Lets begin with Pauls first letter to the Corinthians itself. Since then, the Christian right has been trying to do away with Smith in order to win ever-broader exemptions from laws that apply to everyone else. The decision could affect everything from traffic laws to racial discrimination. AMERICAN BAPTIST CHURCHES USA. Do mandatory vaccinations violate human rights? Regardless, the theological principles here do not support those seeking exemptions. Fax: (615) 242-0065, 505 Second St., N.E. What have your pastors said? Larry, as much as I love this interaction, can we consolidate this discussion to onethread? The Liberty Counsel is a Christian legal ministry. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's. . The thinking is that something is better thannothing. Also, whataboutism continues with arguments like, more people would get the vaccine if Biden didnt let thousands of unvaccinated migrants enter the country. I think the frustration that is out there, and maybe it isnt directed at this individual, is the lies that are posted out there and the ignorance that people have in trying to discern truth. What is said in 1 Corinthians 3:16 of the saints in general, is here said of their bodies in particular. People with religious exemptions are not just looking for excuses, people get these exemptions because . First, Pauls remarks about the body as a temple were directed to the Corinthian church as a body, as a wholethe you are Gods temple is plural! They do not contain any tissue from a fetus. Therefore it is not an equal protection clauseissue. Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making his appeal through us. My response is that if someone claims that her Christian faith as informed by Scripture doesnt allow her to get vaccinated, then she does need to demonstrate how / why Scripture demands that conclusion (if she wants to be taken seriously by other Christians). The faith community does not hold authority over a persons beliefs. The Bible calls the human body "a temple of the Holy Spirit." The New Testament makes multiple references likening the human body to a temple. Those statements were made by people (Jesus, Paul) who spoke and/or wrote under infallible and inerrant direction and filling of the Spirit. Courts have consistently rejected religious exemption requests premised on moral values common to all religions (not to mention nonreligious worldviews). If you're heartsick over racial injustice. The personal autonomy objection turns not on the assertion that being vaccinated violates ones religious beliefs, but rather on the assertion that being required to be vaccinated violates ones beliefs. In fact, the 22% refusal rate was among the highest of any demographic group the foundation measured. . The Holy Spirit, in regeneration and sanctification, when he begins the good work of grace on a man, takes possession of his whole person, soul and body, and dwells therein as in his temple. At the same time, if our theological beliefs are sacred, then we should be unwilling to let people twist them for political or legal purposes. Chip Ellis, who protested the vaccine mandate at the Stennis Space Center in Mississippi, told The Sun Herald that belief is in part why he submitted a request for a religious exemption. The protests in Venezuela show a broad movement of people who are reaching the end of their tether amid inequality. If anyone destroys Gods temple, God will destroy that person (3:16-17). Paul warns the Corinthians not to deceive themselves, but to have true wisdom (1 Corinthians3:18). This verse (1021) was written by Moses to warn God's people to stay away from some prohibited religious practices. And it reflects differently on a population than reality does. But others will not, and their prudential judgement still follows the religious teaching of the Catholic Faith. Religious Exemptions. I understand I dont have *every* fact at my disposal, but I try to make as good a calculation as I can and stick by it, until or unless I see evidence that makes me reevaluate it. She quoted a passage from the New Testament: Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit.[1], The Louisiana Attorney General provides a sample exemption letter with an identical objection. And that was challenged when they mandated that all health care . What does this mean? If a Christian is going to feel dirty by being vaccinated, thats the one toavoid. , The percentage of white evangelicals who say they have been vaccinated or plan to get the shot as soon as possible was 56% in June, up from 45% in March (WSJ https://www.wsj.com/articles/white-evangelicals-resist-covid-19-vaccine). Instead, data suggests that refusing vaccination risks severe illness and possibly death. The Senate Judiciary Committee will meet Tuesday to discuss a joint resolution to finally affirm the amendment. You should then print the exemption form to complete the required information and to sign the form. With these goals in mind, in . In its most robust form, such an exemption might rely on a provision within a churchs confessional statement explicitly forbidding vaccines or other medical interventions. Jesuss body was made impure by his crucifixion in fact, thats a considerable part of the point. Perhaps you have a more sophisticated form of this objection. Vaccines to me are unclean. American Baptist Churches USA (ABCUSA) is proud to be a founding member of the national volunteer COVID-19 Community Corps, which encourages people to get a COVID-19 vaccination as soon as it is available to them. With that said, many people might be surprised at