Arrow, 1994. [38], Film director Ken Loach subsequently made "The Arthur Legend" as part of Channel 4's Dispatches series. For other uses, see, Early political and trade union activities. He was the President of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) from 1981 to 2002 and has served as leader of the Socialist Labour Party, a political party he founded, since 1996. Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales. In a 1975 interview with New Left Review Scargill said: I was in the Young Communist League for about six or seven years and I became a member of its National Executive Committee responsible for industrial work. The most notable of these being the Women Against Pit Closures (WAPC) mainly made up of miners wives or women that grew up in mining communities. His major innovation was organising "flying pickets" involving hundreds or thousands of committed strikers who could be bussed to critical strike points to shut down a target. The myth of workers' control The myth of workers' control by Arthur Scargill, Peggy- Kahn Filter Results Shipping Eligible for Free Shipping Expedited Shipping Available Item Condition Seller Rating Other Options Change Currency + Add to Wishlist All All Copies ( 0 ) Currently there are no copies available. "It was Thatcher's legislation, actually giving council tenants the right to buy their own houses. London, 1984. The movement faced a huge confrontation from the Conservative government of Margaret Thatcher, and the union was eventually defeated. Redirects and rewriting URLs are two very common directives found in a .htaccess file, and many scripts such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla and Magento add directives to the .htaccess so those scripts can function. His father, Harold, was a miner and a member of the Communist Party of Great Britain. Accessed October 11, 2018. Page 51, [9] Lawson, Nigel. We also remember his relatively principled role within the UK labour movement of the 1970s and 80s. Was this national or local? . 100 0 _ a Arthur Scargill c British trade unionist (born 1938) 100 1 _ a Scargill, Arthur d (1938- ). The Enemy Within: M15, Maxwell and the Scargill Affair. A debate on workers' control. Milne explains how the strike was a last-ditch fight to defend jobs, mining communities and the NUM itself against a government prepared to bring into play unlimited resources and its entire panoply of coercive powers as and where necessary to break the union and its backbone of support[22]. April 23, 2022 the myth of workers' control arthur scargill . However, it can be argued that government preparations werent sufficient enough in order to bring down the miners. (1978), CONTESTING THE MARKET: PAY EQUITY AND THE POLITICS OF ECONOMIC RESTRUCTURING, Eigart, Deborah M., Your TV show 'White Light' presenter James Maw speaks to Union leader Arthur Scargill about what Trade unions can do for the youth of today. However, Lawson then goes on to say The violent tactics used by the NUM pickets reopened the issue of Who governs Britain?. In May 2009, he was a candidate for the Socialist Labour Party for one of London's seats in the European Parliament. [6] Marr, Andrew. [35] Negotiations between Scargill and the NUM took place in France. When working with WordPress, 404 Page Not Found errors can often occur when a new theme has been activated or when the rewrite rules in the .htaccess file have been altered. Scargill said himself that the real reason that the NUM areas such as Nottinghamshire, South Derbyshire and Leicestershire wanted a national strike ballot was that they wanted the strike called off, believing naively that their pits were safe[7]. The union is known for leading the longest as well as the most violent miners` strike in the history of British history. Because of Scargills actions, the strike was illegal, poorly supported and doomed to failure given the level of government preparations. He also stated regarding Brexit that "we should just invoke the first clause of Article 50 and that means we could leave the EU tomorrow". If you have already uploaded the file then the name may be misspelled or it is in a different folder. He lost on both occasions, winning 2.4% of the vote in Hartlepool at the 2001 general election. The Institute for Workers' Control was formed in 1968, building on a series of conferences over several years, to act as a research and educational body, to encourage discussion and communication between workers' control groups and trade unions, and to publish important materials on industrial democracy and workers' control. [37] The prosecution brought by the Certification Officer was rejected in July 1991 on the grounds that it would be inappropriate to use the material provided in confidence to Lightman's enquiry. Margaret Thatcher. (1983), Restructuring the employment relationship, Gallie, Duncan, Joining the NUM at the age of 19 in 1957, Scargill was one of its leading activists by the late 1960s. Therefore, the fact that Scargill didnt call a National Ballot was irrelevant[11] as Tony Benn says, but the fact that Scargill authorised violent tactics that reduced public sympathy and misjudged situations may have been a factor in the failure of the miners strike. Accessed October 10, 2018. The view that the failure to call a National Ballot, by Scargill, cost him valuable support is advocated by Shirley Letwin; Nor did he bother to abide by his own unions rules which required that a strike shall be entered upon as the result of a ballot vote of the members.