Illidan will recall his warglaives and enter the fight once again, after a ~10 second delay. This phase is extremely easy, intended for your raid to learn Illidans mechanics in a low-pressure environment. 20 badges. This Your main tank will need to be very careful while moving him: deal with Shear as normal, never let Illidan attack your back, and never have him face the raid, as Draw Soul can ruin your day. Mages should use [Blizzard], and warlocks can use [Seed of Corruption] on Illidan 15 seconds before the spawn. Where your raid would stack up so as to maximize the benefit of raid healing in Phase 1, in Phase 3 you will want everyone to spread out, and be more than 5 yards away from other players. The raid will want to AoE these down as Illidan Stormrage is the ninth and final boss you will encounter in The only player affected should be the tank. Paladins, Mages and Rogues can remove the Dark Barrage debuff by using Divine Shield, Ice Block and Cloak of Shadows respectively. Protection Paladins will be much more reliant on getting him to a trap, which can be messy if Maiev happens to place it in a bad position. You will need to have a single ranged DPS player assigned to tanking Illidans Demon Form during Phase 4, using Shadow Resistance gear. Move away from allies when afflicted with. phase as Aura of Dread will quickly kill anyone in melee range of the Illidan wields his Warglaives at the start of the encounter, infecting foes with Parasitic Shadowfiend. At 90%, Illidan calls for the help of his minions, but they simply get killed by Akama. Check out below for a full @SJFD. Shamans and Hunters should keep Frost Traps and Earthbind Totems up between Illidan and the raid. Note that Akama himself only helps you in this fight for the first 5-10 seconds. Illidan will then remain untargetable & airborne during this phase, firing a barrage of spells at your raid, until both Flames of Azzinoth are defeated. Furthermore, it can help if your Hunters use their Misdirection on the tank to help them establish threat, but it is recommended that you save at least 2 Misdirections for Phase 2. The way to avoid the enrage will be to have the raid stay around the circular grate in the middle of the room, between the 2 glaives. Demon Form back to his normal form/Phase 3. Contents 1 Biography 1.1 Adventure Guide 2 Overview 2.1 Damage Dealers 2.2 Healers 2.3 Tanks 3 Abilities 3.1 Stage One: You Are Not Prepared 3.2 Stage Two: Flames of Azzinoth 3.3 Stage Three: The Demon Within target. This makes killing him significantly easier, particularly if you stun him while hes Enraged. The Flame of Azzinoth sends out a wave of flames in a cone front of it which travels up to 15 yards, dealing 7000 to 9000 Fire damage to all players in front of it. If you find your raid getting overwhelmed by fire, your healers running out of mana, your tanks or DPS players dying too often etc, it is not be a bad idea to use your Heroism / Bloodlust here, to help you push through. Illidan uses this ability every ~40 seconds. Melee cannot hit the boss during this as these will instantly kill you while they are landing. Interestingly (again), a Warlock with high Shadow Resist can tank Illidan during the air phase. You will want to kill the Shadowfiends ASAP to prevent them from multiplying and overwhelming your raid. If anyone dies, they should wait until both Flames of Azzinoth are dead before being resurrected by Rebirth, Soulstone Resurrection or Reincarnation, otherwise the Flames will charge and kill them right away, wasting the res. One plan is to use [Shield Wall] on the first enrage, and [Last Stand] plus trinkets on the second. available on these if they get too close to any raid members. This is why Protection Warriors have a slight edge over Protection Paladins when it comes to main tanking Illidan their Shield Wall makes handling Enrage significantly easier. The second part of Phase 4 however can be extremely difficult to deal with. Illidan. Allow the tank time to pickup the boss after the stun wears out and be ready to Phases 2 and 4 both have very high raid damage; The fight starts after a lengthy dialogue between Akama and Illidan, as the last line Illidan yells "You are not prepared!". When your raid is finally ready, speak to Akama by the eastern stairs leading up to Illidans room. He will stun the entire raid with Warlock is used for this job. Flame Crash - Illidan jumps up high and lands in a patch of blue flame directly underneath his current position. Illidan is immune to all attacks while flying. The first major complication of this phase will come ~40 seconds in, when Illidan stops casting Fireball temporarily, casting his powerful Eye Blast instead. This will cause the AoE damage to become predictable, and powerful AoE healing spells like Circle of Healing and Chain Heal to always heal all affected players. Akama: Beware his gaze! The Betrayer meditates on the court just beyond. The time has come to face Illidan, . Melee DPS will want to spread out into multiple groups behind the boss Furthermore, the beam will leave a trail of blue flames with a radius of 8 yards in its wake, lasting 75 seconds. face them away from the raid at all times. Permanently adds 20 Fire resistance to a head slot item. Furthermore, the Flame of Azzinoth tanks will need to be careful while kiting the glaives around to avoid Blaze, kiting them in a circular pattern, as explained in the Phase 2 section. As far as Phase 2 Fire Resistance tanks go, any class works. sure to turn and quickly kill the Parasitic Shadowfiends that are Until he reaches 30% health, he switches between Phases 3 and 4 every 4050 seconds. throughout the entire fight. Illidan channels a blue beam from his eyes, targeting the ground. They're increased to 5%. The only thing that matters is that they can reach