His name is Ibrahim Tajudeen as I am writing this tears are running down from my eyes. May he/she find the reward of leading such a kind life and happily dwell in heaven. She was 34 years old and left 3 little boys. Mum, I cannot express the unimaginable hollowness I feel every day. My God Can Do All Things? All stories are moderated before being published. I pray for your soul to be in peace forever. He was a senior and he was going to graduate with me but he is going to be missed. It's very rare to grow up without her here, since I'm only sixteen, I feel like I need her, like all my friends. I will always hold you in my heart. He was given a year to live but it was never enough. Sending my admiration to his soul. On July 17, 2014 my 16 year old boyfriend passed away. Let us all pray for his departed soul. Kimberly N. Chastain. My mum passed away 44 years ago, I was 17 the oldest of five and my youngest brother was 9. My best friend died in 7th grade, I am now a senior in high school.. she is still on my mind and this made me tear up. How do you stop the hurt?!!? Like two ships passing in the night and not being able to communicate. Required fields are marked *. I lost a good friend 8 months ago. You were there for so long. And 3 years after that incident, I end up to be a useless person. I was the youngest child she was my best friend I just cant get over this it hurts ever day . On days like these, I just miss her so much. And now you are. I was still hurting from my pops death and I lose my sister. Honey I (Alice's mom) love and miss you so much. I lost my wife Eileen on July 4th 2020 and all these quotes are something we bereaved all feel and understand,I have tried to be brave for my daughters sake but am really losing the battle ,I miss her so much every day ,I will try to progress but think its beyond me ,only living for the rest of my family but so feel I could pass as it will be less painful for me ,everyone stay well x, I lost my husband a year ago and my life is in shambles now. Today is 9 years since my mother died. It's been a long time since I met him. The pain will never leave me alone, I swear. March 1, 2022. She was in so much pain. You two need to honor your sibling in the same manner, it helps. Im trying to become someone youd be proud of. Dear Mom, no matter how many years have passed since you left us, I still grieve over your death. STOP! Spouses although this may sound heartless it is not meant to. The years we've shared have been full of joy. And instead of getting easier, it seems to get harder. Real friends are so hard to come by and I sincerely hope that you and your friend can work things out. She has been gone for long, yet memories of her still linger. In the sentences above, it's been stands for it has been (present perfect); however, in everyday speech, it is more common to . I hope youre up there watching over us, To my dearly departed mom your spirit will never fade and the time we had be a constant reminder of how special you were to me, I cant believe its another year since we lost you. I haven't stopped crying since you went away, and I've asked God time and time why you couldn't stay. Personalised Mothers Day Gift, Mother And Daughter Poem, Mothers Day Poem, Birthday Gift, Keepsake Poem For Special Mom Whether you are looking for a Personalised Mother's Day Gift or a Mother Daughter Keepsake, this sentimental mother daughter poem makes a lovely unique gift whatever the occasion. she was my soulmate, but unfortunately i wasnt hers. My world will never be the same without you. Its truly appreciated, I lost my beloved husband of 15 years on December 23, 2020. Louise Bailey, Meet You At The Gate By I still to this day can't believe she will never come home, I will never see her face, and be able to hold her, My heart aches for her on a daily basis, and I ask God why all the time. Your death has been a mysterious doorway with so much painful grieving for me. Mum, these 20 years have not been easy, but you taught me how to be strong. Its your death anniversary again, and I miss you so much. we didn't have time to get used to the idea, let alone that he was dying. I was so blessed to have this woman in my life because she was the greatest person I have ever met. My mother has only been gone for 6 weeks. Some death anniversary messages to express such emotions are listed below. Grief is like the ocean; it comes in waves, ebbing and flowing.Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming.All we can do is learn to swim. Until we meet again, rest easy brother. Miss you dad! Sometimes i hardly believe that someone with her energy and passion can just die and leave. I cant believe this was my new reality! As the calendar pages move forward, the death anniversaries of your loved ones friends and family will appear. I can't stop crying today and it's been almost two years since my fianc passed away. My dear sister, never in my worst nightmares had I thought that I would have to live without you! And that is the perfect occasion to let everyone know how much you miss them. Sorely missed and never forgotten, Love your grandson. They will be in my heart forever along with the pain that I don't think will ever go away. It was a Sunday 15-09-13 and my dad was preparing to go to church. Thank you for all you did for us while you were here. I just want to say thank you for this poem. I can't see nor touch you, so I know you're not here, but I've still got the past, and in my heart you're still near. It was the most shocking experience that I had but I tried to calm myself as my focus was to revived her but she died on my hands. Time and life go on but her memory is always here with us and she truly was 'the greatest out of all we have met'. My mom was murdered by my brother on Dec 27, 2016. I know that she won't be happy seeing me like this but I can't help it. 10 years ago I found my only child ( 21 year old son) dead in his bed and we never really knew why. Were you touched by this poem? There are times I really want to talk to you about the things I will never forget you Katelyn Marie love you forever, Mom. I love you. I miss her a lot. It's just me & my 6 year old son now. I needed something that says all that and this poem does. 5 years ago today I lost you. The memories we've made will go on and on. I lost my mama five years ago today and the pain just dont stop . Nicole J. Heath, Dear Mom I Miss You By ___ years ago, ____ ( name), you left us. Belinda Stotler. May the afterlife be kind to you. May peace be forever with you. The earth had lost one of its angels on this day, and I cant help but grieve the loss of such a beautiful mind. I will never forget you. Never forgotten, always loved. Published by Family Friend Poems November 2006 with permission of the author. I've never been the same" - Jennifer Ross 1 year to this day heaven gained a new angel and I lost my soulmate. Steven it's been 6 months since you left us! I miss you so much, every part of my body aches. She had the biggest heart and I learned so many things from her. I wish my daughter could have met youand loved you, as she would have, and as we all did." "We miss you so much, dad. I lost my best friend this week. This poem really touched my heart. I can relate to all the quotes, losing a child hurts deep in your soul. I'm so sorry for your pain i'm 33 with a 16 year old and the thought of ever finding my son dead makes me want to cry instantly!!! My grandma always told me that if I was kind to other people, I would find myself in a more loving world. Grandma, you are still with me every day, and I talk to you all the time! But I . I missed you then, I miss you now, Ill miss you forever. Four days later, my 21 year old brother, my 22 year old sister and I made the decision to pull the life support. This poem means a lot, after losing my mom 23 years ago. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. My heart is in pain, I miss you so much mom, Remembering you is easy, I do it everyday. [Verse 1] It's been four months since you left me But it's been two minutes since you called Say I've been acting like the old me Yeah you've been acting like you'd know. Its not only painful every second of my day, its very lonely too because most people avoid talking to me maybe they dont know what to say so they say nothing. Oh death, you have dealt with us by taking away our jewel of inestimable value. We had been fighting for a week, you wanted me to come back and live at home, I refused wanting to live with the man I thought I loved. Common Mistakes: the word "i" should be capitalized, "u" is not a word, and "im" is spelled "I'm" or "I am". Did you spell check your submission? Ever since you were diagnosed with cancer, all I have ever wanted was for you to be happy and at peace with it all. I just sit here and weep. it still hurts so much every day. I never got a chance to say goodbye, I never tried to make peace with your passing. She was only 69. After the eight months of battle with AML Leukemia, God called Taylor's name. My granddaughter Zylia was only four months old when God called her home. She was like my second mother, I loved/love her very very much and it's been hard on me since she's passed, but I'm happy she's in a better place because this last year was not very kind to her. You have always been an inspiration to many young people like me, as well as an unconditional support system for all, I never really knew you or ever felt like I did but I cant help but feel the love you had for the ones you loved. And God the Creator of Heaven and Earth is our ultimate comfort, for He knows our sorrow and cares deeply for each of us! You speak to me through feathers, music and if I listen closely I can still hear your sweet voice. Alice was my only child and died of leukemia. One Year Death Anniversary. Grief is the last act of love we can give to those we loved. I lost my son the day after his 36th Birthday, killed by a drunk driver. But those who do not have a peaceful conscience, dread death as though life means nothing but physical torment. Life has a way of doing that. Grandma, you are loved and missed. The past year has been the longest, toughest and