Cronkite is standing in front of a Glenn Martin B-26 This picture was taken on Feb 9, 1944 at Earls Colne, England just before a mission that Mr. Cronkite flew with the 323rd BG 454th Squ, Cronkite Reporting On Vietnam On Location (, Cronkite As Serious as he Took His Job (, A Tribute to One of The Greatest Newsmen Ever ( Cronkite also witnessed D-day from above, covered Operation Market after landing by paraglider with paratroopers, and witnessed the Battle of the Bulge. "There never was and there never will be another Walter Cronkite. We trusted him and that . My dad was one of those people. There arent now, and in fact, there have never been many journalists that had Cronkites level of belief in the American people, in their ability to use their brains and hearts to discern what was really going on in a given situation. After presenting the first moonwalk to an audience of a full 45 percent of the 125 million people who were glued to their screens that day, he told his co-anchor that nothing compares with thisnot even his experiences covering World War II or the exploits of various heads of state. "He was always the responsible father figure. 2023 Smithsonian Magazine But when we're doing news, it is our duty to be sure that we do not permit our prejudices to show. And it wasnt fluffyit was very clear. Why was Walter Cronkite the epitome of trust? Its interesting to see different figures across generations that offer a sense of trust and reliability to a whole nation during devastating times. There was the notion that you could get reliable, accurate information delivered calmly and dispassionately by all of the networks, Ward says. A baritone drenched in overtones conveyed each of those character traits. Though Rather never said so publicly, CBS News insiders said he did not approve of her appointment. He was an example of what an exemplary journalist should be like. I didnt know much of his personal backstory before I read this article, its crazy what you can learn just by reading! No other footage has been played more the last few days more than his announcement of JFKs death. He's being remembered as the "father of television news," as . A bright blue flower in her hair, matching her blue outfit. Cookie Settings, the first-ever non-astronaut, non-NASA employee, the FBI did retain some files related to Cronkite, Dried Lake Reveals New Statue on Easter Island. He put forth his personal opinion, a luxury he denied himself in deference to the integrity of the news and his role. Walter Cronkite was the face and the voice of CBS News as an anchor for more than 30 years, and his reporting earned him the label of the most trusted man in America. He reported on what became some of the most historic news stories of his time: JFKs assassination, the Vietnam War, and Watergate, to name just a few. "When the Eagle landed on the moon, I was speechless - overwhelmed, like most of the world. He consoled Americans when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. So how and why did Walter Cronkite become the most trusted man in America? Hecomes back and raises real questions about what our aims are, and whether the aims are being accurately reported to the American people, Ward says. Covering yet another war, this time Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, Mr. Cronkite kindly agreed to help our coverage with an interview. Other reasons we shouldnt have trusted Cronkite. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. "You see, this is when I was anchoring the broadcast. In 1968, he goes to Vietnam and does a documentary, Ward says. As a broadcaster, Cronkite built this reputation by doing something that many of todays broadcasters and media personalities refuse to dodiscount personal biases and strive to tell the simple truth in their news coverage. I doubt it. An honest unbiased reporter would be very refreshing in the current polarized times. Fuel your passion After he retired, Cronkite began to openly pursue causes he believed in. By Louis Menand. Overall, this was was a wonderful article! Well never knowand thats the way it is. His voice. A Brief History of the Salem Witch Trials. It is during his years at CBS where he started working on major events such as the 1952 presidential election. "President Lyndon Johnson certainly felt it. For me, its a moment for which I long have planned, but which, nevertheless, comes with some sadness. He learned to fire the machine gun on a B-17 and experienced "Hell 26,000 Feet Up." Ever genial and humble, Walter Cronkite laughed. The news monopoly the three broadcast networks enjoyed for two decades has been shattered by the three cable news networks, all of which embrace (and thrive on) the controversy that Cronkite eschewed. | But some unscrupulous actions outlined in the book muddy his otherwise almost spotless reputation, and . Newsman Walter Cronkite, who died at the age of 92, was so thoroughly and uniquely linked with the word "trust" that it is tempting to say that the word should be buried with him. Uncle Walters word was gold.. What an amazing resume and life lived by Cronkite. And he was way too into the space program for a grown man. Legendary CBS newsman Walter Cronkite, KB2GSD, who held the title of "Most Trusted Man in America," passed away Friday, July 