For example, with MTNL your telephone details would be your Consumer Reference Number. Taxpayer Identification Numbers Your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is a unique combination of letters and/or numbers assigned to you/your entity. Simply enter any HSBC Transaction Reference for the package you wish to track in the box below. There you get a form to fill. P.O. Roll number? Erm, is it Roll Number OR account number + Sort code? P.O. Provide details such as reference number, application number, date of birth, and mobile number. Sheet number - Your statement might run over more than one page all the sheets are numbered so you can keep them in the right order Attention: Mail stop NOE 1290 1 Corporate Drive, Suite 360 Lake Zurich, IL 60047-8945 Account number - This 8-digit number is the unique number for your account which anyone paying money to you will need to know. If no reference is provided, the payment system will populate with the payment IRN (Instruction Reference Number). It requires you to verify transactions in HSBC Malaysia online banking by entering beneficiary-specific information (your account number, bill payee reference number etc.) Box 22 Buffalo, NY 14240. How does my Mobile Secure Key increase the security level for my HSBC Malaysia online banking account? Thank you for your help. Something like this: 0123465 sort code: [XX]-[XX]-[XX] [Edited on 08.28.2010 6:59 AM PDT] As Roll number is the Building society equivalent of an account number. Also, I have been trying the 'direct feeds' option for a few days but it asks you to input a 'unique reference number'. Oh right. Your account number + Sort Code is what they want. Card Number *Signed Enrollment Form: HSBC Mastercard: HKB MC: Y: Y: Y: Y: credit card number *Signed Enrollment Form: HSBC Visa: HKBVSA: Y: Y: Y: Y Reference number can be secured by calling IOS Ideal Optical office department at these number/s: 733-3767/733-2990 : Once you complete submitting your form, you will get an access to check the status ; HSBC Bank Credit Card Introduction: HSBC is known as one of the latest organization which is offering financial services and banking. Some countries/jurisdictions do not issue a TIN, but may rely on other issued numbers such as social security/national insurance numbers or company registration numbers for entities. Mortgages. Sort code - A 6-digit number which identifies the branch where your account is held. Box 2013 Buffalo, NY 14240. HSBC Bank USA, N.A. HSBC Customer Service Address. HSBC Premier Service Center. This field supports the SWIFT character set. Premier Banking. Please note that the HSBC Transaction Reference is case sensitive. A Consumer Reference Number/Customer ID/Subscription ID is the unique identification number assigned to you by each biller/payee, which would appear on the bill received by you. For US Accounts (debit and/or credit), this field cannot start or end with a slash / and must not contain two consecutive slashes //. HSBC say QB need to provide this and QB say HSBC need to provide it. Been going round in circles for about a week now. 6. and the transaction amount into your Mobile Secure Key. Customer: HSBC Project Title: HONG KONG PROY FORM 2021 T: 0207 055 6500 F: 020 7055 6600 Shareholder Reference Number Personal Identification Number (PIN) FORM OF PROXY HSBC Holdings plc Annual General Meeting 11.00am London time (6.00pm Hong Kong time) on Friday, 28 May 2021 Retrieve your saved HSBC Australia application or quote.