This official video from the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts shows you how to create a Webfile account. It is printed in the upper left corner of the tax report we mail to each taxpayer and on most notices. The Texas Comptroller's most commonly used web browsers are Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Firefox. This also allows you to quickly copy and paste the number from Screen 4.4 to screen 54.431 for the applicable TX Get a full report of their traffic statistics and market share. The reference number acknowledges receipt of the electronically filed return. If you do not have your Webfile number, you can contact us at (800) 442-3453 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Resident. Taxpayer's webfile number (security code mailed to all franchise taxpayers). You can request a duplicate report via this automated system if you cannot provide the confidential information.". Contact Texas Comptroller @1-800-442-3453 for your WebFile number - Form Number: Header; Line Number Your Personal Identification Code (Webfile number) will be one of the following: RT Numbers: The number begins with the letters RT followed by 6 digits. You must have the correct WebFile number or the correct prior year total revenue to resolve this reject. If you cannot find your notification letter or delinquent notice, you can contact us at (800) 442-3453 to request a duplicate letter. GETTING STARTED. comptroller. Account Holder is a reference to the specific User Identification assigned to this account and specific tax or fee. texas.g ov/taxes/file-pay/, Federal Employer Identification Number EIN. Texas Identification Number TIN State payees include vendors who contract with a state agency to provide goods or services and individual recipients. It is printed in the upper left corner of the tax report we mail to each taxpayer and on most notices. Texas WebFile Number: This is the WebFile number that is attached in the returns form that the state has sent. By continuing to browse this site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. An email will be sent to the address you provided. Webfile number or last reported revenue is incorrect or blank. This official video from the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts shows you how to locate or obtain your WebFile Number. by providing the taxpayers Webfile number for authentication. continue with the rest of the form. Select I have read and agree to comply with the Terms of Use for TxComptroller eSystems. Your feedback about this article will help us make it better. Total Revenue from the latest TX Franchise Tax return by the taxpayer (if zero, the webfile number must be used). Enter your ID in the space provided and select Check Availability. What is my Webfile number and where do I find it? If you do not have your Webfile number, you can contact us at (800) 442-3453 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is two letters followed by six numbers (Example: RT666666). You can also reach them by phone at 800-252-5555. Manage Profile: Select one of these options to update your user profile, change your security question, change your password or return to the eSystems menu. The Biblical Meaning Of the Number 2018. Your Webfile number is your "access code" to Webfile issued by the Comptroller's office. From creating a Webfile account to finding your taxpayer number and on to filing, turn to our complete selection of how-to videos for help with your sales tax return. Visit our online support to submit a case. To contact sales, or renew your ProSeries product, please call 1-800-934-1040, Monday - Friday, 6:00 am -