>> denis told mr. big he drove back to prince george, got rid of the gun and his wife's i.d. don't start humira if you have an infection. the premier cold case unit in british columbia. so i went and knocked on the door, and they said no, there is nobody here. >> for me as a reporter, it became sickening after a while to hear the police issue another release that another girl had gone missing. by nightfall, there was still no sign of wendy. >> cory keenan, a criminologist at vancouver's simon frazer university, has studied these operations and written a book about them. >> translator: it still hurts. >> no -- >> a day after denis led undercover detectives to the scene of his alleged crime, they returned to pick up that piece of tarp and sent it to the lab for analysis. It'd take an elaborate, undercover mission to finally crack this case. >> the van, a white plymouth voyager, had picked up a dent neither one of them remembered on the driver's side door. they put me in a room with a camera, and that's when they broke it to me. it's there to seek the truth. >> he said, i couldn't just tell them i did nothing. stress less and live more. in fact, just four months before she disappeared, wendy complained very publicly about. a crucial moment when a high-stakes gamble went very wrong. where are my parents to watch this, you know. a high stakes gamble to reveal the truth on tape for the children left behind. you don't -- there's no real starting point. Police investigated: a bitter feud with a neighbor, a possible serial killer. his son gabriel was one of just two witnesses the defense presented to the court. The 1997 murder of a Prince George woman and the subsequent conviction of her husband for second-degree murder 13 years later could be featured on a U.S. network television show. >> right after the curb there, the house is right there. who are these people? and they're described as right out of hollywood. >> there. you're looking for a grout brush, this is -- garth, did he ask for your help? about a week later, another question -- would denis like to make some money on the side delivering bags mostly, their contents unknown. "That's why movies work so well everywhere in the world, because we all gravitate towards certain human dramas and certainly this is one drama of the highest order. one that's more than just fast. i was balling. the stories were all anecdotal. -sorry. you have to keep an open mind when you start on these investigations because we had at that point very limited information on who wendy was. you'll thrive. available over the counter. >> when "dateline" continues you clean dishes as you cook. Gabriel Ratt is on Facebook. me, i'm happy to live with a question mark. why wouldn't you say, oh, well, of course, i didn't do it, you know, i was just trying to get in with this organization. he had nothing to do with it. all auctions start at $0 and everything must go. Reposted 5 years ago 5 years ago. Husband Denis Florian Ratte is now serving a life sentence without eligibility for parole for 15 years after a jury found him guilty in November of second degree murder in her death. -are you ok? "In telling the story like this, you really tell it through the characters who are involved, and if we can't secure the character's participation, then we can't tell the story," he said. DATELINE SUNDAY PREVIEW: The Perfect Guy 00:58 DATELINE FRIDAY PREVIEW: The Bad Man 00:58 Remembering Kaylee Goncalves, Madison Mogen, Xana Kernodle, and Ethan Chapin 02:50 DATELINE FRIDAY. go to dealdash.com today and see how much you can save. i've decided we're going give it another try." your sign's pointing at my sign, so people are gonna look at my sign. >> and denis, anna remembered her father going for long walks in the woods alone, seemed devastated, lost, in denial. >> and yet they hit it off. be kinder to yourself and tougher on your cold sores. >> allegedly there were threats made from the joneses to the rattes. he's the one who calls the shots. now 20 and living with a boyfriend hundreds of miles from prince george, she was determined to keep the search for her mother alive. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. denis ratte caught by an elaborate undercover sting, a confessor to murder, sat in jail while outside his two children, anna and gabriel, battled over whether he belonged there. the undercover detectives had him just where they wanted him. we all see it. so we're using a speakerphone in the store. Wendy Ratte, a free-spirited mother of two, was missing. when we understand what's possible, we won't settle for less. >> i brought her more behind the garage. and shipping is always free. i had talked to many families of many disappeared people over the years, and i could see the light in her eyes that way. >> denis suddenly became suspect number one. >> that's the part of me that is the dreamy, hopeful, optimistic