Aside from all of those things, Peatie still enjoys the simple things like a good scratch, peeing on everything he feels the need to and his favorite treat. But the principle is to think simple, minimal ingredients, avoid artificial colors, flavors and preservatives. I stopped the pills immediately. Ive not noticed any of the side effects as of yet but after reading the comments, I will ask for blood work. Dont give this drug to your pets.,,,,, I had tried hydroxyzine I think it is and now am trying the apoquel. The omega 3 dose I suggest is 1000 mg per 10lbs daily- this works out to giving 1 tablespoon of flax per 50lbs daily to your dog. Where do you find these complaints on the site? Multiple doses of antibiotics for skin infections. This medicine stopped the itch and it had wonderful results UNTIL recently she had 2 seizures!!!! My puppy is exhibiting the same bad side effects others mentioned in this post. Cetirizine hydrochloride, also known by its brand name Zyrtec, is a fairly new type of antihistamine that veterinarians have found useful in treating some canine allergies. By then I had seen this and I pulled him off the apoquel and started him on benadryl. We even had a needle biopsy done. We now have her on Denamarin,medium, to give her liver support and he wants me to ween her off of Apoquel so I only gave her 1/2 a tablet today but she is now on an antihistamine, Loratadine, 10mg, 1/2 in am 1/2 in pm. My 4yo Yorkie has been on Apoquel for 5 months. He was on it for about 5 months and then he began having stomach trouble. Puppy is losing hair in patches skin turns red with sores and he scratches a lot since 6/2/2016. If I could turn back time, I wouldve asked more questions and STAYED away from this drug. A small study of 299 dogs- 50% of the dogs took the placebo medication, and most dropped out of the study. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I have found that a commercial diet of fish and sweet potato work very well, and with this there is less itching, and licking. That is when I found all the other comments with the other symptoms she had. I dont believe it. My 6 year old french bull dog was put on Apoquel on 17/3/17 he had his first seizure on 2/4/17 he passed away on 4/4/17 my dog was fit and healthy up till his first seizure. The dog lost 10 pounds and recovered from the UTI but the previous cancer returned and she become seriously ill very quickly and we lost our beautiful dog. was hospitalized for cystitis secondary to urolithiasis (after day 80 of therapy). I have also found that by wiping his feet with a damp towel after he comes in from outside, there is far less itching and scratching. Without that terrible Apoquel. I just had to euthanize my 13 1/2 year old mi-ki due to cancer throughout his bladder with some changes to his liver. I have an eight year old cockapoo, who has been like my third child. Apoquel has been shown to be effective in reducing clinical signs of atopic dermatitis, such as pruritus, erythema, and scaling, within 24 hours of administration, Dr. Silva says. Seemingly startled that it happened. A couple of weeks later, she called me and talked me into starting him on 1/2 dose as the hydroxizine wasnt working. Hydroxyzine for dogs is a canine antihistamine. I am seriously thinking this drug is to blame. Ruined 6 months of our lives. His allergies are now extreme and he has no fur on the back of his paws/legs. Just like drugs for humans, they come with side effects and you have to weight out the benefit vs. the risks. Liver counts are high is some areas so we will check again in two months. As another poster mentioned she was panting, in pain and suffering. Your opinion is to not alarm pet owners about an association with severe side effects- Mine is otherwise. These may include vomiting, diarrhea, decreased appetite, and lethargy. She has kept me awake for the last few nights constantly getting up and wandering because she feels so sick. I feel apoquel has destroyed his ability to fight infections as before Ollie always responded well to treatments and now not at all. Apoquel (oclacitinib) is a medication that is specifically approved for use in dogs, it is not approved for use in Humans. Unlike Zoetis, when you make your claims about your supplement you dont show ANY study results or statistics. We have a small medical practice (my wife is med director.). Please do not give your dog this medicine I know it makes him stop itching but the outcome is not worth it putting him to sleep, its like putting your child asleep. So glad I saw these posts. I have her on flea meds year round, no fleas. I am wondering who your employer is, Ms Moore, and what prompted you to comment? Better safe than sorry. The comment section sure sounds familiar. Last two days he has been down barely able to raise his head and not walking at all. He has a low platelet count. Stay away from this POISON. My son just lost his beautiful 3 year old Dalmatian to