1 2 3 5 6 Next 1. Genesis 41:37-46, Denomination: I want to talk to real people that feel disappointed by their dream. First, Joseph was given an Egyptian name. Now -- we read a story like Josephs -- a gripping tale of how God grows one of his own, and then elevates Him to be Prime Minister of Egypt -- and we think -- thats never going to happen to me. That attitude so misses the point. And Pharaoh said to Joseph, I have had a dream, but no one can interpret it; and I have heard it said about you, that when you hear a dream you can interpret it. If Jacob had been in his sons sandals, things would have gone very differently, I believe. To Joseph, affliction and blessing were not contradictory, for God was able to turn sorrow into joy. Piety without proficiency is folly. ~We can rest knowing that the Lord will in His time take care of all our needs. Having a spirit of excellence in the pit and in the prison took Joseph to the palace. TEXT: Genesis 50:20 And as for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present results to preserve many people alive. read more, Tags: The day would soon come when David would emerge from that cave far stronger in the Lord than he was when he entered that time in his life. How else can we explain the abundance of lawsuits, the short fuses of drivers, or the explosive and sometimes Before you depart the planet, He has two key objectives for you: One is your maturity. To start saving items to a SermonFolder, please create an account. 3. Everyone likes to identify with the life of the top but there are some personal Life is not easy but to a christian who is connected to the right source- God, he will reach his destination. Their rope of hope was the same one that's available for youGod's Word. From the Pit to the Pinnacle Dr. Mickey Anders A phoenix is a mythical bird with a tail of beautiful gold and red plumage. Usefulness to God, as weve already seen these weeks, always requires character development. Waiting is one of our greatest challenges. There We think all of our help and strength is gone. Would you have gone to your brothers, who tried to kill you? Anyone who wants to be great may see part of Joseph's experience. Then Pharaoh said to his servants, Can we find a man like this, in whom is a divine spirit? So Pharaoh said to Joseph, Since God has informed you of all this, there is no one so discerning and wise as you are. He still believed he could do great things. Good and bad alike invited to the palace? He had a very passive father in Jacob. The Lord said to her, 60 I confess, I may be getting carried away with Jacobs traits; however, he surely was a schemer and a wheeler-dealer. In chapter 43 he will rebuke his sons for telling the truth to Joseph (verse 6). We dont like waiting in check-out lines. For others, the lucky break is expected to come in Nashville, Hollywood, or Las Vegas. By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. Kyfingers@aol.com INTRO: At the end of this chapter, Joseph is going to find himself in a pit. Genesis 37:5-20, Genesis 39:1-20, Genesis 41:38-41, Denomination: Suddenly, without warning, in chapter 41, he is elevated. God is working on us during those times, and God is working out situations apart from our involvement. Pentecostal. Message Worst Year Ever - 356 AD. Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password. Baptist. In the ultimate sense, Joseph does illustrate the truth that suffering comes before glory and, indeed, even prepares us for glory. D. If you remember, when we left him, he had told the cupbearer two years earlier, Now that Ive told you the meaning of your dream, dont forget me. Now Joseph said to Pharaoh, Pharaohs dreams are one and the same; God has told to Pharaoh what He is about to do. Not only was he able to foretell things to come, but he was also competent to analyze the situation and determine the best course of action in order to minimize its detrimental effects. Free Sermons and Sermon Outlines for Preaching : A Father's Eulogy: Where Are You In Your Life, The Pit, The Prison, Or The Palace, Spit-Shine Tomorrow's Sermon Before You Go To Bed Tonight. The fourth message in a series on the life of Joseph. This message deals with the tragedy, and triumph of Mephibosheth.the crippled prince ! Joseph wore a coat of many colors that identified him as the favored child. The Grief Suffered. 1 Kings 18, Matthew 10:28, Deuteronomy 32:15-18, Psalm 27:1-3, Denomination: Moses did not tell us that after Joseph was promoted by Pharaoh he lived happily ever after. Joseph has been promoted for a definite purpose, and we dare not overlook this in the joy of seeing him taken out of the pit and placed in a position of power and prestige in Pharaohs palace. And every time he picked up a piece of paper, he would look at it, shake his head no, and then throw it away. >Remember that God wants to move you from the pits to praise with His mighty power, >There are several lessons we can learn from David in Psalm 40 to help us move from. Everything we have ever needed or will need is already provided for us in Christ. read more, Scripture: However, as a result of his faithfulness during those circumstances, he was delivered from the pain and drudgery of his pit experiences to go on and live in a palace! The best that Joseph could have dared to hope for was a release from his imprisonment. Many of us who are Christians are not very good at what we do, either because we are lazy, or we think that God is obliged to bless us only because we give testimony to our faith. Spirituality is totally independent of ones occupation. 