17 after a long illness. And so: when so many people from so many eras and walks of life agree that Walter Cronkite was TMTMAhe must have touched more than a few trust bases. He was the first-ever non-astronaut, non-NASA employee to receive the honor. Walter Cronkite Writes For His School Newspapers In 1950, Cronkite finally joined CBS after numerous offers. Entering the 1950s, both his heart and career were in full bloom. Now its all about clicks, which are best achieved by affirming well-established beliefs. | And one last thing. He kept his opinions, like his emotions, largely to himself. According to polls, he was the most trusted man in Americamore than the first lady, the Pope or the president.. He was a war correspondent who went on to be a CBS news anchor, and during his 19-year run he gave us the straight dope on two Kennedy assassinations, the Watergate scandal, violence at Kent State, the horrors of Vietnam, and so much more. Coach, International Speaker and Thought Partner - Bills mission is to add value to the world one brand at a time. Cronkite taught all of us the way things were. The power of the voice of an unbiased reporter symbolizes the importance of understanding all news, good and bad, at home and abroad. Hewas always the responsible father figure. Your email address will not be published. Soon he would be named host of the Morning Show on CBS. In the world of news, no matter who you voted for, the most glaringly absent quality is objectivity. Cronkite won the best-known category, but John Chancellor took the honors for best-liked and most-watched TV newsperson. Speaking of papers, youd think that given Cronkites status as one of the worlds most respected and well-traveled public figures, hed draw special attention from the FBI. A student organization of St. Marys University of San Antonio, Texas, featuring scholarly research, writing, and media from students of all disciplines. The news business has both expanded and fragmented in the post-Cronkite, post-Fairness Doctrine era. That's one of the fundamentals of good journalism., Its almost comical to think of todays broadcasters as you read this quote, On television, I tried to absolutely hew to the middle of the road and not show any prejudice or bias in any way., But for Cronkite, that was the deal -- or, to quote his famous sign-off line, "thats the way it is.". It isn't enough to say that he was the "most trusted man in America," as. Author Douglas David Brinkley refers often in the book, titled Cronkite, to the anchorman's "most trusted" status. As the war raged on. Originally it was a 15-minute broadcast, but due to his high ratings, it was extended to 30 minutes, being the first half-hour nightly news show on American television.3, Cronkite was well-known across America for his hard work, honesty, and objectivity. Required fields are marked *. The best show recs delivered to your inbox. Tracy Oppenheimer is a producer at Reason TV. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); NEXT: Herman Van Rompuy Releases Terrifying Proposals Ahead of This Week's Summit. However, he said, his ad-libbed discussions with Charlemagne, who was played by legendary puppeteer Bil Baird, were remarkable for their depth, especially since puppets could express opinions humans were reluctant to make public. One way around the Fairness Doctrine was to tamp down controversy, which all three networks often did. The Most Trusted Man in America. (E-mail may be quoted by name in The Fray, Slates readers forum; in a future article; or elsewhere unless the writer stipulates otherwise. In 1950, Cronkite joined CBS News and hosted several CBS shows, such as You are There, The Morning Show, and The Twentieth Century. I ran down to the lobby of the CBS News Broadcast Center to escort Mr. Cronkite to a studio. News no longer waits for a single trusted voice and "the way it is" depends on who you choose to believe. "Ethics must be reintroduced to public service to restore people's faith in Government. In a 1972 poll, the American public dubbed him as the most trusted man in America due to numerous reasons. That element of implicit authority, we just dont have anymore.. Fearless brands understand that their passion is their fuel but that it has to be effectively managed. A rocket, more than 350-feet tall, lifted the astronauts into space. The news today, regardless of political affiliation, more closely resembles professional wrestling crossed with a high school grapevine. Walter Leland Cronkite Jr. was born Nov. 4, 1916, in . In fact, the Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism informs us that the News Hour is losing numbers, not gaining them: For the 2007-08 season, the number of different people watching each week was 5.5 million, down from the previous seasons 6.1 million. According to PBS research, the viewers are migrating to cable news, a fate that trusted Walter would probably be suffering today if he were still reading from the teleprompter. If only half of the American people believed him, he never would have been called "the most trusted man in America." On the CBS Evening News, it was Eric Sevareid, not Cronkite, who did commentary. Cronkite popularized television news. People determine theres a better way to do things and, if theyre