Harry had realised before he left his 5th of Hogwarts that the only person who had never lied to him was the Dark Lord Voldemort himself, and that worried Harry quite a bit. . Chapter 23 - Wedding and Bonding (Part 2). 17. Lemons SMUT Harry/Multi. 3. "However, as I am not in charge of the Slytherin Vaults I must take my leave of you.". All hope seems to be lostthat is, until he gets a cellmate. Seventeen years ago Hadrian's aunt and Da were visiting each other when they were killed by the 'Dark Lord'. "Ah hello, young Heir I hope you take your role in our family more seriously than your immediate predecessor did," a slim man in a dark green robe said smiling as he leaned on a short cane. Breaking Free and Putting on a Show They're even more shocked when he's Sorted into Slytherin. Language: English Words: 44,379 Chapters: 15 /? Will he get through it? Percy was a little but ruffled. His last thoughts before drifting to sleep was if those he thought were his parent's, really were his parents. Not hard at all. Harry doesn't have friends. A cellmate who happens to be the uncle of Lord Voldemort himself. Harry learns that everything he knows is a li Harry had lived an awful life so far first his abusive relatives then this huge man comes in and tells him he is actually a wizard and he will be attending a school where he will be taught how to use magic. They would pay for their betrayal. Having arrived at Diagon Alley just last night, after he had run away from home after blown up his Aunt Marge, Harry had decided to head to Gringotts to take the test. What will they do? Harry looked over at the stairs to see Ginny weasley. In where there is a lot of significance on the number 3, a picnic, a ritual, and 3 people in the endas it was always meant be. How will Harry react to this newly found knowledge?!?! All his life he has been lied to and forced to become someone he isn't. His fate lies in the hands of a woman who hates his very existence. Years later while on a business trip to Gotham city the Dursleys meet their end to the Scarecrow, who takes Harry and raises him like a son. . "Oh no, Mrs. Norris! All they really cared for was his money! One of the recently-repaired spindly instruments went crashing to the floor. There Harry Potter goes through a creature inheritance and finds out that he isn't Harry Potter at all but Hadrian Riddle, the stol *ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO J.K. ROWLING I OWN NOTHING BUT THE PLOT* His mother's relatives never wanted him in the first place, and especially nothing to do with magic, so he was relegated to a dusty cupboard and mostly forgotten about except when Vernon or Petunia felt like spewing some vitriol at him. One day while shopping in Diagon Alley, Harry discovers something that will change his life forever. Seething with anger at all the betrayal that had been done to him Harry fell unconscious to go through the cleansing. Family Rings and Loopholes This is Aaron Taylor-Johnson from Nowhere Boy. Inspired by There Be Dragons, Harry and The Soul's Scream. Stripping him of his Harry Potter is actually Hadrian James Riddle Gaunt, the son of Tom Marvollo Riddle Gaunt and James Potter-Riddle Gaunt. Vernon would order him around a lot andwould often lock Harry up in the cupboard under the stairs for days on end and notgive him anyfood, recently it was a small bedroom he had been given when he went to Hogwarts. Harry Potter is through with Dumbledore and his lies, so he does what the light considers unthinkable. In which magic is sentient, vows are never meant to be broken, love isnt a frivolous pursuit, and alliances can shelter or destroy. However I do own the plot of the story. Theres nothing quite like making out with your mirror image, tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (57), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (2), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin (1), Harry Potter/Fred Weasley/George Weasley (11), Hermione Granger/Harry Potter/Ron Weasley (6), Seamus Finnigan/Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter/Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter/Fred Weasley/George Weasley/Oliver Wood, Arthur Weasley/Fred Weasley/George Weasley, Bill Weasley/Ron Weasley/ Roxanne Weasley, B. J. Hunnicutt/Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce, Ardeth Bay/Evy Carnahan O'Connell/Rick O'Connell, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, HP Halloween Double Drabble Exchange 2022, Established Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley - Relationship, Unrequited Harry Potter/Ron Weasley - Relationship, Fred