Identify two social science issues related to education. Chapter 15 Population and the Environment also discussed environmental change as a source of armed conflict, including war (Fisman & Miguel, 2010). One Iraq veteran with these problems is Tom Marcum, who came home with a brain injury, PTSD, and fits of violence and short-term memory loss. Here are the top 10 popular social issues of 2022. Want to create or adapt books like this? In making this very important decision, Europe has chosen butter over guns. Castelli, C. J. The social sciences are primarily academic enterprises, more so than either the biological or physical sciences, and the academic portion of the discipline is not only overwhelmingly larger than other sectors but also overpoweringly more prestigious. Wrangham, R. W. (2004). Although wars, other armed conflicts, terrorism, and genocide certainly continue, and 100 million is a terribly high number of deaths, the world overall is in fact more peaceful now than in the past. Families of deployed troops also face many difficulties. Families go through savings and older parents dip into retirement funds (Einhorn, 2011, p. A12). As large as it is, the $768 billion just cited as the official figure for the US military budget is misleading in at least two ways. According to the Education Research Center, United States, around 7,000 high school students drop out of school every day.The high drop out rates are propelled by social issues in education as mentioned above. (2012, January 12). Collier, E. C. (1993). Because it took place in Iraq, many more Iraqis than Americans died or were wounded, and the war certainly affected Iraqi societyits infrastructure, economy, natural resources, and so forthfar more than it affected American society. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office. The Navy plans to purchase twelve of these submarines. Retrieved from (accessed February 16, 2012); Martinez, L. (2011, November 11). ABSTRACT This essay examines ways in which American social science in the late twentieth century wasand was nota creature of the Cold War. Second, the government states that defense outlays accounted for almost 20 percent of federal spending in 2011 (US Census Bureau, 2012). Federation of American Scientists. The Washington Post. The better angels of our nature: Why violence has declined. Voice of America News. This change is widely credited with helping spur the hopes of southern African Americans that racial desegregation would someday occur in their hometowns (McKeeby, 2008). The issues and problems discussed so far in this chapter concern the nation's elementary and secondary schools in view of their critical importance for tens of millions of children and for the nation's social and economic well-being. to social improvement. The deaths of others: The fate of civilians in Americas wars. As one scholar said of the military bases, It makes as much sense for the Pentagon to hold onto 227 military bases in Germany as it would for the post office to maintain a fleet of horses and buggies (vanden Heuvel, 2011). Levy, J. S., & Thompson, W. R. (2010). Bacevich, A. Slashing Americas defense: A suicidal trajectory. Since 1993, US armed forces have waged war in Iraq and in Afghanistan and also joined international military operations in such countries as Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Libya. The cause for despair is twofold. This percentage range is much higher than the 20 percent share of federal spending cited by the government solely for defense outlays. Retrieved from As wars end, young veterans return to scant jobs. As this overview of the debate over military spending indicates, the military remains a hot topic more than two decades after the Cold War ended following the demise of the Soviet Union. Kaplan, F. (2012, February 13). Although she survived, it took seventeen surgeries to turn her whole again. His wife April had to quit her teaching job to take care of him, and their life savings slowly dwindled. social science, any branch of academic study or science that deals with human behaviour in its social and cultural aspects. Identify two social issues related to war 2 See answers Advertisement theblastmaster2000xd Answer: Class war is the most promitent in the united states right now (Coming from a communist and whos father was in the BPP) Explanation: That is a perspective I did not think about. It emerged from china and spread worldwide in a quick time span. Leitenberg, M. (2006). Killer species. New York Times, p. A1. These weapons were never found, and critics charged that the White House had fabricated and exaggerated evidence of the weapons in order to win public and congressional support for the war (Danner, 2006). Why we should help veterans start their own businesses. Retrieved from Regarding this fear, former US senator and presidential candidate George McGovern (2011, p. 47), a decorated World War II hero, writes, We need to end the false choice between a bloated budget and a weak spine.. Many veterans are experiencing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), marked by nightmares, panic attacks, and other symptoms (Dao, 2012). Why nations go to war: A sociology of military conflict. More than 100 million soldiers and civilians are estimated to have died during the international and civil wars of the twentieth century (Leitenberg, 2006). For example, it would be difficult for us as a society to work on natural science and engineering problems such as batteries, vaccines, etc., if we did not have a civil society, a functioning banking system, universal education, safe streets, etc.and all of these are social problems, not natural science problems. The United States, of course, began with the colonial war against England. Boot, M. (2012). Social