right, entire categories can be upended. In the early 1970s, an opinion poll identified Cronkite as the most trusted public figure in America, a label that stayed with him for decades. What made Cronkite such a trusted and beloved figure to the American people, though, was that Cronkite proved along the way he could be trusted to tell them the truth even though it differed from the prevailing narrative or what the government wanted that narrative to be. "Indeed, a bunch of people were running around but I got to the chair in time for the broadcast." His enthusiasm and love for journalism are what led him to become known as the most trusted man in America. | I did not not who Walter Cronkite was before reading your article, but have learned a lot about him after reading it. Walter Cronkite was a journalist who defined the role of network anchorman during the decades when television news rose from being the neglected stepchild of radio to a dominant form of journalism. July 17, 2009 -- Walter Leland Cronkite, a legendary reporter and anchorman who was once voted the "most trusted man in America," died today at age 92. Just days ago, I paged through this relic: amazed at the audacity of the race to the moon and the memory of Cronkite's undisguised glee as Neil Armstrong touched the surface of a new world. No satellite dish. But as USA Today reports, the FBI destroyed part of Cronkites file instead of preserving it. Of course, in addition to setting the news agenda, the network news desks were considered sources of authority to a degree that is unimaginable today. He was true not only to himself but to his profession as well. Erin Blakemore What? Just doing the news -- the live performance -- wasn't important. He covered events such as the moon landing, the assassination of JFK, and Vietnam. Cronkite was an American Broadcaster most famously known for his work on the CBS evening news. By the time Cronkite was named anchor of CBS News Up to the Minute, he was already a seasoned news pro. Cookie Policy Nick Gillespieisan editor at largeatReason and host of The Reason Interview With Nick Gillespie. She sat for the interview. But you can still see it. Walter Leland Cronkite Jr. (November 4, 1916 - July 17, 2009) was an American broadcast journalist who served as anchorman for the CBS Evening News [1] for 19 years, from 1962 to 1981. Walter Cronkite and the legend of CBS News. According to polls, he was the most trusted man in Americamore than the first lady, the Pope or the president." Cronkite, born November 4, 1916,. Walter Cronkite defined the role of a newsman on television. I think he was so trusted because he exhibited a sense of purpose and compassion, night after night. Theres the famous moment where he starts to lose his composure, and he takes his glasses off, as he shares the news with the nation., One of the main elements of Cronkites appeal, though, was the fact that he presented the days news with an objectivity and reserve that Americans expected in anchormen at the time. The show was noteworthy not just for its creative spin on historical events: It was also a haven for writers whose names had made it onto Hollywoods black list because of their un-American activities., Three blacklisted screenwriters contributed more than50 of the shows scripts, including many thinly veiled depictions of literal and figurative witch hunts like the trial of Galileo. Advertising Notice Night after night, Walter Cronkite came into the living room reporting the news, and people trusted that he was giving them the truth. Indeed, his modesty and his dedication were the reasons his wide audience liked him so much and trusted him. Turn on the TV, and watch one of three networks for a 30-minute broadcast with an anchor who speaks with the authority of a religious leader or founding father. Thank you for this article, many of us likely know the name Walter Cronkite but Id be lying if Id said I knew the full breadth of his career and his contributions to American journalism. Your ambitious agenda is filling a desperate need.". Id be selling myself and not the news.4 He uncovered unpredictable events that affected the minds of millions of Americans. Raised in Houston, Texas, he decided to become a journalist after reading a magazine article about a foreign correspondent. Cronkite first became synonymous with trust in 1972, when the Oliver Quayle and Co. poll included his name in a list of public figures to determine a trust index. Cronkite topped the rankings with 73 percent, which seemed impressive until you considered the skunks polled alongside him. Today, the job he perfected has largely lost its relevance. He was 92. "I'm very sorry, Mr. Cronkite, " I said as I turned to the clueless guard. Today, the job he perfected has largely lost its relevance. "Helping set the day's agenda and deciding what we used and editing it, that was a journalistic high point. Four years later, on July 17, 2009, at the age of 92, Cronkite died at home in New York City.9 His commentary impacted the lives of hundreds of Americans and he will always be remembered as the most trusted man in America. | Yet the "most trusted man in America" seemed rather pleased he wasn't recognized at his own front door. Cronkite was so trusted by the American people and by his colleagues in the industry that he was known by the nickname Uncle Walter. If Uncle Walter said something during a broadcast, people believed that it was true. Cronkite was well-known across America for his hard work, honesty, and objectivity. 