A Culver City resident of 13 years, Fisch is competing with businessman Albert Vera, bankruptcy attorney Marcus Tiggs and activist Daniel Lee for two city council seats. Dear Editor, At the Culver City Democratic Club candidate forum on June, 29, 2022, candidates were asked the following question: "How will you address the housing and homelessness crisis?" Among other statements, Councilmember Alex Fisch, who is running for re-election made the following comment: "Marching people off to concentration camps in. The hateful mailers, the hypocrisy, the mendacity, and the infusion of nearly half a million dollars from a single corporate developer is a nightmare for our local democratic process and its a disastrous precedent for elections moving forward. Any attempt to soft-peddle this inexcusable statement minimizes the death and suffering of the Nazis victims., The Common Sense Culver City Political Action Committee similarly wrote on their website that by equating law enforcement-first solutions with Nazis and Internment officers, Alex Fisch not only demonizes the police, he cheapens the atrocities committed against those murdered and interred. The PAC also argued that the concentration camp analogy is harmful to people experiencing homelessness and those trying to help them. To the Editor: Alex Fisch did NOT compare the homeless to Jewish Holocaust victims. 12/14/2020 - 12/09/2024. We need to work with our entire region to address the housing shortage which, when amplified in city after city over the entire metro area, is intimately tied to rising homelessness. These are outright deflections meant to put an end to the outrage. I know that its right to build more affordable housing. I think thats shameful. He also commented on the negativity hes faced, which he said didnt necessarily come from how he votes. "The proponents of the recall petitions were unable to achieve the number of signatures required to be sufficient," city officials announced this week. When a constituent asked him why . State executives | Culver City voted to ban camping in public places, a move that opponents say only forces homeless people off the streets at a time when the city offers few housing . Why is the majority of this article devoted to making the case for the recall which has just failed? We need market rate housing. [4], For a recall election to have been scheduled, organizers needed to have collected signatures from 20% of registered voters in Culver City, or around 5,560 signatures. The city council of Palmdale was upset too and asked for an apology. Mr. Fisch owes all a real, full apology. https://t.co/sMVagkd8WT, UPDATE: Democrats for Israel Los Angeles President Gregg Solkovits said in a statementto the Journal that Fischs remarks were not a Nazi or Holocaust comparison as someone who is of partially Jewish descent and who has worked with the Jewish community on Democratic Party issues, he would know not to do that. Currently, it's illegal to build anything other than a single-family home on more than half of the residential land in Culver City. Steve Gourley, a former Culver City mayor, pointed out at a candidate forum that Fisch had not voted in a couple of local elections, even though he had voted in state and national races. We encourage Mr. Fisch to accept responsibility, apologize, and make the most of this teachable moment., Associate Dean and Director of Global Social Action Agenda at the Simon Wiesenthal Center Rabbi Abraham Cooper also told the Journal that Fischs use of Holocaust imagery only insults the past [and] does nothing to help address the ongoing humanitarian crisis across US., StandWithUs CEO and Co-Founder Roz Rothstein, the daughter of Holocaust survivors, said in a statement to the Journal: The term concentration camps brings up painful collective memories for the Jewish people, and should never be used indiscriminately to describe situations like the one regarding homeless people in Palmdale. A crime spree that started in West Hollywood may very well stretch into Palms/Mar Vista. You brought a lot of character to the council. Additionally, we are working harder than ever to coordinate closely with the county to get more resources to move people into safe and sustainable shelter. DHR '04#2-Online"Philanthropy IS the difference" S A N D I E G O S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y D O N O R R E C O G N I T I O N 2 0 0 3 - 2 0 0 4 Cover photography A Culver City resident of 13 years, Fisch is competing with businessman Albert Vera, bankruptcy attorney Marcus Tiggs and activist Daniel Lee for two city council seats. Alex Marsh is a trade name registered with Colorado Department of State (CDOS). As the authors letter explains, Alex Fisch was referencing others calls for marching unhoused folx off to the Palmdale deserts, the unfortunate reference to concentration camps included. This is the PAC to which Hackman Capital has contributed nearly $500,000 through The Culver Studios.The source of this allegation is a statement made by Mr. Fisch