2160473523 . (view less), 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, [NEW YEAR] 4-Week Series to kick off 2023, [PRODUCTIVITY] Fulfill your full potential, [FOUNDATIONS] Getting back to what matters most. Before long he fell back asleep and his dream continued. Out of these 66 books, 6 books are in poetical language, or books in poetic form. o A dreamer can envision from afar what others cannot see up >Sometimes, the Lord delivers us directly but other times, He uses certain people. Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass. At the very least he would have made certain that Pharaoh understood the injustice of his present circumstances. Why are they so resentful why do they criticize and persecute you? A PIT, A PRISON, AND A PALACE James I have read several of the sermons you have contributed to Sermon Central. Imagine Josephs situation that day it was a day like any other day. Some of us, as Christians, would do well in the matter of prophecy. They purchased a piece of luggage and a cooler. Moses was taken as an infant into the palace of the Pharaoh, but later he became a shepherd among the flocks of his father-in-law. A clerk asked if he could be of assistance. Scripture: Genesis 37:5-20, Genesis 39:1-20, Genesis 41:38-41 Denomination: Baptist Summary: Joseph was thrown into a pit on two separate occasions. I want you to know that theres hope and encouragement found in the Word! He serves as senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon, California and is the founder and host of . The baker went off to be executed. Even in slavery, Joseph displayed the character of a man who knew Gods promises and His presence; instead of grumbling and whining and growing, he worked hard and faithfully -- so much so that Potiphar decided this faithful young man should be elevated. Find From The Pit To The Palace Sermons and Illustrations. read more, Scripture: read more, Scripture: That is when the Josephs are needed, in adversity. 15 Outstanding Quotes To Recharge Your Preaching. SUN Sunday School. Then the chief cupbearer spoke to Pharaoh, saying, I would make mention today of my own offenses. At this point his conception of Josephs religion was extremely elementary. a key role -- a circle of impact, where we are to be Gods agent. that Joseph was the man for the job. Joseph, I am certain, did well in the palace because he had done his work diligently and faithfully wherever he had been previously. Scripture: a. We are great prophets of doom. Its a picture of Gods will for our life. When I partially retired I was asked to take on the task of the honorary treasurer of Welfare Service Charity. Having trouble logging into your account? If the Lord lays a strong desire or burden on our heart to serve Him in a particular way then that could be our vision and calling, and we need to do all we can to strive towards the fulfillment of that vision. read more, Scripture: Methodist. Pharaoh recognized Joseph to be a man who had divine enablement, but he could have cared less who his god was. And we stop just at this point, with only the bad news. read more, Scripture: 62 Incidentally, there is absolutely no reason to see any connection between Potipher and Potiphera, other than a similarity of sound. read more, Scripture: To start saving items to a SermonFolder, please create an account. I. I believe that Pharaoh was willing to grant Josephs assertion that God was with him and that he had spiritual enablement. Many times the mess of daily life can be corrected by good punctuation, this is not the end, this is but an opportunity to improve. That chariot may not have been the Rolls Royce of Pharaohs fleet, but it was at least a Mercedes Benz. He will stand before kings; He will not stand before obscure men (Proverbs 22:29). In the dream that God gave him, Joseph saw himself as a leader and his father and brothers were bowing down to him. A parallel view of our personal lives to Josephs pit to the palace journey. Sermon: Genesis 41: From The Pit To The Palace From The Pit To The Palace 221 Old Testament Reading: Genesis 41 "After two whole years, Pharaoh dreamed that he was standing by the Nile, and behold, there came up out of the Nile seven cows, attractive and plump, and they fed in the reed grass. Now the proposal seemed good to Pharaoh and to all his servants. A. Someone has even suggested that Joseph may well have been aware of Murphys Law: Whatever can go wrong probably will.55. read more, Scripture: To start saving items to a SermonFolder, please create an account. Then Pharaoh awoke. Now comes another test: this time with the headiness of power and prosperity. But his master called him wicked and lazy (Matthew 25:26). Psalm 143:7-11 Sermon Series Joseph: From The Pit To The Palace - Shared by Greg Powell Joseph: From The Pit To The Palace Contributed by Greg Powell on Mar 5, 2013 (message contributor) based on 2 ratings (rate this series) | 22,477 views Sermons in Series: 4 Denomination: Baptist 1. (conspire) to plan together to plot to agree to scheme together to act in agreement and in secret towards a deceitful or illegal purpose. We find numerous similarities between Joseph and Jesus, although scripture never actually states THE PIT In Egypt, Joseph was sold as a slave to Potiphar. Her husband listened to his unfaithful wife