Sometimes this aspect can indicate delays in your career but it can also mean great responsibility placed on you from an early age. Saturn transiting the nadir is animportant transit. This was a town that no one in the area knew existed. Stressful times but we made it through. Talk about taking the lord thy gods name in vain! I have an unexpected mercury in the 3rd house with a Gemini ascendent! I will always have to deal with the seamier side. Interesting but makes me wonder where her Saturn lies. With Saturn conjunct Ascendant, you may feel that the Universe holds you back in life. They were both admitted to Broadmoor Hospital where they were held for 11 years. So, tr. Now, I no longer hope to find love because I have it. The link/sextile to my North Node and the trine to South Node-Jupiter conjunction highlighted the significance of my IC. Ohhh that would be a depth and expansive communicational mind! It is important, very important in fact, not to be too hard on yourself. I guess, Im no longer that bothered about transits.. I drove off, running away. April 10, 2018 at 9:38 pm. The native shone in his early home. Its a combined blessing and burden to have an unaspected planet. In the Midheaven especially Things. Quite the position for a queen to haveLOL! I also had the NN return at that time, in my Taurus 1H! Also, the progressed chart moon would be conjunting my progressed IC. Theyre stressed. My family and I moved into a new house when Tr Saturn was conjunct my IC. In 2020 Venus Rx in Gemini my sun was her retrograde zone. I had started laying what I thought was a foundation when the first Saturn-Uranus square threw me a boomerang, debunked that, redirected my focus and energies. It can start to seem like your whole existence revolves around the concept of "one step forward, two steps back." Keep in mind that the Saturn conjunct Ascendant aspect transforms greatly after your first Saturn return. Sun in 10th Moon in 4th. It was a bittersweet time, from which I have never totally recovered, and I felt my eldest was fine, spending a lot of his time socializing and studying and being independent. In dwadashamsha (dwads), the 27 degrees of Capricorn is linked to my North Node in Pisces and Neptune in Scorpio, both water signs notorious for keeping things hidden. A recipe for distaster as far as I'm concerned. I am aqua. I have read Pluto transiting the 4th can prevent sale of home. Hi BPip, I also thought of the queen when I read this!! I think I experienced it more in relation to Saturn's square to my Asc and opposition to MC: health and work/expectations. That sounds positive. When transiting Saturn returns to his original position at birth, it usually marks a maturation point in your physical, social, and spiritual development. 8th house death and rebirth is not easy. What happened when Saturn transited your nadir or 4th house? Ironically this view is made by those without an unaspected planet. Before that we just had find balance and things had been calm for a couple of years, but it all went to hell. Glad that is all over! Does anyone know what to expect when both Saturn and Pluto simultaneously transit IC? I recommend you examine Saturn sun people Look at celebrities with it Read about it I have Saturn square the sun with moon scorpio and Saturn conjunct the moon. Comparing oneself with others is bad, yes, I know. I know its in Taurus from the Saturn returns. Im observing the energies to see what that means. Pluto in my 4th has been, to say the least, a revelation, forcing me to take off some rose colored glasses. Progressed Moon conjunct IC. My MC is on 29, and I have heard about the critical angleWould such transit a bit different for 29? I took this as a sign that I was ready to proceed, 2020 has been the year of laying the foundation. I will get to that and all other transit Ann. It can also be a time of great accomplishment, thanks to your increased ability to get organized and to focus. She was taken to the hospital where she died soon after of an acute heart condition. Nice aspects Sextile moon in Taurus, 0 orb Trine Venus in Scorpio 1 orb Tricky aspects Square Mercury and Pluto in Libra, 0 orb Inconjunct Neptune in Sag, Jupiter in Aquarius, making a Yod The sextile with the Moon is the base point of another Yod with Neptune st the apex. Your email address will not be published. It can be the start of something new, some new work of sorts. It was a rectangular house, you had to go through each room to get to the next, no hallway (no bypassing!). The house itself needs about $40,000 to update it and I keep going back and forth about what to do. Saturn Opposite Midheaven Natal and Transit Saturn opposite Midheaven natal can cause feelings of loneliness and insecurity early in life. What happens now will be in accordance with the reality of what you have achieved. She just told me today that her landlord is selling the home she and her husband have been renting for 4 years. Where did you read that?? Your head might weigh heavily with responsibilities, ambitions, fears, or a combination of all three. We (4H) moved (Mars) for better schools (Gemini) for the kids and we hosted lots of school-related parties. Three malefics at once in a sensitive point like Nadirguess will be horrible. Registered: Feb 2010. But right now. that was overflowing. When Saturn crossed my IC, I moved to be nearer my job. I started going to another group. Shedding unnecessary stuff within oneself. I think Jupiter is the teacher / mentor; Saturn is more a discipline. Major domestic changes, several relocation abroad, new homes, transformational emotional experiences which were really tough.In my case, my life changed 100 per cent. But what about transiting Saturn conjunct IC? Had to move back home briefly to lick my wounds, but happily moved on to pastures new! As Saturn approached my nadir time ran out on where I was and what I was doing. They were known as The Silent Twins because they only communicated with each other. (Now Neptune is with Mars/Venus.) MC thankfully not exact! While the call from the hospital was unexpected, her passing was not a surprise to someone who has a lot of astrological backgroundcoupled with the fact that she was 94. Actually, alongside the process (lifetime) my prevalent thought is that I feel some deep questioning as to WHY these transforming processes come so late in life! Checked out this site to review the comments of others on Saturn transiting the fourth, since tr. Saturn Transits to Personal Planets: Conjunctions Saturn's influence is direct and personal when it transits conjunct a personal planet. And, your comment illustrated how,if youre ready to listen to what the Universe is saying, you can see Saturns gifts. So.capricorn/earth/10 house will be the challenge. I then moved back to my hometown and received a lot of support and found another job via my hometown connections. I just switched from sidereal to tropical. Homesickness certainly fits. Talk about crisis at home and feeling lonely! It made perfect sense that my sun and rising signs closed the first Phase 1 and opened Phase 2 of my journey. A serious event, illness, or issue with your parents made you grow up quickly. Taurus rising here, born in 1990. Even with achievement and success, this aspect can bring criticism from your parents and the public as well as notoriety. does that mmean that there will be more sense of resposibility? But we all need to get our living situation straight at some point. Im Aries moon with Mars in the 1st house cusp in fire Sag. Discovering astrology helped me understand why my emotional landscape, experience and expression was much more powerful than i have witnessed in anyone else ive ever met. The South Node in the Natal Chart I just became much more grounded and more thoroughly formed as a person. Hi Mel. By the way,I have Pluto just finishing its 4th house transit. When Saturn transits the nadir you may want to go home. At the time Uranus was conjunct my natal Saturn in Taurus. The house of the conjunction gives more information about in which area it manifests primarily. Out of the blue I received a phone call that my uncle had died. I have been following your insights for quite a while! You suddenly see your persona and appearance as more of a fluid construct than a fixed concept of "you.". And Uranus was with natal Mars/Venus in Pisces. I dreamed I was on a ship at anchor in mid ocean: the whales and dolphins leaped for joy! Saturn in my 4th house had a lot of ups and downs. I see, since a conjunction to your IC means an opposition to your MC how was your public persona and or career affected? Probably will have to invest, and be somewhat insecure about my future. As Saturn starts climbing your chart, you start a figurative climb in life. As Saturn transits the 7th house you build relationships and partnerships of all kinds. These phrases relate to the life I live, I am living too small a life, and with a ceiling (of accomplishment) too low. Home / Aspects / Saturn Aspects / Saturn Conjunct Midheaven. Hi Jamie, could Saturn transiting opposite the I.C also indicate birth? A Plutonian Imagination. Avoid procrastination if you know that something needs doing. Im debating on how much money to spend on updating and decorating before I put it on the market. The transit frequently coincides with an empty nest. i have natal Saturn in Aquarius conjunct IC in a tight 1 degree orb. They may feel a lack of nurturing or just plain lonely. This is when you plan to sell your home so it should be a positive transition for you. I feel the resolution of my housing situation and the prospective house move are key to my getting handle on how best to move forward with the rest of my life. Its not that I started to like it after all that turmoil its just that I got tired of all those struggles to change something as it feels like it is a never ending story. In the escape, I lost my wallet (my ID -identity)! And a few days after, I