Andrew Gough. Japan probably had no surplus from any foreign plundering, and it made no sense to send anything valuable to the Philippines where they knew it was soon going to fall into American hands. A search team began combing the nearby jungle, hoping to find the bodies of the missing men. Roxas at the Golden Buddha hearing (from a clipping at the Roger Roxas museum in Baguio) On our last day of filming we set off for Manila, and with a strong dose of persuasion the director agreed to stop along the way to visit a treasure-hunting priest whom Klaus had arranged for us to meet. I was later told he had decided he did not like me before we ever met. At midnight, General Yamashita and the princes slipped out, and dynamite charges were set off in the access tunnels, entombing the engineers. In an interview, he claimed that he wanted to start this treasure hunt to encourage people to get outside and explore nature. The site has been targeted by treasure hunters in the past, but nobody is patient enough to see it through. Before he died, Sterling Seagraves participated in Internet forums where he told increasingly unbelievable stories about many people he knew being murdered by the CIA with all sorts of exotic spy weapons "snuffed" was the term he always used. Robert Hunter, who died on Sept. 23 at age 78, matched words to Jerry Garcia's melodies and served as the public conscience for the Grateful Dead, whom he joined as a non-performing member in 1969. Twenty percent of the men who moved to California during the Gold Rush died from diseases like cholera within six months of their arrival. It has budgeted another $60,000 for the project and has an additional $300,000 to spend if needed. The charges are completely new to me. Klaus confided that he was working on four different sites and shared the many clues and symbols that he had discovered in each. It was January 2016, and my interest in the story had waned once more. Cancel at any time: When the healer arrived back home a luxurious Toyota 44 that had been purchased for him was waiting in the driveway. 0000001139 00000 n In yet another act of serendipity, Roxas was given a map of the tunnel system at Baguio Hospital by Ben Valmores, a Filipino, who as a young man had assisted Japanese Prince Tsuneyoshi Takeda in the construction of complex treasure sites in the Philippine Highlands. Whatever they did plunder had likely been well spent building the Imperial Navy well before the end of the war. The Awa Maru went to the bottom of Formosa Strait, 14 miles off the Chinese mainland with 2,007 souls and at least $500 million worth of war loot hidden aboard. It was hardly secure. One hospital worker, who claims to have witnessed the process, asserted that he saw Marcoss men extract ten boxes a day, and estimated that the haul would have consisted of nearly eleven thousand gold bars. Holes are being dug in virtually every one of the 73 Philippine provinces by treasure hunters like McDougalds group, all of whom believe that fleeing Japanese generals left behind billions of dollars in booty when Gen. Douglas MacArthurs forces retook the islands in 1945. Posing in front of the replica gold bars that Roger Roxas discovered Is that really necessary? What did you uncover? I asked inquisitively. or. In the days following the extraction of the golden buddha, Roxas returned and blew up the entrance to the tunnel so that others could not follow in his footsteps. Andrew Gough. This is something I was told had happened to other treasure hunters as well. They needed money to purchase the land and were offering a very comprehensive excavation plan. Oihara promised to purchase the golden buddha and to return in a few days with a down payment of one million pesos. The rods always seemed dead. Locals commented that everyone knows to stay away from that area in the summertime because the extreme heat can be dangerous.