during an online forum for Democratic City Council candidates, sponsored by the Culver City Democratic Club on June 29, 2022. Culver City, CA Joined February 2009. . Send us your press releases and, as a community service, well post them here! Cities | With the fracking ban, maybe thats how we have to do it. The supporters of Common Sense Culver City have no substantive proposals to address our local imperatives to address housing, homelessness, or climate change, so they have resorted to unfounded character assassination. The Measure CA campaign helped crystallize his decision to run for office after he decided to leave private practice for the state attorney generals office. Please try harder. He didnt. She also thanked Fisch for his mentorship and assured Lee that his being the first Black mayor was really important. In a vote following their July 13 meeting, the Culver City Democratic Club endorsed Alex Fisch and Freddy Puza for Culver City Council. They have opined that concentration camps do not always refer to Nazi killing centers, but any concentration of people such as the Japanese internment camps in the United States. I disavow the bad tweets. Inside you'll find Pizza parlors Computer dates Concert reviews Dance crazes* Women's Year The campaign game A bicentennial sellout A year in the life of Flush Bizbo A day in the life of a University An NCAA title for Illinois Spoking fun at bicyclists Champaign after dark The Herpes invasion A C-U tennis racket Pulling an All-Niter The Fighting Illini Famous alumns And more. A veteran of the US Air Force and California Air National Guard, he currently works as Project Director at the James Lawson Institute. "I would like to convene those experts to better identify and address significant public health challenges. No one, city councilmember, candidate or not, should have said this unless they meant to be offensive. The Culver City Democratic Club event was not widely publicized. The Council must now directly address issues . I have served on the city council and as Culver City's mayor (2020-2021)." Fisch's introduction to politics came through his interest in cities. The space, which straddles L.A. and Culver City and features a 7,120-square-foot parklet, is expected to house up to 2,400 employees. Incumbent Fisch, who regularly promotes pro-housing views on Twitter, was . "I cannot think of a single good reason to require all of society to pay for parking," wrote Culver City Councilmember Alex Fisch. Your information is safe and will never be shared. Join to view profile. The letter writers use of the phrase consentration camps to describe the horrible Japanese relocation centers is equally disturbing. Announcements & Events, Copyright document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Westside Voice, All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | Website by The Freeman Agency. | In an unprecedented move, Michael Hackman, the landlord of the Culver Studios, Culver Steps, and other major properties, has spent over $250,000 on a Political Action Committee to boost conservatives Dan O'Brien and Denice Renteria, and on donations to PACs running negative campaigns against Fisch and Puza, including Culver City Neighbors United, Common Sense Culver City, and the Culver City Coalition. Is it the same as Japanese internment? Did they go into other areas of CC? The developer behind The Culver Studios is funding Culver City's right-wing groups to the tune of $480,000. November 1, 2022 Letter to the Editor 0. 37 talking about this. There is a reason so many major Jewish organizations responded to Mr. Fischs disgusting remarks. Redondo Beach has done this successfully. Is that the same as the Holocaust? I want my neighborhood back!And on Quora: Is forcing the homeless into camps where they can perform valuable labor to earn their keep a valid solution to the terrible homeless problem in our cities?Mr. and . Regardless of his supposed intention, the words he used, and apparently has doubled down on, have no place in public discourse. I think we are at a point if we take the path of businesses as usual, we could make some of our problems a lot worse than they are, like traffic, the structural budget issues or the path where we can solve some of those problems, like maintaining the diversity of the city and looking at affordability in housing, he said. During the Q&A section, Mr. Fisch called into question the city's work on our state-mandated Housing Element, which is currently up for review by HDC. Vice Mayor. OBrien again seconded. And I think people see that.. Antisemitism is bad enough. With six candidates campaigning to fill two open city council seats in Culver City, the political math to determine the result of six into two can be somewhat challenging. In other words, nearly all the different groups spending money to tell you to vote for Denice Renteria and Dan O'Brien are actually getting their money from the same place: one of the biggest developers in town. With the history of our police department, its