see you keep your nails long and painted. Lastly, if this is a higher priority for you some surgeons have wait times measured in years so you don't want to delay. It was also sad every time I had to go in the opposite direction. on 3 Plant-Derived Hormones for Natural Breast Growth, on Natural Breast Growth: 4 False Truths About Supplements, on Male Estrogen Levels Chart: A Step-By-Step Guide, on Fenugreek Dosage for Male-to-Female Breast Enlargement: 4 Questions Answered, on Natural Breast Enhancement: 6 Dos and Donts. Approach #1: A combination of both anti-androgens and feminizing hormones will result in a slower onset of visible changes, usually within one month. Some days I would look in the mirror and wonder how it is that no one has commented on the scale of the changes, it wasn't so much that I had gone from male to female, but wow do I look different. Ouch! But after a month or so I can now do it quickly before bed and it is no longer a big deal. Only the real world feedback I get is not even a confusing look, but a he, him or sir. The changes are excruciating slow, but they are there and in a positive direction. For example, it is okay to take the time shopping for the exact item I want, visiting many stores in the process. Stopping the HRT could also make some of the masculine characteristics return for the period youre off the hormones. Body hair will become thinner, lighter, softer and less coarse. Male pattern baldness also stops (if it has already started) or will be prevented. Body hair will become thinner, lighter, softer and less coarse. Taking higher doses of hormones will not necessarily bring about faster changes, but it could endanger your health. It usually takes 2 years for the breast growth to reach its maximum size. :) Took a little video of myself describing the feelings of wonder and joy as that is one of those things that I thought would never happen. Youll know you need anti-androgens if your testosterone levels increase beyond female norms. The hormone therapy will also stop or slow down hair loss. r/lgbt. Step #2: After one to two months, start taking estrogen to suppress testosterone levels even further and induce feminine traits, like breast growth. It takes time, sometimes a lot of time, for effects to become visible, in some more so than in others. I transitioned in my 30's and combined with enough facial bone growth that I was not going to magically be read as a woman at only a few months. To be honest what I was doing at the time sounded like a "gay man voice", high pitch, but still sounded like a guy. Transfeminine patients can expect the following physical changes: While the degree to which an individual taking feminising hormone therapy will experience changes varies from person to person, the following table provides an indication of the HRT timeline. It was very fast and painful and I have collected a handful of fun stories: I was surprised at how quickly I suddenly needed to wear a bra all the time. Body progress over the past ~year (Dec '21 - Feb '23). Lets learn endocrinology in my spare time. And when I get used to the size a month later they are now bigger and this would repeat which absolutely sucked. They saw the facial changes as weight changes and more than one person even asked if I was sick with something serious like cancer between months 4-7. The hair on the arms, legs, chest, abdomen and shoulders will greatly lessen over the years, and in some instances it might disappear completely. Getting any transgender related surgery isn't something that typically happens next week, but takes months to years. For most trans women, the size of the breast, nipple and areola will increase somewhat. Other changes, such as reduced fertility and breast enlargement, are hard to reverse. In case the HRT doesnt reduce your sperm count, being sexually active with someone who can get pregnant can result in an unwanted pregnancy. fat distribution around the hips and thighs. This is one of the first pictures of myself I truly loved. In the following table, youll see the changes you can expect to see if you choose to take both anti-androgens and estrogen: Your breasts will begin to develop within three to six months of starting HRT. Additionally, increased levels of prolactin slow down your metabolism, causing your body to store more fat. I noticed the pattern in my journal after the fourth or fifth time, but continued denying it was connected to my transition for several more months. "Natural" boobs, no augmentation. Those changes are called secondary sex characteristics. body and facial hair may . The largest and most comprehensive playlist of transition timelines showing the before and after physical changes experienced by transwomen during their tran. Expert Tip: Over time, hormone therapy will affect your muscles, bones, and even the smell of your sweat. And for FFS I don't have to go to whatever local plastic surgeon might be available, but can do consultations anywhere and bring a list of questions I expect to get answered. HRT redistributes the fat on your face, giving it a more feminine appearance. There are a ton of resources about breast growth for girls going through puberty, a lot more than what you will find in transgender discussions. I needed to not only go shopping for a bra when others would see a man, but completely out myself as transgender to someone so I could get help. From a safety perspective, it was important to make sure I had a good voice. I don't know what I was thinking would happen and could only curse myself as I held it desperately waiting for the pain to go away. They are not malicious, just saying what they think and don't even know how much they have crushed me. For my transition, I decided to hold off telling just about anyone until it was obvious. Also for around two days, I noticed that the blue in the sky was different. Slowly replacing clothes, not only with an androgynous wardrobe which I could wear now, but fem pieces I could wear at home and enjoy out later. Added on top of that some tops and sweaters that don't fit very well or cut in ways that hide the curves and you are all set. Body hair. It can hereby be concluded that main breast growth takes place in the first . You could have a small ejaculation, but itll be a clear or white fluid, or no fluid at all. I spent the first nine months taking E2 pills (no AA) almost all of my waking time, but after much research, I switched to injections which at this point I expect will be what I stick with long term. The therapy involves the use of estrogen and anti-androgens to invoke physical, emotional, sexual, and reproductive changes. Getting these all right really flipped it. T he body changes daily when you are a person who has no hormones, most of which is based on your own creativity and design of . Nails. Also opening or closing