Oh Lord, let the anointing of the Holy Spirit break every yoke of backwardness in my life, in Jesus name. The devil can use our mindset as a weapon to become the enemy of our progress or use humans as well. Romans 3 vs 23 says For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Father, I send down your fire into the camp of the enemy to destroy their goods now in Jesus name. I command all demonic hindrances to my financial breakthrough to be totally paralysed, in the name of Jesus. The habit of not praying before you sleep makes you vulnerable to affliction, demotion, failure, setbacks etc. Lord, open up all the good doors that household wickedness has shut in Jesus name. Is that the plans of God for your life? Biggest Christian Prayer and Bible Website, 50 Prayer Points Against Stubborn Problems, 50 prayer points against stubborn problems. 21. Our content is under copyright law. Oh Lord, I thank you for your kindness and unfailing love upon me and my household in Jesus Name. What are the advantages of praying through the Scriptures: It gives you power and authority over situation (enemy) (Luke 10:19). Holy Spirit, purge me of any demonic food and drink Ive even had in Jesus name (Spend at least 3 mins.). Oh Lord, let the joy of testimonies and celebration fill my abode in Jesus Name. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Whatever that made people not to prosper, marry and excel in my family, shall not swallow my hopes, in the name of Jesus. 3. Thats why as believers you must know the best time to pray whether 12 am, or 3 am. Prayers To Protect My Children From Evil. Every demonic panel set up against me, scatter unto desolation, in the name of Jesus. I receive fresh grace and mercy to dream divine dreams of glory, honour, success, wealth, breakthrough, deliverance, family glory, restoration, peace, joy, happiness and fruitfulness in Jesus name. Let the power of God blow away the spirit of bad luck upon my CV, in Jesus name. Evil power house assigned against me, scatter by fire, in the name of Jesus. Spirit of rising and falling, expire tonight, in Jesus name I release the fire from above to scatter every witchcraft meeting of 3 am against me, in the name of Jesus. Father, I will not let you go except you bless me tonight, in the name of Jesus. I am not strong enough to face life out there on my own. Amen. Every dark situation in my life, give way to the light and mercy of God, in the name of Jesus. Stealing should not be encouraged; Contact us through this link: admin@evangelistjoshua.com, or through this Email: dreamswithjoshua@gmail.com, Copyright (2023) Evangelist Joshua Orekhie Ministries. What are the consequences of copyright infringement. 2 Kings 6:8-23, 2 Timothy 2;23-26 1 Peter 5;8. The devil is cheating so many believers. 2. Powers assigned to make me die the death of my enemies, die in the name of Jesus. 25. Every witchcraft spirit assigned to prevent pregnancy in my life, die, in the name of Jesus. Prayer and fasting the bible tells us to prayer always and not faint, the altar of prayer is your answer to stubborn problems. Cries of sorrow in my dreams, be converted to joy in Jesus name. I refuse to be a burden on my neighbours, families and friends. I will go forth and prosper in Jesus name. Every unrepentant adversity working against my prosperity, receive the stones of fire, in the name of Jesus. deliverance prayer points against the wickedness of the wicked, prayer against evil tongues, evangelist joshua orekhie prayer points to destroy my enemies, the God that answers by fire prayer points, prayer against enemies at work, mfm warfare prayers, wicked enemies wicked prayers, prayer against unrepentant enemies, warfare prayer points with I release my finances from the clutches of financial hunger, in the name of Jesus. My head, my head, my head, hear the word of the Lord, arise and shine, in the name of Jesus. . Angels of my breakthrough, arise and locate me today, in the name of Jesus. I nullify every long term sickness and infirmity in my body, in the name of Jesus O Lord, let my marriage, relationship be restored from disappointments, in Jesus name. Amen. O Lord, separate me from any friends that are destroying my salvation, in the name of Jesus. 28. This is how humans have been getting stuff done for centuries. PRAYER POINTS 1. Everything satan has set into motion to make me barren, scatter, in the name of Jesus. Barricade yourself with the fire of the Holy Ghost. Every strong power attacking my business and the work of my hands, scatter by fire, in the name of Jesus. There are also people that hate one, either for no reason or one reason or the other, there are spiritual forces also there are also environmental forces these are all what forms ones enemy of progress. As the morning is peaceful and calm, so should my life be peaceful and calm forever in Jesus name. Every anti-conception curse from spiritual partner upon my life, be cancelled by the blood of Jesus. Let every evil trend directing my affairs be reversed, in the name of Jesus. My Father, I thank you for the opportunity and privilege to see this beautiful day as a living being in Jesus Name. My Father, concerning this case with this person.I shall win in Jesus name 2. I bind every strongman having my goods in his possessions, in the name of Jesus. I receive divine restoration of my health, in the name of Jesus. 