[1] This led to the miners losing the support of many, including Labour Partys- Neil Kinnock, who felt emotionally disposed to support the miners but aware that it would be political suicide to do so[2]. Love him or hate him a lot that Mr Scargill and the Minors stood against in the1970/80s has now come to fruition, the uprise ofThatcherism,greed is good, stand on your neighbour to get a head! In 1961, Scargill was elected a member of the Woolley NUM Branch Committee. Kim Howells discusses how Neil Kinnock argued that real power lay at the ballot box[4]. Person/Body (Historic): A. Taylor & Sons Ltd. [38] Thatcher, Margaret. However, if the outcome of the 84-5 strike can be regarded, at one level, as a tragedy, then Scargills post-85 trajectory can only be viewed as an even deeper tragedy. Page 341. This is supported by Margaret Thatcher herself; His (Ian McGregor) impression was that the police were failing to uphold criminal law and that the pickets had been able to prevent people going to work[38]. March 10, 2004. [56], In July 2021 he spoke at the Rebel Town Festival in Jarrow. Nigel Lawson describes how the government were able to persuade the working miners to cross the violent picket lines; Those who continued to work were portrayed as heroes (and behind the scenes a considerable amount of private money was raised to help them resist the Scargillite intimidation)[30]. If anyone of them has any cause for complaint they are simply showing the door because they have no unions to speak for to stand up for the rights of any working man or woman in this country. Strike: When Britain Went to War. In Defence of Marxism. [21] Many politicians, including the then Labour leader Neil Kinnock, believed Scargill had made a huge mistake in calling the strike in the summer rather than in the winter. His comments followed a question in the Commons from Labour MP Lisa Nandy, who said the miners and their families deserved an apology for the mine closures. Margaret Thatcher began a media campaign in order to win over the public and demonise the miners. Airport staff at Leeds-Bradford Airport identified Scargill attempting to travel under a false name (Arthur Fenn) wearing a disguise on 20 July, and turned him away to purchase a genuine ticket with his true identity. Logger.logCoid("61c4e44a-8d58-45d2-8bc5-5fc2bd749aae"); Page 414. In the 2001 general election, he ran against Peter Mandelson in Hartlepool. As for the EEC/EU, his anti- stance was in keeping with Labour Party Policy. RewriteBase / First shown: 06/. Les avis ne sont pas valids, mais Google recherche et supprime les faux contenus lorsqu'ils sont identifis, Industrial Democracy in Italy: Workers' Co-ops and the Self-management Debate. Amazingly the electorate resent being told they're either racist or stupid or both, if the remain campaign had been more mature in it's approach, almost certainly a different decision would have been reached. However, we have to be careful when using Thatcher as a source as she may be trying to give more credit to her successes and deflecting her failures onto other people such as Ian McGregor. Having examined a range of factors which led to the failure of the miners strike in 1984, it has become clear that it was easy to just blame the leadership of Arthur Scargill as the ultimate factor that led to the strikes failure. [36] In September 1990, the Certification Officer brought criminal charges against Scargill and Heathfield for wilfully neglecting to perform the union's duty to keep proper accounting records. Arthur Scargill was in attendance but it was noteworthy (and significant) that he remained a peripheral figure being greeted by only a few of those attending. You may need to scroll to find it. Copyright 2003 - 2023 - UKEssays is a trading name of Business Bliss Consultants FZE, a company registered in United Arab Emirates. [26], There is a prevailing view that Arthur Scargill, the NUM National President, called the strike. The Myth of Control: Created by Mikail Chowdhury, Sana Soni. Many people blame him for the failure of Miners Strike due to his poor leadership skills and bad judgement. However, we have to question Lawsons motives behind this, as he may have naturally blamed Scargill for the failure of the strike to protect his political reputation as it legitimises his role in opposing the strike. Accessed October 10, 2018. Accessed October 10, 2018. He was also on the hard-left of the Labour Party, often disagreeing with Neil Kinnock who couldnt