Science Sociology Question Identify two social science issues related to war. The authors, by reviewing the recent work of several behavioral and social science disciplines concerned with the impact of war upon society, suggest that the study of war's social ramifications has been characterized by the publication of empirical work that neglects, to some extent, the larger sociological implications of war as well as its List of 40 Social Issues Topics for College Students Religious gatherings and rituals Country-wide strikes and protest LGBTQ+ prides Worldwide flashmobs Social stratification Gender discrimination and anti-harassment movements The issues of orphanage kids Pornography and AI sex dolls Sex work or paid rape? Although calculations are complex, total military spending accounted for an estimated 43 percent to 48 percent of discretionary spending in 2011 (Friends Committee on National Legislation, 2012; War Resisters League, 2012). A related problem is suicide. A key focus of their concern was the use of napalm. Retrieved from Retrieved from Historically and also today, nations in the Middle East and elsewhere have gone to war or are otherwise in conflict because of religious differences. Several years later, she was still having many health problems and could not forget what happened to her. A related subfield is military sociology, which focuses more explicitly on the organization and . When the war began, a sort of truce developed between management and labor, as workers wanted to appear patriotic by supporting the war effort and hoped that they would win important labor rights for doing so. Outline both sides to the debate over the size of the US military budget. US veterans: By the numbers. Bangor Daily News. This type of research accelerated, however, after several scandals involving sexual assault and harassment occurred during the 1990s on military bases and at military academies. Chapter 1 / Exercise 3 Baker, L. (2012, February 18). Amherst, MA: Political Economy Research Institutes. (2012). Causes of war. Table 16.2 US Participation in Major Wars. In 2011, military spending (defense outlays by the Department of Defense and certain other agencies; outlays include costs for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars) according to the government was approximately $768 billion. Choose one of the five social institutions. New York, NY: New York Review of Books. Newsweek, 5262. Do we care when civilians die in war? Indeed, the Marcums situation is far from rare among the families of the 2 million veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Generally accepted as falling under the heading social science are sociology, anthropology, political science, psychology, and economics, although debates still rage within these disciplines as to the degree to which each is a humanity versus a science. That is because social science studying the same thing as natural science --- matter, of its structure and mode of motion. England, G. (2012, February 5). Answer (1 of 10): Brief answer: The principles of social science have to be the same as natural science --- natural laws. Tirman, J. Shaping in Strategic Competition: How to Win Friends and Influence People with Military Power Kyle Atwell | 02.06.23 Washington, DC: Author. To illustrate this trend, compare two periods of history (Pinker, 2012). 1). The nation rightly grieved these deaths when they occurred and built monuments, such as the Korean and Vietnam veterans memorials in Washington, DC, that list the names of the dead. Social studies is an integrated research field. Retrieved from Critics say these exports help fuel the worldwide arms race and international discord. Retrieved from LISA-BAKER,89325?search_filter=A+concerted+effort+needed+to+help+homeless +veterans &town_id=1&sub_type=stories. Solution Verified Create an account to view solutions Recommended textbook solutions Sociology and You 1st Edition Jon M. Shepard, Robert W. Greene 713 solutions Sociology and You 1st Edition Jon M. Shepard, Robert W. Greene 750 solutions and the Russia-Ukraine War: A Collection Social Science Space is curating resources and publications relating to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the global response to the aggression, the humanitarian crisis unfolding as a result, and what steps toward an end to the violence are available. Tirman notes that approximately 6 million civilians and soldiers died in the Korean, Vietnam/Indochina, Iraq, and Afghanistan wars. As a historian summarized this connection, By the end of the war, labors wartime mobilization and participation had increased its relative power within European societies. This includes current problems and risks that represent a probability of future problems. Poverty, discrimination, and addiction are examples of such problems. 9.5 million children receiving low-income health care (Medicaid), 1.7 million students receiving full-tuition scholarships at state universities, 1.6 million Head Start slots for children. This report concluded that the more money we spend on unneeded weapons programs, the more layoffs there will be of police officers, firefighters, teachers, and other workers whose jobs are funded directly or indirectly by federal spending.. Stalsburg, B. L. (2011). To be blunt, American troops simply shot untold hundreds of Korean and Vietnamese civilians in cold blood. Protesters at Dow Chemicals New York office carried signs that said, Napalm Burns Babies, Dow Makes Money.. The Korean and Vietnam veterans memorials in the nations capital and so many other memorials across the nation remind us of the hundreds of thousands of brave men and women who have died serving their country. Social science is the scholarly study of human society and social relationships. Each F-35 costs about $300 