So I'm being a moderator for a streamer and I usually handle a lot of different commands.The streamer is using both Nightbot and StreamElements (SE).I'm "promoted" to Supermoderator so I can handle setgame, settitle and so on.But I can't figure out how to make a command that only moderators and above can use.This is to prevent the chat from spam the command. Deleting Commands StreamElements . Is there anyone here that could help me out with the variable for this?I did manage to make the command itself, but it's open for everyone to use. Just follow these steps to add a chat command to your Twitch chat: Open up the Commands menu from the main menu, then open the Custom commands menu from there. Command this is the actual command you or the user can use within the Twitch chat; Message this is the text that will appear in text chat, sent from Nightbot itself So remember to replace the !awesomecommand and TEXT spots how you want them to show. Click save and you should be golden. (not the store) Allow import of Chat commands from one channel to another You can use /mods to see a full list of the modded users in the channel and check the viewer list to see what mods are currently in the chat. Once you have this link you send it to the person you want to have that access, all they have to do is click it. You can make changes to commands in chat using flags on the !cmd command. As you can see, the commands main feature is to facilitate everything related to the chat and what happens during your streaming. Just type out everything between {} To add a command {!commands add} To edit a command {!commands edit} To delete a command {!commands delete} After each line you will need to enter the name of the command. I wonder if it's possible to have a '+' (and '-' ) button to add (and remove) multiple lines of responses for custom commands. Update command details. Permission: Moderators!removecommand: Allows a mod to remove a command Stream bots allow for moderators to add commands through the chat. The first, Show video on overlay / Hide video button is a killswitch, controlling all other media share related settings. How to add commands on twitch as a mod streamelements. Click here to enable Cloudbot from the Streamlabs Dashboard, and start using and customizing commands today. 3 Edit the new command. The link is a one time usage. I encourage you to customize this one. Commands!addcommand: Allows a mod to add a command directly from chat. Thank you so much for this, I was wondering if there was a way to edit the cooldown for commands via chat. Copy link. Streamers will want to pick someone who promotes their values and behaves well you can prove to Streamers you are capable of this with how you act during their stream. Send the link privately to the person you want to give access to. Update channel filter settings. Adding a chat command#. Go to your overlays and edit the overlay you use. So What is StreamElements? Use the following jump down section to find the Twitch mod commands you need: Followers Only Chat ; Subscriber Only Chat; Slow Chat; Emotes Only Chat; Clear Chat; Stop Spam; View User Information; Viewer Timeout; Ban a Viewer; Twitch Followers Only Chat Command. Valid flags are -cd (global cooldown), -usercd (user cooldown), -cost (number of loyalty points), -level (number), -type (say, whisper, reply) and -count (number), levels for permissions: 100 -> everyone 250 -> subs 300 -> regular 500 -> mod 1000 -> supermod 1500 -> broadcaster, Last, if you need any more help, the StreamElements discord is where the party is at: