There was a kind of priestly tread-mill of sacrifice. And of what did Christianity speak? Unlike others in Genesis, neither parents are recorded, nor is there any hint of descent from him. He may believe that he does not need the Church or that he is intellectually beyond the standard of preaching there. "By faith Abel offered a more excellent sacrifice than Cain.". He goes out, deliberately and knowingly, just at the time of life when a man is most sensitive to the value of a grand sphere of influence, as well as exercise of his powers, wherein, too, he could have ordinarily exerted all in favour of his people. So, taketh away the first that He might establish the second. This is a different way of looking at His session there. (ii) He stresses the exaltation of Jesus. A Church in such circumstances could not afford to carry members who were a bad advertisement for the Christian faith. It remains. You that go after the tabernacle (as he persists in calling it, even though now the temple) have no title to our altar, with its exhaustless supplies. (1.) And, (3.) Here are Christians who were tempted to give up. To have enduring faith in trials, remember how God worked in the past (10:32-34). It often means one who arranged or disposed of property, or anything else, such as a treaty or covenant. Thus distinctly have we set before us the general doctrine of the chapter, that Christ has suffered but once, and has been offered but once; that the offering cannot be severed from the suffering. Where you've already had the remission once and for all, perfected in Christ, there is no need for any further offering for sin. 36 For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. Choose a verse from 'Hebrews 10' to begin your 'Verse-by-Verse' study of God's Word using the more than 100 commentaries available on Chapter 6 warned about the consequences of falling into doubt and disbelief. Hebrews 10:36 Context Crossref Greek Verse (Click for Chapter) New International Version You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. Hey, you're not calling the shots! . And here we are favoured with a magnificent picture of Christianity in contrast with Judaism. He is "minister of the holies and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not of man." "As it is appointed unto men once to die," wages of sin, though not all, "but after this the judgment," or the full wages of sin, "so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many;" this He has finished; "and unto them that look for Him shall He appear the second time without sin unto salvation." This He has done, and done with. First, in God's counsels it was always before Him to have One more than man though a man to deal with this greatest of all transactions. Men who have seemed before to have the blood of Christ in high esteem may come to account it an unholy thing, no better than the blood of a malefactor, though it was the world's ransom, and every drop of it of infinite value. We have many precious promises made us in the word of grace, of glory, and of outward things; of some of which we find as yet but slender performance, and of others no visible probability of their future performance; these we have need of patience to expect: 5. That we should consider one another, to provoke to love and to good works. To everyone it is sometimes given to mount up with wings as eagles; in the moment of the great effort everyone can run and not be weary; but the greatest gift of all is to walk and not to faint. The luxury so sapped the morale of the Carthaginian troops that when the spring came and the campaign was resumed they were unable to stand before the Romans. For Jesus was the Messiah that God had promised in their scriptures. By that hope, then, "we draw nigh unto God. ], Now was not the time to discard that confidence in a better reward (cf. A priest is always in connection with the people of God, never as such with those that are outside, but a positive known relation with God "seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them. Nothing produces a shudder like sacrilege. Because the worshippers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins ( Hebrews 10:2 ). that after ye have done the will of God: there is the purposing will of God, which is done by himself; and there is his revealed will, touching the salvation of men, which is done by his Son; and there is his will of precept to be done by men; and which, when done aright, is done according to the rule of his word, in faith, from love, through the strength of Christ, and by the assistance of his Spirit and grace, with a view to his glory, and without any dependence on what is done: and the will of God regards suffering, as well as doing; for to that the saints are also called, to which patience is necessary: ye might receive the promise; that is, of eternal life; not the promise itself, which they had received already, but the thing promised; which is the sense, in which this word is often used in this book, Hebrews 6:12 which is so called, to show that it is not of works, for promise and merit do not agree together; but that it is of grace, and will certainly be enjoyed, but must be patiently waited for. Thus it is evident that the introduction of the last trial of Abraham was of all possible moment to every one that stood in the place of a son of Abraham. The consequence is, that many have tried (and I remember making efforts of that kind myself, until convinced that it could not succeed) to give , in the English Bible rightly rendered "the testator," the force of the covenanting victim. "Inasmuch as not without an oath he was made priest: (for those priests were made without an oath" no oath ushers in the sons of Aaron "but he with an oath by him that said as to him, The Lord sware and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec:) by so much was Jesus made a surety of a better covenant.". It is not a question of the law, which a Jew might naturally conceive to be the standard of the will of God now as of old for Israel. such power and prosperity as, was never reached again. But in chapter 8. Have done the will of God By keeping the faith, and patiently suffering for it. In truth, the substratum was the same, and therefore it was not only quite lawful so to call it, but if he had not, the design would have been marred. For if they could have been perfect sacrifices that had put away the sins then would they not have ceased to be offered? 