million. Military preparedness does not come cheap. Social issues news. Social science is the study of people: as individuals, communities and societies; their behaviours and interactions with each other and with their built, technological and natural environments. There are many social and ethical issues surrounding the use and abuse of drugs. Advertisement capkay1505 nvm pretend u didn't see Advertisement The Note 16.13 Children and Our Future box discusses this problem in greater detail. Tirman, J. Although war is a social phenomenon arising from decisions of political and military officials, other phenomena can make it more likely that these officials will decide to go to war. An Associated Press photo of her running naked and screaming with burns after her village was napalmed was one of the most memorable photos of that war. Tirman (2012, p. 107) writes, Surviving Koreans from the onslaught described in detail the chaotic panic they experienced; having believed the Americans were protecting them, they then saw the U.S. troops fire indiscriminately at men, women, and children at the scene. At the end of the three days, about four hundred civilians lay dead. Although 55 million is more than 40 million, the worlds population in the thirteenth century was only one-seventh its population during the World War II period. Retrieved from It is a tremendously important branch of research that examines what it means to be a social being, how individuals function together as organized groups and societies, and how they interact with each other on issues of common interest. A concerted effort needed to help homeless veterans. Around the globe, US military bases generate resentment, not security. Veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan War have a higher suicide rate than that of the general public. vanden Heuvel, K. (2011, June 13). John Tirman, director of the Center for International Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, worries that Americans have neglected the civilian victims of war. This course systematically identifies a comprehensive picture of current social issues and concerns in a school as they impact socio-cultural development; student safety and violence prevention; person/social development; and academic achievement. . The Three "Waves" That Built the Portfolio. Third, most people are not violent, and most soldiers have to be resocialized (in boot camp or its equivalent) to overcome their deep moral convictions against killing. The remaining several hundred refugees hid and were shot at for three days by US ground soldiers. 1. Nations also go to war for ideological reasons: they have certain belief systems that lead them to hold prejudice and other hostile feelings toward nations with different belief systems. Identify two social science issues related to war. The suicide rate of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans is thus more than three times higher than that of the general public (Martinez & Bingham, 2011). Prompt: During the first week of the . The geopolitical nuclear landscape . This individualistic focus risks neglecting the core issue: the role of a social world, invariably targeted in war and yet still embodying the capacity of survivor populations to manage their suffering, adapt and recover on a collective basis. The wealthy European countries that compose the bulk of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), an international consortium, spend 2.5 percent of their total economy (gross domestic product, or GDP) on their militaries. Retrieved February 16, 2012, from (2011, June 17). Future research will no doubt build on existing studies to further illuminate this significant problem. Use the reading about social institutions in India to identify two social science issues that could be researched We both wound up suspended for that one (Ashton, 2011). Arms trade: A major cause of suffering. Discretionary spending involves the money the president and Congress must decide how to spend each year and includes federal income tax dollars only. The more they spend on their military (guns), the less they can spend on food for their poor and other domestic needs (butter). Advocates for veterans with severe physical or cognitive problems also urge the government to greatly expand its very small program of monthly cash payments to these veterans families to help replace their lost incomes (Einhorn, 2011). First, the defense industry is very effective at lobbying Congress for increased military spending, with the cozy relationship among members of the military-industrial complex helping to ensure the effectiveness of this lobbying. Marcum has joined a growing community of spouses, parents and partners who, confronted with damaged loved ones returning from war who can no longer do for themselves, drop most everything in their own lives to care for them. The trend continued in 2013, when we funded seven projects. APA 950 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the purchase button below The post Identify two social science issues related to war. Some verses follow. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. Worrell, M. P. (2011). First, the human brain is far more advanced than the brains of other primates, and genetic instincts that might drive these primates behavior do not necessarily drive human behavior. Women veterans say that when they do report rape and sexual assault, military officials typically either blame them for what happened, ignore the crime altogether, or give the offender a very mild punishment such as not being allowed to leave a military base for a short period. Vaccine At the end of 2019, a novel coronavirus was introduced to the world. As a result, observes one economics writer, most Europeans have universal health care, deeply subsidized education (including free university tuition in many countries), modern infrastructure, good mass transit, and far less poverty than the United States has. Each of these warheads is an average of at least twenty times more powerful than each of the atomic bombs that decimated Japan. Herdy, A., & Moffeit, M. (2004). New York, NY: Metropolitan Books. These issues basically have two forms of impactfirst, the student's performance suffers, and second, the teacher starts having different . For example, the deaths of so many soldiers during the American Civil War left many wives and mothers without their familys major breadwinner. It includes a range of topics on social science and humanities, such as history, culture, geography, sociology, education, etc. American war and military operations casualties: Lists and statistics. Lochhead, C. (2012, February 14). (2011). Still, tensions often arise. Overview: The short response activities in the webtext throughout this course are designed to show your understanding of key concepts as you engage with course content. Figure 16.3 International Military Spending, 2010. 29/12/2020 Client: saad24vbs Deadline: 24 Hours. Read summaries of the latest scientific research pertaining to a range of social issues. Hartung, W. D. (2012). AlterNet. As the Marcums situation indicates, spouses and other family members of veterans also are casualties of war. Pinker, S. (2012). He applauds the Korean and Vietnam memorials in Washington, but he laments that neither mentions the people of those countries who perished in the conflicts (Tirman, 2012, p. B01). In 2010, more than 19,000 US military personnel, most of them women, were raped or sexually assaulted (Stalsburg, 2011). Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. Second, members of Congress fear being labeled weak on defense if they try to reduce the military budget or do not agree to new weapons systems requested by the Pentagon. SOC SCI 132. The Washington Post. For example, the Iraq war that began in 2003 involved two countries more than any others, the United States and Iraq. The minimum estimate almost matches the number of American deaths in all the other wars the United States has fought, and the maximum estimate greatly exceeds this number (see Table 16.2 US Participation in Major Wars). Answer preview to identify two social science issues related to war. Ledbetter, J. How You Can Get social science issues related to war With a Zero-Dollar Budget; As the United States has been engaged in several armed conflicts in recent years, I have had several conversations with friends regarding the implications of war on society and how things have changed. 4 Units. In M. D. Cavelty & V. Mauer (Eds. Military spending: A poor job creator. In these surveys, between 10 percent and 33 percent of women report being raped (including attempts) while they were serving in the military. History shows that when these resources become too scarce within a society, that society is more likely to go to war to wrest these resources from another society (Gleditsch & Theisen, 2010). When these problems occur, they may ironically worsen the psychological state of these veterans. Do you think the US military budget should be increased, be reduced, or stay about the same? The di. The findings suggest that social integration may help war-affected youth achieve better life outcomes after traumatic events. These experts say the military budget is bloated for at least four reasons. Critics also argue that military spending actually produces fewer jobs than spending in other sectors (Ledbetter, 2011). They say the United States could safely decrease its nuclear and conventional weapons arsenals without at all endangering national security. The psychological effect of war on veterans and their families 1 ) . Nuclear weapons overview. By far, the most significant issue was poor leadership; 28% of . Almost half said their family relations were strained and that they often felt irritable or angry; 44 percent said they had problems reentering civilian life; and 37 percent said they had suffered from PTSD. Wars occur both between nations and within nations, when two or more factions engage in armed conflict. When we think of the impact of war, the consequences for civilians and veterans as just discussed come most readily to mind. But not all civilians are affected equally. Usually included within the social sciences are cultural (or social) anthropology, sociology, psychology, political science, and economics. These theorists advocate a reflective or issues-centered curriculum and often emphasize curricular attention to social problems. There is the natural fear that loved ones will never return from their overseas involvement in armed conflict. Sexual assault in the US military: A review of the literature and recommendations for the future. China ranked a distant second at $119 billion, followed by the United Kingdom at $60 billion and France at $49 billion (see Figure 16.3 International Military Spending, 2010). Military spending is good for workers, they add, because it creates jobs, and it also contributes to technological development (Boot, 2012; England, 2012; McKeon, 2012). Friends Committee on National Legislation. Using the example of Mozambique, Guatemala and others, this paper will discuss the way in which . Scholars have attempted to explain why human beings wage war. After World War II, the GI Bill helped millions of veterans to go to college and otherwise readjust to civilian life. The Washington Post, p. B01. (2012, January 2). Social Science of War Theory and Practice of Proxy Warfare in Strategic Competition Kyle Atwell | 02.20.23 Episode 6, Season 1 of the Social Science of War podcast examines the role of proxy warfare in. Explores key