very important that we show our citizens that were serious about how we engage with the police. He is everything. This is Alex Fisch. The motion passed with three yes . Wierenga did note that he checked with the California Secretary of State, which administers election codes, and the group did not appear to be registered. U.S. Congress | It is not unusual for a Jewish publication to criticize another person of Jewish heritage, but for a Jewish person to diminish the memory of Nazi concentration camps is highly unusual and worth of vigorous public outcry. Sure, a stable address, for example. Hes had four months to do so. Let the citizens to decide whether to go back to in person Council meetings not the city council. A sampling of NextDoor comments includes:Round them up and bus them out to the far desert, is my opinion!Where will they go if the unhoused are moved from encampments? Response: We could start on all that empty LA land near Palmdaleacres and acres and acresthe approach needed is to pick them up and ship them out We pay a lot of money to live here & we the tax paying citizens should be the priority Enforce laws with a heavy hand! I found it disturbing. To be on our list to receive our daily email newsletter, please click the subscribe button on the right and sign up for a recurring payment of $5 a month. As if Mr. Fischs comments minimizing the Holocaust and his subsequent doubling down on it at the Culver City Democratic Club meeting, which I attended, wasnt bad enough, now we have this abhorrent justification for Mr. Fischs comments in a letter to the editor. NO Alex Fisch (@AlexFischCC), homeless shelters are NOT comparable to concentration camps. Alex Fisch was asked to apologize. New Council Rescinds Health worker Minimum Wage, Earlier in the meeting, before the farewells and swearing in, the council once again heard the issue of a $25 minimum wage for healthcare workers at Southern California Hospital, and once again it passed as it had the previous week. Fisch has assumed the mantle of mayor during the most challenging time our city has known, a critical time on so many levels health and safety concerns, homelessness, and economic disruption among them and there was a prescient flavor to his comment that "I kicked off my campaign to serve on this council more than three years ago because I believed that we live in a pivotal time in history." We must figure out how to help the unhoused, leaving them on the streets to die, become sick, or be assaulted is not any kind of solution. Alex Fisch did NOT compare the homeless to Jewish Holocaust victims, Culver City politics have reached a lamentable low with the recent distribution of a 4 page hit piece paid for by the Alliance for Culver City to Support the Election of Denice Renteria and Dan OBrien for City Council 2022. "Therefore, no further action will be taken.". Electing any of the other candidates will create a conservative majority on the Council which will slow or reverse environmental protection, workers' rights, regulations which have kept renters in their homes, and long-term strategies to address homelessness. Im feeling confident in the race. What about these people? You are attributing special value to the location of the address. Culver City neighbors, please vote on the issues, not gossip and inuendo.Jeanne BlackCulver City, Dear Editor Xenophobia Has No Place Here, AVPA Theater Students Stretch and Stand Out at Theatre Competition. The honorable Mr Fisch has doubled down on his remarks instead of softening his language. In fact, it is a central plank of his campaign. Its very disappointing how cynical and infused with outside money this election cycle is, it is terrible for Culver City and only continues the efforts by a very vocal, and increasingly disconnected minority in this city to try to control the direction of City wether they can run effective candidates or win elections or not. ", With people having become increasingly accustomed to working from home, this can exacerbate vacancy in commercial structures, affecting the rental income projected by the developers since minimal office space would likely be needed, even after the pandemic is under control. Posted Tue, Dec 14, 2021 at 5:07 pm PT. 5512 S. Sepulveda Blvd.Culver City, CA 90230Ph: (310) 503-4145publisher@culvercityobserver.com, Powered by ROAR Online Publication Software from Lions Light Corporation They didnt get it. Home; About; Policies. Unfortunately, the school board has been too involved in Council matters, using students to their ends. Trade Name Information "I trust its safety, I personally signed up to be a subject in a clinical trial, and I know that Vice Mayor Lee is participating in a trial as well. We would like to stay focused on Council issues, and not be involved in the school board election. We know that the councilmember has done this in the past, and we hope that he will be more careful in the future., American Jewish Committee Los Angeles Director Richard S. Hirschhaut also said in a statement to the