Weasley/George Weasley/Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley/Molly Weasley/Ron Weasley, Dead Dove: Do Not Enter Discord Sketch Prompts. "Hello Heir Slytherin I am Bonecrusher your Account Manager I have been told that you have had quite a bit of money taken from you I assume you would like my help getting it back," the Goblin said taking the seat that had been vacated by Fangtooth. After Harry, Hermione, and the Weasleys are reunited at the Leaky Cauldron, Molly sees her chance to get some "alone time" with Harry. He had walked for a long time, a long way to return to his twin. And touching turns to something neither twin will ever forget. From the eyes of the Watcher No esta terminada, quiero ver si la aceptan, queda en ustedes si la publico o no, Tell me again to release you, Granger.Tell me again that you just want to be friends.. Refusing to believe him they sent him to Azkaban. 24. Based on There Be Dragons, Harry by Scioneeris and The Soul's Scream by Cheyla. It has now selected Draco Malfoy's future wife. Blood Traitors and the Slytherin Alarm System "Don't mention it Heir Slytherin may the blood of your enemies floo like rivers at your passing," Fangtooth said. Harry nunca pensara muito sobre o real significado da palavra renascimento at que a desgraa caiu sobre ele e nada mais restou para alm de um profundo silncio obscuro. SORRY IM TERRIBLE AT DESCRIPTIONS JUST GOT TO WAIT AND READ!!! Una idea loca, que sera una serie donde se relatar cada ao pero siendo Severus hijo de Voldemort y teniendo un hijo y hermana. Bonecrusher just leaned forward and spoke some words that Harry assumed were his species language before he felt his Glamor return on his body. In a different world where Harry Potter saw the deaths of Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini at the hands of their own parents, felt their loss within his soul, and then went on to seclude himself within Grimmauld Place and read about the very thing that used to hold them in eachother's sights at all times, he also unraveled the darkness of the Light, Dumbledore's plans for him, and the betreyals of the people he trusted. #14 lord After leaving the Wizarding world after finding out the betrayal, he moves to Alatnta and there he meets a guy name Glenn Rhee who is his mate and then the zombie Apolocypse happens while he's there. Harry Potter thought life in Hogwarts would have to be better than with the Dursleys and, to be fair, it was - except for his dormmates. Over the course of a Gringotts visit, everything gets 10 times more complicated and shocking, but Harry, who is really someone else entirely, has a chance to reunite with the family he never got the chance to know. I didn't mean for it to go this way I swear! Will Harry ever know what it is like to live in a loving home, a place where he's wanted? Harry followed what he assumed to be a Healer Goblin to an ornately carved door and pushed who pushed it aside to reveal a well-dressed Goblin behind a desk with four rings, one black, one gold, one silver, and the last one an emerald one. Dumbledore and the Hogwarts staff decide that they dont want to teach magic anymore and simply want day after day of mouthwatering sex. Hadrian Potter is sick of playing the Golden Boy, the Boy-Who-Lived, Albus Dumbledore's little Light pawn. Harry Potter) Discontinued, Harry X Draco (Drarry) fanfic // {Betrayal} - Slow updates, Born with the blood of the devil (A Harry Potter fanfiction), Hadrian Salazar Riddle - A Harry Potter Fanfiction. Free period relaxation. She was just tired. 12. Al regreso de su verano para iniciar su quinto ao, Hermione se da cuenta que las cosas estn cambiando, que lo que crea no era real y que su confianza se vuelca en otras personas. He got of the floor as quick as he could, wobbling a bit when he stood up, and walked to the large mirror in the corner, where he was given another shock. Ron!" But when his ex-friends arrive will he come to there rescue, or will he leave to . Years later the massively wealthy Count of Montefeltro arrives to shake things up. WARNINGS!! --- TRIGGER WARNING ---Self-harm, underage smoking, suicidal ideation/tendencies, eating disorders, bullying, discrimination, sexual assault/rape, and panic attacks. How would you like to come face to face with your younger sibling? Or, in which there is a very fine line between sacrifice and self-slaughter (he toes it every day of his life). (NO HBP) His family taught him to survive and to wear a mask. For centuries, a magical tapestry had predicated the marriages of the Malfoy family. Harriet Potter was at home (aka the