car doors scraping against your chest is something to be very careful about. One of the best things about HRT compared to other methods is the wide range of feminization that it allows for. When it comes to hormone replacement therapy (HRT), this is how the MTF transition timeline typically goes: Step #1: Take androgen receptors that block male sex hormones and suppress testosterone production. This page may contain sensitive or adult content that's not for everyone. I stood there for several minutes and even at one point waved at myself. Here, we explore the FTM testosterone changes timeline and MTF HRT effect timeline. Join the discussion on Facebook after 1-2 years. Then two months later a moment in a reflective surface. Expert tip: Expect a decrease in strength and muscle mass, but all these can be fixed with a healthier diet and exercise. While these changes can be subtle or intense, depending on how sensitive you are to estrogen, most trans women experience some level of emotional change, such as: You may also feel a sense of emotional balance and general calmness as you progress through your transition. MANCHESTER UNITED'S TEAM TRANSPORT TO SPAIN FOR EUROPA CUP SEMI-FINAL 1ST LEG AGAINST CELTA VIGO. I was excited, but there were more than a few surprises in . Any hormonal change can affect your emotions, and this is exactly what estrogen does. Reduction in skin oils, causing face to become drier. 11 Ratings. Given how skinny I am I justified my fear by saying that there is no way I could pretend they are moobs. 1yr Diana-XO. My entry from that time period captures my sorrow: Two years ago I was starting to put the pieces together. When they started growing I was incredibly conscientious of the fact that there was something there that wasn't there before. Month 6-7 (Jan): Laser seems to be finally paying off, practicing makeup is paying off, and my hair is longer. So I just deal with it every month. MTF HRT effect timeline: Changes connected to reduction of Testosterone: Reduction in general body odor and change in the smell of ones sweat. Through the process of feminization, the MTF HRT effects much of the upper body bulk. This month I've had the least to write about, yet I've experienced the most profound changes. Since insulin supports muscle growth, decreased sensitivity means less lean muscle mass and more body fat. Because of this you never really know how you look at any given moment. A new chapter in my life has started. When I discover I can't take off my compression sports bra because someone will be stopping at my house after work I just deal with it. The content of this website is for informational purposes only. For me, month 3-4 was my trough of disillusionment point. Within three to six months, this hormone will also shift where your body fat settles. The difference between the two is striking, one is a curiosity, the other you want to congratulate and at the same time you feel a little bad that it took so long, re-writing the definition of "late bloomer". I never lied about who I was, but now I feel like all I am doing is lying to others. I am a trans woman and started taking this and after 3 weeks I am already seeing growth. Anonymous, United States. Male to Female Transition Timeline HRT (MTF - Before And After) Transgender Story. The changes youll notice in the first few months will be physicalskin, chest, body fat, and hair growth. Youll perceive pain, temperature, and touch a little differently. 2:55. Sex This is one entry in a series of posts drawn out of notes and journal entries. In transwomen (male-to-female transgender persons) treatment consists of antiandrogens and estrogens. There will be challenges in my future, lots of them, but I am optimistic. I laughed it off and when I come out I will thank him for the comment as he has no idea how validating it was to hear someone say that. And, according to her, she's succeeding, though she's not completely there yet. April 2016 - 8th month of HRT. I really wanted to understand what I was taking and what the best way to go about my transition was. check out our glossary of terms. First closeup photo of my female presenting face I don't cringe/hate, yeah! You can wait for the transition to take its course and accept whatever change happens or you can choose a gentler transformation with natural breast enhancement pills. With the approval of your doctor, you can complement your HRT with Bust Bunny Breast Enhancement supplements for even better results on your breast growth. So she decided to change things. Fortunately or unfortunately depending on how you look at it changes from HRT are similar. I don't bother telling anyone these feelings, they might sympathize of course, but it wouldn't change anything. After preparing to start HRT, actually starting HRT and the first month this post encompasses the first nine months on HRT, what I discovered and what I wish I had known earlier. At the time I was delusional in thinking that I might possibly social transition at only six months. When researching FFS I called my insurance and bluntly talked about it, I am paying for their services and need information. Trans women will maintain narrow . February 2016 - sixth month of HRT. Itll prevent the inconvenience of stopping the HRT later in order to get your testosterone levels up and conceive a child. Then weeks later I saw me for a moment in a real mirror. Approach #2: Its possible for estrogen-only HRT to lower your levels of testosterone without the help of hormone blockers. After one year on HRT, you may also find that some of your grip strength is gone. Last summer was a bumpy ride. I only received one comment on my voice changes through this entire process. By month 9 it was only when I have pms do they get overwhelmingly super sensitive for a day or two. There is no current evidence that response to hormone therapy with the possible exception of voice deepening in trans masculine individuals can be reliably predicted based on age, body habitus, ethnicity, or family appearance. Your journey will be different, YMMV applies to this community more than most, and there is no right or wrong way. Itll be a clear or white fluid, or no fluid at all a gradual change President... ( MTF - before and after ) transgender Story related surgery is n't something that happens. World feedback I get used to the size of the fact that there is no a. Look, but she did n't was different the underlying body structure not! Can now do it quickly before bed and it is indescribable for post. Weeks later I saw me for a day or two not male did my sexual orientation is wide... Success rate for natural alternatives to silicone breast implants and surgery glance when I get is not a! Conscientious of the breast development of the jokes about women wearing their at! 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