saddest 365 days for me as you were not by my side. She put up a long 2 year battle, but God saw she was tired and called her home. Until we meet again someday, Remembering all the special times my sister and I had. My whole life has been turned upside down. Brother, I think about you a little more on your death anniversary every year. Even though youre not here I still feel your presence every day. Its not always easy to give voice to the thoughts and emotions inside you. Hiral P. Patel, Remembering My Mother By I would give anything for her to here, but it was her time to leave. No matter how long it's been, there are times when it suddenly becomes harder to breathe. I went home with our son and Chris stayed out with friends and I never saw him again. My mother was murdered by my sister in 2008. In Memory By This brought tears to my eyes. Dear, I believe love is beyond life and death, so our connection would be eternal. I wish that I could have been here for my mom too, just one last time just to look at her and talk to and to hold her hand as she was taking her last breath. I am lost for words. I was 20 that time but for me I was too young to lose her. They ask their mom for whatever. But whats even worse is watching my daughter go through with burying her children. ___, hope heaven is treating you right. Sadly, people often assume how much someone is grieving based on the type of relationship you had with that person (not how close you were), whether or not you were immediate family, how long you were married, whether or not you were married, etc. He was 36yrs old. It was the worst thing I ever went through. She was a happy baby. Though it's been years now. I wish you were here. I miss you mom, You are near even if I dont see you. She was the youngest of 8 children and was extremely close to her mum - her dad died when she was 9. I lost my only son, my youngest child, he was 16 my daughters lost their baby brother. I was so blessed to have him in my life. Rest in peace grandma! Mother, life only gets harder by another day without your presence. May he/she sleep peacefully. My question why hasnt been answered yet and I dont think itll ever be. She had just gone to pick up a cradle and I had just talked to her within the minute the accident was phoned in. If I could see you one last time, Never. It hurts every day the absence of someone who once was there. Theres not a day that goes by that I dont think about you, wish you were here with us and feel the guilt of saying goodbye. And my protector. you just learn to live with it. To a wonderful father and special man gone but never forgotten, We will always remember our dad as the most special man in our lives. All my plans were with her, and now that she is gone, what is left? Read More: Death Anniversary Messages for Mother. My heart goes out to all of those who post here. Worst day of my life! May God offer you peace in heaven. Her two sons were with her. He was my best friend and confident. He died of a rare form of cancer. I'm beyond devastated for my nephews. I miss you and love you with all my heart. Just like that. Its sad how you were such a big part of my life an now youre just gone. I will miss him so much and forever love him. We can never measure your loss but know that your friend was a great human being. And for all those out there who have children hug your children tight every night and make sure to give and show them all the love you possibly can because one day you could wake up and they're gone. I know I will be wth you again though. On November 14th 2020 my whole world was shattered with this pandemic of covid going around Id never thought in a million yrs it would ever hit home as we were cautious about the whole situation it still robbed me of my best friend, soulmate, lover, father, my husband. so I know you're not here, It feels like forever, and I never got to reply. The hollow of your death becomes even more unbearable with each passing day, mom. People can just do lip service by saying we are with you. Published by Family Friend Poems February 2006 with permission of the author. I. You are forever alive in my heart. You were so beautiful and smart. Ive lost my special boy 6 years ago.. You are with me even if youre far away. If you are wishing someone well on the anniversary of a death or remembering one of your own these quotes are a good way to try and make sense of it all. Its been years without you here, but it still hurts so much. God bless you mum xxxx You now have 16 Grandchildren and near on 40 Great grandchildren xxx. Everything reminds me of him. I love you grandma. There is a piece of my heart with yours deep in the ground, but know that your light will continue on through myself and your entire family. Ti amo. Love leaves a memory no one can steal. Irish Sayings, When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure. Unknown, Nothing can ever take away the love a heart holds dear. Losing them was extremely hard. He just fell and that was the end of him, not even a simple goodbye. I beg God to let me see you, even if it's just in my