support the strike due to its illegitimacy after Scargills failure to call a ballot. In 2012, the flat was valued at 1,500,000, and had 24/7 access to concierge services. [36] Thatcher, Margaret. He also represented the Barnsley Co-op at Cooperative congresses. She even admitted to appointing Peter Walker as Secretary of State for Energy because of his negotiating skills and said he was also a skilled communicator, something in which I knew would be important if we were to retain public support in the coal strike[29]. Accessed September 16, 2018. In conclusion to my little rant, unions were formed for the betterment of its members, not to be used as a personal vehicle for selfish political dogma. Authors: Scargill, Arthur; Kahn, Peggy: Publisher: Leeds [u.a.] Page 57. For more information, see The National Review (June 15, 1984 and April 5 . (2004) "Al Richardson (19412003): An Appreciation", David Howell, et al. Downing Street Years. [42] Evans, Eric J. Thatcher and Thatcherism. A History of Modern Britain. The issue of Scargills leadership is argued as the main reason that the miners strike failed. [8] Beckett, Francis, and David Hencke. You can try renaming that file to .htaccess-backup and refreshing the site to see if that resolves the issue. He claimed that the government had a long-term strategy to destroy the industry by closing unprofitable pits, and that it listed pits it wanted to close each year. Looking for a flexible role? Accessed October 12, 2018. [33], In July 1990, the NUM executive voted unanimously to sue Scargill and general secretary Peter Heathfield. Vast majority of people work retail or asBarristersselling fancycoffee to people on the way to work in offices, most of them on single hour contracts working in retail parks or business parks built on the ground of old mine, steelworks and potteries that used to employ tens of thousands of men and now employ the best part of 100. ", Gildart, Keith. His mother, Alice (ne Pickering), was a professional cook. Arthur Scargill: We Could Surrender or Stand and Fight. The Guardian. My mother was strictly non-political. Therefore, Thatcher and her governments actions could have caused the failure of the strike but to what extent these actions can be justified is still widely argued. His nationalist backwardness on Brexit (and immigration, to judge by a letter published in the Guardian on 29 August 2017) cannot be forgiven. He played an important role in the miners' strike of 1972 and was involved in the mass picket at Saltley Gate in Birmingham. Read online at, Submitted by AWL on 18 September, 2019 - 11:48, Letters: Hands off Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxemburg, Holodomor: the Ukrainian famine of 1932-33, Tubeworker (London Underground) (bulletin), Off the Rails (national rail workers) (bulletin), Off the Rails (national rail workers) (blog), Notts Off the Rails (Nottingham rail workers) (bulletin), On Guard (Sheffield rail workers) (bulletin). Back in 1983 (even before the great miners strike) the forunner of Solidarity (Socialist Organiser) condemned Scargills attacks on the independent Polish union movement Solidarnosc, but also identified the root cause of Scargills tragic error (nationalism) and denounced the hypocrisy of many of his critics within the labour movement: Its no news that Scargill has a scandalous attitude to Solidarnosc. Scargill, Solidarity and Workers Revolutionary Party ( Book ) Margaret Thatcher, face aux mineurs : 1972-1985, treize annes qui ont chang l'Angleterre by Pierre-Franois Gouiffs ( Book ) March 07, 2009. It is reported that the police were getting between 600 and 1000 a week and many people believed that there just arent that many police available to move about. He did not. The View from No. "Goodbye to all that? "[44] However, in December 2012, Scargill lost a similar case concerning rent on his flat in the Barbican, London. After the miners' strike in 1984, there were accusations that Arthur Scargill had misappropriated National Union of Mineworkers funds and that money which sh. It was not , and will not ever be the liberator of the working Class, but their oppressors. These days he only gets to speak at the crankiest of Stalinist events. In fact, other factors such as the governments intense preparations came into play. EconBiz.Logger.logPageView(); Person/Body (Historic): University of Leeds and Nottingham. This is portrayed by Kenneth OMorgan, who takes a clear mainstream media view. He used the NUM for his own advancement, and ended up thinking he was bigger than the Union and everything else. Accessed January 06, 2019. Barnsley: Wharncliffe, 2002. He was a destructive force, in the Labour Party, and in the NUM. [9] He had challenged Sam Bullough, the President of the Yorkshire area NUM, to act on the working hours of surface workers, given that the union's conference had passed a resolution that their hours be shortened the previous year. It turned into a confrontation with the Conservative government of Margaret Thatcher in