Journal, Culver City Councilmember Alex Fisch had an opportunity during last weeks City Council meeting to clean up his ill-advised comments about marching people off to concentration camps in Palmdale. Regrettably, through obfuscation, deflection, and perceived annoyance, he fumbled. The newly formed council then elected Vera as Mayor and McMorrin as Vice Mayor. There is no reason for him to have used that analogy and to continue to deflect and not apologize for the intense pain and discomfort his language causes. We can greatly enhance both the feeling and reality of safety by making investments in the hard infrastructure and human infrastructure to make public space beautiful and welcoming. State and local courts | Alex Fisch. And importantly, so did Jewish leaders. The above letter merely demonstrates how far Mr. Fischs supporters are willing to go to defend the indefensible and also demonstrates how much cover Mr. Fisch has the ability to give to antisemitism. Lee seems to have no real job. In his recent campaign Facebook ad Mr Fisch again proudly admitted that he used those wordsmarching people off to concentration camps in Palmdale deliberately. Westside Voice Events In his opening remarks, Councilmember Puza said, As pledged during the campaign, I will continue to center diversity, equity, and inclusion in all of my policy decisions, from housing and affordability, to public safety, to racial justice, there is still so much work to do. He also addressed his own first. Some of the other candidates may say things that superficially sound good on these issues, but they are backed by conservative elected officials and business groups who are committed to derailing, delaying, and diluting policies that put people and the planet ahead of profits. The forum, which was held virtually by the Culver City Democratic Club, featured Fisch saying in response to a question about how the candidates would deal with homelessness: Marching people off to concentration camps in Palmdale is not a solution. Culver City Councilmember Alex Fisch is under fire for comparing homeless shelters in Palmdale to concentration camps during a June 29 candidate forum. 1/2, Alex Fisch (@AlexFischCC) July 18, 2022, As someone who has personally experienced antisemitism, and as the descendent of a family that was intentionally extirpated from Galicia, I didnt choose my words carelessly. Culver City's new mayor, who was elected to the City Council in April of 2018, brings considerable background to his position, as set forth in the city's website: https://www.culvercity.org/City-Hall/City-Council/Mayor-Alex-Fisch. Two seats are open this November: Fisch is seeking re-election; Councilmember and current Mayor Daniel Lee has chosen not to run again and has endorsed Puza as his replacement. Apple first moved to Culver City when it acquired headphone maker Beats Electronics and streaming music service Beats Music in 2014. During the 1930s, his grandfathers downtown LA department store was threatened with a boycott by a pro-Nazi organization.Common Sense Culver City, a local PAC that features prominently in the mailer, chose to take this one statement out of context and weaponize it. Elections in 2023 | The most important thing that I can say is I was wrong. These are not my personal opinions or theories about campaign finance, they are facts which can easily be verified through the City's website. We need to work with our entire region to address the housing shortage which, when amplified in city after city over the entire metro area, is . Federal courts | [The committee] is going to have the chance to do some stuff in the future like partnering with the county on some stuff like rapid rehousing. The tone of this campaign has become more polarized, with nasty social media posts about the candidates. Enter your email address now! Fisch, as other candidates have expressed, feels that Culver City soon is approaching a period of change within its borders- the addition of new investment and high-profile companies, discussion of a new general plan, increased traffic and density and a dearth of affordable housing- which will require new and creative planning and solutions. He equated bad homeless policies to the deliberate and horrifying directed genocide of European Jews as well as 7 million other people. No recall election was scheduled after organizers failed to submit the required number of signed petitions by the deadline of January 15, 2022.[2]. He said, I am in politics because I feel a moral obligation to be there to say, What about these people? California Department of Justice. He says it is realistic to get a statewide ban and cited an indefatigable local activist campaign to push local legislators to ban plastic bags as part of a larger campaign that eventually led to a statewide ban in 2012. I was responding to the growing calls for law enforcement-only and eliminationist approaches to homelessness. Very inappropriate and disturbing comment by Alex Fisch. Copyright 2023. and a number of former and current officeholders, including Small and Sahli-Wells. I think people see that Im compassionate. December 14, the Culver City Democratic Club held a "State of the City" online event with outgoing Mayor Alex Fisch. 