dursleys) she was in her room waiting for tomorrow to leave. Harry Potter Has PTSD Harry Potter Has Nightmares accidental self injury Emotional Hurt Emotional Hurt/Comfort Luna Lovegood Being Luna Lovegood Seer Luna Lovegood Bill Weasley was excited to marry Fleur. Ardeth/Evelyn/Rick (The Mummy). After being attacked, the Weasley men find themselves impotent and unable to satisfy the requirements of their marriage bonds. Please Ginny just once, Fine but Mom or Dad sees us its all on you, Fred stop! All sexual situations will be gay. Harry's world changes during potions class. Please consider turning it on! The Wizarding World is a darkfic Pornotopia. But what happens when they take him to the Goblins to be healed? The fact that she died and came back. Harry Potter/Molly Weasley (81) Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley (41) Hermione Granger/Harry . First, all troll comments will be deleted without a single second of thought. Harry guessing this was the representative of the Peverell family. The only one that they had not seemed to mind him spending time with, other than themselves had been Neville, but while there had been nothing on Neville in his results the pairs seeming alright with the other boy raised some flags. Still in active progress. Harry has a gene thought to be lost forever. Betrayed by his friends and professors he leaves to go to another Magical School in France. Harry goes through a Creature Inheritance and learns that he has become what the Light hate: A Dark Creature. With the help of the goblins, Harry goes back in time to 1940. AU. But he was lied to by the man he trusted most. With the Weasley boys and Harry out to Egypt; Molly, Ginny and Hermione can finally have some girl time. A few letters change everything. One night he goes through a change, then things happen. However inside his mind he was still in a lot of pain, it was like there was poison or venom running through his veins killing everything along the way. A very naked Ginny Weasley was doing all sorts of kind and pleasant things to him. A Creature Inheritance was something that happened when a Magical person hit the age of 16, if a witch or wizard has Creature blood inside of them then that side would be awakened at this age. Harry can't believe any adult figure could ever love him. He had gone in to take the test his second day in the alley which seemed to make the Goblins happy as they told him they had been trying to reach him for the last two years but each of their letters to have been returned unopened. A disgruntled Mage. The grave Dumbledore has been digging has suddenly closed in on him. Well, that wasnt entirely true. Remus finds Harry giggling with the Twins and learns some of his cubs history. Climbing to his feet he walked over to the mirror and gasp at seeing his normally black rat nest hair now a deeper red than any of the Weasleys and now hung smoothly down to his shoulders. There he finds out the truth of his existence. All chapters have sexual content. This time he felt nothing at all but still passed out. Not even the leader of the Order of Fried Chickens himself. Harry Potter goes through a creature inheritance, finding out most of his friends and people he thought loved him betrayed him, only few stand beside him in the shadows of everyone, where he goes back in time to stop Dumbledore from destroying the world, this time the dark will win. Other than the anger he was still filled with Harry felt lighter and more powerful than he ever felt before. There was a downside to living with this family: they hated magic. DO NOT READ IF YOU DONT LIKE MY PAIRI During the summer after the events of The Order of The Phoenix, but before the events of the Half-Blood Prince, Harry Potter must travel to the Ministry of Magic for the reading of Sirius Orion Black's Will, however there some secrets are discovered regarding Harry Potters bloodlines and his world will never be the sa Harry goes through an inheritance. Rather than needles this time it felt like his finger was being bitted off as he once more lost conciseness. Questions about Potter sanity arose after the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Draco and Harry time travel back to a little bit before their first year. I did not create most of the characters nor did I create the Wizarding World by JK Rowling. He finds out that he has been soul bonded to Ginny Weasley. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. 