which the miners' union was defeated. All work is written to order. An article published in The Times in August 2015 stated that Scargill had spoken to the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union conference in June 2015, and that he was due to appear alongside Jeremy Corbyn at the Orgreave Truth & Justice Campaign in September 2015. With Fay Hauser, Olivia Haller, Doris Morgado, Chrystee Pharris. [43] In February 2012, Scargill won 13,000 in a court action against the NUM, primarily for car expenses, and for the earlier temporary denial of membership. [19] Morgan, Kenneth O.Britain since 1945: The Peoples Peace. A dialogue box may appear asking you about encoding. [27] Thatcher, Margaret. Scargill joined the Labour Party in 1962. [24] Letwin, Shirley Robin. That violence strengthened the stature of the Coal Board and the Thatcher government. *You can also browse our support articles here >. John Campbell argues that It was the job of the police to protect the freedom to work, and the job of the government to support the police[37]. By not calling a National Ballot the strike rapidly gained support. After looking at the evidence, I believe that the Marxist view is more valid than the Mainstream media view in the fact that it is clear that Thatcher and her government went above and beyond in order to bring down Scargill and the miners. We may criticise some of the tactics he used in the 1984-5 miners strike, but we cannot dispute that he gave real leadership and was serious about wanting to defeat the Tories. But Rule 43 said that a national strike can only be called if there was a ballot. Somerset: Routledge, 2018. 404 means the file is not found. ." It is a world of despair, of ashes, and coldness, and darkness, and the setting acts as a . Accessed October 10, 2018. the Miners Strike could have won. The striking miners didnt have the support of the Nottinghamshire miners, dock workers or even the Labour Party, including Neil Kinnock, and many historians believe that the strikes failure was down to the fact that it was so poorly supported; such as Eric Evans who takes the mainstream media view and believed the appearance of a much more conciliatory breakaway union representing the profitable East Midlands mining arealed to collapse of the strike[12] This we know to be true as the Nottinghamshire miners alone produced 25% of the Nations coal. Seumas Milne argues that the miners had sued the police for assault, wrongful arrest, malicious persecution and false imprisonment and then went on to describe the battle of Orgreaves as an 8,000 riot police staged medieval-style mounted charges of unprecedented ferocity[33]. [5] However, we have to keep in mind that Tony Benn opposed the radical restrictions put on the striking miners as he thought they were unfair. Therefore, this portrays the feelings of the majority of the miners who were on strike as they realised that this lack of support could determine the outcome of the strike. Another important factor in the failure of the miners strike is the amount of support that it had. Arthur Scargill: We Could Surrender or Stand and Fight. The Guardian. A lot of other people on the National Executive at that time went on and became very respectable Labour MPs in Parliament. If your specific country is not listed, please select the UK version of the site, as this is best suited to international visitors. The editor of the Daily Mirror at the time, Roy Greenslade, wrote an article in The Guardian in May 2002 to apologise to Scargill for the false claims about paying off the mortgage and for putting too much trust in Roger Windsor, who at the time had still not repaid the 29,500 that he had taken from the Miners' Welfare Fund and that the Lightman Report had asked that he repay. Accessed October 12, 2018. His one man mission to bring down the elected government, for a second time, and destroy Thatcherism was not only not accomplished ,it only served to strengthen the Conservative Government and Thatchers dominance of the political landscape for over a decade. In 1958, he attended the World Federation of Trade Unions youth congress in Prague. That's what I believe". We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. Therefore, Milnes interpretation is supported by Ridleys in the fact that government preparations led to the downfall of the miners. After a Labour Party conference speech on energy policy by Richard Marsh in July 1967, Scargill said: I can honestly say that I never heard flannel like we got from the Minister he said that we have nuclear power stations with us, whether we like it or not. On the appointment of Ian MacGregor as head of the NCB in 1983, Scargill stated, "The policies of this government are clear to destroy the coal industry and the NUM". ",confirmDelete: "Are you sure you want to delete this? "Goodbye to all that? They were released from prison in November 1989. [14], Scargill was a very vocal opponent of Thatcher's Conservative government, frequently appearing on television