dreams. There certainly should be something for siblings, as well, there should be something for loss of a child. The loss of a good friend can be just as devastating as a family member. I just recently lost my mom few days ago due to covid complications Id still cant believe it , I will be missing her everyday, every second, every minutes and every hour . All of us miss you and your antics a lot. There is no eloquence to it. He woke up shaved his head and went to the toilet and that's the last time we ever saw him alive and talked to him. You were the most wonderful gift in my life. Your heart stopped, there was little chance of you waking up. My mums been gone 7 years tomorrow she passed away 23/03/2005 due to melanoma cancer I was 13 years old I was very young and that was the time I really needed her just gone a teenager. Missing you always." - Unknown "Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day. You were everything I had hoped for and so much more. Sometimes, happy memories hurt the worst. We miss you, Mom, and we love you forever. Reposa in pace <3. It was as though she came and ran her marathon and was gone. My heart is in pain, I miss you so much mom Remembering you is easy, I do it everyday. Another example is someone who loses their adopted child and there is no comparison in the amount of support they get from someone who loses their biological child. God I miss her so much. I didn't have the time to appreciate the wonderful and exceptional women that she was and even worst, I never tell her how much I love her and I need her in my life, I was so young and so immature that I didn't realize at that time what was really the most valuable things in life; I just learned with the time and with the experiences that I went through after her death. I hope youll honour these memories with a smile someday, You will forever remain alive in our hearts and memories Dad, A thousand words wont bring you back. I will see you again one day, my dearest mother, Its not been long since you left us and I still miss you terribly. Thats reality, I love these quotes I lost someone that Im not supposed to love. I lost my boyfriend who is the father of our unborn child now three months now,i miss him day by day. I lost my daughter 1 year ago. It has been 18 months since the love of my life died. God bless you and your family. You helped more than youll ever know. May God offer you eternal peace, Grandfather. Coming to terms with the fact that my friend is no longer here has been exceedingly difficult. My heart still aches for you. Gone but never forgotten, So I'm a high school student at Modern Knowledge schools, and when I was in grade 11 we had an amazing speech and theater teacher who changed our lives in almost every aspect. Your love lives on in each of us, and we will miss you forever. I learned later, how wrong I was. I know people who were married for years that dont love each other but it doesnt matter. What about Siblings? The pain I felt never went away I just learned to live with it, although did have a couple of bad years, my way of coping I suppose, but I never got to tell her how much I loved her and that is what hurts the most. A grandparent's death is often felt very deeply by many members of your family. He didn't die; he just broke off things with me. I just can't stop crying today. You were there for everyone else and taking care of everyone. Honestly, I spent today missing you and that is probably how I will spend tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that. Having to live a life without you in it has been difficult. You will live on in the wonderful memories I have, I was blessed to know you and treasure the time we had together. She was my best friend and some days.. Grief is not just about death. We've known each other since second and third grade. But Im so sorry for youre loss! I hope you are doing well in heaven, Mum. I often walk down memory lane, for I know I will run into you there. Unknown, Read Next: Uplifting Quotes for Those Who Grieve. I treasure our memories like nothing else and remember them even more on anniversaries like this. I was being strong and holding back my tears. I would trade the world to see you once again, mom. Some day we shall meet again. we spoke everyday, i miss her and this pain is too much?? I just want to isolate myself from the real world. I used to work as a nurse but after she died I gave up the profession that I really loved. I lost my cousin 5 months ago. 2) Mom, your death has caged me in pain, agony and misery. In 3 years time I lost my beloved husband ,my father,my mother, my younger sister, my step son and two very dear friends. To my most special grandma, one of a kind, one of the kindest people I have ever been lucky to know, you have passed into the next world and I can't help but still hope you will be here to welcome me when it's my time. Dear Grandma, I miss you every day. I think Ill miss you forever, like the stars miss the sun in the morning skies. One day at a time, just praying for better days and strength to continue the fight. I just mourn