would have the first direct hit of my Saturn Return. Looking back, Saturn transiting the 4th, the 5th, times were tough, but thats life. why is there no saturn sextile midheaven on this website? YES. I think unexpected planets are little understood. January 9, 2019 at 10:52 pm . After being severely bullied at school they began writing works of fiction but turned to crime when they started experiencing criminal tendencies. My progressed to natal chart for January 26, indicates that the progressed moon would be conjunct my natal 5th house cusp. Sponsored by PureCare Knee Protector Why are knee surgeons excited about this breakthrough knee strap? In 2012/3 I gave up everything to embarked on a journey with no destination. I havent had Saturn transit Pluto while in my 4th yet, howeverwith Pluto in the 4th, some of the best ways to use the energy is to consciously take on fixer upper type places/projects or other transformation energy around family & home. Saturn in 4 has moved over my progressed Sun/Mars in the 4th and I have been diagnosed with osteoporosis. In this period of your life, you often have to face challenges and overcome them. Same here, despite some fearful anticipations (Pluto square Moon -transit and Saturn transits), I do not feel too bothered any more. I still live at home with my parents, since Im single, have no job and its nearly impossible finding rent houses in Stockholm! I am now selling because it is too large for me with my Mom passing this year and my kids moving on. transit saturn conjunct IC. Viv. Hi! Isolation is the least Im concerned actually. 2 businesses for Castor and 2 for Pollux. I feel depressed that I havent made enough from my life even though I am intelligent, have charisma and skill, and the transformation to change shells, like a hermit crab moving from one size to a larger shell, feels impossible, daunting, scary. Sorry for delay reply helen, i didnt receive notification..i imagine your mercury 3rd house with gemini ac is a wonderful combo! Thank you, Lou. I will be writing it up in the next month or 2. My daughter is currently having this transit. Posts: 134647From: Your Friendly Neighborhood Juris Doctorate.Registered: Apr 2009, Posts: 4609From: Portland, OR - USARegistered: Oct 2011. On January 26th next year, transit Saturn would be conjuncting my natal Juno. But I am hopeful that may only apply to the Natal chart 4th. Interesting, I admire how well you remember your dreams! In my chart Saturn (1851 Aries 10th house) is conjunct Midheaven (1823 Aries). This eclipse squared Uranus, the Great Awakener. Plowed through my IC and totally destroyed the foundation of my life. IC in Capricorn sign of structure, lofty goals and achievement ruled by Saturn. These Pluto conjunctions will take place over a five or six year period. Im 68 and looking to sell the house I have lived in for 11 years in around 2 years time. Im dealing with both Pluto and Saturn, a complete drama. So we always quickly patch things up and move on haha. Sorry, for some reason Prog Moon and Tr Saturn going through the same house usually seems like the same to me (as in whatever house Tr Saturn or Prog Moon are in that's your main focus for that period of life). About 18 months ago I had transit Saturn conjunct my Midheaven (opposite IC): on the day that the aspect was exact, I lost my job due to covid. Pluto square sun-what house is your sun. Another person may lose their home or be forced to downscale when theyd rather not. Diana. Lou, sounds like you are having major awakenings and realizations about being among the species homo sapiens. Saturn conjunct Pluto is our aspect for today, so let us tell something more about this ambiguous aspect. I send you, and everyone who reads my comment, my warm regards, be well! I sold my home over a year ago and am living in a cottage by the ocean in Western Australia. After hanging up the phone, my hand immediately picked the phone up again and dialed back. Now Im too tired and old to get the most out of it. I would say the feelingis normal but its not necessarily typical. Venus is square Jupiter natally, and this one trines Mars. I could feel a change coming that would involve a major move and not knowing what it was going to be, I pared down and remained quiet. I am more than halfway through & ok but definitely transformed & it has become the pathway to my new vocation moving forward. We are not yet moved , with Gemini on my 8 th house l live between the delayed building site of a wreck of a house and the one we will sell hopefully soon. The structure was built on a lie. I was previously telling about the time Pluto transited my N Moon in Scorpio. Im hoping the Universe will deliver an in-your-face answer. If there is something to be shedded, be my guest. I was already an experienced therapist and had just finished oral exams in Process Oriented Psychology in USA. They started worrying me towards the end of 2019 when I knew too much to not be rattled, and Im not