to attack it. London: Verso, 2014. During this time, he earned the esteem of significant sections of the left and the British working class, who saw him as honest, hard-working and genuinely concerned with their welfare,[12] and he was also respected for improving the administration of the compensation agent's post. The Truth of Nacods Shameful Sell-out. The Guardian. . [30] Lawson, Nigel. of the other candidates claimed that they were given very little time to prepare. Assess the view that the main reason for the failure of the miners strike in 1984 was the leadership of Arthur Scargill. [20] Ridley, Nicholas. However, one of the most important factors in the failure of the miners strike has to be the lack of support especially from the Nottinghamshire miners and the falling through of the NACODs strike. Registered office: Creative Tower, Fujairah, PO Box 4422, UAE. Bone figurines of waterbirds made about 16,000 B. C., which were found in Mal'ta in Siberia, share the symbolism of the wild gander . : S.n., 1996. The Labour Party was opposed to membership of the EU to begin with wasn't it, so what happened, are its current membership more enlightened. EconBiz.Logger.enable_Autocompletion_tracking(); In 1965 he was elected Branch Delegate from Woolley to the Yorkshire NUM Area Council, and in 1969 was elected a member of the Yorkshire NUM Area Executive Committee. Scargill had the ability to do great things; Pity he got in the way of his own opportunities, and could not see Communism as a failed ideology that blighted every country in which it held sway. She makes some bold accusations about when Scargill and his cohorts were accused of serious irregularities in the handling of union funds but this is unconvincing as it has never been proven true. Thatcher, herself, advances this view in her memoirs The Downing Street Years and echoed by many other Thatcherites such as Nigel Lawson, Shirley Letwin and historians such as John Campbell. Therefore, Tony Benns argument is more convincing than Eric Evans as he takes into account the failures of the miners as well as giving credit to the amount of support the strike had as well. Their support would have been vital if they were to win the strike; this is presented by Cabinet minutes which show that Thatchers priority was to settle the dock strike as quickly as possible in order to allow the government to concentrate on winning the miners strike[15]. Essay Writing Service. 11: Memoirs of a Tory Radical. However, the people that argue this are clear Thatcherites such as Shirley Letwin, John Campbell and even Thatcher herself who blamed Scargill for the violence at the picket line mass pickets led by Arthur Scargill forced the closure of the Saltley Coke Depot in Birmingham[44] contradicting this, Seumas Milne who takes a clear Marxist view that the standard fairy tale, still routinely recycled by media and politicians alike, has it that Scargill called the action in spring in a classic example of his poor generalship and tactical sense[45]. A motion from the Kent area was passed by the NUM conference to move the head office to a coalfield. : A Review of Literature on the 1984/5 Miners' Strike.". The same nationalism explains why Arthur Scargill, alongside his industrial militancy, supports a not-at-all-militant programme of import controls, withdrawal from the EEC, and siege economy. Ridley may have been trying to take credit for the failure of the strike by saying that the strike failed due to the governments preparations that included the plan he came up with. ",confirmEmpty: "Are you sure you want to empty your clipboard? He cannot resist pointing out parallels in all times and places. However, we have to be careful when using this source as evidence as Scargill may have been trying to justify his actions to save himself criticism. [23] BATTLE FOR BRITAIN; on the 25th Anniversary of the Miners Strike, NORMAN TEBBIT Reveals Why He Believes Defeat Would Have Been the Death of Democracy. Daily Mail (London), March 6, 2009. ARTHUR SCARGILL AND PEGGY KAHN - "THE MYTH OF WORKERS' CONTROL" - 1st . "Leadership in the Miners Union-Scargill, Arthur Rise to Power. [9][11], A few months later, the president of the Yorkshire NUM died unexpectedly, and Scargill won the election for his replacement; the two posts were then combined and he held them until 1981. Thatcher disregarded how much of an impact the WAPC would have on the strike as many of the striking ladies figured out that if they went out picketing then they would less likely be targeted by police. The secretary at this time was a very good friend of mine called Jimmy Reid, and we're still close friends. [18] Still the Enemy Within (2014). IMDb. of Leeds [u.a.] his position on freedom movements In communist states such as Poland, was unforgivable He is rightly labelled a Stalinist, along with Corbyn. [14], The vast majority of head-office staff took redundancy rather than move to Sheffield. Thatcher deliberately chose to make the miners who continued to work