the drug. Dogs with the MDR1 genetic mutation can become very ill or die if given certain medications. I am looking for suggestions on what to do. Hes still exhibiting some unusual behaviors like growling and barking at nothing in particular, getting upset easily and then throwing a bit of a tantrum, things hes never done before. Ever since this move, my dog is itching & scratching often. Chlorpheniramine is an antihistamine, used to treat allergic skin disease in dogs . Trazodone and acepromazine can be used together in some cases for dogs who are very anxious or aggressive, but this needs to be done in close consultation with your veterinarian in terms of dosing.If your dog requires strict crate rest, ask your veterinarian to prescribe trazodone. require discontinuation of therapy. My vet has referred us to a vet specialist, which I hear is very expensive. Metronidazole can have a bitter flavor and so may be best tolerated when given with food. After a few months the vet recommended Apoquel, we never thought to ask about side effects. I think I will try those probiotic and omegasits worth a shot. 10% fatal result makes this safe? This made a huge difference for surgeries. Let him know that I would never give this precious dog any medication without our friends permission. Cons: I chose to start frequent washing with 3% BPO shampoo to deal with the yeast infections from allergies, (at least thats what the vet told me was causing this). This weekend, she developed diarrhea. It worked amazing for my golden retriever she was constantly chewing her paws & itching all the time I hated the to think she would have to take a perscription meds for the rest of her life & then I tried it! Other than some itching she has always been healthy. We again returned to the center on April 30, 2018 to evaluate but left only with another prescription for Apoquel for $138.60. Heres a handy chart to help you figure out the right dosage for your pup: Mutasim is an author and software engineer from the United States, I and a group of experts made this blog with the aim of answering all the unanswered questions to help as many people as possible. We tried everything for our dogs itchy skin, and finally agreed to try Apoquel, although I was concerned about side effects. I hope others do the same. So, my point being could this Apoquel be causing her to urinate more frequently (Also, she gets my hubby up sometimes 2 -3 times a night to go pee. She is allergic to beef, flax, white potatoe, corn and a few other things. He had pancratitis attack 2 yrs ago, so they do not want to give him prednisone alot. (I Hope). She was given a shot of something at the vet to help with itching. I think I will try the lady Anns recipe and see if that helps her. The neurologist said by default he had to dx her with epilepsy. It took about 3 months for her red blood cells to start reproducing and return to normal. But, Cytopoint isn't a chemical, like most drugs we're familiar with. This generation of antihistamine also crosses the blood-brain barrier and acts on the histamine receptors in the central nervous system. If youre wondering how I treat my dogs allergies, I focus on diet. He is obviously off the medicine and on new medicine to help his liver until the extent of the damage is assessed and the Dr. can provide a treatment plan moving forward. It's a synthetic monoclonal antibody . So in the midst of all of this I did notice that her pet food had changed gradually and I finally took the last case back and put her on another food just in case it was a food additive issue! After tapering off the prednisone as prescribed, she was off to the races again. Because of this you may want to give them separately the first few . She was a stray and was having such allergies I finally decided to get her an allergy panel. We tried Benedryl, claritan,and zyrtec, nothing worked except prednisone in combination with antibiotics. She couldnt eat on her own and worst, she didnt recognize us or let us pet her. (Answered 2023), How Much Food Should My 8 Week Old Puppy Eat? Let these people talk about what they think about this drug. I should have typed EFFECTS not AFFECTS. Still itching and the straw that broke the camels back was seizures. If Cytopoint and Apoquel are going to be effective in a particular dog, they typically begin to work within the first 24 hours but may take a little longer to reach peak efficacy. Wow so glad there are others who experienced hell with this drug. Cefpodoxime (brand names Simplicef and Vantin ) is an oral antibiotic used to treat certain skin infections in dogs. But lately the allergic reaction has gotten worse and I have spent a small fortune at the vet. So, $75 wasted but Im very grateful I found this anecdotal evidence and have sent a link to this to my vet. Two days ago (45 days into Apoquel) Peatie woke from a nap and walked around frantically bumping into things, hes blind, but it seemed more than usual, so