They may even get butterflies in their stomach when they see you. She is passionate about helping people connect with their intuition, and believes that everyone has within them innate wisdom that can be accessed through introspection and self-reflection. Every tarot card is rich in interpretation and with 78 tarot cards in traditional decks, it can feel overwhelming to learn all their individual meanings and the messages that are trying to come through. Check out our Quick Reference Meanings list. Got questions? Things will fall into the right place themselves. Keep in mind that whatever you are wishing for is right around the corner and needs just a bit of patience. The Eight of Wands are reversed to indicate a time of action and getting things done. One of the most enigmatic cards in the entire tarot deck, upon first glance the Eight of Wands offers little in the way of visual clues it simply depicts eight wands flying through the air. Instead of focusing on the happy days of your early courtship, think about the lack of excitement and growth that has plagued your relationship lately. Your current job is not striking up the motivation or energy to work with passion in you which no doubt can feel very frustrating. In fact, they may have a big crush on you and desire to be around your company. Finding the Eight of Wands in the present position indicates that you are feeling a bit stuck in your life. Learn the basics of the ancient esoteric tradition of tarot by starting your initiation ritual! The background where they travel through isa clear sky which represents that there is likelynothing that will stand in theway of these making it to their destination. You may have a pattern of falling into infatuation with people and mistaking it for love. Even if you do not like the speed at which you are gaining money, know that you are most likely not losing any, which is a very positive sign. In the past position, the Eight of Wands indicates that your impatience has cost you many opportunities and soured important relationships. This Eight is a dynamic card, containing a high level of energy that propels you forward to reach your goals at a much faster pace than ever before. When you see this action happening, put positive energy out there and let it return the amplified rewards of the universe to you. Depending on your question, you shall get the answer to the question. Resist the temptation to go out with just anybody instead, focus on improving yourself. Whatever you turn your hand to at the moment probably wont work out the way you want it to. This card is an indicator to be patient a while longer. You will be given greater responsibilities than you feel you are ready for. Tami has studied the psychology of tarot cards extensively, and often uses them as a creative tool in much the same way that Phillip K Dick did. In terms of relationship, if the eight of wands appear upright, this indicates that you will receive new found spark and happiness in your relationship. But this Minor Arcana tarot card advises you to have patience during this time. The jealousy that you are feeling right now has no basis and will just affect your good relationship with your partner. If you are single, the Eight of Wands reversed indicates that you may meet someone whom you will initially be infatuated or obsessed with but the relationship will turn sour and you will soon begin to dislike this person intensely. The only person associated with these wands is, in fact, you, the viewer of the card. It shows eight staves, which have a similar look to wands, suspended in the air. Should you find your love life in a rut, youll be relieved to see movement and excitement once again. Being hasty will hurt you in great ways. She created Tarot Guru to help others actualize their spiritual potential and make the art of Tarot accessible to all. Make sure youre ready to take advantage of this sometimes frantic energy. Whatever the reason, the eight of wands reversed suggests that its time to take a break and assess your situation. The image in the card is not very complicated and suggests that many things are up in the air, or simply in the process. An affair could be over. Shouted into the world. In some cases, the reversed eight of wands can indicate that you are giving up on love altogether. The Eight of Wands stands for some sort of journey or travel. Chances are that you might get an injury from a sport or other physically active task which will require special and quick attention. You will soon figure out the time. If youre currently in an existing relationship, surprises can be in store, giving the two of you some excitement in your relationship. Sagittarius Similarly, this card can be a sign to hold off your activities for a short amount of time until the situation becomes more stable and predictable. You feel that you have moved too fast, and feelings grow because of what others working under you are asking from you. Since the card is about decisive action, they may make a move on you by asking you out or telling you how they feel. It urges you to follow your instincts. It can also represent being inactive or too active leading to fatigue or a newly implemented diet or exercise regime not producing results as quickly as you hoped. You must forgive yourself, and adapt your strategy.In terms of work, there may be an existing disagreement in your office. All prices in USD. only then will you be able to find the relationship you truly deserve. This person may see you as someone who is energetic, loves to travel, and has a genuine thirst for life. In a financial Tarot reading, the Eight of Wands reversed represents slow progress in your finances. The energy of the universe is about to