60 Aggressive Prayer Against Witches And Wizards Every witch or wizard assigned to manipulate my destiny, be destroyed in Jesus name. O God arise and repair any kind of damage done to my life and body by the enemy, in Jesus name. You need to possess a stubborn faith because what you are fighting against is not ordinary, you need faith to overcome stubborn problems. Every stubborn Goliath of my fathers house saying NO to my blessings, fall down and die, in Jesus name. My Father, grant me the uncommon power and wisdom to excel in my career in Jesus Name. 9. Lord Jesus, I cry for mercy and forgiveness, give me a second chance, in the name of Jesus. What are the consequences of copyright infringement? 5. 45. Diligence with our work, diligence in our service for God, diligence in our studies, diligence in our business, diligence in our career, diligence in our profession, diligence in our ministry and every other aspect of our lives. 1 John 1 vs 9 says If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from every of our unrighteousness. Brethren, Tonight, we are to declare total war against the enemies of our progress (Nahum 3:4). Let this morning be a time of unbelievable prosperity and achievement in Jesus name. I break all the covenants keeping the evil marriage in place by the blood of Jesus. In our effort to protect our intellectual properties, we may report your website, Youtube to Google without prior notice and your website or contents will be removed from Search Engines and you may receive a strike. Every power of the enemy suppressing my elevation, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. By the grace of God, Evangelist Joshua has been interpreting dreams since he was 12 years old and till now. Every visible and invisible force assigned to hinder my connection with my destiny helpers, be arrested in Jesus name. I shake off the net of the wicked upon my destiny, in the name of Jesus. My glory burning in the evil pot, jump out by fire, in Jesus name 2. 3 am prayer empowers you to grow stronger and deeper. Read at least your 3 favourite Bible verses. All reproach of joblessness in my life shall come to an end this month in Jesus name. God is a merciful God only that the prayers of a sinner is an abomination unto him. My Father, I worship you for your continuous blessings and provision upon me and my family in Jesus Name. 28. My Father, my Father, my Father, you are the lifter of my head, lift me up in the name of Jesus. Every demonic object, moving around in my reproductive systems, come out now, in the name of Jesus. Pray against any powers calling your names into cauldron. (Time:12:00 am 2:00 am), Job 5:19 says, He shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea,in seven there shall no evil touch thee., Galatians 6:17 says, From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.. You can submit your prayer request here, and we will interfere on your behalf. Whether it is 1 am, 2 am or even 3 am. Most spiritual attacks are usually carried out from 1 am to 3 am. I bind every strongman standing between me and my financial breakthrough, in Jesus name. Let every architect of problems receive termination, in the name of Jesus. I command all oppressors to retreat and flee in defeat this moment, in the name of Jesus. Protect me O Lord. Amen. I don't know what lays out there before me. Travelling to countries like US, Canada,. 29. First step is Repentance: We need to surrender all to Jesus Christ who died for us on the cross of Calvary and ask Him to forgive us of every sin, the ones we inherited and the ones committed by us. Anything the enemy has poured on the ground to make me lose my blessings, burn to ashes, in Jesus name. Father, I ask You, in the name of Jesus, to send ministering spirits to connect me to my financial destiny helpers in the name of Jesus. Subscribe now. 20. From this morning forward, let my life be one of great example in Jesus name. #Cagedream #SpiritualCageMeaning #EvangelistJoshuatv You are welcome to Evangelist Joshua tv. My breakthroughs tied down in this environment, be released by fire, in Jesus name 10. Every witchcraft power, manipulating my menstrual cycle, loose your hold, in the name of Jesus. May Gods grace and mercy follow this morning as I set out to work this morning, Amen. GOD has established the platform for every true born again Christian to pray all through the night and day. They are warfare prayers organized by the childre. My reward shall not diverted to another person, in the name of Jesus. It can be used to unlock blessings, deliverance, prosperity, and joy from heaven. or email to: admin@evangelistjoshua.com. Coven of witchcraft in my neighbourhood, assigned to kill my destiny, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. O Lord, by Your mercy, cancel or remove Your wrath upon my life, in the name of Jesus. This morning Lord, teach me to not lean on my own understanding in Jesus name. We urge you to bookmark this site for more updates. Any evil pattern laid by my ancestors to make loss, break, in the name of Jesus. That is the more reason we need to pray and yield ourselves totally to God. 6. Enemy of progress against what the Lord is doing for me, die in shame. In order to fight this battle of the enemy of progress, the first step is to give it all to God and know in our heart we can do nothing without Him. It is the plan and wish of God for every of His children to excel in every area if their career is one major aspect. Cobweb of short life span, I am not your candidate, die, in the name of Jesus. We must always believe in God when we pray. Whatever I lay my hands upon will flourish, expanded, enlarge and move forward, in Jesus name. 1. Thank you Jesus. Oh Lord, by your divine favour, convert my frustrations to celebration in Jesus name. Every step I take today, let me not fall out from your umbrella of protection. Prayers are our simple and traditional way of reaching out to God. Let me rejoice in the joy of your people; let me praise you with those who are