Location: 301 West Kitty Hawk Road Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 (252) 261-4700 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Lent, Holy Week & Easter Schedule. MASS TIMES DAILY MASS: at 12:10pm Monday-Friday VIGIL MASS: at 4pm on Saturday (fulfills your Sunday obligation) SUNDAY 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm and 2:00pm (all in English) 4:00pm in Spanish. This year, due to COVID, ashes will be distributed in the European style, with the deacon/priest sprinkling them on the top of the head. Welcome to Holy Redeemer and Immaculate Conception Collaborative Parishes: the Catholic presence in the more than 60 square miles of the four towns of Merrimac, Newbury, Newburyport, and West Newbury in Massachusetts. or. The gates at the Shrine closes at 3:00pm Monday-Friday (unless its a Holy Day of Obligation). Confession: Saturday - 3:00 - 3:45 PM. Sunday at 9am, 11am . 11:15 am - English Mass Mass Times. Greeter/Usher. Saturday: 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm and any other time by appointment. Daily Mass Schedule: Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM *Seat Reservation not required . Parish News. The Pastor and staff extend an Easter greeting to all Parishioners and to those who are visiting. Holy Redeemer is a unique spiritual home for African-American Catholics in Bexar County. Click the link below for more information about our full Mass Schedule, Confessions, Rosary, Private Prayer and Our Location. Since our Bishop has dispensed us from the obligation to attend weekend Mass, some may find attendance at weekday Mass more feasible. Music. Weekend Masses are Saturday at 4:30pm & Sunday at 8:30 & 11:00am You MUST Sign-up to attend Mass. Sunday: 8:00 AM English English EN Holy Redeemer - Additional Mass for Palm Sunday 2021 only 10:00 AM English English EN St. Ferdinand/ Communion distirbution after mass until 11:15 am 10:00 AM English English EN Holy Redeemer - (Palm Sunday 2021 Mass at 11:00 AM Instead) 11:00 AM English English EN St. Gregory/ Communion distribution after Mass until 12:15 pm We openly invite you to join us, at our events and at Mass to praise and worship God our Father. 11:15 am - English Mass Art & Environment. Saturday at 3 & 5 pm. HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION Create New Account. Mass Schedule for Sunday, December 13, 2020. All Weekday Masses will take place at Holy Redeemer by the Sea in Kitty Hawk at 9 AM. Not Now. Bishop Barbarito has kindly extended dispensation from attending Mass for all Catholics as we navigate thru Covid-19. Tuesday and Thursday 6pm. Log In. And closes on Saturday and Sunday at the end of the last scheduled Mass. Please be on time. Que la resurreccin de Cristo te llene de esperanza y paz. Holy Redeemer by the Sea. It is a true sense of a community and being brothers and sister in Christ. Weekly Mass Schedule. Log In. Welcome to Holy Redeemer Catholic Church in San Antonio, Texas! Holy Redeemer is a parish that is living out the Gospel of Jesus Christ through our faith, fellowship and stewardship. Church doors are opened only during Confession and Mass times, unless you have an appointment scheduled. Wishing your family a blessed and joyous Easter. Liturgical Ministers Schedule. Create New Account. The following practices and regulations are promulgated and binding for all Latin Rite Catholics in the Diocese of Erie for Lent and the Paschal Triduum, 2021. Sunday - 8:00 AM *Seat Reservation Required . obligation) Wednesday and Friday 9am. Eucharistic Ministry to the Sick. 11:15am- English Mass. Weekday Masses. Weekend Mass. Register for 2020-2021 PSR PSR Calendar 2020-2021 PSR CLASS SCHEDULE for 2020-2021 First Semester In order to prepare for Confirmation, 8th grade will meet socially distanced, in person, either [] HOLY REDEEMER MASS SCHEDULE