An intent listener who knows the value of storytelling, Princess frequently shares stories about the lived experiences of NEA members to make a point about the challenges faced by todays educators. educationfrom pre-school to university graduate programs. Moss will join newly elected President Becky Pringle and Secretary-Treasurer Noel Candelaria at the helm of NEA. Elected NEA vice president in 2020, as the U.S. faced the dual pandemics of coronavirus and systemic racism NEA-Retired Vice President John Jensen, 19452018 By: Roger Rea. Vice-President. Previously, Princess was NEA secretary-treasurer and had primary responsibility for managing and maintenance of the Association's multimillion dollar budget. Region: Name: Unit : Region 02: Heather Fitchpatrick: Plymouth Canton E: Region 02: Don Harris: Wayne Westland E: Region 02: John Heilman: Plymouth-Canton E Princess is a skilled organizer. She worked as a teacher at the Center for Alternative Instructional Resources in the Grandview C-4 School District. WASHINGTON - August 05, 2020 -Princess Moss, an elementary music teacher from Louisa County, Va., has been elected vice president of the National Education Association. He has been honored with LA Academic English Mastery Program, UCLA Social Justice, and UTLA Bilingual Education Committee awards for his classroom teaching. The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest She recognizes the opportunities and subtle power that exist within authentic one-to-one conversations. Before assuming NEAs top post, Becky served as NEA vice president and before that as NEA secretary-treasurer. Previously, she also served two terms on the NEA Executive Committee, where she participated in the Elementary and Secondary Education (ESEA) Advisory Committee, steering the Associations strategy for the laws pending reauthorization, and the Dropout Prevention Advisory Committee, helping develop relevant tools for NEA members. These include Black, Brown and indigenous communities, LGBTQ+ communities, students with disabilities, and those who move through the world representing the ways in which these communities intersect. NEA has The National Education Association is the nation's largest professional employee organization, representing more than 3 million elementary and secondary teachers, higher education faculty, education support professionals, school administrators, retired educators, students preparing to become teachers, healthcare workers, and public employees. and NEA state and local affiliates to reproduce and distribute copies of the work for nonprofit education purposes, provided that copies are distributed at or below cost, and that the author, source, and copyright notice are included on each copy. second vice president and delegate to nea-r/nea-ra ronald burd .. 1st An advocate for a great public school for every student, Moss was appointed by Governor Tim Kaine to a term on the University of Mary Washington Board of Visitors, 2007-2011. Amy Marlowe, Interim W: 334- 834-9790 Becky Pringle of Pennsylvania was elected NEA president with 93 percent of the vote. Vice President Biden to address NEA RA. affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities Learn more at She also served as VEA vice president and was on the Board of Directors for NEA and VEA for over 10 years. In this role, he was a member of the leadership team that executed the sale of the company to AstraZeneca for $15.6 billion in 2007.