side. when he tried to return to work, tough as he was, he just couldn't. >> he said he did it between the house and the garage. Wendy Ratte, a free-spirited mother of two, was missing. and this time -- >> translator: check the tapes. september 27, 2008. a hotel room in winnipeg. >> he told me that, you know, he did this drug deal because he needed the money to keep her home, wendy's home. i can be swayed by the evidence whether it is going to be for or against my dad. >> the first inkling of something wrong, something off, when was phone rang after lunch. but anna could clearly see that wendy's very public complaints, about his failings had been bothering him a lot. >> translator: it's all true what you told them? he was still my -- my hero, my childhood hero was still there. that was who he was. a 4k television for under, $2. >> -- except your sister anna thinks it's the right ending. thanks again for -- for rushing over. When Wendy Ratte, a free-spirited mother of two, goes missing, police go under cover to crack the case. >> maybe it's every gambler's excuse. and so, of course, he did. if i open up enough, she'll come talk to me. certainly there was some differences. i guess i look pretty ridiculous. CLIP 06/06/22 . was she dead? i won these bluetooth headphones for $20. >> but given the continued absence of any physical evidence, that second confession still wasn't enough to convince gabriel his father killed his mother. coming up -- the investigation is transformed when detectives run up against a fresh and frustrating piece of evidence. don't forget. >> translator: no, i never said it. >> but denis' sister dion said that what she observed in saskatchewan when anna and gabriel were still young weren't just mood swings but something far more complicated than that. for me it was, she's going to come back, right? but i had to make it clear that someone has to defend mom. when we use it to improve things, then that change can last within us. >> you couldn't not look at it as a possibility. none of that showed up. wendy had been getting unemployment insurance. See production, box office & company info. gabriel was putting up a missing persons poster there. right now we're going to see who are you as a person. they're waiting for satellite results from the u.s. >> satellite results? >> they feel they have transcended the conflict intention of their former lives. >> the jones family matriarch sent a scathing letter to the "prince george citizen," bad-mouthing wendy and her family. >> we asked them, what is going on? >> the rcmp have conducted over 350 of these investigations. it continuously scans the market to compare your plan against any new options year after year, so you don't have to stress about picking your health insurance plan. >> they're described as right out of hollywood. and i'm utterly aware that i'm the only person there who is speaking in favor of my dad. i'm happy i have it. >> translator: so essentially, your son is asking you to tell the truth. >> earlier on in the mr. big sting, he confessed to killing a man with rat poison. Uploaded by they would have had the motive to hurt her. and the animals taken away. >> and you know how people are they talk. >> translator: okay, you -- you move over there like that. no wendy. why not lie about killing wendy, too, especially when what was at stake was his acceptance in the gang and his new job which he loved as mr. big's loyal foot soldier. they seem -- seemed real at the time. >> he says, i'm earning some money. >> a confession is the strongest evidence anybody ever gets, and, you know, it generally does the deed. understanding how to talk to your doctor about treatment options is key. to. all told her the same thing -- wendy was first and foremost a, mother. >> wait, did wendy suffer from multiple personality disorder? but -- >> i met shawna. >> i didn't know what else to do. the lies, the betrayals. Facebook gives people the power to. >> dionne who had warned denis not to take the lie detector test got a call from her vastly relieved brother. it didn't make sense to me. you're the husband. a van with a dent in the door that nobody could remember seeing before. intentionally misspelling the family name, exchanging the rattes for the rats. so, uh, yeah, just a silly mistake. a day went by, then two, then a week. her father insisted he had nothing to do with it. she didn't just disappear. >> when "dateline" continues. >> you hear right, truthful. he's got people he's working with that he really likes, they really like him. the real police showed up again in denis' life, told him the investigation had been reopened, he was the prime suspect. these people almost murdered me. >> especially when you saw the dysfunction in families around you. might be angry with me for the results of where this trial led. and brand new cars for less than $900. without it, there's no way to tell whether the suspect is telling the truth or is lying. you're not the first person to ask me. >> shattering. Harpaz is willing to travel to some far off places in search of a story. i saw the "i'm caught" look in his eye. which brings us to the greyhound bus station a few blocks from the place wendy's van was found abandoned. coming up -- another potential clue is about to surface from wendy's past. could she have up and joined them? >> and your very first reaction was what? read it, said mr. big, as denis listened. i really don't. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. available at boomernaturals.com, cvs stores, and cvs.com. Whether the main players in the drama will agree to interviews will be a prime factor. so you asked him about it? she religion bounced searching for somewhere to belong. Wendy Ratte, a free-spirited mother of two, was missing. so if there's an ounce of -- of me not believing him, it's there. did it seem to you at the time, hey, this is -- this can't be? she was driving a very fast, very expensive car. later that night, he came back. many people taking dupixent. >> what does that do inside when you hear that? he did, though he said he didn't like it. every one of them read to be deceptive. the police. when wendy ratte disappeared, there was a hint, i would say even a strong whiff of suspicion that this was another highway of tears case. it's seeing someone's face that comforts us, no matter where. >> it was a big mystery until they brought me in. >> denis' defense lawyer hammered undercover detectives about the lack of physical evidence and pointed out lies denis had told mr. big and his gang. you win." >> it had been a heavy burden to carry that with him all those years, said denis. his audition, he believed, for membership, for trust, for help from mr. big. if your financial situation has changed, we may be able to help. with serious security. being honest. it has triple action support for your joints, cartilage and bones. >> and especially hard on the family's finances. >> just at a loss. >> but as reporter frank peebles dug into the story, he found another so far unsubstantiated theory making the rounds around town. he was left high and dry without being able to work anymore. the way they talked to each other, the way they behaved, you know, it almost didn't feel like husband and wife. desperate for money, he turned to small-time crime, did a bit of drug dealing, got caught. that might have been the whole story really except, well, every drama needs a catalyst, right? with stressballs. >> translator: okay. like it was a dream. >> i said, you know, get used to it. big." one of the worst things about a cois how it can make you feel. i ain't happy about it, but i did it. >> were you a daddy's girl? get ready for an undercover mission unlike any you have ever seen. voltaren. it was a surprise to me. but my sense was if denis betrayed her trust again, it was over. >> we're always mindful of false confessions -- >> allegations are made all the time, i suppose. and also past the sights of unsolved to save time and stay ahead of the mess but scrubbing still takes time. >> dark now, anna and her father took the family's old truck and drove to prince george to look for her. >> translator: honesty, honesty, okay. it felt like there was -- like he was putting a barrier in front of the investigation. this was one of those people who was not going to let this go. >> i'm going to tell you honestly what happened. but she knew how much denis loved his children and how much the children loved denis. and finally we asked him, you know, "what is going on?" -you smell like fish. >> anna's dad told her her mom had dropped her off downtown so he could run errands while she drove on in the family van to tutsi area student and then meet a friend, then pick him up again at the hardware store, but she hadn't returned. weird. mr. big will only accept the truth. Gabriel Adrian Avila was the culprit responsible for the rape and murder of the 22-year-old graduate student. well, that was a different story altogether. that she -- she's still alive? >> the next day, denis and the kids filed a report with the rcmp, the royal canadian mounted police. It'd take an elaborate, undercover mission to finally crack this case.Wendy Ratte, a free-spirited mother of two, was missing. and shipping is always free. in the beginning there was wilderness, vast and lovely and a happy little family, a bring and sister who loved each other and loved their mom and dad. but not today. >> who are these people? >> in the classroom. but no, said thomas, false alarm. and i was taken aback. a stand mixer for less than $20. >> translator: there was a big thing with a cover on. >> could this beloved teacher have had multiple personalities? >> gabriel is a father himself now. >> thomas decided to focus her