Image: The Giant Mekong catfish is one of the largest freshwater fishes in the world. The report, which was titled River of Giants: Giant Fish of the Mekong, writes on four of these giant catfish which make their home in the Mekong. Could be it will reopen when the new Mekong River bridge is completed. It's probable that the Giant Catfish is moving annually over thousands of kilometers riverupwards from central and north Cambodia up to north Thailand, where the females lay their eggs. Adults are almost exclusively plant eaters. Iridescent sharks share ancestry with the Mekong giant catfish (Pangasionodon gigas). In the old days, what is here not so long ago, some decades only, the Giant Catfish lived in the whole of the 4,800km long Mekong River, in some of it's tributaries and in the Tonle Sap (River) and Tonle Sap Lake. Photo about Mekong giant catfish in fish tank. But the project might haven't been really successfull. your own Pins on Pinterest A Giant Catfish. Conclusion: Most freshwater aquarium catfish stay under 12 inches at maturity but, again, there are Many of the catfish members (particularly from the genus Corydoras) are extremely popular in the aquarium trade as bottom-dwellers. Download this Iridescent Shark Mekong Giant Sutchi Catfish Catfish In The Aquarium photo now. Download this Iridescent Shark Mekong Giant Sutchi Catfish Catfish In The Aquarium photo now. Download all free or royalty-free photos and vectors. Very vew individuals are still observed or fished. No wonder iridescents tend to hang out in professional installations. It is the largest catfish in North America and the third largest obligate freshwater. The herbivorous species, which is critically endangered, is one of the worlds largest freshwater fish. Fantastic ancient paintings on sandstone cliff, 3,000 year-old. This Giant catfish feeds almost exclusively on vegetation but in captivity will take other food items such as bread and ground bait mix. By Scientific name, Didn't find the info you were looking for? I heared rumours about an official project in the past, when the authorities bred young Giant Catfish and released them into the Mekong at Chiang Khong. aquarium showcases several critically-endangered fish species including a Mekong giant catfish (Pangasianodon gigas) obtained from Thailand in 2010. A species of freshwater fish in the shark catfish family and one of the largest freshwater fish species in the world. The temperature is set to 25C77F using a100w heater. The Giant Mekong Catfish grow up to more than 3m in length and can gain a weight of over 300kg. The river-themed underwater - vector - freshwater aquarium catfish A school of Striped Eel Catfish (Plotosus lineatus) in Here you get more on 'Damming the Mekong'. Since 1967 Giant Catfish are bred in Thailand in reservoirs or aquariums. Due to overfishing, pollution and the construction of the first four dams in China, the biggest sweetwater fish on earth is nowadays critically endangered. Aquatic breeding places. These eggs reach numbers between 500.000 and 2.000.000, about 13kg to 14kg. Jetzt das Foto Irisierende Hai Mekong Giant Sutchi Catfish Welse Im Aquarium herunterladen. Giant Mekong Catfish are not really suitable for aquarium due to several reasons. Catfish vary in a wide range of sizes, from the worlds largest freshwater fish species Mekong Giant Catfish to tiny parasitic species Candiru. Here you get more on 'Damming the Mekong'. And search more of iStock's library of royalty-free stock images that features Animal photos available for quick and easy download.