surround you, which if you put it to good use, will propel you forward, giving you a head start in your journey. The sky behind the wands is clear and blue, indicating that the wands face no obstacles. Sign up to get the link! The eight of wands tarot card reversed can indicate that you are nearing the end of a long journey. Youll be much happier in a new environment. The Tarot wants to assure you that big things are coming and that a vision you have for the way things should be might actually start to occur. The results for one card pull in the eight of wands card is: Upright Position: If the eight of wands are pulled out in the upright position, this indicates that the answer is yes, and what you wish for is coming to you very soon. Remember, a fool and their money is easily parted! This is a powerful omen; use it to advance your standing in the world. Whatever you turn your hand to at the moment will take off at great speed and gain momentum. This is the suit of enterprise and risk-taking. Adorned with holographic gold edges. The eight of wands in the reversed position can indicate that when it comes to your finances, you are likely to be feeling frustrated and unfulfilling the most right now. This advancement is exciting and invigorating. You may need to be patient and allow situations to play out a bit longer before you take action. instead, look within yourself and see what changes you need to make. If you have been trying to develop your psychic or healing abilities you may find that things are not progressing as quickly as you would like. When the Eight of Wands is reversed, it is tempting to deny that a powerful chain of consequences has been unleashed in your life. In a reading, the eight of wands can be a sign that it is time to take action and trust that everything will work out in the end. Take note of what worked before and what did not. You may feel like you are not making money quickly enough and its taking you ages to save for things or reach the level of financial security you desire. This will make you lose communication with your partner, and create confusion and misunderstanding. It is action itself, pure impulse. When another card with the number eight in it appears in a reading with this card, the Tarot indicates that you are winding things up in a dramatic fashion. Their driven nature also makes them hard to keep up with, but it is in their nature to not compromise their goals for anyone. You need to be patient and just wait for it. Were the wands tossed? Keep looking for alternative ways around the challenges presented so you can carry out your plans. The Eight of Wands represents a person who is highly motivated, goal-oriented, and not afraid of change. Eight of Wands is a Minor Arcana Tarot card. When either appears in your reading, it emphasizes the need to follow your hunches on the appearance of chance opportunities. If you get an injury during this time, know that it will take longer than usual to heal. In conclusion, the Tarot sends you the Eight of Wands when it is time to let the universe toss your creative abilities into the air and follow them to wherever they might land, making the most out of the energy they gather from the flight. Moreover, the sticks stand for finally taking action and no longer waiting to fulfill one's dreams and goals in life. While overcoming obstacles, it shows and end to some sort of delay or blockage in your life. [1], In English-speaking countries, where the games are largely unknown, Tarot cards came to be utilized primarily for divinatory purposes.[1][2]. Join the waitlist for the All-New Biddy Tarot Deck (coming soon!). If, however, you recently moved up in your career, it might be that you moved too quickly. In some cases, the eight of wands can also suggest air travel, perhaps for a business trip, indicating that new opportunities may come from distant places. The card shows eight wands suspended in midair as they are flying towards their destination. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. It denotes movement, travel, and swift action. This is not a good time for you to assume that everything is fine the way it is. There is no hint at anyone being there. You might feel like you are growing rapidly in your career. The image depicted by the Eight of Wandsmeans that the difficulties that were brought by the Seven of Wands are finally over. It could be the relationship is losing momentum and there may also a sense of stagnation or even boredom as if the relationship has lost its spark. This tendency is not inherently good or bad. Your actions should also be thought about and evaluated more even if you are tempted to do them quicker. The eight of wands tarot career meaning is generally considered to be a positive sign, indicating that Exciting times are ahead. Go with the flow and surrender to the adventure. Youve been trying to save, but money has been going out just as fast as it has been coming in. 4 colors represent the 4 elements, and a rainbow represents universal energy, creating a simple framework for reading. Usually, when this card appears, it symbolizes a feeling of swimming against the tide, fighting the current. The Eight of Wands suggest movement and changes. It can also represent a holiday romance or meeting someone while travelling. If this card appears, this hints to you about a business trip you are about to take shortly. While diving into things makes you feel in control, doing something isnt always better than doing nothing. The person may be falling in love quickly and deeply. This can be due to frustration, missed opportunities, or simply because the journey has been long and difficult. It also indicates that you will most probably have very good health and will be physically active during this time, which will help you to be very involved and attentive in your profession and life. Perhaps important news will be coming on your way, and you may experience a sudden, yetsteady positive growth. You may realize that splitting up would be a positive thing. There is a possibility that you are feeling frustratedabout something. Eight of Wands is a Minor Arcana Tarot card. It may not be easy, but the big change is predestined and will culminate soon. In the future position in your reading, the Eight of Wands is a harbinger of opportunity. If you have been feeling stuck, do things differently (new routines, locations, activities) and get the energy moving once again. If its Mercury Retrograde, expect your plans to be doubly delayed! Tarot card images courtesy of the Biddy Tarot Deck, Everyday Tarot, The Wild Unknown and Lumina Tarot. Good or useful news can appear as the Eight of Wands. When the Eight of Wands is in the past position in your reading, you might be able to look back on a time when everything almost magically landed in the right position for you to take advantage of great opportunities. Have you gotten closer to your goal in the past week than in the past year? Also, make sure your previous task is complete before you move to the next one. The wands on this card are an indication of action and the effects of that action. In a general context, the Eight of Wands represents hastiness, speed, rushing, progress, movement and action. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'thetarotguide_com-banner-1','ezslot_7',183,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thetarotguide_com-banner-1-0'); In a career Tarot spread, the Eight of Wands reversed can represent things taking off too quickly or not quick enough and cancelled travel. This just isnt the right time for you to meet someone. He will receive new information or a patron, an assistant who will help solve problems. It can represent dislike or a lack of passion, excitement or romance. Take stock of how you feel. A majestic landscape can be seen in the background, and as the wands land on the grass, it shows you are heading toward . Eight of Wands Tarot Card Upright Meaning. Think before you act first. Things are moving fast though so you need to make sure they are moving in the direction you want them to do.This career Reversed reading can also indicate that you are at a crossroads and are unsure which path to take. The sky is clear and the beautiful river is flowing freely and giving life to the surrounding landscape. Be careful of the bright shiny object syndrome where, just as you get started on implementing one idea, another one comes to mind, and you switch your focus. If your job does not pay as well as you would like, it might be that you are still paying your dues. For her, knowledge of oneself is paramount, and Tarot is part of that journey. Replace your spending habit with meditation or journaling it will help you reign in your shopping compulsion. Forgive yourself and move forward with your life. This is a time of enthusiastic forward momentum in your love life, so enjoy the ride!Your Romantic life is full of energy and desire to take the journey through life together. Once youre in a pattern of self-sabotage, its very difficult to get out of it, so see this reading as a wake-up call to start ridding yourself of your fears and insecurities. Since all the arrows are pointed in one direction, this suggests a certain focus on their target. They are very good at multitasking and juggling commitments. In a spiritual context, the Eight of Wands indicates that you should be experiencing in a big upswing in your positive energy. It typically features eight thin rods or staves, arranged in a parallel fashion. The wandsalso appear like they are about to land, which signals the end of a long journey. Dont feel overwhelmed by new challenges together, you can handle anything. You may find yourself going places in the physical sense of attending meetings or overseas conferences or you may find your career is going places! In a love Tarot spread, if you are in a relationship the Eight of Wands reversed is not a good omen indicating a lack of progress or slow progress, lack of romance and a relationship losing its momentum. In the future position in your reading, the Eight of Wands is a harbinger of opportunity. In an existing relationship, the Eight of Wands can denote that the couple will fall in love again. For the time being, put all of your energy into living in the moment and know that when the time comes, your feelings will be your guide. In this position, the eight of wands has two meanings that can apply to your career. This can refer to swiftly unfolding events, whether of unintentional or intentional design. To maximise this energy, make sure your activities align with your broader goals and invest in the right things at the right time. In terms of finances, it appears like this is not the best time to make hasty investment. But that is not the case for you right now, because your bank balance is increasing at a very slow speed which is frustrating you a lot. If you are currently in a relationship, the chance of surprises and sudden plans, made either by you or your partner, is there, which will bring adventure and excitement to your relationship. NOTE: The Tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider Waite cards. This card is about balance and making sure that you are on the right path. If you are in business, a new venture could take off much sooner than you thought it would. Things are going your way. Look around this is a golden opportunity of a time for you. There is a sense of speed and energy with this card so expect a fast-paced, high energy work environment when it appears. One card pull is done when you want to have straight to the point and quick answers. Use the energy to prepare yourself and invest it to bring positive changes and bring out positive results. The Eight of Wands upright tells us that all the struggles and hardships that were indicated by the seven of wands have now ended, and a time of freedom and independence to move forward with your plans has come. Category: Minor Arcana, Suit of Wands. You need to settle this quickly in order to avoid derailing any major issue. 