Tom took the role of a post-solo student pilot who had not done performance takeoff or landing maneuvers before. capable of using the appropriate reference to provide the The S-turns across a road were uneventful and Tom did not comment much on that maneuver. After Tom was satisfied that we had an airworthy aircraft, we discussed how the checkride would be administered. |, Pilots Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, Certified Flight Instructor Practical Test Standards (PTS), Advisory Circular 61-65 (Certification: Pilots and Flight and Ground Instructors). The examiner/inspector arrives at the checkride with the assumption is that you have all the skills required the pass the test. I personally had been studying for about 4 months ahead of time, with a couple months of that working on the written tests. Since I knew this way, I was able to ace it,which he loved. . I wasnt too worried, but Brian did ask if I was comfortable with the winds. Basic Instrument Maneuvers (The examiner must select at least one Task) <> And Stress management What are some ways to mitigate risk IMSAFE checklist, PAVE checklist, 5P checklist He explained that it was important to alter teaching style to the student to help them learn. If you do this, you will almost certainly pass. Brain is a fantastic DPE and really tries to make you feel comfortable. But there's no reason for them to actually wear a hood, mine certainly didn't. (Unless of course the examiner is trying to get in an approach for currency, I suppose.) You can if the examiner agrees to do that. Done. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. The FAA has revised the flight instructor practical test standard to clarify when a complex aircraft is required for the checkride, and when it is not. Plan of Action," tailored to the individual examinee, as their guide for the evaluation. Your examiner will likely ask how you, as an instructor, plan to stay up to date on regulatory changes, policies, and flying techniques. Examiner's Plan of Action Instrument Pilot ASEL Private Pilot Final Plan of Action Page 1 of 11 March 2019 Examiner's Plan of Action . CFI Checkride - One Woman Pilot's Experience. Hopefully it helpful to someone. Tom immediately debriefed the lesson to which he deemed my explanation fine but that I had made a very common mistake he sees often: I didnt do a good job of explaining why we practice chandelles. Being exceptionally prepared for the FOIs can only help you. For this maneuver, Tom again took the role of a student who had a solid understanding of landings but had not performed any short-field procedures. Not naming names to protect the redeemed. If you are preparing for the CFI checkride, study with others as much as you can. We also discussed how professionalism is judged differently by students, other instructors, and bosses. Know how to fill out an '8710-1'. (demonstration) for single-engine and Task D for multiengine is to ensure that the flight instructor applicant is knowledgeable and proficient in these maneuvers and can teach them to students for both familiarization and stall/spin awareness purposes. The plan can be constructed from "boilerplate," but it must be flexible and reflect the unique characteristics of the pilot and the flying environment. I'm now having to deal with a student who "heard somewhere" that you can't have oversquare power settings, and the belief has crippled his ability to absorb the extensive documentation I've shown him that proves otherwise. It matters less about how well the applicant flys and more about how well the applicant communicates and transmits knowledge, both in the air and on the ground. Many would-be CFIs have tried to play games over years to avoid the dreaded CFI checkride with the FAA inspector. Fears of not passing if you take your checkride with an actual FAA staff member seem to be unfounded. The term instructional knowledge means the instructor applicant is Lastly, don't forget about any supplementary materials you would use to teach student pilots. After completing this quiz you will have an understanding of the subject areas you'll want to focus on to pass your CFI Checkride. Open Document. Emergency Operations (The examiner must select at least Tasks A and B) 17483 Words. He divides into into three sections and gives a 15 minute break between each section. Task A: Preflight Inspection (ASEL and ASES), Task B: Cockpit Management (ASEL and ASES), 45 Task C: Engine Starting (ASEL and ASES), Task G: Before Takeoff Check (ASEL and ASES), VI. Jason Blair is a National Association of Flight Instructors master flight instructor and a designated pilot examiner. It was suggested to always check with a students primary instructor before giving any endorsements as to not undermine authority and keep them updated. Plan on about 2.5 to 3.0 hours for the oral exam and about 1.5 hours for the flight portion. Task E: Instructor Responsibilities and Professionalism: Student pilot certificate process, II. I took my commercial ASEL checkride in May, 2020, and I was nervous but excited to tackle my biggest checkride yet. fC> U1w ,R3\&F'xL9',(Eb,-DRdUJ+5UbA$YTD7:c^/b#;MGR! Beyond that, the questions asked were very practical and focused less on the memorization items and more on what they all mean. Task A: Human Behavior and Effective Communication. 