look like heroes and make the striking miners look like the public enemy. The staff at headquarters issued a press statement in January 1983 to deny this and to list twelve grievances against Scargill's treatment of his staff. [37] Campbell, John. If you go to your temporary url (http://ip/~username/) and get this error, there maybe a problem with the rule set stored in an .htaccess file. In the event, it turned out to be the exact blueprint that the government followed[21]. It was a major political victory for Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and the Conservative Party. My father was a Communist. Having read the above (barely, dont like reading lies) I felt the immediate need to respond, if anything to comfort myself. Downing Street Years. This will reset the permalinks and fix the issue in many cases. He left school in 1953 at fifteen years old to work as a coal miner at Woolley Colliery, where he worked for nineteen years.[2][3]. This was seen as violent and was deemed illegal. Test your website to make sure your changes were successfully saved. Some scholars have concluded that Scargill's decisive tactical error was to substitute his famous flying picket for the holding of a national strike ballot. However, Letwin also blames Scargill for the timing of the strike; Scargill, for his part, had timed his attack poorly, attacking in the spring when the demand for coal was decreasing. Arthur Scargill (born 11 January 1938)[1] is a British trade unionist who was President of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) from 1982 to 2002. On platforms that enforce case-sensitivity PNG and png are not the same locations. On the 20th of July 1984, Thatcher gave a speech to the 1922 committee where she deemed the miners as the enemy within going on to say We had to fight the enemy without, in the Falklands. [29] Thatcher, Margaret. Page 341. The authorities must be using the army[32]. He regularly attended Workers' Educational Association (WEA) classes and Co-operative Party educational programmes, and in 1962, undertook a three-year, part-time course at the University of Leeds, where he studied economics, industrial relations and social history. Articles like the above, years later are actually a compliment to Arthur. Here you can choose which regional hub you wish to view, providing you with the most relevant information we have for your specific region. [4] He joined the Young Communist League in 1955, becoming its Yorkshire District Chair in 1956 and shortly after a member of its National Executive Committee. I've always said that if Arthur can no longer control the NUM, he'll try and destroy it. London: Vintage, 2008. Like the onset of some cold glaucoma dimming away the world . It is also possible that you have inadvertently deleted your document root or the your account may need to be recreated. Barnsley: Wharncliffe, 2002. Page 346. After the miners' strike, Scargill was elected to lifetime presidency of the NUM by an overwhelming national majority, in a controversial election in which some[who?] The appointment of Ian McGregor as head of the NCB can also be argued as a factor in the failure of the strike as he was known to be notoriously formidable had no pity for the poor miners, and was determined to keep them working and living in conditions that no human being should be made to endure[24]. The failure of the miners strike in 1984 has been seen by many as the result of bad leadership of the head of the NUM, Arthur Scargill, the lack of support for the strike as well as giving credit to the governments preparations. The Enemy Within: The Secret War against the Miners. Somerset: Routledge, 2018. Therefore, without support from key groups such as the Nottinghamshire miners and the dock workers, the striking miners were isolated which may have led to the failure of the strike itself. Shankland's and Hancock's life sentences for murder were reduced to eight years for manslaughter on appeal. At the ballot box [ 4 ] NUM for his own advancement, and the and! From the Conservative Party Within the UK Labour movement of the miners ] Lawson,.. Such as Poland, was unforgivable he is rightly labelled a Stalinist, along with Corbyn the vote Hartlepool. ] still the Enemy Within: M15, Maxwell and the Conservative government of Thatcher. National strike can only be called if There was a destructive force, in July 1990, the pickets! As violent and was involved in the European Parliament vocal opponent of Thatcher 's Conservative of... 32 ] secretary at this time was a very vocal opponent of 's! 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Make the miners ' strike. `` the history of British history was by... It is also possible that you have about our services your account may need be! Youth congress in Prague preparations led to the downfall of the Woolley NUM Committee... & quot ; - 1st time went on and became very respectable Labour MPs in Parliament NUM took place France...
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