"),a=0;a Video Post > Spam Flag-Contact Form 7 ID or Spam Flag-Gravity Form ID } Tesla's cars are just as much pieces of technology as they are vehicles, and the automaker's ecosystem has begun to help consumers see the value of data in modern mobility. MENU Who Killed Teslanomics? }, delayVideo); Note: If you set Backup Reserve to 100%, there will be no energy allocated to the selected Powerwall control mode, and your Powerwall will only provide protection during an outage. "":"no-")+"fn-start",[c.now(),r,o],t),o)try{return n.apply(this,arguments)}catch(e){throw f.emit("fn-err",[arguments,this,e],t),e}finally{f.emit("fn-end",[c.now()],t)}}}};a("actionText,setName,setAttribute,save,ignore,onEnd,getContext,end,get".split(","),function(e,n){m[n]=o(l+n)}),newrelic.noticeError=function(e,n){"string"==typeof e&&(e=new Error(e)),i("err",[e,c.now(),!1,n])}},{}],2:[function(e,n,t){function r(e,n){if(!o)return!1;if(e!==o)return!1;if(!n)return!0;if(!i)return!1;for(var t=i.split("."),r=n.split(". s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, document,'script', /* WooCommerce */ As faixas de menor poder aquisitivo (E e D) participam com 68% . background: #E43B30; Download the Tesla app to start monitoring your solar panel energy production. Function is good. Escritrio de Advocacia Chaves e Michenko, prestao de servios advocatcios e consultoria jurdica, tanto extrajudicial como judicial. Connecting to the Network 1. With Tesla Control you can remotely monitor and control your Tesla vehicles! Learn More. For the best experience, we recommend upgrading or changing your web browser. These apps can provide you with near-real-time data about your Tesla's charge level, so you can monitor battery usage to get the most out of your vehicle, which can be helpful without having to wait for the car to wake up. /* To adjust your reserve percentage, go to the Settings screen and adjust the slider at the top of the screen. !e}function s(e,t){let r=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]&&arguments[2];window.addEventListener(e,t,a(r))}function c(e,t){let r=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]&&arguments[2];document.addEventListener(e,t,a(r))}},5526:(e,t,r)=>{"use strict";r.d(t,{Ht:()=>a,M:()=>o,Rl:()=>i,ky:()=>s});var n=r(2374);function i(){var e=null,t=0,r=n._A?.crypto||n._A?.msCrypto;function i(){return e?15&e[t++]:16*Math.random()|0}r&&r.getRandomValues&&(e=r.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(31)));for(var o,a="xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",s="",c=0;c{"use strict";r.d(t,{nb:()=>c,os:()=>u,yf:()=>s,zO:()=>a});var n=r(7145),i=(new Date).getTime(),o=i;function a(){return n.G&&performance.now?Math.round(performance.now()):(i=Math.max((new Date).getTime(),i))-o}function s(){return i}function c(e){o=e}function u(){return o}},7145:(e,t,r)=>{"use strict";r.d(t,{G:()=>n});const n=void 0!==r(2374)._A?.performance?.timing?.navigationStart},6625:(e,t,r)=>{"use strict";r.d(t,{s:()=>c,v:()=>u});var n=r(8283),i=r(9071),o=r(2053),a=r(7145),s=r(2374);let c=!0;function u(e){var t=function(){if(i.I&&i.I<9)return;if(a.G)return c=!1,s._A?.performance?.timing?.navigationStart}();t&&((0,n.B)(e,"starttime",t),(0,o.nb)(t))}},8283:(e,t,r)=>{"use strict";r.d(t,{B:()=>o,L:()=>a});var n=r(2053),i={};function o(e,t,r){void 0===r&&(r=(0,n.zO)()+(0,n.os)()),i[e]=i[e]||{},i[e][t]=r}function a(e,t,r,n){const o=e.sharedContext.agentIdentifier;var a=i[o]?.[r],s=i[o]?. (function(f, a, t, h, o, m){ (a[h].q=a[h].q||[]).push(arguments) width: '900', .woocommerce .quantity .qty { To see your energy products, make sure to login using your Tesla Account email associated with your order. 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If you do not see your Tesla energy products, try navigating to 'Settings'then'Switch Products' and swipe down to refresh the list. "":"no-")+"fn-start",[u.now(),r,i],t),i)try{return e.apply(this,arguments)}catch(n){throw c.emit("fn-err",[arguments,this,n],t),n}finally{c.emit("fn-end",[u.now()],t)}}}};a("actionText,setName,setAttribute,save,ignore,onEnd,getContext,end,get".split(","),function(n,e){m[e]=i(l+e)}),newrelic.noticeError=function(n,e){"string"==typeof n&&(n=new Error(n)),o("err",[n,u.now(),!1,e])}},{}],2:[function(n,e,t){function r(n,e){var t=n.getEntries();t.forEach(function(n){"first-paint"===n.name?a("timing",["fp",Math.floor(n.startTime)]):"first-contentful-paint"===n.name&&a("timing",["fcp",Math.floor(n.startTime)])})}function i(n){if(n instanceof c&&!s){var e,t=Math.round(n.timeStamp);e=t>1e12?Date.now()-t:f.now()-t,s=!0,a("timing",["fi",t,{type:n.type,fid:e}])}}if(! Not only do I have to manually re-enter charge times, but I can't enable a start time and an end time simultaneously. There are a few third-party Tesla apps out there using. Get your free version or signup for pro here - https://teslanomics.co/tezlab The first is by using the Tesla app. You can change control modes at any time based on your preferred energy usage. ","confirm_delete_playlist":"You are about to delete a playlist. Monitor energy, pay your bill, and manage account settings with the mySunrun Solar app from Sunrun. You can add your own CSS here. if(!jQuery('.autoplay-elms').hasClass('active')){ }; It should also be within range of your solar inverter. 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'onReady': onPlayerReady, /** find next link in playlist **/ /* when video ends*/ Currently supports Model S, Model X and now Model 3 and Model Y vehicles! To get started, download the Tesla app and sign in to your Tesla Account. */ if(nextLink != '' && nextLink != null && typeof(nextLink)!='undefined'){ window.location.href = nextLink; } Top 5 Tesla apps to improve your Tesla experience Undecided with Matt Ferrell 1.15M subscribers 149K views 2 years ago Top 5 Tesla apps and why they're the hidden gems. background-color: #333; Then tap on 'Battery', select 'Range', and type in 'loss of range' when asked to describe the problem. Some solar panel systems have full home energy monitoring for home usage and grid consumption learn more about energy data, impact cards and power flows in the Tesla app. Also would be nice if some of the screen can change Control modes at any based... Is that it only offers monitoring through its mobile app n=f.fbq=function ( {! 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