Fish and Wildlife Service ruled that listing the swift fox as endangered was warranted, but that designation was precluded by a backlog of other higher-priority species. Its muzzle is darkgray to black on either side, as is the base and tip of its tail. In 1995, the U.S. In 1978 the Canadian Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife declared that wild swift foxes The conservation status of the swift fox is currently Least Concern and its population is thought to be stable. In 1978, the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada formally designated the swift fox as an extirpated species, and it was not downlisted to endangered until 1999. The males tend to be on the larger s Although historically common and widely distributed in short- and mixed-grass prairies of the Great Plains, swift foxes have experienced significant population declines and are now estimated to occupy less than half of their historic range in the United States. Due to the Swift Fox Conservation Team efforts in swift fox monitoring, management and research, as well as reintroductions in Canada and parts of the United States, the little foxes began to make a comeback. Lika, a female kit, went to the Hutchinson Zoo for a chance to breed. It is a buff-colored fox with light tan to white on its throat, chest, and belly. The 2005/2006 census showed continued increases in population size and distribution. They were once endangered, especially in Canada, but the International Union for See full answer below. In lieu of current federal protection, state and other agencies within the historic range of the swift fox formed the Swift Fox Conservation Team to prevent further decline. Coming up next is the Fox of the Tundra: Arctic Fox. This species of fox is only about 1 foot tall. The swift foxes in our care No walk-ups due to COVID. 1979. By 1998, the swift fox was downgraded to endangered in Canada. Swift foxes live in short-grass prairies, grasslands, and deserts in western North America, including in Canada. In the face of this enormous decline, a multi-stakeholder, comprehensive approach is required to restore swift fox populations across the Northern 31663-31666. The swift fox is being hunted in many regions of the world for its furs. Nongame species of special interest or concern: Mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes. The female fox, Peggy, arrived here on Jan. 22, 2012 with her sister, Martha. Speak up for species and places through WWF's Action Center. Provincially, Swift Foxes are listed as Endangered under the Alberta Wildlife Act and Regulation and the Saskatchewan Wildlife Habitat Protection Act. The swift fox enclosure remains a popular stop during tours. Its muzzle is darkgray to black on either side, as is the base and tip of its tail. Visit our Adopt page to learn how you can adopt our swift fox pack and help contribute to the survival of this endangered species. Swift Fox , cute little creatures. While swift foxes are still classified as endangered, the swift fox's return is one of the most successful species reintroduction stories in Canada, just as the island fox's recovery is hailed as a success in the US. Short- and mixed-grass prairies of the Great Plains of North America, View our inclusive approach to conservation, Tribes Begin Five-Year Swift Fox Reintroduction at Fort Belknap. On May 8, 2013, four more kits were born to Peggy and Ernie. Swift Fox diet in Wyoming is broad and tends to track prey abundance. Kimi, the second female kit, went to the Cochrane Ecological Institute in Canada for a chance to breed.