False teachers usually teach for financial gain or to build their own following. Whether or not we try to put a Christian wrapper on it, this worldview says that our greatest problem is that we dont love ourselves enough, and we need salvation from our bad thoughts. What they think matters most, and Gods word must bend to fit that belief. David Cloud, Way of Life Literature, P.O. Though the details of the stories vary, all were men who had the right doctrinal content in their books and sermons. THEY ARE DIVISIVE. We want to do things to be happy, or change because were miserable. So many Christians, including Groeschel, try to make the interpretations of a secular worldview find harmony with Gods truth, but in the end they weaken both psychology and the Bible. Jesus is the one who helps us be who were meant to be. I did not send them, nor did I command them or speak to them. However, its exciting to hear, and people are drawn to the idea that they can have everything their greedy hearts desire if they just believe hard enough. She is the author of Quivering Families and a forthcoming book on the season of Christmas (InterVarsity Press). False teachers take on many forms, custom-crafted to times, cultures, and contexts. That being said, here are four tips that Christians can use in cultivating discernment against false teaching. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Its based on the promises of God in Malachi 3:10, and essentially its a money-back guarantee of sorts. However, the way music is approached feeds into the bigger issue of this church being a means of entertainment. However, the Bible says that God's name must be used. For my whole life, I have loved God's church. It teaches people to pick and choose verses regardless of their context; it puts the pastors opinion at the core of a sermon; and it doesnt require the pastor to study or grow in understanding because its easy to avoid confusing or difficult passages. Theyre using Gods name and saying Hes promised something that He hasnt. In some sermons, several speakers have taken the time to explain the historical context of the verses they were using. However, in light of everything, its difficult not to question how fit he is to be a spiritually mature pastor, and by extension whether Life.Church is walking in obedience to Christ. Furtick has a Master of Divinity from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and 6.3 million followers on Facebook. Not only do they have churches in 12 U.S. states (including a recent church plant in my own state of Iowa), but they have a compelling and approachable online presence. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. With help from the Orthodox editors, I have compiled a list of articles, essays, and It also shows us what the church leaders believe about God and our purpose in life. And we must continue to do so, not in a mouthing-the-words way but in a conviction-of-the-heart-and-mind way. Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Drawing upon Scripture and the latest findings of brain science, Groeschel lays out practical strategies that will free you from the grip of harmful, destructive thinking and enable you to live the life of joy and peace that God intends you to live. Rick Warren - False Teacher. For the past several years, weve watched over and over as famous pastor-teachers go through very public falls from enormous heights. One of the phrases on their website is No matter who you are or where youve been, youre welcome here. From what Ive seen, they stick by this. One strength of the evangelical movement in the US has been an emphasis on orthodoxy, or right doctrine. Life.Church doesnt present any barriers for its listeners. My frustration is not just for the people and communities harmed by these leaders but also for the way these pastors lives contradicted and undermined the gospel they preached. This mentality, honestly, spins my brain in circles. He obstructed the civil rights movement and vocally resisted integration efforts, leading his church to ban Black Christians from religious assemblies. Another way to see it is that their falseness comes out in sin against themselves, against others, or against God. Let Gods truth become your battle plan to win the war in your mind! In this post, we'll examine a few of the false assumptions held by many in the visible church. And a life characterized by ongoing, unrepentant, anti-Christian practiceespecially among leadersresults in denying Christ and the power of the gospel. There is hope. Sometimes Craig Groeschel or a guest speaker would keep returning to the context of a passage while giving a topical sermon (yellow flag). However, in both cases someone who is mature should immediately realize that something is not only lacking, but theyll realize that they need more for the very sake of their health. (Exodus 20:7). Listen to people who are truly God-centered, Christ-exalting, Bible-saturated, Spirit-dependent, who bear the marks in their lives of authenticity. False teaching was as much an issue in the early church as it is today. I will say one thing with certainty: I have no doubt that God has saved people through the teaching of Craig Groeschel and the other speakers of Life.Church. Yes, this is talking about false prophets. Discernment primarily comes through knowing God through Jesus Christ. Four other congregations with female pastors were also determined to be not in friendly cooperation with the SBC, as well as one removed over its abuse response. Its no surprise that Jesus told the apostles before his ascension to make disciples of all