I picked him up and he went tight in my armskind of like a dog stretching, but I soon realized he was in a seizure when he urinated all over me. I am very upset after reading about this that our vet never advised to watch for side effects. Control of pruritus associated with allergic dermatitis and control of atopic dermatitis in dogs at least 12 months of age. Instead of continuing to be a veterinarian, helping those innocent animals, and even keeping them from going to other veterinarians that may not explain the risks with medications, you quit, to sell supplements and offer a one sided view. I noticed that her poop looked very black but thought it was from some boiled chicken that we had given her. The answer is yes, your dog can take Apoquel and Hydroxyzine together. I am now convinced its the apoquel. Yes, you can give your dog Apoquel and Zyrtec together. BTW, we cleaned up her diet and such, but some of the natural remedies suggested above are almost impossible to administer to my dog. I certainly dont want to cause the side effects that I read. My dog has chronic dermatitis and this seems to help quite a bit but not totally. Ive been looking for others with the same diagnosis. Unbelievable!!! I brought her home and gave her 1 dose of 16 mg around 4PM. There he had a second seizure which left him drooling,crying and incapable of any movement.I had no choice,I chose to relieve his pain. My 14 year old Boston best friend in the world had been plagued by itching his entire life. So, it is important that you only give this medication to your dog under your vets supervision. I went to the FDA website and there is not one complaint that I can find from any vet or pet owner. But then, she became actually fearful of people she formerly would jump up and down to give them kisses. Thank you Dr. Jones, youre one of the good ones. Also KU Medical center, dept of Integrative Medicine. Her itching is down 75% over three weeks and her coat is beatiful and shiny, she has tons of energy. It has been determined that it is more than likely the combination of the Apoquel and the steroid injection.. My dog (a 12 year old shepherd mix) is about a month or so in on this medication, which has miraculously stopped most, if not all of her itching (which she has had her whole life, is indoors, and was previously on prednisone for). I continued with the Apoquel thinking that if Im patient, things would get better with time. Apoquel never did stop the itching. I was not told he could contract opportunistic fungal infections, but this is a huge risk for dogs who are on this drug. He never does that, he always tells me when he has to go out. I WOULD NEVER GIVE THIS DRUG TO A PET I LOVED. I have noticed she is urinating longer outside and now has gone potty in her crate on her bedding while we are at work, once on my area rug and then right in front of my husband on the bath mat. No more for my precious girl! Just look at the case of mefloquine in humans; a drug which blocks receptors in the CNS being given to control malaria!!! We are going to wean her off the supply we have and tell the vet we are going to take her off the apoquel. I use duoxo chlorhexadine shampoo as well as the spray. APOQUEL Its crazy how fast that can happen. When I do find him upstairs he is comatose and has vomited all around the house and done a poo in the family room. At the time, we had a huge issue, and I felt there was nothing else and the Apoquel worked so well. Is it okay to take her off immediately, or do I need to wean her gradually? Hi David, Thanks for your question. After reading almost all of the comments on here I would think you would all exchange info and file a Class Action Lawsuit against the makers of this drug, the FDA for negligence, at least. Well then..we wont be friends. He kept saying its a new drug. If Zoetis produces the vaccines that were usedwell that would truly answer a lot of questions. For the prescriptions !!! I do not know what to think at this point and Im upset I didnt know the long term side effects of this miracle drug could possibly be responsible for the sickness of my dog. it may even exacerbate cancer, Diarrhea, vomiting, (both w/ Also, the little guy was not scratching. Despite providing the vet center with a copy of my letter to Zoetis and their request to have the vet contact them to discuss this AE, as of 9-6-19 the vet has not contacted them. I dont think so.. dont use this drug! We havent been able to test for what his allergies could be yet, but the vet thinks it could be something environmentalmold, pollen, dust, something. I would say that these veterinarians are concerned about their wallets Be very wary of any vet, or human doctor for that matter, that touts a medicine without side effects. I got him at six weeks old, so I can say I know him better than anyone. Veterinarian, author, advocate for alternative, natural solutions for dog and cat health. I tried to have the 10 pills