Vue 3 is the new version of Vue.js that was re-written from scratch using If you need on-demand compilation with Message compiler, you need to set the runtimeOnly option to false. It presents a clean and flexible way to compose logic inside and between components. Deep Reactive Conversion. Vue's reactivity magic is one of the most attractive aspects of Vue.js. Among those was Vue and with its Composition API, it showcased its own vision for React Hooks's competitor. Learn more about the Composition API here (opens new window). In this article, well look at how to learn Vue 3 from scratch, how easy it is to start using the Composition API in your Vue 2 code, how to migrate an app from Vue 2 to Vue 3, how to create a Vue 3 app from scratch using the CLI, and how to start playing with it. Option API is available in both Vue.js 2 and 3 whereas composition API is available from Vue.js 3. Vue.js allows you to treat registered ViewModel constructors as reusable components that are conceptually similar to Web Components, without requiring any polyfills.To register a component, first create a subclass constructor of Vue using Vue.extend(), then use the global Vue.component() method to The unit test for this component needs one more line than the test for the "classic" unit test - adding the composition API wrapper plugin to the local Vue instance. Well, here are two ways to use Vuex with the new Vue Composition API. A example on how to use the inject and provide functions to create a i18n plugin using Composition API in Vue.js 3. There is much more that can be said about the composition API. Being a long-time Vue user and React Hooks fan, I simply had to check out Vue 3 and its Composition API. Testing a component build with the Composition API should be no different to testing a standard component, since we are not testing the implementation, but the output ( what the component does, not how it does it). The way plugins are coded in Vue.js 3 with Composition API differ from traditional plugins. Bootstrap 5 Complete Course with Examples Bootstrap 5 Tutorial - Bootstrap 5 Crash Course for Beginners Nest.JS Tutorial for Beginners Hello Vue 3: A First Look at Vue 3 and the Composition API Building a simple Applications with Vue 3 Using Composition API in Vue 3. Composition API is not only a new, revolutionary way of sharing reusable code between components but also a great alternative to popular state management libraries like Vuex. The composition API is a new and optional way of creating and organizing components in a Vue 3 application. The way to use components isn't any different than it is in the Options API. Summary. And so I did and loved using it ever since - potentially even more than React Hooks. Finally, weve built our Shopping List app with the Vue 3 Composition API. However, like the Options API, the Vue Composition API also shipped with watch, that offers developers another way of watching and reacting to data changes. Its interesting to see how the Composition API is used in Vue 2. I would like to share some good experience I have while using it, for your reference if you're planning to use the new Vue 3, or migrate from Vue 2. Vue.js - The Progressive JavaScript Framework. We also walked through how to use the Vue Composition API and React Hooks with examples and reviewed the major differences between the Vue Composition API and React Hooks. You may ask, why would you even want non-reactive objects? Note: the main aim is to allow experimentation and feedback before the final release of Nuxt 3.The API of Nuxt-specific methods will likely change before Nuxt 3 is released.