the Fire Resistance cap (365) while buffed by Fire Resistance Totem / Fire Resistance Aura, while remaining crit immune, as the Flames of Azzinoth can kill them with unlucky crits. Any combat rezzes should be performed at this point. If he reaches 30% health, Phase 5 starts. Visibility is very low with all of the flames on the ground, and its really easy to die here, so they should just wait until the blue flames fade before resuming DPS. Note that both of your Fire Resistance tanks should be crit immune in their Fire Resistance sets the Flame of Azzinoth hit hard. When the Parasitic Shadowfiends spawn, the mage Frost Novas them and nukes them down quickly (usually with help from some other damage dealers). However, Illidan will transition to Phase 5 if you get him down to 30% HP before that, allowing you to skip Phase 4 altogether. his damage dealt. As your tanks are preoccupied with tanking the Flames, they might not be able to notice the Eye Blast headed their way, so a ranged player in your raid with a better vantage point should be prepared to call out on voice which tank the beam is headed for. Do not use Frost Nova in this case, just nuke the spawns. The fight consists of five phases, and good positioning is the key to success. Phase 3 lasts ~4055 seconds, at which point Illidan turns into a Demon (Phase 4). The Shadow Demons will each pick a different target and stun them indefinitely with Paralyze, then start moving towards them. They are Demon type enemies with 1.15 million HP each, and their attacks deal 8-10k Fire damage each, which is why you will need tanks with capped Fire Resistance to tank them regular tanks will simply die in 2 hits. Note that the Flames can never be moved more than 25 yards away from their respective glaive, hence youre tanking them in a circle-ish pattern, and no player can move further than 25 yards away from both glaives, hence the raid stacks up in the middle. Your healers will need to heal your tank even more while theyre moving, to heal off any unfortunate crits or extra attacks generated by parry haste. a while, so be sure to conserve Mana as much as possible. tanks time to pick the boss up before continuing DPS. at the top of the Black Temple. to avoid this debuff from hitting all melee at once. We will If you did enjoy the video or want to see more content like this be sure to like comment and subscribe! Your healers should all be using +healing consumables for this fight, such as Elixir of Healing Power and Golden Fish Sticks, as well as mana regen consumables, such as Super Mana Potions and Dark Runes. It is recommended that you have at least 5-6 healers for this fight, with a good balance of tank healing classes like Holy Paladins and Restoration Druids, and AoE healing classes like Restoration Shamans and Holy Priests. Tanking Illidan as a Warlock is actually rather simple and you do not need to do much to do it. Fire Resistance: the Warlock tank needs to hit the fire resist cap of 365 - raid-buffed - to maximize the number of resists against the level 73 raid boss. Having said that, it is common-sense that your Feral Druids should be assigned to this task they cannot main tank Illidan anyway, while they can still do respectable DPS after Phase 2 by using Wolfshead Helm, where Warriors & Paladins are practically useless in their Fire Resistance gear. Illidan will use this ability every 25 to 30 seconds. Fireball, while still being mindful of the warglaives' positions. Wait for this tank to Even if you get lucky and she picks a spot near Illidan, its important to remember that hes still using some of his scary abilities, like Shear and Draw Soul. After about 1 minute, Illidan will transition from You are most likely going to encounter Illidans mechanics in the following order: Shear > Parasitic Shadowfiend > Shear > Flame Crash > Draw Soul > reset. Keep the debuffs from [Mortal Strike], [Wound Poison] and [Aimed Shot] up to reduce the amount of healing Illidan receives. For the remainder of the encounter, Illidan periodically unleashes the power of the demonic force within him, using those dark powers to assault his foes, before returning to his natural form. Illidan Stormrage is the final boss of the Black Temple. If you have good ranged DPS, killing them wont be too hard as they are level 70 and only have 21k HP. This makes him significantly more dangerous, as your tank will now take a lot more damage, while your raid healers will need to heal a lot more, with Parasitic Shadowfiend and Agonizing Flames both dealing 50% more damage. then summoned. Each blade spawns a Flame of Azzinoth, when both flames are dead, Illidan lands and Phase 3 starts. Uncaged Wrath, wiping the raid. into either 2 or 3 groups to avoid taking too much raid damage from Early phases mostly only have tanks taking damage, so be sure to focus your Post by Engine Mother Shahraz requires 365 Shadow Resist (cap) for everyone in the raid except the main tank, who requires 0 SR. Illidan Stormrage phase 2 requires 365 Fire Resist (cap) for tanking Flames of Azzinoth, this is a 4 tank fight (counting the Warlock), however. Phase Five starts when Illidan reaches 30%. Illidan will cast this ability every 20 to 30 seconds, and the Shadowfiends can use it about 3 seconds after they were spawned, hence they must be killed quickly. The city funded two more locations at Roosevelt and Southside community centers, which closed in 2021 when a contract with LifeMoves expired.In November 2021, a temporary safe parking program in . While your raid is fighting the Flames of Azzinoth, Illidan will be throwing a barrage of Fireballs at you. Phase 5 is essentially a replacement of Phase 3. If during Phase 2 you find yourself high on threat on one of the Phase Three is exactly the same as Phase One, except the raid should now be ability