concepts, issues, and trends in the interdisciplinary field of veterans studies. Trade-offs. Choose one of the five social institutions. Virtual reality The two atomic bombs dropped by the United States over Japan during World War II killed tens of thousands of civilians. (2012). If this high rate had held true during the twentieth century, 2 billion people would have died in twentieth-century wars rather than the 100 million who did die (Pinker, 2012). This figure ranked the highest in the world and constituted almost 35 percent of all world arms exports. US military spending amounts to more than $1 trillion annually. It . Washington rules: Americas path to permanent war. Choose one of the five social institutions. Looking after the soldier, back home and damaged. Status of world nuclear forces. Sugden focuses on three populations susceptible to negative mental health consequences: Those consuming the images, videos, and audio of the war through social media apps, television, radio, and the web. This is the longest peace in recorded history by far. World War I again provides an interesting example of such changes. This page houses a range of articles that address the intersection of people and change today with issues such as technological advancement, diversity, equity and inclusion, climate change, underrepresentation and research methodology improvements constantly taking shape today. A., & Wilson, S. M. (2010). A popular explanation for war derives from evolutionary biology. Dao, J. McGovern, G. (2011). Although the truce later dissolved and labor-management conflict resumed, labor eventually won some limited rights thanks partly to its support for the war. Turchik, J. Americans are hurt, he warned, when the defense budget squanders money that could be used to repair schools or to guarantee universal health care (Arias, 1999, p. A19). Table 16.2 US Participation in Major Wars listed the hundreds of thousands of troop deaths in American wars. War can also change a nations political structure in obvious ways, as when the winning nation forces a new political system and leadership on the losing nation. Washington, DC: Center for International Policy. As historians and political scientists have often described, wars have a significant economic and political impact. As this brief discussion suggests, US veterans have many unmet needs. towards a more balanced coverage of wider strategic issues, requiring a level of analytical and conceptual thinking. . But veterans are casualties in other ways, as the news story that began this chapter made clear. Oscar Arias, a former president of Costa Rica and a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, echoed these famous words from President Eisenhower when he wrote a decade ago that US military spending took money away from important domestic needs. The document you are viewing contains questions related to this textbook. When these costs are taken into account, the total 2011 military budget ranged between an estimated $1.2 trillion and $1.4 trillion (Friends Committee on National Legislation, 2012; War Resisters League, 2012). In support of this evolutionary argument, some scientists note that chimpanzees and other primates also engage in group aggression against others of their species (Wrangham, 2004). SNHU Social Science Issues Assignment Identify two social science issues related to war. Joshua Risner, US Army, BAGHDAD_-_Iraqi_Soldiers,_with_the_6th_IA_Division,_ familiarize_themselves_with_their_targets_and_prepare_ for_a_PKC_machine_gun_range_at_Combat _Outpost_402,_here,_Sept._28._In_addition_to_ marksmanship.jpg. In this manner, a genetic tendency for physical aggression and warfare developed and thus still exists today. A social studies essay might be assigned to any middle school, high school, or college student. A kid walked up to me and said, Your dads a baby killer. I didnt handle that well. Inevitably, Vietnamese civilians were in the path of the fireballs generated by the US and South Vietnamese militaries. According to a recent estimate, $1 billion spent by the Pentagon creates 11,200 jobs, but the same $1 billion spent in other sectors would create 16,800 clean energy jobs, 17,200 health-care jobs, and 26,700 education jobs (Pollin & Garrett-Peltier, 2011). Spend Time on Research You should always look for academically proved and reliable sources that you can cite in your essay. Our services Expert answer:SNHU Social Science Issues Related to War and Educ by | Feb 16, 2022 | Uncategorized Solved by verified expert:Identify two social science issues related to war. Social Sciences runs special issues to create collections of papers on specific topics. Scholar John Tirman worries that Americans have generally ignored the civilian victims of US wars. In contrast, the United States spends 5.1 percent of its economy on its base military budget, which does not include costs for veterans benefits, for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and military spending that falls outside the Pentagons budget. One social science issue related to war is the effects of war on the mental health of the service members . She also refused to display the American flag, saying, When I looked at the American flag, I used to see red, white, and blue. And recommendations for the war percent share of federal spending cited by the US military bases resentment. Are examples of such changes American social science issues related to war: sociology! Truce later dissolved and labor-management conflict resumed, labor eventually won some limited rights thanks partly to support! Resentment, not security high school, or college student, A., &,... Do you think the US military spending actually produces fewer jobs than spending in ways! 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