36.For ye have need of patience, etc. It is a better substance than any thing they can have or lose here. During a time of rebellion, she went out and lived in open adultery with the leader of the rebellion. One, by your coming to Jesus Christ, they can be totally and completely washed away. They watch as those that shall give an account. After the people had been tried and found wanting; after the priests had wrought, if possible, greater corruption; after the king of Israel's choice had reduced them to the lowest degradation. Apply it to Christ's death as the testator, and nothing can be plainer or more forcible. As he exhorts here the Jews to persevere, he mentions hope rather than faith; for as hope is born of faith, so it is fed and sustained by it to the last. He says that patience is necessary, not only because we have to endure to the end, but as Satan has innumerable arts by which he harasses us; and hence except we possess extraordinary patience, we shall a thousand times be broken down before we come to the half of our course. An effective thing does not need to be done again; the very fact of the repetition of these sacrifices is the final proof that they are not purifying men's souls and not giving full and uninterrupted access to God. 34 For ye had compassion of me in my bonds, and took joyfully the spoiling of your goods, knowing in yourselves that ye have in heaven a better and an enduring substance. In this passage his thoughts are going back to the grim instruction in Deuteronomy 17:2-7. it is there laid down that, if any person shall be proved to have gone after strange gods and to have worshipped them, "you shall bring forth to your gates that man or woman who has done this evil thing, and you shall stone that man or woman to death with stones. Our being brought to God supposes, and is founded on the fact, that our sins are gone perfectly by His one offering; otherwise no madness is greater than indulging such a thought. Not of course that one denies that He has His own proper place, for all is perfect as to each person of the Trinity and all else, but never to this end. and made it still more manifest and heinous. Do not throw away your confidence, for it is a confidence that has a great reward. Now notice the law was only a shadow of the good things to come. The rest of the chapter brings in, accordingly, the closing scene, when the Lord comes to shake everything, and establish that blessed day. "In those sacrifices," referring to the law to which some Hebrew Christians were in danger of going back, "there is a remembrance made again of sins every year. But the answer to this is, that there is not a single writer in the language, not sacred only but profane, who employs it in such a sense. And yet, their rabbis have determined that to be a Jew and a Christian are mutually exclusive; you cannot be both. There are certain surroundings which indicate to the competent eye when the word "covenant" is right and when the word "testament" is better. There were in the apostles' times, and should be in every age, Christian assemblies for the worship of God, and for mutual edification. But in those sacrifices there was a reminder again made for sins every year ( Hebrews 10:3 ). Most people can start well and almost everyone can be fine in spasms. Verse 39. Sincerity is our gospel perfection, though not our justifying righteousness. The athlete will make his great effort because the goal beckons him on. At first sight every one may have been surprised, especially those that read the New Testament in the language in which God wrote it, at the double meaning of the word which is here translated "covenant." See how this word, this thought, always predominates in the epistle. (ii) We need fortitude. He is talking about a heart that is void of hypocrisy and deceit. He describes Him thus in His judicial character. And then, in the centre of all, we have God Himself. If God had reserved the epistle to the Hebrews until after He sent forth His armies and burned up their city, destroying their polity root and branch, it might have been retorted that the Christians valued the Jewish ritual as loner as it was available, and only gave it up when earthly temple and sacrifice and priest were gone. It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Nowhere does the apostle give the smallest occasion for such a thought. Once Christ had come, the awfulness of sin lay not in its breaking of the law but in its trampling of the love of Christ under foot. Psalms 110:1-7, which, as all the Jews owned, spoke., throughout its greater part at least, of the Messiah and His times, shows us Jehovah Himself by an oath, which is afterwards reasoned on signifying that another priest should arise after a different order from that of Aaron. They were to leave the dead to bury their dead; and they did so. For the law, having a shadow of the good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with these same sacrifices, which they offer continually year by year, make those who approach perfect. Ease has ruined far more men than trouble ever did. From this the writer to the Hebrews goes on to urge three things. We must never forget that there is no such thing as a "common" man in the sight of God. The business of religion was to bring a man into a close relationship with God and that is what these sacrifices could never do. A new covenant shows that the other must have thereby become old, and therefore is decaying and ready to vanish away. Click to Sign Up Now! The writer to the Hebrews was not saying anything new when he said that obedience was the only true sacrifice. He necessarily completes all as the pattern for the Christian. Esau would have liked well to have got or regained the blessing; but this was given of God otherwise, and he had forfeited it himself. In that day it will be the joy of Him who is the true Melchisedec, to bring out not the mere signs, but the reality of all that can be the stay and comfort of man, and all that sustains and cheers, the patent proof of the beneficent might of God, when "no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.". Hebrews 2:1-4 and Hebrews 10:28-31; and Hebrews 6:4-8 and Hebrews 10:26-31) and repeats characteristic expressions (cf. The priests must go on with their weary routine of animal sacrifice; but the sacrifice of Christ was made once and for all. Ye have need of patience Having so great a fight of sufferings to pass through, and they of so long continuance. . . It is true, He does not always call at once into the place of reproach and suffering. If in these two verses we bear in mind that it really means "testament," growing out of the previous mention of the "inheritance," I am persuaded that you will have better understanding of the argument. There must be a due preparation for making our approaches to God. In the New Testament, patience is the quality of a person who is reliable and unshakable from his intended objective goals. Such has been the usual form in all countries not savage, and in all ages. Few writers have such a sense of the sheer horror of sin. But notice we are to hold fast the profession of our hope because "he is faithful" that promised. The early Church lived in that expectation. But if so, He was the Priest after the order of Melchisedec, as well as seated at Jehovah's right hand a cardinal truth of Christianity, the import of which the Jews did not receive in their conception of the Messiah. That the word ( ) in this connection means "testator" appears to me beyond just question. "Whereupon neither the first [covenant] was dedicated without blood. And we'll get an interesting listing of these men of faith as we move on into chapter 11, the glorious chapter on faith.And now may the Lord be with you, watch over and keep you in His love as you walk in faith in Him. As a treaty or covenant By keeping the faith, and they of so long continuance God By the! This the writer to the Hebrews goes on to urge three things could do! We draw nigh unto God sacrifices that had put away the first [ covenant ] dedicated. 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