2023 Ingenio, LLC. Avoid making any new investments and think about your financial goals. Your impatience and anxiety are causing you to overspend. Every tarot card has a meaning for when the reader draws the card upright or reversed. Reversed Position: If you pulled the eight of wands in the reversed position, this also indicates yes, but it may take longer this time. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Try to carefully analyse your words and how they might impact the other person, before speaking them. The Eight of Wands reversal meaning on love may pertain to possible jealousy. The eight of wands represents rapid movement forward. The main take away from a card is that you should be more patient and remember that everything you are doing is part of your slow march towards progress. There is a lot of positive energy, and things are really starting to take off. In matters of the heart, the Eight of Wands speaks of a love that is exciting and developing quickly. When someone exclaimed that there were so many Persians their arrows would block out the sky. You may need to be patient and allow situations to play out a bit longer before you take action. Know that these surprises are good and positive which will make your bond stronger and help it last longer. Get best future predictions related to Marriage, love life, Career or Health over call, chat, query or report. This role requires a lot of attention and focus, and you are probably feeling lost or overwhelmed with all the responsibilities that have fallen on your shoulders all of a sudden. They are pointed at a downward angle, implying that they were thrown by somebody and are hurtling towards the ground at great speed. Remember that these abilities will develop at the pace they are meant to. The Eight of Wands meaning may also pertain to your work. It will only make things harder, so let go and be in the flow. Reversed General Meaning. Tarot card Eight of Wands means a vacation, a successful trip, a fun and easy pastime. The answer to your question is most likely yes. You might be feeling that the job you are doing right now is not as fulfilling and is not paying you enough, knowing that you are still in the process of paying your dues, and soon you will find a job or profession which will provide you with all the fulfilment that one requires in their life. Things will be moving quickly your relationship will progress fast, and you may feel as though you've been swept off of your feet. The Eight of Wands reversed appears in a tarot reading when you are wasting your energy. The eight of wands can represent a breakthrough moment or a time when things are finally falling into place. An enchanting astrology oracle deck featuring blue holographic detailing and edges, with calming and minimal full-bleed illustrations. You might feel as if there is not enough or you should be having money flow in faster. The Eight of Wands tarot card depicts eight wooden posts, also interpreted as wands flying through the air. Hastiness, speed, progress, movement, action, rushing, exciting times, travel, freedom, holiday, holiday romances, taking off, gaining momentum, ahead, thinking on your feet, sudden action, hard work paying off, results, solutions, energetic, positive, infatuation, obsession, being swept off your feet, jumping in. Their flight suggests change, movement and travel., Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 18 August 2021, at 21:08. When The Wheel of Fortune is in a reading with the Eight of Wands, the chance that you might lose a recent victory becomes a distinct possibility. Ultimately though, you will make progress. The most important message of the eight of wands is that one has to throw their wands or take their shot with determination and strength while focusing on the important things. You must be feeling frustrated and angry with yourself about something you did previously, like something you set in motion but the same thing turned out to be the obstacle. Everything that you are investing in right now, be it small or big, is going to bring fruitful results in the future, even if it feels frustrating for now. In a health Tarot reading, the Eight of Wands reversed can represent a slow recovery from an injury/illness or health suddenly taking a nose dive. However, it can also indicate an impending medical emergency which needs to be treated quickly. You will be thinking on your feet, seeing results and finding solutions. While it is particularly tempting right now, be warned against impulsive spending if you see this card here. You are not advancing because you let the opportunity to do so pass. Tarot Guru to help others actualize their spiritual potential and make the art Tarot... Be easy, but money has been going out just as fast as it has been coming.! A patron, an assistant who will help you reign in your career wandsalso like! Well as you would like, it symbolizes a feeling of swimming against the,. Bit longer before you take action bit of patience meant to someone while travelling minimal full-bleed illustrations obstacles it! 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