1. This is false. In order the save time, Tom had me demonstrate the preflight inspection, engine starting, and runup procedures to him rather than teaching them as if he was a brand-new student. Students should strive to remain within standards and when a deviation occurs, promptly <>/Metadata 1540 0 R/ViewerPreferences 1541 0 R>> At some point before your checkride you must take a "knowledge test" (the "written exam") - you must pass that exam in order to qualify to take the checkride (the "practical test"). Anyway, Brain hinted at me to not fly too close a pattern, and I recommend that we slow down and give the traffic more room, which I did. Find a suitable landing field. Right rudder, right aileron. We took about 15 minutes to debrief in the aircraft before heading back into the building. Task A: Maneuvering During Slow Flight (ASEL and ASES). So, focus your studies on the FAA's handbooks and supplement them with additional guides as needed. pilot under review meets FAA English language skill requirements, the flight instructor should provide a logbook entry for training received, advise the pilot of the flight instructor's finding, and notify his or her responsible Flight Standards office for further action. Doing an AGI/IGI before the initial CFI lets the examiner skip FOI material. After reviewing the required privacy statement and pilots bill of rights, we reviewed my logbook for the required endorsements and formally began the checkride. CFI-I Oral Plan of Action. I explained that the goal of the maneuver was maximum altitude gain, but that evaluation wasnt on the amount of altitude gained. I opened AC 61-65 on my computer, and I pointed in the appendix to all the endorsements he wanted to see. the checkride The Checkride Introduction: Your checkride is arguably one of the most stressful experiences throughout flight training The Airman Certification Standards provide you with the FAA's expectations Flight Instructor Responsibilities: Tom shared some other stories about common failure items and we ended the oral portion of the exam. Typical areas of unsatisfactory performance and grounds for disqualification are: Any action or lack of action by the applicant that requires corrective intervention by the examiner to maintain safe flight, Failure to use proper and effective visual scanning techniques to clear the area before and while performing maneuvers, Consistently exceeding tolerances stated in the Objectives, Failure to take prompt corrective action when tolerances are exceeded, When a notice of disapproval is issued, the examiner shall record the applicant's unsatisfactory performance in terms of the Area of Operation and specific Task(s) not meeting the standard appropriate to the practical test conducted, The Area(s) of Operation/Task(s) not tested and the number of practical test failures shall also be recorded, If the applicant fails the practical test because of a special emphasis area, the Notice of Disapproval shall indicate the associated Task (i. e., Area of Operation VIII, Maneuvering During Slow Flight, failure to use proper collision avoidance procedures), When a practical test is discontinued for reasons other than unsatisfactory performance (i.e., equipment failure, weather, illness), the FAA Form 8710-1, Airman Certificate and/or Rating Application, and, if applicable, the Airman Knowledge Test Report, is returned to the applicant, The examiner then must prepare, sign, and issue a Letter of Discontinuance to the applicant, The Letter of Discontinuance must identify the Areas of Operation and their associated Tasks of the practical test that were successfully completed, The applicant must be advised that the Letter of Discontinuance must be presented to the examiner, to receive credit for the items successfully completed, when the practical test is resumed, and made part of the certification file. 1 0 obj 4 0 obj endobj I asked him questions on speeds in the arrow to see if he understood maneuvering speed and if he understood the effects of weight on VA. He thought this was a great answer. Essay Sample. The IPC itself can only be passed during a . No comments. The initial CFI checkride is one of the scariest checkrides for most pilots. FAA-H-8083-9, Aviation Instructors Handbook. I said I was fine. After a firm handshake, Tom welcomed me to the CFI club. The CFI checkride isnt about being perfect or having everything memorized before you become a CFI. He explained that simply cancelling a lesson for weather can leave a student frustrated and wastes an opportunity to keep them engaged in their training. If we look at the pass rates on initial CFI practical tests, we see that the pass rates with DPEs are actually slightly lower than those with FAA staff. 3 0 obj By using a complete set of Lesson Plans a Flight Instructor can ensure the transfer of knowledge to the student is impactful and meaningful. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. As a point of reference, I had about a 5 hour oral and a 1.3 hour flight for my initial CFI checkride. I passed my Commercial checkride in December 2016 and had only flown about 35 hours between then and my CFI checkride almost a year later in November 2017 due to real life (aka my other job) getting in the way and keeping me busy enough where I wasn't able to even think about airplanes for about 4 months in that time period. A CFI test is supposed to be completed in a single day. The Practical Test Standards (PTS) series guides student pilots, ight Use your resources. No comments. So I've been trying to prepare for this - my biggest fear is being asked something and either drawing Continue reading "CFI Checkride Oral Prep: Runway Incursions Lesson Plan" Perfection is not the standard. For a little additional effort, a ground instructor certificate offers some potential benefits that a CFI may use later in his or her career. While most instructors know to give an endorsement for additional training, there must also be a logbook entry for the ground training given on the topic. The FAA gives inspectors a wide range of material for testing candidates and a lot of discretion in deciding which material to test on the checkride. We taxied back to the ramp, and he said, Your application for the certified flight instructor - airplane single engine land is complete and approved. Easier to pass with DPE than with an FAA inspector. The examiner will act as the student. I walked away with a lot of knowledge and real-world advice on how to effectively instruct students. When Should You Take the FAA Private Pilot Written Exam? Task A: Rectangular Course (ASEL and ASES), Task B: S-Turns across a Road (ASEL and ASES), Task C: Turns Around a Point (ASEL and ASES), XI. Referencing changes in the new Aviation Instructors Handbook can be helpful for answering this question. He didnt give any weird questions or scenarios. The CFI needs to build lesson plans for every possible maneuver. I complimented him on his performance, and he really liked that. Especially with Brain Addis, the CFI checkride is not that difficult if you come prepared. Still looking for something? Many companies providefor a nominal price, and even some for freefull books of lesson plans for most ratings and certificates. In 2020, the FAA updated the Aviation Instructors Handbook, replacing the word student with learner, and the word cockpit with flight deck. It is not likely that your examiner will fault you for using well-established terms that the FAA has used since its creation in 1958. Offer an opportunity for trial and practice, then review and evaluate what you taught. For some pilots, it can be their ticket to the airlines. My first landing at was a short-field approach to touch down on the numbers. A systematic approach to the mental process used by pilots to consistently determine the best course of action in response to a given set of circumstances. AOPA file photo. It is more important that a CFI candidate know how to build a good lesson plan, how to implement it, and how to use that to teach the student. After I recovered, I discussed the error with Tom and asked to perform it again. Speak with confidence and know your material. Next, I taught him power on and off stalls and secondary stalls. For the CFI checkride, it is all about preparation and doing your due diligence before the checkride. # 4. If it is detected that you are sick, your examiner will terminate the check (see policies). The rubric evaluated the quality of the maneuver. Numerous people from my school have failed the CFI checkride precisely because they do not see themselves as instructors on the checkride; they see themselves as students. Before you use any commercial study guide, go through the most recent AIH. This is only about 5 percent lower than the average for. --Come prepared with current charts/FAR/AIM/etc.all your reference material should be current. If the examiner wants to change anything, they will. Next, I demonstrated the emergency approach to landing by pulling the power to idle and executing the ABCD checklist (airspeed, best field, checklist, and declare). Again, references are key to success. I asked my CFI about this when doing my complex endorsement back in 2003, and he said the same thing, even though the POH. Temporary Airman Certificate issued (probably what you want!) He doesnt care and will only ask more difficult questions, making the checkride longer and more frustrating. Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association Find it free on the store. Aviation Mechanic General, Airframe, and Powerplant Airman Certification Standards (FAASACS1) November 2021. n/a. Hit the ELT and communicate on 121.5. Your examiner will likely ask how you, as an instructor, plan to stay up to date on regulatory changes, policies, and flying techniques. The CFI Practical Test Standards require a DPE to sample from various areas of the materialnot to cover it all. On the way back to the airport, I instructed Tom on straight and level flight which focused on establishing a proper sight picture and trying to associate the seat-of-your-pants sensations with what the aircraft is doing. Relying on proven resources not only makes sure they dont miss anything, but also may even allay some training liability. Initial checkride for FAR 61 Subpart K applicants: $600. The final normal landing was uneventful, and we taxied onto the ramp and shut down the aircraft. Does anyone have a CFI checkride plan of action that they can share? You must log in or register to reply here. If you have not read the instructions attached to the 8710-1 application form and in the CFI handbook - DO SO before the checkride. I reminded him about the after takeoff items and he corrected his mistakes. What are the four characteristics of learning? He wants to know you understand the psychology of the learning process and your responsibilities as an instructor. You will need to go to your CFI practical test with lesson plans for each maneuver on which the examiner could test you. The reason for him wanting a commercial certificate was to be able to fly his employers Piper Arrow for work-related trips. The first part of your CFI practical test will be Area of Operation I: Fundamentals of Instruction. The ninth and final component is "knowledge of the . As of a February 2023 DPE class, there is WINGs credit to be given for the CFII checkride - Use the initial or added rating. In total, the oral is only 3 hours, which isnt bad. Did you base your plan strictly off the PTS start to finish? After the lesson, we dove into the Fundamentals of Instruction (FOI) portion of the exam. Finally, I asked if he had any questions to which he replied he didnt and I ended the lesson. In the aircraft that you'll be flying for your checkride, explain how you'll get back on the ground after the following events: PFD or primary attitude indicator failure alternator failure (if two are installed, assume the more powerful alternator has failed) airframe icing Exercise 5: Briefing The CFI rating is not a bottomless pit of knowledge you must know. But it is also important that they have good reference materials and know how to use them. endobj These PowerPoints are what I used to pass my CFI oral in 2015. We went back to the airport, and I messed up in the pattern slightly. Airport and Seaplane Base Operations (The examiner must select at least one Task) Task A: Radio Communications and ATC Light Signals (ASEL and ASES) Task B: Traffic Patterns (ASEL and ASES) Task C: Airport/Seaplane Base, Runway and Taxiway Signs, Markings, and Lighting (ASEL and ASES) VII. 20 of those 35 hours Satisfactory performance to meet the requirements for certification is based on the applicant's ability to safely: Perform the Tasks specified in the Areas of Operation for the certificate or rating sought within the approved standards; Demonstrate mastery of the aircraft by performing each Task successfully; Demonstrate satisfactory proficiency and competency within the approved standards; Demonstrate sound judgment and exercises aeronautical decision-making/risk management; and, Demonstrate single-pilot competence if the aircraft is type certificated for single-pilot operations, The tolerances represent the performance expected in good flying conditions, If, in the judgment of the examiner, the applicant does not meet the standards of performance of any Task performed, the associated Area of Operation is failed and therefore, the practical test is failed, The examiner or applicant may discontinue the test at any time when the failure of an Area of Operation makes the applicant ineligible for the certificate or rating sought, The test may be continued ONLY with the consent of the applicant, If the test is discontinued, the applicant is entitled credit for only those Areas of Operation and their associated Tasks satisfactorily performed however, during the retest, and at the discretion of the examiner, any Task may be reevaluated, including those previously passed. I showed him how to taxi before starting the plane, and then I started the engine. How to Solve Bad Flying Habits With Your Home Flight Simulator, The Importance of Flight Instructor Proficiency, Instructional Tips Take your checkride with an FAA inspector is judged differently by students, Instructors. Guides as needed any commercial study guide, go through the most recent AIH will fault you for well-established. Areas of the maneuver was maximum altitude gain, but that evaluation wasnt on amount... Psychology of the materialnot to cover it all the final normal landing was uneventful, and pointed. Certificate issued ( probably what you taught of a post-solo student pilot who had done... At least Tasks a and B ) 17483 Words cfi checkride plan of action These PowerPoints are what I used to pass with than. The check ( see policies ) work-related trips CFI oral in 2015 answering this.., II do that only 3 hours, which he loved is judged differently by students other... 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