Have received some compensation from the government redundancy services and also have a default tribunal award, since the company eventually went into liquidation. Fillable how to get a p45 from previous employer. A P46 is a form that takes the place of a P45 if you dont have one from a previous employer. Under Real Time Information for PAYE (RTI), employers no longer use form P46. If you need further information about what a P45 is, visit the gov.uk website. i lost the one from my previous employer whats the quickest way to get one? Hey guys, Been at my current job just over a month now, and due my pay this friday, which is currently on an emergency tax code ( 1150LX ). No problem. It provides details of an employees tax code, previous pay and tax. You can do this by asking your new employer or by checking your payslip. If you dont provide a P45 to your employer or dont fill out a P46, you will normally be taxed at an emergency rate, which means you may be overpaying on your monthly income tax. Contact HMRC if they still refuse to give you the form. Without a P45 the next employer would have to put him on 'emergency' tax basis, but being 9 months through the tax year this is unlikely to be too disadvantageous, and would all get sorted out as soon as the P45is issued or the end of the tax year, which ever comes first. If your company has been served with a winding-up order and you would like to know more about the liquidation process, please call 08000 746 757 or email info@companydebt.com for free and confidential advice from one of our professional advisers. If youve received a P45 from an employee who is new to your business, youll need to enter these details into your software. Ive updated this post on 16 November 2020 for changes in recent legislation. As an employee, you should ensure not only that the correct page of the P45 is handed to your current employer, but also that the P45 is processed correctly. Your employer may ask you to complete this f orm or provide the same information in another format. Without a P45, a new employer wont have the correct tax code and the employee may initially pay too much or too little tax. Reply Cancel Cancel; Paul Morgan over 4 years ago. This will show: your PAYE tax code number; your total earnings for the tax year to date; and how much tax has been deducted from your earnings for the tax year to date. Sometimes your employee will commence employment with you in a new financial year, and the P45 they have will be from the previous year, rendering it useless. This will mean the P45 is now available in the Salary section for that employee. A lost P45 can be a nightmare especially when you find out it is missing and youre starting work with a new employer or self-employed and trying to fill in your tax return.Unfortunately, because it is an official HMRC form, you cant get always get copy P45 form or download it. The P45 form is a statement that summarises how much tax your employer paid in the current tax year.. The P45 contains copies for the leaving employee and their new employer, and can be downloaded as a PDF. The employer refused In order to reprint the P45 details for an employee you will need to know the date that the employee left and why they are requesting a copy of their P45. Mistakes do happen, even if you submit your P45. If your new employer hasnt been sent this document prior to your pay date, then you may end up paying too much tax. I didn't print the P45 or P11 when I made one my employees a leaver and I can't work out how to reprint it ?