getting younger, Im 51 now but people say Im young which I dont like. You can see, in both cases, it takes a lot out of a person. Anyway, these two dreams seem related to this transit. I have natally Sun conjunct Saturn and Moon opposite. By ASTROFIX ASC DESC MC IC A nchored at the core. It crossed over my asc last month. I have natal Sun and Mercury in the 10th house, the house related to the MC, and I have been on a mission, for most . Let s hope The coming lunar eclipse is a friendly one. In fact, its 2business ideas one has 2 spin-offs to make the 4. I just did not get it. This represents the summit, where your merits and efforts are recognized. Last year, 2017, transiting Saturn conjuncted natal Neptune on the descendant and squared natal Saturn; I started working as an administrative assistant at an environmental facility of the government. Web design & Development: ThinkWeb ThinkWeb Whatever your rhythm when this hits, it's thrown out of whack and you like it. Im in my 40s too. This Saturn (and Jupiter) transit takes it to another level and points to this being a karmic transit. ( nature; neptune in sage) . Saturn was at the MC in 2008 fourteen years ago at the same time as Chiron, Neptune AND the transiting north node were on my IC! Saturn represents discipline, pessimism, restriction, and depression, and in transit, infuses your natal houses and planets with this energy. Saturn is about to go back to my 4th from July-Dec but mostly over. Interest rates were rising so I had to make a choice: see my eldest through high school or think about my youngest. Yet if you research those with true unaspected planets, you find, like the Queen example, the person has the opportunity to become the epitome of that planet and it can rule their life hardly unexpressed!! COVID-19 showed me my North Node, I dont know how the IC comes into play, am keeping an open mind and listening to the energies. Only this time i was not the one attracted to these pschos and socios because i knew what Uranus intentions were when he entered the 2nd decan of Taurus to activate a transiting YOD with Chiron in Aries and the NN (and other transits in Gemini in 2021). Im going solo and will find employees. Saturn conjunct the south node in synastry can indicate that you have to overcome some challenges together. But, I have a feeling if I resolve the issue surrounding household renovation to meet my needs Ill be able to successfully address the osteoporosis!Mainly I want a bigger dining area so I can entertain friends I am a Libra after all and having a better place to accommodate friends will help me express my Sun in Libra and relieve some Saturn transiting the 4th sense of isolation. Transit Saturn Conjunct Saturn The transit of Saturn conjunct your natal Saturn is the most important period of life since it always happens around the age of 29, when you begin to be older and totally responsible for your destiny. Saturn conjunct Chiron natal aspects are connected with low self-esteem and an inner expectation to accomplish a lot. Also very recently, a coming to light of the prospect of a government compulsory land aquisition of between 5ooo & 10 000 hectares of my & surrounding rural suburbs. Then I inherited from her. It is not going to be easy at all. I was hoping I was going to move with my Prog Moon in the 4th but it was basically turning me into a hermit, isolating myself, depression and making myself go to therapy to deal with my past (which that's what the 4th is all about too). I left home my beloved community by the beach, to get a new house in a more affordable neighborhood in the dry and dusty suburbs that would accommodate my younger sons needs. There already have been painful moments, but I sense I am ready to release all the old me, with compassion. I realized I was not as good a writer as I'd preferred to think and started working harder on developing my ability, increasing consistency and discipline towards that. Pholus Conjunct the Descendant Pholus conjunct the Descendant natives may be attracted to people who shake up her world. I ended up moving to my older sisters place (moving home) in Oregon where I am now happily living in a tiny room amidst 7 members of my extended family. That's positive!" , , Real Life Saturn transit 12th, Saturn transit 1st, saturn transit ascendant permalink I work here. I dont know what my Saturn-IC transit has in store for me, what I know is that Im moving forward. I was working on a construction contract on the coast. Saturn conjunct north node transit is a lesson to be learned for several months. I have Saturn conjunct South node in Cancer, both 3. It's expressed in the style of whatever sign the conjunction occupies. Take Care, Lou, and be blessed. Now, the youngest is 33 and lives in another state, and the eldest is taking his wife and children and moving from California to Nova Scotia (where his wifes parents live), and my heart is breaking. 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