21. His dream self reached to cup her dream breasts and they felt odd. Competitiveness and Anger, two troublesome emotions made Lily Potter take a step too far into the path of immorality. "Welcome Heir Potter I am the Account Manager of the Potter Family, Fangtooth. The wizarding population is dwindling, and Magic has decided to take matters into her own hands. Harry was not sure about this ring even if it was his last chance not wanting to be associated with the blood supremacist. 16 was a big birthday in the Wizarding Community, if a person held Inheritances then they would be getting them the minute they turned 16. 27. The raven tried to stand up "No! The only people he cared about was Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Bill Weasley, Fred and George Weasley, Charlie Weasley (though he hasn't really met the man), Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Dean Thomas,Seamus Finniganand Oliver Wood. una Joven Molly se enamora de Harrison Prevell quien no sabe que hacer con sus recientes nuevos sentimientos. He could see perfectly and he knew that he was not wearing his glasses, he could also hear very well including the snores coming from the other two bedroom's around him. Harry Potter was mistreated in his childhood. Harry didn't know what he was for certain but he had a feeling he was a Vampire based on what he was looking at and he couldn't help but feel slightly relieved. He is loyal guy, and would help anyone who needed it, but never would expect loyalty, or favors to be returned. Only to find out that what they had done caused even more harm they could imagine. Dumble's "Defense" By Kinsfire. This time Dumbledore's manipulations and the Weasleys' love potioning won't happen, rest assured. Harry doesn't realize that being taken under the Weasleys' wings means giving up his freedom in return. The ghost of a smirk touched his brothers lips. You want to lead my family get my sword back and gain some allies which can help you stand against your foes," Godric said as he smacks Harry waking him back up. Harry decided that he would leave for Gringott's in a couple of hours, he needed to know more about what he was and that could lead him to who he could trust. Shika Potter lost all hope in England and the Wizard World the moment she saw the truth staring back at her with emerald green eyes. But neither is the dark. RON WEASLEY- BETRAYED HARRY This one is the biggest bummer out of all the people who had betrayed the boy who lived because Ron Weasley is supposed to be his best friend. Harry comes into a surprised creature inheritance on the night of his 14th birthday. What if Harry had given a soulscream in the graveyard in at the end of his fourth year? Minerva McGonagall and the Grangers rescue Harry from the Dursleys and as Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, with advanced magical skill, knowledge of Dumbledore's and Voldemort's plans and his soulmate on his side a whole new life can begin. Having heard about Inheritance Test he decided to take one only learns about the betrayals from his friends. "I cried the night we married, because . To his surprise, this isn't remotely the first time he had died, but to finally fulfil his destiny this time he will be sent back with his memories and some additional preparation thanks to some long dead people like the founders and a few of his ancestors. Personas que nunca pens que le daran la mano. "He's serious, Cho," Hermione said. It started when Ron came to him at his lowest. "Wow, the teaching at the school has gone downhill since we started it," Harry heard Salazar mutter to himself. Third, there is a basic mind control spell which if used makes the person it is used on becoming the caster's puppet known as the Imperius Curse, and only by having a strong will and some great luck can this spell be stopped. Aragorn/Legolas (Lord of the Rings)Chapter 4 - Adrian Veidt tries to convince Dan Dreiberg to join his cause. that can drive someone insane if it is used long enough called the Cruciatus Curse. He's straight away taken from the Dursleys by Remus and Sirius. What the headmaster didn't take into account was Harry's knack for survival. She is happy, starting a new job at the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and becoming the witch she was always meant to be. "Why the hell didn't you stop this?" he demanded of Dumbledore, slamming the rolled up Prophet onto the headmaster's desk. "Thank you, Master Bonecrusher, that is all I needed," Harry said and slowly got out of his chair in case the Goblin had anything to add before he left the room. Where Harry gets to fuck and impregnate everybody, everybody fucks everybody, and it's all for a good cause or Magic is just a pervert. His loved ones we're dead and he had no one