she takes daily compounded by a vet pharmacy in Scottsdale, but the fillers they used caused her to start seizing, so now we just do the 10 pills a day of 1 med. NONE OF THESE SO-CALLED VETS EVEN Do dogs [] He itched and scratched since we got him. Both hydroxyzine HCl (hydrochloride) and hydroxyzine pamoate have the same active ingredient, hydroxyzine. Hi, my one year old bull terrier cross was put Apoquel a few days ago for an allergy. Is there another page that Im missing. Of the total drug interactions, 98 are major, 282 are moderate, and 4 are minor. The vet recommended Apoquel new improved antihistamine drug. Apoquel tablets for dogs comes strengths of 3.6mg, 5.4 mg and 16mg of oclacitinib per tablet. Dont listen to what your vet says, arm yourself with knowledge by researching this and everything else they say, youre lining their pockets, they have a business to run and the companies that make these drugs have profits to make, do you really think they want you to have a healthy dog? You wouldnt Inject AIDS in your child, that is what this stuff sounds like. I think if you are caught up on the FDA trial studies, please look at every drugs FDA trials. Keep in mind she has been on the Apoquel since the spring of 2014 when it came out. I dont trust drugs and I dont trust doctors, or car sales men, or lawyers for that matter. Coma and apnea in a dog with hydroxyzine toxicosis. We are scheduled to go see our great dermatologist again as soon a weather permits the drive. Prior to Apoquel he was on steroids and Benedry, with no relief; special shampoos and conditioners, I changed his diet at least 5-6 times, tried Licks supplement, was on numerous antibiotics due to raw paws; muzzle; belly, ears & feet. If not Im going back to the vets. There is a wide variety of reasons your dog may be itchy. She had bloods done 2 weeks ago and they were all fine so Im hoping the last few days of the drug wont cause any irreversible issues but she has had her last dose and Im hoping to see improvement. She sounds like a very sweet dog not making a mess for you. Last June 2016 our vet prescribed Apoquel for our 8 year old Shih Tzu for her itching. I love my dog way too much to simply take the risk. The Apoquel was started end of May. Thats terrible! None of these worked brilliantly but they did have an effect on reducing some of his symptoms. Apoquel Dosage. We put her on a strict diet and would only let her play in the grass on occasion. Not like her at all. The only real side affects that weve noticed is that she is getting large skin tags and she has a couple of cysts on her head. Plus wipe those feet after being out. And only started happening when she went back on the drug. After autopsy Im told he had tumor like growths in his chest. Xylitol is extremely toxic, even deadly, for dogs. She sent us to a vet that is a dermatologist 3 hours drive away. My shihtzu was dealing with itchy skin issues which we thought was a fungal infection. Can I give my dog antihistamine with Apoquel? Its all about the money! with her vet for a nail clipping. I have to say that this vet was like a car salesman with his selling of the Apoquel saying that the results would be better than any negative effects of the drug, on and on. He was unresponsive, although breathing. Our present vet had him on prednisone off and on and it seemed to work but we were all worried about long term effects. Knowing the medication was the only new thing in his routine, we stopped it. August 18, 2020 By //byThe Dogsnet Team 2 Comments. so I went back to my regular vet I trusted who pit Ollie on ever increasing steroids to try to kill this yeast infection. She has NEVER done this, she wont even puke on the floor she runs to her crate she is the most courteous dog when it comes to messing anything up. Started on Apoquel February 25 and the itching stopped almost immediately He has been on Apoquel for about 3 weeks now with no side effects. I decided to look up the side effects of Apoquel, as that was the only thing that was new and I wondered if GI upset and diarrhea could become an issue while on it. Your vet will work to determine the appropriate dosage according to a few factors. I had noticed over the past few months he limped or tripped on his feet a few times, but he has hip dysplasia and we thought his hips were getting worse and that was the reason for the decline in his walking and climbing stairs. My advice, such as it is, is to inform yourself as much as you can about anything that you are going to give your dog and watch them closely while on it. She has now had two seizures. The vets are making a fortune off this drug and the injections that is why they are pushing them. At this point our cost has been $2200. quality of life for both the dog and its owner unless they are controlled with effective Cytopoint is an, on average, once a month injection into the skin. Doctor said he also showed signs of neurological damage and he was bleeding from his rectum. Janus kinase Inhibitors are on the market for the treatment of autoimmune diseases in humans including Xeljanz and baricitinib (Olumiant Lilly) for oral treatment of adults with moderately to severely active rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Drug interactions Hydroxyzine magnifies the effects of sedatives and inhibits the effect of stimulatory medications. I believe some of the vets push it because it is expensive. She was done with the medication on Oct 31 and her hair was falling out and She started developing lymph nodes in her chest area. She was burping, licking her mouth, eating grass and her breath smelt very bad. Can Humans take Apoquel? Scariest thing Ive ever seen. I thought I had found the magic drug. The treatment can be very effective. Total bill for this visit was $309.95 of which $126 was for another Rx for 70 Apoquel 5.4mg, Over the following months, we started to see these growths appearing all over his body that appeared to be papillomas (warts) in addition to having interdigital cysts between his toenails causing him to constantly chew/lick them to the point of becoming scabbed. Ive been searching all day and came across other dogs doing the same. After reading all the complants. The next morning at 5AM the same thing happened. He still licks his paws a lot at night is the only symptom left. The most common side effects were: You can use a Natural flea spray that has cedarwood oil, and a safe holistic powder for putting in the cracks and crevices of your house called Borax. I know my Dog, . old Golden Retriever just started taking it and it has made him lethargic as noted in this article. Seonaid, what dose are you giving your westie? In studies, dogs were treated with APOQUEL for more than 2 years. Have had my 20 month old westie on it for the last two weeks. However, it is important to make sure that you are using the correct dosage for your dog's weight and that you are monitoring your dog closely for any side effects. So, our story is our 7 mo. These medications may cause some risk when taken together. I now blame myself because I should have researched this medication before I gave it to her. The medication is available in tablet form in the following doses: 10 mg; 25 mg; and 50 mg. Hydroxyzine for dogs is not often used in this capacity. We were told to take her home and scheduled a full body scan by a professional x-ray tech. We had started a chemotherapy regimen in November which completely zapped her energy. As I write this I just want everyone to know.the drug may stop the itching as it did with my dog, but it allows the immune system to weaken and your dog wont be able to fight off the most basic thing: fungus. So, if your dog is pregnant it would be wise to discuss this with your vet. Brief in length, 5 minutes. 14 days later he died. My vet gave her a shot of cortisone too and he says its probably the mixture of both that few days. Yes, it stopped his itching but at what price? Gabapentin is a medication that veterinarians are prescribing with increasing frequency, sometimes alone but more commonly in combination with other medications, for the management of pain in dogs. Weve had very warm weather for December in Delaware and had new sod put around a new patio. Common names: chlorpheniramine, chlorpheniramine maleate. He is allergic to lots of things, some cannot be avoided without putting him in a chamber. However, it is important to speak to your veterinarian about the best treatment plan for your dog. I have a 90 pound mixed male Shar pei who has been on Apoquel 3 years now. Key Points on Apoquel Unlike steroids, Apoquel side effects are minimal: no excessive thirst or hunger, no exces-sive urination, and no long-term negative effects on the liver Apoquel can cause rare intermittent GI symptoms For a 45-lb. He is a cocker spaniel who is now just over 10 years old. While the first antihistamines were too toxic for human use, they have since been refined and are commonly, and safely, used today. Itching caused by an allergic skin disease can be an For us, Apoquel is a bad drug. I am so pleased to have Apoquel that keeps him happy and well. She is a golden doodle and only a year and 8 months old . While still within reference ranges, mean serum globulin and mean white blood cell, When we took her out to potty, she was randomly falling down and her back legs were very unstable. So, on Apoquel she went. In April we reduced her to 1/2 every morning but it was no longer being effective.I raised her dosage back to1 -3.6mg a day and she started having seizures. His nose is cold and his behavior is normal, but we are very worried. of the development of severe pyoderma (after day 19) and one dog withdrew because of the Does zonisamide interact with my other drugs? When we found the new vet he said he wanted to try Peatie on a new anti-itch drugpricey but effective.
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