For example, do you expect your boyfriend to text you five times a day or call you first thing in the morning and last thing before you fall asleep? Now he wont go anywhere with me he wont touch me in front of anyone we dont do anything and he refuses to do anything fun the only thing we do is work he dont go to the kids is events or anything but it is X need something hell drop everything And do it. When you get his attention, never hesitate to say your mind. Maybe I just need to not be so dependent and work on myself. It sucks not feeling secure but really if its meant to be it will be. We are the prize, we have to make them earn us. He just argues about small and insignificant things such as a goodnight call or text. Ive always looked for someone else to fill that void for me. You wish your boyfriend was as attentive and loving as he was at the beginning of your relationship. He replied: about what? Ive asked him to work on this and as the article says, he says he will and he does..for about a half a day. I was so happy I found him. for example, yesterday, he gave me a box of chocolates only because his mom made him and i usually have to make the first moves, even if its something simple as reaching out to hold hands. And making me look like a beast, I spoke with that lady and she felt bad for the text she send me, she even offered to take me out, I agreed to that, she was telling me how his boyfriend has been suspecting the two of them, how his boyfriend has been mistreating Herr and my guy has been always their for her, I believed everything she was telling me, I was still angry with my guy because he lied, one Sunday I received a call from my boyfriends friend, he told me that my guy has been having an affair with his girlfriend from January, he even showed me some photos, my guy and that lady were kissing, even he bought flowers for her on valentines day, I couldnt believe that the guy Ive known for 2yrs can do that to me, after the news I went to my guys house at 9pm, guess what? There is no consistency. Weve been together a year and a half now. I am an emotional person and I tend to cry. But i want to fix this again. 8 Signs Youre Falling Out of Love With Your Partner, How People Who Commit Adultery Justify Cheating, According to an Expert, What to Do If Someone Is Flirting With Your Partner, What Is Breadcrumbing? As of now, we have been back together in a relationship for about a year and a half. What do I do? And he certainly isnt going to change without a real reason, e.g., losing someone he cares about. At this point we fight so much and afterwards Im always the one to try to settle things because he just cant comprehend what he said really hurts. Another thing that bothers me is he will ask me about my day or some other question, then when I answer, he switches the subject back to himself. My boyfriend and me zoomed and emailed and he moved from job to job. I didnt really understand why he said that when I been there since day one and still been here but I wanted to also considered how he felt and change that. I assumed I was losing my shit and being too emotional, but its the 70 hr work week and the MBA When you go without sleep for extended periods of time, you start developing symptoms that look similar to depression. P.S. Coming to the realization that a partner is no longer emotionally invested in your commitment isn't an easy pill to swallow, and it's definitely not something to ignore. He has some really great qualities and some sh**y ones. My boyfriend of three years got me a card. When he was drinking, he was attentive, affectionate, and fun. , hopefully each day, I will start to become stronger, and maybe me and him could continue with our friendship as time passes. I came across a guy who seemed familiar but had a different name. Weve been dating a little over a year. I dont think that birthday present is coming, but if it ever does, it will probably be your last. he doesnt make efforts and always makes excuse saying that hes too weak to go out and have a date.whenever we see each other we only stay at his room. Its hard for me to talk about it with him because he gets sensitive but he doesnt show it. I dont feel that he supports me in my decisions on things. I dont want to beg for it, it should come naturally I feel. Get away from him immediately! Which actually does NOT suck because I was married for 24 years and I dont miss having to make sure someone eats supper, has clean clothes, etc. i just dump my 2mnths loveless relationship before it gets deeper. You need to recognize that youre settling for less than you deserve. For the first year or two with him, I never had any problems with needing reassurance and words of affirmation from him because he always did it so well. I just want to have a nice time, an interesting conversation. Then, all of the sudden the bottom drops out and he is unresponsive. He doesnt check up on me to see if Im okay or if I get home okay, and it just hurts me that he never wants to spend time with me when were out drinking with our friends? So anyways I snuck out again and yeahme and him hung outit was a special moment for me. He has said that he would maybe consider living together in five years. Besides, if hes almost 60, he might be a little old for you. Then they show us who they really are and we dont want to see. My gut instinct had been telling me since February of this year that his feelings had changed. Should I just never expect to be treated the way he used to treat me? I DO ALL THE LAUNDRY, VACCUMING , DISHES ,MOPPING, ALL THE CLEANING. He just had to show up with his stuff. He said the reason we broke up was because of different love languages, arguing, and that he was not as emotionally available as I need him to be. Do you want to stay with your boyfriend, just the way he is right now? Letting go means opening your heart and being your true self in all aspects of your life whether youre in a healthy relationship or starting over after a breakup. We both have good jobs and have a beautiful life together. I absolutely abhor talking to anyone ever. but he never ever ever takes any pictures of me to show me off. do you have to have contact for this. And I know its not healthy to compare your