Sadly, IE 11 support is critical for us. Fetch, most major browsers support fetch other then IE 11 Browser Support We're an enterprise company with a surprising number of clients with a death grip on IE 11. Working with Babel 7 and Webpack Published on September 25, 2018 - Updated on September 4, 2019 - 13 minutes read. First, install the extension. So I've developed an app using Laravel and Vue, and trying to get it backwards compatible with IE (11) but not having much luck. Filter polyfills Filter the polyfills in the "Available Polyfills" list. On this site I load select bits from core-js as well as Githubs fetch polyfill. Why doesn't this arrow function work in IE 11?, notation as of now but there is a handy and fast way for transpiling your ES6 codes to ES5. Callback Name of the function to call after the polyfills are loaded. Below is a list of polyfills that we use that Babel does not handle, which will get your applications working in browsers like Edge and IE11. We'll pay the extra 1.5kb gladly. Note, @babel/polyfill Now I run webpack: npx webpack --mode=development. When running webpack, and babel, the resulting bundle.js still contains arrow . npm i --save whatwg-fetch. As you suggested I am now importing the package and then calling the polyfill() method at the top of my app.js; however does this mean the polyfill will be added even if the browser implements Promise api? Yes No. 3 comments Comments. Laravel Mix Polyfill. Usage. A Laravel Mix extension to include polyfills by using Babel, core-js, and regenerator-runtime. To generate the polyfill bundle, I recommend using a module bundler like Webpack or Browserify and simply require each of the polyfills you want to include. Polyfill-Library version Use a specific version of the polyfill-library (recommended for production websites). A post on what Babel is, what it does and how to use it. Babel can use different presets but I chose the easiest way - preset-env. There is a great polyfill for fetch called whatwg-fetch so what we would typically do in such case is install the package:. import "@babel/polyfill"; With webpack, there are multiple ways to include the polyfills: When used alongside @babel/preset-env, If useBuiltIns: 'usage' is specified in .babelrc then do not include @babel/polyfill in either webpack.config.js entry array nor source. The above configuration tells webpack to use babel-loader for all JS files except those in node_modules directory. We love framer motion , and would love continued support. For example, there's a polyfill just for WeakSet, which you can import if you want to make sure that WeakSet will work in any browser. npm install laravel-mix-polyfill --save-dev or. In such situations we need to import a library which would add a missing feature only when run in a browser not supporting it. A polyfill is a normal JavaScript library that adds a feature if it's missing. With the recent release of Babel 7, it's the perfect time to really get to know it. When building package is finished, I open my application again - in Chrome and in IE11. April 21, 2018, at 8:00 PM. Babel will take care of polyfills like promises, spread operators, and more. Will roll back to 1.x.x for now. Arrow function is not working in ie11. Minify bundle Have the polyfill bundle be minified. This common technique is called polyfilling.. Copy link DLO33 commented Jul 20, 2019. Babel not transpiling arrow functions (Webpack) 980. To support totally new features, you need something called a polyfill.