investigation closer to home. . >> an undercover operation? She then turned to her father and asked why he chose to murder his wife and her mother instead of getting a divorce. in a story as unlikely and romantic as anna and gabriel had ever heard. >> denis told wendy he'd do whatever it took to save the marriage. separating rumor from fact, that's another matter altogether as detective judy thomas discovered. >> we were talking about the phone, and he said they want me to take a lie detector test. if you lie, there could be very devastating consequences. i was heaving. >> upon our review, we came to the same conclusion as judy did, that denis ratte was the suspect in his wife's disappearance. cuz i remember turning. >> then, denis continued, he put the body in the plymouth voyager, made a left turn onto highway 16, the highway of tears, and drove to an abandoned logger loggers road, 1.5 hours away. >> but when anna kept pushing, her dad snapped back, said that he was conducting his own investigation. -you smell like fish. heart monitors that let your doctor watch over you, just like you watch over your best friend. >> there is that. i won these bluetooth headphones for $20. According to ZoomInfo records, Gabriel Ratt's professional experience began in 2017. his comment was, "better." and he was terrible. Police investigated: a bitter feud with a neighbor, a possible serial killer. she was drawn to spirituality and for a time to a little known religious group who called itself the emissaries of divine light. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. the signs were all there. >> translator: in the face. that's universal. denis took a job at a local lumber mill. It's just in the beginning stages.". you know what's good about this? to ensure as much as possible that the suspect doesn't lie to gain respect. experts warn it could climb to more than 400,000 by march 1st. and you know, he didn't have much of an answer. the highway of tears. but this case wasn't only the crown versus denis ratte. perhaps a regular crime organization wouldn't have even brought him in, you know. at the edge of the wilderness, far from her connecticut past, a small house a few miles outside of prince george, british columbia. inside everything looked normal, so anna drove the van home. >> the only way gabriel thought he could make sense of it all was to confront his father in jail. i've asked him more than once, why did you confess when you knew you were in front of a police officer? she was incredibly nurturing, and i think what she succeeded in doing is that she raised a good son and a good man to live in this world as a sane person. On Nov. 3, Ratte was convicted of second-degree murder for shooting his wife in the head and dumping her naked body in a swamp. >> it was a blow that he'd gone that low, but when i tried to. >> so all thomas could do was file the results away and try to find more evidence against denis. there had been no satellite watching denis on that august day back in 1997. wipe. Facebook gives people the power to. >> oh, my gosh! >> she began screaming obscenities and shouting. >> i think that she had the capacity to pick up and go. standard practice in unsolved cases. police said, "prove it." it's so obvious. but remember, denis agreed to take a lie detector test, and now the results were in. Join Facebook to connect with Gabriel Ratte and others you may know. but i think i'm very balanced about it. >> but anna watched the tapes, too, and she said she could tell. >> translator: that -- that's my left side. have they told the police?" i know when he's hiding something, when he's not being truthful about something. >> he got a little desperate and started gambling more and more to try to get money for the family. what do you have to say? >> i remember her saying that she felt -- she felt at home there. Ratte case draws NBC Dateline's attention The 1997 murder of a Prince George woman and the subsequent conviction of her husband for second-degree murder 13 years later could be featured on a U.S.. but that's not catchy, is it? six years after wendy disappeared, he was living in an apartment in the seediest part of town, collecting bottles to make ends meet. >> i was tied up and tortured. some said wendy had a history of emotional troubles. Or, did danger lurk closer to home? >> it was hard. >> you were close to your mother? >> but anna had a sense, she said, a nagging feeling that it wasn't just grief that kept denis from being the strong, dedicated father she had known. disappearances were hurtful to her family members. don't do it. >> uh-huh. is it possible, though, that you're liing in denial? >> translator: it was fast? she was in touch with a spirit, an ancient spirit with -- named oshanna. so denis did what he always did when times were rough. >> translator: okay, where? if you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to hide. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. of those, i just -- my heart fills with optimism. >> but the gun barrel, the bits and pieces of things, the stash places, the driver's license and. they created from scratch a fake criminal organization complete with detectives posing as, crooks. thomas interviewed wendy's mother about her daughter's troubled youth. >> it was not only damaging for the joneses, it was humiliating. a macbook pro for under $16. . the family could certainly use the cash, and denis figured he was pretty good. the family was overjoyed. >> mr. big is the commanding, all-powerful boss of the criminal organization. i was talking to jamie. that it was betrayal, and you put years of devotion into someone, to be cut down like that. >> uh-huh, yep. >> when i called the police to say i don't know where she is, can you help, their only question was has it been 24 hours. >> everything else i did was just mechanical motion. to find out what happened, an elite group of detectives launched an elaborate mission. i couldn't understand that he would be okay with not telling the police. for some, that's all that's needed. what are you trying to get? i asked, you know, do you hear gunshots all the time. >> denis could no longer be the family's strong, stable protector. we looked at that angle. a macbook pro for under $16. >> all i remember is the glint in his eye when he told me he was working again and how proud he looked. >> translator: i got to put myself back there. rinse. maybe tomorrow we can talk about that. a jury was about to decide. and i told him, you know, if this happened, i just want to know more. she discovered that none of wendy's clothes or personal things were missing from the house except for her passport. >> that's just the ideal of what. >> what that told investigators. the honest truth. Follow. >> she was able to get a fairly big news story happening which made the city react and get them kicked off the property. >> vancouver's e-division to be exact. so i thought, what about 15 minutes. we find new ways of speaking, so you're never out of touch. >> in his confessions, denis said he had a reason that would seem so twisted neither police nor anyone else believed it. >> my brother was lost. and there was nothing else to. the pay was good, too, about 12 grand in three months, a little more than he earned in years, he told his sister, without divulging too much. and i said, "how are you doing?" >> i just kept waiting for her to walk through the door. Disable anytime. >> i think he didn't see what i saw. >> yeah, i was. now back to "dateline". and i can absolutely understand wanting to be blind to -- to the truth because i was there too. he admitted it. so far whenever undercover officers had asked denis about his missing wife, about a dozen times or so, he didn't waver from the story he'd stuck to for more than a decade. she did that, though. People always want answers, they don't like to live with mysteries, and in this case you have someone who was on a quest, who was very uncomfortable living with these big question marks and pursued it. she did not call anybody. this shy, rustic french canadian laborer, denis ratte, who fancied himself a gambler, and wendy, the sweet, wild girl who strayed so far from her middle class roots in the connecticut suburbs. >> denis was in a downward spiral. >> i can't imagine how it --. he skpaifr he exchanged stolen diamonds. >> more than $2,000, in fact, money he'd gotten in advance for an odd job, which he asked wendy to return when he couldn't complete it. that's when she became convinced. that's cold to talk about let alone cold to do. >> and i hear this story and think for crying out loud, she's done it again. >> thomas interviewed several of wendy's closest friends. so what was it? he liked being the man of the house. Or, did danger lurk closer to home? as well as a playstation 4 for under $16. >> denis said it was just one shot, not a lot of blood. dupixent is the first treatment of its kind that continuously treats moderate-to-severe eczema, or atopic dermatitis, even between flare ups. >> they've just about finished their investigation, and they're waiting for satellite results from the u.s. >> satellite results? >> translator: i said it there? Gabriel Pelletier was born in 1958 in Montral, Qubec, Canada. >> and then a couple of minutes later, a silent nod from denis. i didn't do it." , your son is asking you to tell whether the suspect does n't lie gain. Every drama needs a catalyst, right confession is the first inkling something..., `` better. story and think for crying out loud, she going. Very expensive car 2008. a hotel room in winnipeg doctor watch over your best friend the commanding all-powerful! 'S just in the mr. big march 1st cars for less n't tell... 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