must never hit you without blocking, or your max HP will be reduced by If they reach that player, they will instantly kill them and then pick a new target, repeating the process anew. Illidan deals to 3238 to 3762 Fire damage to the raid, and every player within 5 yards of each player. Illidan himself will fly around the battlefield bombarding the raid with Illidan targets a random player in the raid, and after a 3 second cast, applies a debuff to them for 10 seconds. healing on the tank early on. Feral Druids unfortunately have no way of consistently reaching this amount of avoidance, and will thus be unable to main tank this fight. They will follow Flame Blast up with Blaze, spawning a patch of green flames on the ground which deal very high damage. The only difference is the addition of 2 new mechanics, which you may or may not have to deal with, depending on your raids DPS and randomness. Have your Shadow Resistance tank stay at max range away from the boss and cast will kill anyone near you. While in Demon Form, Leotheras's primary attack is Chaos Blast, an AoE spell which deals 1675 base fire damage and applies a stacking debuff that increases fire damage taken by 1675 per stack. Flame of Azzinoth are dead, Phase Two will end and Phase Three will Typically a Theres an absolutely colossal amount of AoE damage coming out during this fight, so every raid member should have a Master Healthstone. This debuff can stack up 99 times, making it extremely obvious that nobody should be near Illidan. Illidan Stormrage: I can feel your hatred Illidan Stormrage: You know nothing of power. The blue flames deal significantly less damage than any fire AoE in this fight (your tanks will mitigate their damage to 500 Fire damage per second with their Fire Resistance) so your tanks can briefly move through them if necessary to reposition their Flame of Azzinoth. The encounter is started by talking with Akama, who can be found Always up to date with the latest patch (1.14.3). This fight will require 2 tanks with Fire Resistance gear, as Do not look into his eyes! Think you need above 350ish (buffed) for that fight. After 60 seconds of Phase 4, Illidan will revert back to Phase 3 or Phase 5, whichever phase he was in before. prioritized to, see the links below. That player and all other players within 5 yards of them take 4000 Fire damage instantly, and are afflicted by a debuff lasting 1 minute, which causes them to take Fire damage every 5 seconds, for a total of 36,000 Fire damage over the total duration. This phase requires a ranged The enchanted Soulguard set on its own will net you 236 Shadow Resistance. This ability is cast every 20 to 30 seconds, so youre likely seeing it twice per Phase 4. Protection Paladins and Protection Warriors both make good Fire Resistance tanks. About 30 seconds into Phase 5, Maiev will teleport to one of 8 pre-determined spots inside the arena at random. Illidan should not go below 30% during the demon phase, else Phase 5 starts immediately, which is bad because positioning is wrong. If you are a Warlock that has taken on this responsibility, we have created If you were looking for a full guide for the Black Temple raid, or would designated area, typically a Hunter raid damage during this fight, it is very easy to run out of Mana early on. Draw Soul is frequently cast right after a Flame Crash. Illidan spams it throughout Phase 2. I have gone onto the PTR on two occasions to test out . It is important that they do not turn Illidan towards the raid while moving him however, to avoid having your. And a temporal discombobulator! Two tanks wearing Fire Resistance gear are required for this fight for Phase Be wary, friends. In particular, Mother Shahraz in the Black Temple requires all non-tanks to have very high Shadow Resistance to survive her many abilities. However, if youve managed to get this far, you are likely going to beat Illidan; most groups will be able to kill him in the 60 seconds of Phase 5 with the help of Maievs Cage Trap, while the remaining groups will kill him during the 10 second long transition animation. Odd as it may seem, Illidan is actually one of the easier solo encounters in Black Temple, being little more than a normal DPS race. By keeping those abilities up at all times, they will completely nullify this ability. A majority of that damage will be of the Shadow school, so having a Priest using his Prayer of Shadow Protection on your raid will also help a lot. Additionally, many raids will additionally require a Warlock tank with Shadow Resistance gear in order to tank Illidans Demon Form, known as Phase 4, but this requirement can be bypassed by raids with decent damage output and 3-4 Shamans using Heroism / Bloodlust at the same time. The two off-tanks each pick up one of the flames. The fight consists of five phases, and good positioning is the key to success. The tank needs to drag Illidan towards the trap, click to activate it, and position Illidan on top of it. These effectively deal 50,000 damage to Illidan every time he uses Draw Soul, which will add up to a significant amount over the fights duration. Ranged DPS should be Congratulations on besting Illidan! In Stage Two, be quick to grab the attention of the Flames of Azzinoth. Main tank this fight for Phase be wary, friends up with Blaze, spawning a patch of blue directly... If they get too close to any raid members 70 and only have 21k.! Their Fire Resistance to survive her many abilities and enter the fight consists five. To learn Illidans mechanics in a patch of blue Flame directly underneath current. Shadows respectively the arena at random killing him significantly easier, particularly if you stun while. To avoid this debuff from hitting all melee at once Shadow Demons each! 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