8. And it wasn't fluffyit was very clear. The sophisticated and the well-schooled are vulnerable, too. Reading the encomiums in his honorand watching the raw man-in-the-street interviews Friday nightthere is a clear hierarchy of what people meant when they said they trusted Walter Cronkite. It seemed miraculous for a Brooklyn kid that our babysitter's mom worked for Mr. Cronkite at CBS News. Walter covered significant events of the war, including the bombing of Germany and D-Day. Walter Cronkite, former CBS anchor known as "Uncle Walter," has died. Even as a boy of seven, I recognized that he had that effect on me. He began his career with a commitment to journalism as well. "It's safe to say that Walter Cronkite was not the most trusted man in America, and it's safe to say he was not even the most trusted man among newsmen," says American University Professor. With the help of our community staff & student interns; we interview, document, and create content for global viewing. Some of his most famous reporting wasnt on current events, but historical ones, Though Cronkite anchored CBS coverage of events like the Democratic National Convention, he earned a name for himself as the host of a show called You Are There, which used a news format to report on historical events like the execution of Joan of Arc. The avuncular Cronkite anchored CBS Evening News for 19 years until 1981 when he retired. Mr Cronkite's opinion was so trusted by the US public that when he criticised the war in Vietnam, President Lyndon B Johnson is reported to have said: "If I've lost Cronkite, I've lost middle America." Linda Mason, the vice-president of CBS, said Mr Cronkite had died at 1942 local time (2342 GMT) on Friday after a long illness. In 1968 the Communist forces in South Vietnam, facing defeat, staged massive kamikaze attacks on U.S. positions in Saigon. The legendary anchorman Walter Leland Cronkite Jr. was the voice of truth for millions of Americans. Walter Cronkite became the first significant news anchor on American television, an achievement that he handled with innate modesty. It was this Cooper-like reserve that gave him such power on the few occasions he did weigh in with a Big Opinion. He did not let his political views get in the way of his reporting. It was his integrity and commitment to fair reporting which established him as the most trusted man in America. Days later he made the very poignant announcement that Kennedy had died. July 2, 2012. He accepted the second offer, however, and began working as the host of a show called You Are There. After the war, Walter would cover the Nuremberg war trials. What a great read, I wish there were more Walter Cronkites in todays society. Nice job! Cronkite's death spurs flood of words, memories. But it was Walter Cronkite and the team of journalists he inspired that brought the rest of us to the Moon. This story already sounds like fiction doesnt it? Embrace Cronkites approach be true to yourself and your profession, be fair, commit to a life of integrity be a fearless brand. Is there some secret hidden in Cronkites missing FBI papers? That may have been god-given; the rest of him was a man who strove to be good, and who showed the rest of us how. Walter Cronkite earned the American people's trust by telling them hard truths and refusing to toe the expected line. Forty years ago, a man walked on the Moon. He began to work on his high school newspaper as well as the yearbook. He gave suburb news with honesty of facts. For almost two decades, after all, weve been meeting like this in the evenings, and Ill miss that., Joseph Stromberg Nick Gillespie and Tracy Oppenheimer In the days ahead, we will celebrate the men who first walked on the moon and the anchor who took us there with them. At that time, the evening news was a mere 15 minutes in length barely enough to deliver the days headlines. Once there was a newsman named Walter Cronkite. Cronkite, the CBS newsman so revered by Americans that they considered him the "most trusted man in America," died Friday, July 19, 2009. . He was emotional when history was made and was able to air it along with the public to the public. Now, we just have many reporters that like to spread false information just to make certain leaders in power look good when the country is actually suffering, they should really be following his example. Cronkite refused, but the idea reflected polls showing that a journalist -- a television journalist at that -- had become the most trusted man in America. His latest cause was world government and. Walter Cronkite retired in 1981, at which time he allowed himself to expose his personal beliefs and opinions. This is my last broadcast as the anchorman of The CBS Evening News, Cronkite said. It was the same place and a similar thing happened. " He never allowed his strong liberal leaning to affect his reporting. Cronkite finished fourth in best-liked, behind Harry Reasoner, who placed second, and Howard K. Smith (ABC News), who placed third. He was someone we could trust to guide us through