relationships to others but Id be lying if I said I never wish my relationship was more like others. the hard part is we have a very deep connection, we understand eachother, and have the best friendship any partner could have I have recently told him on a few occasions how unhappy I have become. Wow girl as Im reading this I cant believe I didnt write it lol. Take matters into your own who you need for yourself, Love you and your son enough to care for your own needs. He nolonger would make as much effort, like call or text to check on me. He begged and begged for me to forgive him, that it was mistake. Ive told him why I need contact to stay connected to each other n to feel secure n have fun. So hes stopped making an effort because it doesnt matter. Since a month or so these fights are causing me to have panic attacks and he doesnt care when tell him how much it affects me. Were both still full time students living at home. He felt his place was his and he wanted to keep his place sacred and clean! My boyfriend of 7 years had lost interest over the past year, not wanting to see or spend time with me, 3 months now I havent seen him once. I dont know what to do. Meaning if he doesnt step up when you pull back. Omgod girl leave him. My boyfriend is 22 years my senior and weve been dating over 8 months. It is just hurtful to know that he could not even think of doing this one thing for me. You can change how you respond to your boyfriend and everything else in your life. He Is Bored. However I have had major trust issues since I was young and still find it hard to trust him in certain situations. i want to try to talk to him about it since we never argued or anything but ive been feeling this way for quite a while and i dont want to just break up with him like that. Then I come home to him sleeping in bed. So i moved out and got my own place and we continued dating. Recently we spoke after time a part and he said hed really change. Hes him. This weekend I went to my sisters house and watched a ball game and the next day went to a movie with a friend. Anyway not sure what to do either but it helps to know Im not the only one. Then it was our anniversary two days later.he forgot. If youre reading this article and the comments, Im sorry youre here. I love him but Im not fully happy with all this lazy effort ?. I make sure I put into the relationship as much as I get. Men have convinced themselves that their behavior, or lack thereof,is an acceptable form of the love they claim to feel for a woman because we as women gave them the power to choose to face themselves like women do OR be a coward and avoid the part of themselves that isnt always pretty and shovel it into the mind and soul of a women who is willing to suck and swallow upon his command. m tired n dont know what to do anymore! So, I hate to call him my boyfriend because he is late 50s and I am 47. He never wants to go anywhere or do anything. And I hardly have any money since I am paying for literally everything. He would always talk about me meeting his family and he discussed me moving in with him eventually. I am insecure and scared because all my past relationships,Ive been either cheated on or dumped. Today he also told me that he was not ready to spend so much time on a relationship. He is a freeloader. Im 53, he is 51. Still didnt have my phone but my bf wanted to see me. At last my mom knew everything and i wasnt allowed to talk to him.. Oh and i forgot to say that the first and second time i snuck out I paid his sister 40 dollars OUT OF MY BIRTHDAY MONEY. Hes been consistent so far. One particularly painful reason that a partner has checked out could be that they've lost interest in the relationship and don't wish to pursue it any longer. Im 55, I decided I can not live another minute in an unstable relationship. My boyfriend and I have been going out for 8 months. All of the sudden he said hes not into texting. My youngest is a 1 month and when she was about two weeks old he met this girl on a bar while hanging out with his best friend and got her number. Trust me, because I have gone through absolute bad times and still risen like a phoenix. Girl and guy meet, girl is eager to see guy but cant find him, guy had gotten hit by a car, find each other on a dating app in a city full of a million people and start talking. I dont think Ill ever want to be in another relationship again. If your boyfriend never made an effort to begin with, then he may simply be lazy or indifferent to building and maintaining a relationship with you. If youre not happy then leave him, its that simple. I bought him a beautiful set of cufflinks from his university for Christmas. You are going to find happiness. I may be overreacting sometimes, but I believe my feelings are valid. I decided to go back to my place, after wards he decided to send me a text saying we should take a break just like that. We have been talking for almost a month. Im ready to forget everything he did to me and start to trust him.. Wht are the things i can do to bring back trust, spark, and energy to our relationship Please help me.. Thnk u so much. Although I told him busy isnt excuse but he never changed his reasons, every time when I want wend the relationship, he replies straight away and tell me he dream about me, desire me etc. Some of your traits are similar to mine and some are similar to someone that I was dating at the time. Still, surprises still pop up often enough to keep you on your toes. He said he was torn and worried about Coronavirus. Ive talked to him about it twice to no avail. I waited though and suffered through almost being forced to move across the country when after he graduated and wanted a new job but couldnt find one- that was the only opportunity he had and was about to force me to uproot MY life, quit school, to go. This is my first affair and his 2nd. He was all amazing.. first few months showered me with flowers and gifts then slowly I started to see his true colours. No updates or goodnight/ goodmorning texts.The thing is, I get worried easily.I didnt wanna bother him cause I knew he could get pretty busy with chores at home and his fam is kinda strict on exposure to electrical gadgets so he doesnt want to be on his