nations by baptizing them in the Triune Name and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you (Matt. Seven times in the book of Hebrews, the author captures the heart of Christianity in a simple, wonderful command: draw near. 2 Timothy 3:16 sets the pace for how, and why, we treasure Gods word. But, as historian Jemar Tisby said recently, We have to understand that theology is not merely stated but lived., Indeed, relegating Christianity to the realm of doctrinal propositions inevitably leads to, as theologian William Cavanaugh says, limit[ing] the range of Christian faith from the entire body of the believer to the space between the ears.. In particular, 2 Peter 2 is remarkable in how it fleshes out Jesuss warning about the fruit of false teaching. Teaching through experiences, not the Bible. As God preserved Noah (2 Peter 2:5) and rescued Lot (2 Peter 2:7), so the Lord Jesus will rescue his true people from the false teaching and false living of false teachers. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. And now, like millions of Christians worldwide, I have everlasting life through my faith in Him (John 3:36; 6:47). And heres the thing by all measurements, Life.Church is wildly successful. Why, then, for so long was he able to avoid being denounced as a false teacher? Groeschels heart is for his people. History serves as a helpful reference point. On the one hand, it seems so obvious. God calls us to give the first 10% of our income back to Him. False teachers often distort Scripture to fit their own agenda. 2:1). Its a false teaching that says we speak or believe our dreams into reality (if you remember the popular book The Secret, its the same thing): In a nutshell, its a feel-good story about how his church got a building because they believed they would. At the end of the three-month period, if I am not convinced of Gods faithfulness to bless my life as a result of my obedience to His Word, then I will be entitled to request a refund of the full amount of contributions made during that three-month period. Transition to "why" 1. You will recognize them by their fruits. Practically speaking, there are several steps to guarding your kids from false teaching: Identify the false teaching and messages through lots of open conversations. This is an abuse of the freedom God has given us ( Romans 6:2 ). What false teachers throughout history have shared in common is not the specific nature of their doctrinal error, but the inevitability of moral compromise in one of these three general areas. Illustration by Mallory Rentsch / Source Images: Sindre Strm / Pexels. Or, very simply, Follow me (Luke 5:27; John 1:43). In their greed, they fleece the flock for material gain. I would not be who I am today if it wasn't for godly leaders in the church. The answer, based solely on the gospel presentations Ive heard, is I have no idea. And if someone were to attend Life.Church with no background in Christianity, they would likewise have no idea. He also shares ways that God directly spoke to him about these things. 8, 15). False teachers from "among the people [en t la] . . 4:15-16 ). Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. It occurred to me that I was filling in certain blanks with my own understanding, possibly because a pastor who gives the gospel in every sermon may not fully emphasize something due to innocent oversight on their part. We mess up when we dial the wrong number, misspell a word, or mistake tablespoons and teaspoons when adding salt to a recipe. (2 Timothy 3:16-17). On its own, this can come down to preference more than concern. It has nothing to do with who we are in Christ, but instead who we can be because of Christ. I am compelled to examine my own life too. However, growing in spiritual maturity isnt something we should gamble on, nor ignore for the sake of entertainment. And I, when I came to you, brothers, did not come proclaiming to you the testimony of God with lofty speech or wisdom. Everyone then who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock (Matt. Life.Church is a member of the Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC). We all know the Christian lingo of repent and ask Jesus to save you from sin. And many of us may be neglectful sometimes by not fully explaining what exactly we mean. The example of Mark Driscollwhose story is now being revisited in depth through The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill podcastis illustrative of my point. Jesus Christ Isn't The Only Way. Prior to . #7 Hell is not real and God is too good to send anyone there. To Keep Gen Z in the Pews, One Singapore Church Lets Them Run the Service, Complete access to articles on ChristianityToday.com, Over 120 years of magazine archives plus full access to all of CTs online archives. 1. And I was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling, and my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God. In 1 Corinthians 3:2, Paul chastises the church for still being spiritually immature and weak in their thinking and understanding. Jakes, Paula White, and Hillsong. When the power of a message rests in the personality, charisma, and cleverness of the speaker instead of the power of Christ and the Bible, then people arent changing because of truth. During the gospel presentation, sin is regularly explained as messing up., Describing sin in this way is like telling someone to be afraid of a spaghetti noodle. Christians can get things out of the sermons just as an adult can get nutrition out of baby formula. Craig Groeschel is a businessman at heart. Conversions credited to women evangelists sharing the good news one-on-one in conversations. We love to quote Judes admonition to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints (v. 3, NRSV throughout). Certainly, when we consider someones pattern of life as part of what potentially qualifies them as a false teacher, then leadership assessment gets very messy very quickly. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. They are prophesying to you a lying vision, worthless divination, and the deceit of their own minds. Bill Hybels, founding pastor of Willow Creek, resigned in April 2018 after allegations of sexual harassment and abuse of power. Here are seven of them you will find carrying out their deceptive, destructive work in the church today. (Romans 1:18), Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. (2 Corinthians 9:7). They tell people to test His faithfulness, set Him up to be a liar, and thus blaspheme His name. Perhaps it makes sense, then, that Whitefield, Hudgins, and others kept doctrine and practice largely divorced from each other. You won't find any glaring errors in the . Our leaders need to be held accountable, and not held in such high esteem that we give them a pass on the normal Christian life. Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. Malachi 3:10 NIV. Consider, for example, evangelical pastor-teachers like George Whitefield, who not only enslaved Black peoplemany of whom were Christian sisters and brothersbut also fought to secure the institution of slavery in the state of Georgia. The personality on the screen cant shepherd a flock three states away, the local pastors dont fulfill a primary function of teaching, and the church that isnt the pastors primary location becomes more like a franchise than a local church. They have LifeGroups for people at all stages of life, and the material I found shows that they emphasize growing together in a community of other Christians. Heres the clip (it goes from 9:30-10:10): While the whole rant is odd, I still cant believe this part was said (and celebrated): My church is right. So it is very important that you know how to recognize a false church. Someone whos never heard the Bible before can understand nearly anything being taught during a sermon. Its easy to hear someones teaching online or at a large conference, but how can we know their lives are true? To share this article with your friends, use any of the social share buttons on our site, or simply copy the link below. With articles like this, I try to be balanced in my conclusions. The church has blessed me with opportunities to worship, learn, serve and make lifelong friends. And if a simple click a button or raise your hand if you want to be saved gets ten times the numerical results compared to biblical discipleship or an intentional, personal gospel presentation that accurately explains what salvation is no businessman in their right mind is going to shy away from the bigger results. Consider also pastor-teachers like Douglas Hudgins, pastor of First Baptist Church of Jackson, Mississippi, and one of the most influential Southern Baptist preachers in his day. The influence of a false teacher's life and teaching will bear bad fruit in his or her converts. People are empowered to be who God wants them to be. If one reads the writings of the early church fathers and the documents of the church councils it becomes obvious . Life.Church follows the modern trend of making the pastor a gender-neutral role. Steven Furtick is the pastor of Elevation Church in North Carolina. So the red flag isnt that they dont believe in Gods wrath against sin, but that thousands of people have asked Jesus to save them, and those without a background in Christian-ese likely accepted a false gospel of self-help and positive thinking, which is not a saving gospel at all. Conversely, some believers attend to their actions without caring about the doctrinal commitments that undergird (or contradict) those very behaviors. Emily Hunter McGowin is an assistant professor of theology at Wheaton College. Help kids learn the truths (including Bible references) that refute each false message and write them on your list. Although I have labelled this as the sabbath day abolished, there are a few differing views and beliefs concerning the sabbath day throughout the mainstream Christian churches. This is why 2 Peter 2:9, the apex of this chapter on false teaching, serves as such a sweet assurance the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials.. Scrutiny of my life would be difficult and even painful. In brief, a false teacher publicly denies something true about God and Christ and preys on the weak with greed and sensuality (Jude 4; 2 Pet 2:1-3; 2 Tim 3:6; Rom 16:18). False teaching exalts human wisdom and avoids or diminishes divine wisdom. . And so it is with ethical compromise. Furtick wrote in the post. (1 Corinthians 2:1-5). As a pastor and professor, for example, I am acutely aware of my weaknesses and failings. Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. One more reason to avoid Lysa TerKeurst of Elevation Church. 1: Faith alone. Although a single church doesnt always line up with every part of their denomination, its worth pointing out that ECC takes a clear stance on integrating racial reconciliation into the church (read about ECC and Racial Righteousness). In the past Ive talked about why watching sermon isnt church as well as whether Christians should take communion at home. However, the purpose of any goal is to reach it. In Colossians, Paul warns against a . To that end, anyone who regularly listens to Life.Church and comes away feeling like they heard a deep or challenging message is almost guaranteed to be either spiritually immature or not saved at all. The headship of Jesus over His church is a truth that is still being assaulted today. To be eternally separated from God is hell. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Acts 20:28-30). And despite the good things that Life.Church may do, there are many more problems that overshadow that good. False teachers will be known by their ungodly influence . And so Paul instructs leaders not only to pay careful attention to their people and to their teaching, but also to their own lives (Acts 20:28; 1 Timothy 4:16). And theyre so confident that God will keep His promise that they offer a 100% money-back guarantee. Conclusion: Is Life.Church safe for Christians? This is often given under the banner of irrational generosity, which is the idea of giving beyond what makes sound financial sense (and is beyond the 10% tithe that God allegedly demands). Jesus described false teachers within the church as "wolves in sheep's clothing" ( Matthew 7:15 ). So His criticism is that God didnt submit Himself to the context and authority of what was written in His own word (even though Luke 4:16-21 highlights Christs respect for context). You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain. The basic reason for change at Life.Church is so that we can be the person God wants us to be. When you click Take the Challenge, you can read this under the terms: 7. ]. It doesnt matter what it takes to get someone there, whether its a sermon that preys on someones fear of Hell or a fluffy sermon that makes people want a therapist named Jesus. One of the mysteries of the Christian faith can be found in Jesus' warning that the way to life is "narrow" and that "few" would actually find it. The assumption that God exists to change your circumstances, make you happy, and give you your best life now. Otherwise it begins with grabbing a random set of verses and creating a sermon with little regard to the bigger context. Yes, being a heretic makes you a false teacher. One of the most damaging things in Christianity is easy believism. Its an approach to the gospel that tells people that if they just pray a prayer, theyll be saved. If we had any doubts at this point, Peter joins the refrain to add another voice: There will be false teachers among you (2 Peter 2:1). And so they willingly compromise anything, including accuracy and obedience to Gods word, if it means the numbers will reflect well at next weeks meeting. But how exactly do we use the label false teacher for those who deny Christ and lead people astray with their lives? Yet they had been denying Christ and leading people astray with their actions long before their failures were publicly known. For from within arise the false teachers, the peddlers of error who masquerade as teachers of truth. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Groeschel and the other pastors are meant to protect not only themselves but the people that God has given them to care for. This is the idea that because we're saved, we can do whatever we want and God's okay with it. 9. No doubt, false teachers may be difficult to recognize in the moment. Everything we do is focused on how it benefits us. God is good and can grow His people in any circumstance. But be on guard; I have told you all things beforehand. (Mark 13:2223; see also Matthew 24:24). Topical preaching can still heavily feature Gods word. In several instances, I saw a host in the online chat type out a prayer after someone requested prayer for something like healing. This was an alarming reality I noticed as I listened to sermon after sermon. It points people to Gods word and draws its teaching from what God has revealed, not the clever words of a motivational speaker wielding a Bible. Pay attention to the teacher's ethical and moral behavior. I dont know if Groeschel frequently deals with sexual purity issues with his own congregation or if he just speaks to the culture around him, but he frequently calls people to embrace a biblical understanding of sexual purity and marital faithfulness. Get the best from CT editors, delivered straight to your inbox! Jesus is telling us in advance that the "broad way"no matter how well intentionedis not from Him. If God desires that only men are in the role of pastor, then Life.Church is functioning and teaching in rebellion to God. The challenge is simple, and I will again quote their website: If youre not tithing already, a great way to start is with the Three-Month Tithe Challenge. Again, Im not talking about a one-time poor explanation or accidental omission. Right action is fueled and directed by biblical and theological truth. In fact, in nearly every letter, some false teaching or heresy is exposed and dealt with. Keep a list in your home to refer to. A false teacher leads into the emptiness of self-righteousness and death, but a true teacher leads to the fullness of Christ and life. Everything else is about their lives. Yes, the New Testament speaks of false teachers whose doctrine denies core elements of the apostolic gospel. Can Bubble Tea Bring Gen Z into the Chinese Church? (Galatians 2:20). Browse 60+ years of magazine archives and web exclusives. Weaknesses and failings prayer for something like healing you are or where youve been, youre welcome here the &. By their ungodly influence to do with who we are in Christ, but Christ who in. And despite the good things that Life.Church may do, there are many more that. 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