to live for. Harry comes into his inheritance during an outing with Teddy. Some Truths Comes out. What begins as them watching Ginny quickly turns into touching. Snape hates him on principle and rejects him and wants nothing to do with him (or does he?). He was solider; lost his family in the war, and everyone else he considered family or friends betrayed him. and maybe some futa. Rating: T Harry Potter and the Prince of Slytherin by The Sinister Man - At over one million words and 132 chapters, the story follows a Harry Potter who was 1979/1980) was a witch in Harry Potter's year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry org by its . His creature status changes everything, and secrets start to slip. Harry, Fred, and George can't move a foot away from each other after they mess up a prankthey didn't realize that their accident would end up affecting the war in any way. 4. Quinn is overworking himself at the clinic, he's missing out on everything including Harry's secret. Crying by himself, he was found by the Weasley twins. Surprises, secrets, lies and truths will unfold. "What!?" Once the they got that, they began to torture him. When Ron turns on Hermione, she knows theres only one person who can help her. *1 I just needed a second male to be Harry's Godfather so it is just a dead NPC. Diverges from canon after Voldemort's defeat. For all intents and purposes she technically had meant to have sex with Draco Malfoy. Harry was their personal slave. Who cares?. So were on a first-name basis now?, He shrugged. Harry makes the choice that's safest. What happens when he shed his former self and becomes someone new? The only way to describe it was that he worshipped me when he made me his wife in fact as well as in law." A decision that really does define "life or death". 19. Having arrived at Diagon Alley just last night, after he had run away from home after blown up his Aunt Marge, Harry had decided to head to Gringotts to take the test. Dark Harry. Harry Potter has been betrayed, abused and controlled all his life but he finally finds someone to rescue him from Dumbledore and all who don't have his best interests. He was hers, and the fear that she might not be his in return shook him to his core. He was definitely taller then when he last looked at himself, he was now over 6 foot tall, his tanned skin had now gone a deathly pale colour that almost looked translucent, he could see muscles under his arms and his chest was no longer as flat as he remembered it. Um jovem destinado ao topo do mundo. He held the flap to the tent open so she could easily fly outside and hunt for her breakfast. Based more on the books instead of the movies. The last one's status has been changed from my day but it is a spell which akin to the Imperius Curse, but rather than make someone a puppet changes their personality to make them fall in love with someone known and is Know as Eros Blade. 26. Strong hands grabbed him by his shoulders and held him tightly before being apparated. #478. Sirius is done being pushed around and decides to step up and be the godfather James would have wanted him to be. Hedwig trilled a good morning to him from her perch. A fanfiction in which Harry Potter writes down all the people he wants to beat his ass and finds a way to get them too. But what else can she do when the fates have made their decision. Hogwarts was where he considered home, or used to. Harry Potter and the Ultimate Betrayal Chapter 1 Changing Sides "I've come to a decision." Harry said, as he opened the door to the Order meeting he had just interrupted. Where Harry gets to fuck and impregnate everybody, everybody fucks everybody, and it's all for a good cause or Magic is just a pervert. Harry goes through a Creature Inheritance and learns that he has become what the Light hate: A Dark Creature. Harry Potter is not what we expect. "To think my family line came to this," a tall skinny man said. Hadriana has perfected the act of hiding from the world. 29. Another Heir Work Search: Harry Potter learns in his 4th year that the ones he trusted most never actually cared and had hoped he would of died from Quirrell in his first year or from the basilisk in second year or any other time he had almost been killed in the last few years. Back at Ollivanders with Hagrid, Harry starts changing things rapidly, especially since he ran into his soulmate - Hermione. But he was found by the 'Dark Lord ' Harry react to this, '' tall... Married, because in which there is a very fine line between sacrifice and self-slaughter ( he toes every. 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