phone much when hes with them. pandemic and there is nothing to do. You have the power to change someone very important in your life. I dont know what to do. But then he keeps telling me he loves me, he cares for me, Im matter and important to him. He told me he still wanted me and he loved me so i started talking to him again but things still felt weird. We talked about it seriously the 2nd year. Like, Ive planned 90% of our dates. I may be demanding at times but I definitely know I deserve more than the effort hes willing to put in. At the beginning, I was super in love with him and I would put in so much effort. Writing can help you discover if youre expecting too much, or if your boyfriend stopped making an effort because your relationship doesnt mean much to him. And youll likely receive the same treatment. But he reminds me almost daily that he thinks Im lazy and should be working at if Im not in school. His golden excuse is Im busy. Everything now has become a tit-for-tat pissing match competition for control and autonomy. For the past few weeks we only have time in night to chat since hes busy for work but he always talk about sex and video chat with me to see my pussy and whenever I rejected him I dont get a reply or he would say hed go to sleep. Honestly this lockdown really changed my relationship! Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below! He just doesnt make an effort to ask me to do things. I felt once again unappreciated. Men go through depression, hurt and sorrow just like us women do. I have told him that Im tired of him not Making an effort in the relationship, and that he needs to make an improvement. Anyway I would talk about these things with him and he would make progress, but then get right back to the same place shortly after. He then told me it was the appropriate setting to tell me I was super cute. But hes never done anything at my house even though he says he will help me out. Do you have an suggestions on what I should do? I have been with my boyfriend for almost 2 yrs & was confused and often questioned his love for me & his commitment to me. First off I pulled back without warning. But he was not my husband and my family didnt approve of such activities before marriage. Again, tons of excuses. WORKS BUT DOES NOTHING ELSE. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I dont know what to do. He does not believe relationships should take work he doesnt want to have to work or make it work which is unrealistic. HE ACTED LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED. Again Im the only one putting in effort. To never have to apologize to me, to never have compassion, to never find contentment, to never make up for hurting me, to never stop enjoying it. Thats hurtful. It shouldnt have bothered me except the fact he didnt get me one. Thanks for letting me vent gals. He tells me that he loves me very much and I know he does. Im just confused if he really want me he should have no excuses in having time with me. Write in your journal or diary, or share in the comments section below. Fine, dont come. He never posts about me. He keeps doing this and now he is ignoring me again and idk whats going onhe was couch hopping but hes back at his sisters now and he wont answer my emails. I feel he could have a gf or just not be that interested. Please advice and apologize for the long narration. Now he says he doesnt like my friends so he never makes an effort to go out with me when Im with them. My guy is the same way. He said he was my family and I took that wholeheartedly. Maybe he always expects you to be waiting for him, ready to do whatever he wants. A lovely text of him telling me that we can talk everyday when I wake up in the morning. And that way, you will realize how worthy, unique and precious of a human being you are and genuinely feel that such a gem deserves much more than what you get from your boyfriend. It doesnt matter what words youre saying, the message is clear: I will tolerate this, as long as you let me explain repeatedly why I dont agree with it. The most important lesson Ive learned from my love life is this: My role is to set boundaries. Seriously WTF? Oh my God this is so me. He said hes not going through something. he is such a mystery. it breaks my heart that despite all my efforts still i been judged as a selfish gf. Ive been doing long distance for nearly 4 years now which hasnt been so good with COVID but honestly thats just an excuse, I think our relationship was still doing bad back then. If he isnt putting any effort in the beginning of the relationship then I think its time to let him go. even on weekends, hes always busy. He Is Going Through Something I tried to be understanding and not ask for a lot but it just got worse. I am experiencing the same situation too and it really hurts. Best to all! But I look at him for him. So I stopped doing that and now treat him like just a friend. You need to rest your hopes, dreams and future on a love that never fails, a river that never runs dry. That same night, we agreed to date. Now we seem so disconnected. He chatted me the day of valentines day 2019. He is struggling to find work as well. We would always say I like you instead of I love you. hes always busy at work. I signed up for therapy and told him that if my behavior was hurting him, that I was willing to change. I cook everyday, wash his clothes, iron them do all the housework and look after the kids. Ive been with my boyfriend for a little over two years. Working at if Im not in school, losing someone he cares about a call. This year that his feelings had changed daily that he supports me in my decisions things... Emailed and he certainly isnt going to change someone very important in your journal or diary, share... Say I like you instead of I love you and your son enough to keep you your! Is to set boundaries take work he doesnt step up when you back... Sleeping in bed isnt putting any effort in the comments, Im matter and important to.. You need to recognize that youre settling for less than you deserve got me a card his attention never... Three years got me a card, ive planned 90 % of our dates much time on a love never... 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