your heritage. O Lord, restore all my wasted years and efforts and convert them to my financial breakthrough, in the name of Jesus. Any seed of bad dreams in my life, be cancelled by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name. Oh Lord, announce my career for greater heights in Jesus Name. For example, the forces of witchcraft visits so many believers in their dream sleep. Father, i refuse to take no for an answer in this situation in Jesus name. Spells, curses and invocation organised to stagnate my life and destiny, be cancelled by fire, in the name of Jesus. Let every sickness in my life receive termination, in Jesus name. 44. Declare this now with Matt 26:52,1 Chro.4:9-10; Gen.32:24-28. O Lord, reveal Your divine plan for my life, in the name of Jesus. Oh Lord, in my career make me the head in Jesus Name. You can now pay your offerings, tithes, sow seeds or partner with us. The book of Psalms chapter 143 verse 8 says, Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Any rope, tying my family line to any evil power of my fathers house, break, in the name of Jesus. I am redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, in the name of Jesus. Generational battles, curses and problems, shall not swallow my destiny, in the name of Jesus. Oh Lord, anoint me for an unusual breakthrough in my business and career in Jesus Name. I shall not lack the blessings of the morning in my life in the name of Jesus. Every road block on my way of achievement, break and scatter in Jesus name. If you need prayer, please email dreamswithjoshua@gmail.com. Let me continue to bask under Gods love forever in Jesus name. God of a 72 hour miracle, arise and connect me to my breakthrough, in the name of Jesus. . Whoever that does not want me to be employed, O God, arise and expose them, in Jesus name. Deliverance And Prayers Fire With Dreams Interpretation Ministry - Copyright 2010 - 2020 Evangelist Joshua Orekhie. We must always pray the prayer of favour so we can be a beneficiary of the favor of God. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.. 40. before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain: and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace unto it.. Oh Lord, I claim the glory and destiny of my career from every wicked force holding it in Jesus Name. From this morning forward, let me continue to grow from strength to strength in Jesus name. Second, it gives us the ability to scatter the plans of the wicked (John 10:10). Oh Lord, release your fire into the camp of every spiritual enemy planning failure into a career in Jesus Name. I command all the hands that cover my blessings to be lifted, in the name of Jesus. 38. I set ablaze all satanic spiders giving report about me to the host of wickedness, in Jesus name. Every witchcraft dreams bringing problems, sickness, failures, loss of wealth, death, miscarriage of blessings into my life, stop and die, in the name of Jesus. I cannot take these prayers without asking for Your mercy and forgiveness. I paralyse all satanic plots from my foundation in Jesus name. 4. Every power that wants to stand against me as a result of these prayers, let the thunder and lightening of God, destroy them, in the name of Jesus. Stubborn problems can affect your career, health, family and so many areas of ones life.We have been able to see that stubborn problems are spirits of the devil and the only way out of stubborn problems is by crying out to God in prayers. There is nothing a heartfelt prayer cannot solve. 15. I cancel every decision passed upon me in the kingdom of darkness, in the name of Jesus. Luke 6:12 41. --Advertisements-- --Advertisements-- Many do not know the value of midnight prayers. Third, it provides us the opportunity to break ourselves out from bondage (Oba 1:17). Oh Lord, strike down by your mighty hand every strong man standing in the way of my career breakthrough in Jesus Name. Every power turning the heart of my destiny helpers against me, be destroyed in Jesus name. Every step I take today, let me not fall out from your umbrella of protection. O mercy of God, I am available, overshadow me Your love, in the name of Jesus. I come against all bad dreams and nightmares assigned to waste my life, in the name of Jesus. I break the curse of automatic failure working upon my life, in the name of Jesus. Second step: We must enter His court with praise. Write out the name of your next child and present it to God. I cover myself and this night prayer with the blood of Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus. The enemy fully knows that when people are fast sleep at night thats when they will strike at the person. All rights reserved. Oh Lord, grant me supernatural expansion and enlargement in my business, profession and career in Jesus Name. 26. Lord, I ask for divine provision. My father in heaven, You are the one who was, who is and who is to come. One of the most widely renowned short story writers, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - author of the Sherlock Holmes series. Myself and this night prayer with the blood of the enemy has on... Your offerings, tithes, sow seeds or partner with us dreams in my dreams be! Backwardness in my business and career in Jesus name not take evangelist joshua orekhie prayer points prayers asking. Plan for my life, die, in the joy of your next child and present it to.... Me praise you with those who are your heritage light and mercy follow morning! Gives us the opportunity to break ourselves out from bondage ( Oba 1:17 ) of my fathers saying! I take today, let the anointing of the favor of God, in the name of Jesus have getting... 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