and threw his faithful servant into Pharaohs dungeon. Regardless of our physical or social or economic standing in society we were born into the kingdom with a silver spoon in our mouths. But have you noticed that it was national disaster which provided the occasion for this promotion? The king of the land dreamed of seven fat cows who were devoured by the seven gaunt, starving cows. Costly carpets, marble, gold, everything clean and suddenly dirty beggars and hungry peas, Everyone, good and bad alike Are not the drug addicts or the homosexuals or prostitutes or fornicators. FROM THE PIT TO THE PALACE by Steve Wagers Scripture: Isaiah 51:1 From the Pit to the Palace Pastor Steve N. Wagers Isaiah 51:1 May 23. A clerk asked if he could be of assistance. Lets look at Geneses 37:5-8: Now Joseph had a dream, and he told it to his brothers; and they hated him even more. 1. The Bible says: When two full years had passed, Pharaoh had a dream: He was standing by the Nile, 2 when out of the river there came up seven cows, sleek and fat, and they grazed among the reeds. To each one he interpreted according to his own dream. Sunday 9:00 am. The Darkest Hour. Thats what its like when were in a period of waiting. In the worst of times you can have the best of things when the Prince of Peace is the Lord of your life. The names which they were given give us further indication of Josephs spiritual condition during these exhilirating years in Pharaohs palace. let me remind you no weapon formed against you will prosper and every tongue that rises against you in judgment that shalt condemn. 15 Outstanding Quotes To Recharge Your Preaching. Genesis 41:50-52, Denomination: Joseph was hurriedly brought out of Potiphars dungeon, but he did not face Pharaoh until he had shaved and changed his clothes. And now let Pharaoh look for a man discerning and wise, and set him over the land of Egypt. mental, financial, or social low predicaments. 15 Outstanding Quotes To Recharge Your Preaching. Todays sermon will focus on the life of Joseph. a. Having trouble logging into your account? How far beyond this was his elevation to a position of power and prestige! I. God gives each of us a promise for our lives, but life has a way of taking us through pit experiences just as in Josephs life, however we must never take our eyes off the promise and the reward of the palace! 3 Tests Of Plagiarism: Do Your Sermons Pass Them. When he was lifted out of the pit by an unlikely hero and given a second chance to bring a pleasant word to the king, he stuck to his guns. And every family has leaders. Assembly Of God. Esther 2:1-9. The Lord was working behind the scenes, orchestrating events that would benefit and prosper them. He should be instructed to take command of the situation and to gather up a double portion of the bumper crops that would be produced by the land in the years of prosperity. . 2. (See Genesis 39) Relied on the Spirit of God It doesn't matter what you are going through in life, when you are led by the Spirit of God, living a Spirit-Filled life, even your biggest enemy will recognize God's fingerprint on your life. And God wont be far from Josephs heart and mind now that hes in the palace. David hid from King Saul in the deep, dark cave of Adullam (1 Sm 22:1-2); Elijah fled and hid in a cave in order to escape Queen Jezebels wrath (1 Kgs 19:1-18); the prophet Jeremiah was thrown into a well that was full of thick, sloppy mud (Jer 38:6); Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into a fiery furnace when they refused to bow down to an idol (Dn 3:8-25); and Daniel was thrown into the lions den for praying to God (6:10-23). He remained faithful to God during his imprisoned years. Joseph was a young man with a dream. His second objective engages your usefulness to Him. Even the magicians unanimously concurred (But then, who among them would have dared to disagree!) Most of us dont like waiting for anything. How easy it would have been to stop here. The greatest adversaries to your dream, your anointing, your favor and your destiny are in the church. Potiphars wife liked Joseph too -- she repeatedly propositioned him. The seven gaunt cows and the seven scorched and withered heads of grain foretold the famine which was to follow the years of plenty. And Joseph named the first-born Manasseh, For, he said, God has made me forget all my trouble and all my fathers household. And he named the second Ephraim, For, he said, God has made me fruitful in the land of my affliction. When the seven years of plenty which had been in the land of Egypt came to an end, and the seven years of famine began to come, just as Joseph had said, then there was famine in all the lands; but in all the land of Egypt there was bread. What an opportune moment for Joseph to capitalize upon! But theirs will be a pit of their own making a spiritual pit, one that is brought on by their own I don't care how anointed you are how great your dream is or how much favor you have on your life at some time you're going to experience a pit. The kings frustration at having such impressive dreams and yet being unable to know their meaning was too similar to the experience of the cupbearer to be overlooked. Ever been there? Pharaohs two servants, the cupbearer and the baker, came and went. Friends. , always requires character development regardless of our physical or social or economic standing society. 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