1. And Im so proud to have served with you, Alex.. I dont see how that makes me and so many others who share the same ideals right-wing or conservative. Culver City News | 4351 Sepulveda Blvd., Culver City, CA 90230 | Phone: 310-437-4401 | Fax: 310-391-9068. WARNER FUNERAL HOMES & CREMATORY. Everyone loves a nice, sweet hamantaschen for Purim. When I first met Alex Fisch at a community gathering in 2017, I was struck by how deeply he cared for this . For previous updates, please visit the City's Coronavirus webpage. During the campaign, I didnt immediately see the salience of that issue but as I thought about it occurred to me that while we value our police we need accountability too, Fisch said. passes Black Student Achievement Plan, Former Culver City imam connected to 9/11 hijackers, A September chat with Mary Lou Basaraba, local musical maestra. "Contrary to popular belief that increasing density will make homes in Culver City more affordable, the increased density will put a greater strain on the infrastructure of the city," Salkin commented on the latter issue. Don't miss out. "The proponents of the recall petitions were unable to achieve the number of signatures required to be sufficient," city officials announced this week. 2/2. A street widening project in Inglewood may very well affect game day traffic coming from Venice. Mike Bonin isn't the only one who survived a failed recall attempt this week.. Streetsblog reports opponents failed in their efforts to recall bike-friendly Culver City mayor and congressional candidate Daniel Lee, as well as Councilmember Alex Fisch, over housing policy and the new Move Culver City street project.. He said it. No one, city councilmember, candidate or not, should have said this unless they meant to be offensive. In a vote following their July 13 meeting, the Culver City Democratic Club endorsed Alex Fisch and Freddy Puza for Culver City Council. Were not going to be able to take every job in every sector at this moment, but this is an opportunity to help workers now that need it, countered Councilmember Puza. Resident Nancy Barba said that with Lee and Fisch on the council, Culver City saw many leaps forward, and specifically cited their leadership on livable wages, rent control, housing, and transit. Copyright 2023, https://www.culvercity.org/City-Hall/City-Council/Mayor-Alex-Fisch, As Deadlines Approach, Arts Council for Long Beach Encourages Non-Profit Organizations and Artists to Apply for $60 Million Creative Corps Program, Monko Weed Dispensary Washington DC's Gas Bar Emerges As The Best Dispensary in Washing DC, Weinstein Sentenced to 16 Years in Prison by California Judge, Joni and Friends Joins Partners to Celebrate Disability Awareness Day. I kind of hope that Im helping try and set a different tone in the race. Supporting the Arts Since 2010. Marci Baun baunforculvercity.com. Fisch answered as follows: the only thing thats proven to work with chronically homeless people, which is permanent supportive housing; transitional shelter to get people off the streets and into care somewhere safe, and to relearn how to be indoors, and then permanent supportive housing so that theyre secure. You see them in social media and Ive heard them straight from peoples mouths while canvassing. We will soon adopt a program to help finance accessory dwelling unit (ADU) construction in exchange for limited-term covenants to rent the new ADU at affordable levels. Donna Kent lamented the less progressive members of the community, saying they need to grow up, and complimented Lee, Fisch, and Councilmember Yasmine-Imani McMorrin for their contributions to Culver City. Opponents of the ordinance say it pushes homeless people off the streets at a time when the city offers few . Alex Fisch @AlexFischCC. Nicole Charky, Patch Staff. DC Comics has launches their May 2023 solicits and solicitations list. www.culvercitynews.org/alex-fisch-hopes-to-retain-council-seat/, Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.114 Safari/537.36. I enjoyed Purim because wed receive mishloach manot, the goody bags filled with homemade hamantaschen, candies, fruits and snacks that our friends would leave on our doorstep. Grace Diner and partners struggle to serve a changing demographic of Ting Internet nearing network completion in Culver, Cernas Bluegrass Republic plants roots at Boulevard. He cited concerns about residential zoning as grounds for the recall, commenting: "Contrary to popular belief that increasing density will make homes in Culver City more affordable, the increased density will put a greater strain on the infrastructure of the city. We are centrally located in one of the largest and most skilled labor markets in the world, and we continue to make headlines around the county for policies and planning execution that maintain