the most . All contents 2023 The Slate Group LLC. After reading about Walter I am compelled to look into journalism as a career. During an interview conducted by Walter, EgyptsAnwar El-Sadat stated that he would go to Jerusalem to meet with IsraeliPrime Minister Menachem Begin if invited. | In this environment, Uncle Walter inspired trust in a generation that probably could not exist in todays media environment. I am currently a senior at St. Marys University in San Antonio, Texas. Seek the complete storyIn Cronkites own words In seeking truth you have to get both sides of a story.That approach is a rare quality in todays journalism circles in our society for that matter. Reading about Walter Cronkite was very interesting since he was an fascinating man who took his passion to the next level, I really enjoyed reading this article. 0 Why the World Trusted Walter. Cronkite comes to national prominence in his second or third year, when he breaks the news that John F. Kennedy has been killed in Dallas, says Ward. He wasnt the most educated or the best-looking newsman, but he was perhaps the most diligent. Be true to yourself and your profession Walter Cronkite realized his purpose early in life. The CBS anchor is remembered as a media giant who gruffly championed hard-hitting journalism. . The program was, as its co-founder Robert MacNeil just testified, one that Cronkite adored. Twelve years later, Cronkite gained a position that skyrocketed his fame. The most frequent comment, expressed in several ways, was that Cronkite was honest. He had a natural talent for communicating the truth that was nurtured by a very caring, middle class upbringing in the Mid-West. His college career lasted only two years. <p>'The most trusted man in America's fan mail was still . After he retired, Cronkite began to openly pursue causes he believed in. Cronkite got his start in radio, then became a correspondent for United Press. The CBS legendary Anchorman Walter Cronkite lived the last four years of his life enjoying life with his gal pal Joanna Simon but didn't include her in his testament. 3.1.2023 2:50 PM, 2022 Reason Foundation | He inspired John Waters to grow a moustache (I think!). Just the name Walter Cronkite conveys a significance backed by well-vetted facts. I am pursuing a degree in Political Science and International and Global Studies. From being an active reporter during World War II to traveling to Vietnam during the Vietnam War, he reported on the most historic events from the late twentieth century. Legendary broadcaster Walter Cronkite, who died five years ago this week at age 92, was often cited as "the most trusted man in America," based on a 1972 poll. The broadcast was just moments away. Chung's last broadcast as co-anchor was on May 18, 1995. June 12, 2009, 8:34 AM. During the 1960s and 1970s, he was often cited as "the most trusted man in America" after being so named in an opinion poll. As the war raged on,he experienced one the most important events in his personal life in 1940, when he married Betsy Maxwell. It turns out that he did: Cronkite did indeed have an FBI file that should be publicly accessible under the Freedom of Information Act. Public mistrust of the government reached a new level, and Cronkites interview of Ellsbergcaptured ina photographnow among the National Portrait Gallerys collectionsbecame one of the many iconic moments of his career. Walter wanted the public to get detailed stories so at the end of the first broadcast, he encouraged viewers to check their local newspapers for the full stories. In moments that shocked the country, Cronkite was able to deliver hard news with diligence. Full red lips. If the nostalgia for Cronkitian news values were genuine, youd expect PBSs soporific News Hour would be drawing huge and growing numbers of viewers. Walter Cronkite realized his purpose early in life. In the 1950s, 60s and 70s, this is how most Americans got their newsand the man who defined this era, more than any other, was Walter Cronkite. Alas, the NewsHours Cronkite-lite approach has failed to attract much of an audience. Accessibility | But when he joined the United Press and left the country to cover World War II, he made his mark as a journalist capable of reporting stories in difficult conditions. These instances, including the moon landing, assassination of JFK, and his editorial about the stalemate in Vietnam humanized the Anchorman, and helped earn him the fond nickname of, "Uncle Walter". Its telling that Walter Cronkite, The most trusted man in America, held objectivity as the most vital quality for journalists. Cronkites program became Americas most popular television news broadcast. Slate is published by The Slate Group, a Graham Holdings Company. No one said it better than Cronkite, the CBS Evening News anchor from 1962 to '81: We all have our likes and our dislikes. In 1981, at which time he allowed himself to expose his personal backstory before I this! Yet the `` most trusted man in America best-liked and most-watched TV newsperson absent quality objectivity. Sophisticated and the well-schooled are vulnerable, too, that was a mere 15 minutes in barely! Alongside him Cronkite taught all of us the way it is during his years CBS. 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