on my own and hurt on my own because there is no other way, Your email address will not be published. Love you and miss you so much. I long to see you one last time and tell you how much I miss you He was the love of my life. You lit up my life, my hopes, and my dreams. I think to myself parents are supposed to pass before their children. How heart wrenching. Until one day he was sent to the hospital and within a few weeks went back to the states. Its tough to move on with my life and I felt like I died too. I can't stop crying even at work I quickly go to the ladies to cry. I miss you, my friend. My whole life has collapsed I cant imagine moving forward. my heart aches so much that I think I cant breathe. She was an example of living Christian values and great will to stand for them. His strength and wisdom have helped shape us, and we miss him dearly, I pray for you every day and know your soul is in heaven watching the vet us. I can truly say that I love her more than life. We can only keep them in our hearts and memories. I miss your warm smile and your tight hugs, grandma. The fleeting nature of life means that your loved ones wont always be there for you. All that I know of you are happy memories that are told to me, and a little piece of my heart is forever with your family cause they hold what is left of you. The grief is unbearable, to be sure, but also the question of motivation. Dear friend, you never left me- I bore you in my heart and will meet you one day up in heaven. but I've still got the past, WE MISS HER DEARLY. A month ago today my best friend (14) was killed in a car crash along with her mother. Thank you for everything and know that we all love you very much! I hope your soul finds peace, grandma. May you rest peacefully in heaven. That's all I wanted to express to you, and may you and your family find some peace one day. There is not a day when I do not think of you. She was more then my gramma. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); About | Contact | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy, Someone Sent you a Greeting Copyright 2021 | All Rights Reserved, 82 Touching Death Anniversary Quotes and Messages, 40 Romantic Sayings and Touching Love Quotes, What to Write in a Sympathy Card: Touching Message Examples, 48 Funny Work Anniversary Quotes and Messages, What to Write in a Congratulations Card: Example Messages, 63 Flirty Texts to Make Her Melt and Show your Love, 50+ Wedding Messages for Colleagues to Congratulate Them, 38 Thank You for Being There for Me Messages, Thank You Sister Messages and Notes (40+ Examples), Happy 100th Birthday: 65+ Wishes, Messages & Poems, In your life you touched so many, in your death many lives were changed Melinda Jones, Perhaps they are not the stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy Unknown, While we are mourning the loss of our friend, others are rejoicing to meet him behind the veil John Taylor, Although its difficult today to see beyond the sorrow, May looking back in memory help comfort you tomorrow Author Unknown, Those we love dont go away, they walk beside us every day. I miss you mom and I love you so much may you rest in peace in heaven and please watch over me and guide me. We are connected by more than family or blood, but by a love greater than anything else. We had been together for 27yrs never spend more than 2 days apart he was 54 yrs old. The challenge is to live our life so that we will be prepared for death when it comes Unknown, Life is eternal, and love is immortal, and death is only a horizon; and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sigh Rossiter Worthington Raymond. If the time was right. I'll never forget the day Someone rang to tell me That you'd gone away. It was really hard and hit me real bad I now have a 9 month old daughter that would of loved to meet her and mum would of spoilt her rotten she would of taken her from me all the time to babysit her lol I love and miss mum to pieces xoxoxoxoxoxo. I wrote the post and then I was [] Andrea Milstead. Thank you for this poem. It has been 23 years and still at times the sorrow can overwhelm me. I miss my gma so much she raised me from 9 months old Oct. 23, 2012 Will be 10 years that she has been with her Lord and King. Thx for this poem. My sister was 15 when she got in an accident with 2 of her other friends she got rushed to the hospital in a helicopter she was on life support for 2 days but then they told us it was time for her to go. ( 14 ) was killed in a car crash along with the will! With you boy 6 years ago today and the pain just dont stop someday, Remembering my mother I. Times my sister in 2008 he was dying appreciated, I miss you much... Greater than anything else ( 14 ) was killed in a more loving world seeing me like.. Month ago today and the pain that I think Ill miss you he was 54 yrs old son day. Life and happily dwell in heaven, mum we loved to come by and I my! Im trying to become someone youd be proud of many years have passed since you left us be strong husband... 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