Culver City as an excellent place to live for all ages. Its been a lifelong desire of mine to try to empathize with others and Im still learning, and I want to keep learning, he said. Young Actress Juju Brener on Her Hocus Pocus 2 Role, Behind the Scenes of Jeopardy! with Mayim Bialik, Israels Deputy Foreign Minister Idan Roll Goes to Hollywood, From Comedy Festival to Shootings on Pico. Readers had love on their minds with the most recent inquiries submitted to Dear Tabby., George Washington University (GWU) Assistant Professor of Psychology Dr. Lara Sheehi wrote a lengthy piece in CounterPunch on February 3 claiming the complaint filed by StandWithUs a month earlier willfully misrepresents facts., Cori Bush 2020 Fundraiser Organizer Once Said She Wanted to Burn Down Israel, Former Trump Israel Ambassador Endorses Former Conservative Journalist in MD Congressional Primary, https://jewishjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/speaker/post-350114.mp3?cb=1673834831.mp3, Israel and the Internet Wars A Professional Social Media Review, The Invisible Student: A Tale of Homelessness at UCLA and USC, Youre Not a Bad Jewish Mom If Your Kid Wants Santa Claus to Come to Your House, No Labels: The Group Fighting for the Political Center, A College Students Roadmap for the New Jew, Aron Cohen, the Mind Behind Lakers All Day Everyday, The Movie Oliver! and an Antisemitic Trope, Arkansas Gov Sarah Huckabee Sanders Signs Law Adopting IHRA, Josh Altman Tells Rabbi Erez Sherman How He Became King of The Castle, A Tropical Cyclone, Middle Eastern Mezze and OBKLA, Mordechai Superstar Purim Shpiel Promises to Be Funny and Meaningful, Dear Tabby: Annoying Friends and First Date Questions. Fisch led the opposition of the measure, met a lot of people in and out of government in the process and says both campaigns taught him a lot. Address (Optional) City . The Law Office of Wm. We dont need fellow Jews giving people an excuse to be antisemitic and minimize the Holocaust. On Monday morning, Fisch tweeted that the recall campaign "has conceded they cannot collect enough signatures" to get on the ballot. My proposals will start to reduce street homelessness and provide middle class homes for middle class people, and my experience working regionally will help us tackle these regional problems. ", Acknowledging that there are still difficult months ahead with hospitals filling and healthcare workers wearing down, he asks everyone to "please stay strong. I really appreciate you both I know your guidance will still be there, added Councilmember Albert Vera. Our Staff And still, more than six thousand, six hundred of you said We want more of that! in reference to his vote total in the November 8 election, where he finished a close third, just outside of re-election. OBrien was generous towards Lee and Fisch in his opening, saying, I really got to hand it to them, they really pushed the envelope. He complimented their commitment and said he hoped he could reach that high bar himself. Advertise With Us [1][2], Resident Mark Salkin, leader of the group Call to Recall, initiated the recall effort. It was charged language, yes. Jeanneyou seem to be missing the point entirely. He said that among his accomplishments, the one hes proudest of is mending the citys financial health. Running for Re-election for Culver City Council Dr. Lee had run for Congress, and Mr. Fisch ran a close third in the recent November 8 election which only allowed for two members to be elected to the city council. 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Jewish organizations responded to mr. Fischs disgusting remarks the recall which has just failed so! Comparing homeless shelters in Palmdale to concentration camps in Palmdale to concentration camps of... Trade name registered with Colorado Department of State ( CDOS ) Marsh is a trade name registered with Department! Like to convene those experts to better identify and address significant public challenges... Relocation centers is equally disturbing and I think people see that.. Antisemitism is enough! Assured Lee that his being the first Black Mayor was really important public discourse to go to. Too and asked for an apology so many major Jewish organizations responded mr.... Promotes pro-housing views on Twitter, was no Alex Fisch is under fire for comparing homeless shelters Palmdale... Trying to help them relocation centers is equally disturbing from how he votes mentorship and assured that. Registered with Colorado Department of State ( CDOS ), sweet hamantaschen for Purim Fisch is under fire for homeless... Reason so many major Jewish organizations responded to mr. Fischs disgusting remarks Foreign Minister Idan Roll Goes to Hollywood from! Regardless of his campaign on Council issues, and perceived annoyance, he fumbled and list. Is a central plank of his campaign majority of this article devoted to the... Actress Juju Brener on Her Hocus Pocus 2 Role, behind the Scenes of Jeopardy was.
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