the number of drugs that are in the marketplace that we have no clarity around what makes them work. What foolishness. I know that people are concerned about what they put into the body. But a vaccine that does not reside in the body, has a significant statistical advantage, has had 20 years of testing, the biochemical functions are well understood and can be studied in real living people, are extremely safe, are manufactured in controlled environments regulated by laws and has been distributed to almost 50% of the worlds population is considered quackscience. Could there be a point that vaccines are a gift of God? Nonetheless, the question I would like to consider is whether a vaccine could, in theory, go against Pauls exhortation in this passage. News organizations expressed concern that Carlson would use the tapes to push an "ideologically-based narrative.". This is a well-meaning but sad argument. The Corinthians have been drawing lines of separation based on who brought them to the faith. Displaying all articles. The Awaken Church lists this as the most notably significant reason why the acceptance of these vaccines would be considered sinful.. a. If you loathe COVID vaccine mandatesas many dothen engage in public advocacy, use politics, and vote with your feet. What were doing (using we loosely here) is increasing our rapidly secularizing societys aversion to Christianity even as we win court battles here and there. "Everything is from God, who has reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation. If you are part of the Christian Science Church (which, despite its name, is most certainly not a part of historic Christian orthodoxy), you do not. The logic is that receiving one of the COVID vaccines renders a person complicit in abortion because each of the vaccines was developed using fetal cell lines that might possibly be traced back to an aborted human life. I think it is 44% of white evangelicals have stated that they will not get thevaccine. But religious freedom is distorted and in the long run can be imperiled when it is stretched to cover claims of individual liberty that do not have a religious basis. In some cases its deception but, in many cases, its a lack of education. To be clear: Im not arguing Christians should be vaccinated, or that Christians should necessarily acquiesce to employer vaccine mandates. 15. This kind of bible interpretation can justify anything, and itsdangerous. These deficient exemption requests tend to fall into three categories of objections: personal autonomy, my body is a temple, or abortion complicity. Why not? The personal convictions carried by people who attend Awaken church are very real,. Essentially we are hoping they have an impact and the side effects are not too bad, because in general CNS drugs dont have great side effects. Very clearly the Torah says choose life." City Moving Slowly The Amish or Jehovahs Witness are examples. They may feel the policy unnecessarily overreaching or discriminatory, or perhaps presumptuous and hasty. AstraZeneca, Johson & Johnson, and others used HEK293 cells during both development and testing, but they are not used duringproduction. Therefore, we can claim and live in all the promises of the Bible which he, by the power of the Holy Spirit, inspired men to write (II Timothy 3:16,17). While the case received little attention outside of the legal world, it marked the culmination of more than 30 years of legal strategy by Christian conservatives who have sought ever-broader leeway to flout the law. The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics helps Christians show unbelievers the truth, goodness, and beauty of the gospel as the only hope that fulfills our deepest longings. His views dont necessarily represent those of his employers. Rather, the drivers for evangelical resistance are nonreligious and are rooted in deep-seated suspicion of government and vulnerability tomisinformation. (USNews https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2021-08-10/white-evang). You may object and cite an abortion connection, freedom of conscience, and the like. So the Jews (o) call the body of a righteous man the habitation of the Holy Spirit. So, you and your family are going to risk unnecessary hospitalization and death because Juan Pablo crossed the border without getting a vaccine? Freedom of religion plays an important role in our society, but it is always in danger of being abused and misused. Statement of Religious Exemption. Jackie Gale has never had a single vaccination because she believes that the Bible . I was recently prescribed a statin after a recent exam, for high (though not ridiculous) LDL, and Im still trying to decide whether I want to start that medication or not. Paul is repeating a central theme of the New Testament, which is that the purity laws found in the Torah no longer hold for those who are in Christ, because he has fulfilled them (Matthew 5:17). A church in California that has a history of defying pandemic lockdown orders is offering religious exemption letters for people opposed to being vaccinated against COVID-19. He's had, you know, reduced breathing capabilities since then, Kirschner said. As an ordained pastor of (Name of Church), I am writing to affirm (name of individual) sincerely held religious objection to any voluntary or mandatory Covid-19 . He is a supervisor in Theology and Religious Studies in the Cambridge Divinity Faculty, and he teaches courses for Ridley Hall and the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion. Subject: Religious Exemption To Whom It May Concern: I, Yesenia Fuentes, as the parent of David Santos and Daniel Fuentes am exercising my right under the . This is a violation of the Third Commandment. Now it is most abominably scandalous and shameful that that body, which is the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, which is sacred to him as a temple, should be defiled by the sin of fornication: it isadded. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. It read, inpart: Accordingly I believe, pursuant to my Christian faith, that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. To justify divorce in unwarranted circumstances, sexual immorality, sexual confusion, gender identity, and the like. It is a God-given responsibility and requirement for me to protect the physical integrity of my Body against unclean food and injections.[3]. Contact Us Email us Church Info Center: 888-843-5267 Staff Switchboard: 800-248-1930 Donor Care Line: 888-930-4438 1333 S. Kirkwood Road, St. Louis, MO 63122-7226 Anthony Fauci, top medical adviser to President Joe Biden, said religious exemptions are "something we should look at." "If there is a legitimate religious exemption, fine. If that is their only source of news and everything else is tainted, than it becomes quick to understand why there is so muchmisinformation. Christianity is not a subjective religion with scripture that shape-shifts according to taste, like an Etch-a-Sketch. It means that a simple data point was overlooked, surely not intentionally, but even unintentionally it left an impression that isnt true. I want to do something, so I use God as a blank check, and I get my free pass. So, he is not referring to you as an individual at all. One little-noticed Supreme Court ruling upended decades of precedent. But these cell lines were isolated from two fetuses from the Netherlands in 1973 and 1985 and then replicated over decades, and are commonly used to create and test other medications as well. Affiliate disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases on Amazon.com. As iron sharpens iron, It is worth repeating that there is no reason to think that receiving a COVID-19 vaccine involves bodily sacrifice. Thats one reason why I go out of my way to keep the amount of any kind of medicine I take to an absolutely minimum. Employers must grant the religious accommodation request so long as doing so does not pose an undue burden to the employer, either economic or non-economic. Photo by Jay Yoo, Copyright 2023 NBCUniversal Media, LLC. You get it. "Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father." 1 Timothy 5:1. Writing religious exemption letters would be the truly pastoral approach. As I have prayed about what I should do, the Holy Spirit has moved on my heart and conscience that I must not accept the COVID shot. They make this argument for a variety of reasons. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of federally protected classes, including religion, and provides that applicable employers must provide a religious accommodation to an employee who holds a sincerely held religious belief, practice, or observance against a workplace requirement. I would never sign off on someones religiousconvictions. The answer, it would seem, is that there is a long-standing precedent for exempting religious communities from government mandates, so people have reached for religious exemption as a ready-made solution for their fears. But weve also seen Christian right firms advocating for a broader range of conservative policies.. Kirschner and others have concerns that people may try to misuse religious exemptions to avoid employer and government vaccine mandates, exposing loved ones to the virus. Thus, a strong religious exemption would be based on recognized scriptural precept or a particular church or traditions confession or teaching. On a Friday evening in April, the Supreme Court quietly issued a short decision that opened the floodgates for religious entities to claim an exemption from just about any law. One common refrain among those seeking exemption from vaccination is the assertion, My body is a temple. The idea that she apparently didnt consult her faith community about the veracity of her religious objection is completely off base. In the context of vaccinations, this certainly includes seeking counsel, acknowledging the mounting evidence to the safety of vaccines, and contemplating the risks in refusing them, not only to oneself but also to ones neighbor. And while each person is free to live according to their sincerely held beliefs, Christians, in particular, should consider the call of Christ when weighing our decisions. I would not say that they are unable to process the data out there. But, this woman isnt you. Paul follows this with fitting words for our time: So let no one boast about human leaders (3:21). Thats the case here: Pauls admonition to the Corinthians is being invoked to put a religious spin on a ubiquitous concern for personal health. In most cases, meds are not new to the user as the vaccines are. In the third chapter, Paul addresses the elephant in the room. Religious entities have, the report concludes, won the right to exercise discrimination on steroids., Freed from the baggage of the culture war, conservative Christian groups managed to achieve unprecedented legal wins in the COVID cases without triggering a dramatic backlash, the authors of the report write. Setting aside the exegetical issues with this objection, it simply isnt enough to merit a religious exemption under our existing legal framework. 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