[10]. (Evan Agostini/Invision/AP) Robert Hunter, the man behind the poetic and mystical words for many of the . I was intrigued, and worried for him, and a little for myself. Lives in La Mirada, California. I knew only a little about the story, let alone the fact that Peggy and her husband Sterling were the worlds most prolific experts on the subject, and had documented the whole sordid affair in their seminal book, Gold Warriors; Americas Secret Recovery of Yamashitas Gold. Billy and Bob were prepared to camp for several days near the Norris ranch while they looked for gold. Pi $@Z%">Nq. Many were husbands and fathers who had traveled in hopes of providing for their families back home. I wondered if he was employed by the same people that had assassinated Roxas? In another dream, Amelia said she had been contacted by Roger Roxas, who told her that Marcoss real body remained in Hawaii, where he was living after his exile from the Philippines. Cathcart recounted how he read the GBCs plea for legal assistance with incredulity. I never made the trip to Carcassonne, and a few years later, when I had moved back to the United Kingdom, I lost Seagraves email. Klaus interviewed him on camera, and afterwards we took turns examining the artefacts. He described the odds as 5% more chance than highly probable, approaching absolute certainty.. Curtis was an expert in changing the metallurgical fingerprints of gold to disguise its origins. Maybe in two or three weeks well have some news., According to reliable intelligence sources in the government, the Ft. Santiago dig holds out the greatest promise for hitting pay dirt, and in an official press release March 1, Soriano announced that he expects the group to uncover enough bullion to help pay off the countrys foreign debt in approximately 10 to 15 days.. He replied, Thats where I am. Torn Treasure Map 2: Top right side of the map, inside a drawer of the house called "Manito Glade". We are not at the bottom yet? Regarding the claimed gold buried in the Philippines, the fact that not a single piece has ever been found is exactly in line with our expectations. Marcos soon learned that if he wanted to maximise the value of his finds, he needed to transform the ancient gold bars into a format that could be exchanged on modern gold markets, namely the London gold standard. See Photos. Eventually, Roxas and his team identified the entrance and discovered various artefacts, such as Japanese bayonets, rifles, and even a human skeleton in a Japanese uniform. Local authorities never explained where they found the bodies or what they believed was the cause of death. After her second NDE she began to have prophetic dreams, and claims to have been in regular contact with the spirit world. Keep going. Andrew Gough. For their safety I will refrain from stating where I met them, but suffice to say it was worth the journey. Andrew Gough. Jamie founded Listverse due to an insatiable desire to share fascinating, obscure, and bizarre facts. As usual, he did not want any money for his trouble. Intriguingly, the alleged body of Marcos was later reburied in the Cemetery of Heroes in Metropolitan Manila in a ceremony shrouded in secrecy. In 1981, an elderly man named Dr. Maurice Dametz went hunting for rocks with his friend David McSherry in Pike National Forest in Douglas County, Colorado, near a famous lookout called Devils Head. Andrew Gough, A leaf of the bogtalay tree 0000001059 00000 n The suspicious and rather convenient dig on the site of Roger Roxass treasure site Wait a minute not so fast, I quipped. Many of them had pointed out that the Japanese knew they had little hope of holding the Philippines very long, and it would have been the last place they'd have sent history's biggest treasure. Why would three months pass before the public was informed? I wondered. I had forgotten about the legend of Japanese treasure buried in the Philippines, save for the occasional outreach of Filipinos who had seen The Truth About Yamashitas Gold and were looking to secure funding for their own excavations, when I was contacted by a very curious woman from Los Angeles. Santy, as he was known, tortured Yamashitas driver, Major Kojima Kashii, until he gave up his secrets; the Japanese had buried unthinkable quantities of gold and vast hoards of ancient treasure in subterranean vaults across the Philippines. Its a heart a symbol placed in the tunnel by the Shinto priests, he replied proudly. 0000003280 00000 n The guerrillas attacked the Japanese with grenades, sealing many workers inside. Klaus had nailed it. Each time Curtis was requested by Marcos to select a new site to excavate, Valmores was dispatched to provide the treasure map. I was particularly intrigued with a photo Klaus shared of a cement doorway that he had arrived at in one of his tunnel complexes, and was anxious to inspect it in person. Best known as lyricist for some of the best known Jerry Garcia / Grateful Dead songs and his various collaborations with Bob Dylan. I had come across some real charlatans in my time, but nevertheless I was listening politely and was relieved to discover that Klaus agreed with my bias. Slowly putting his ruined life back together, he moved from Reno to Las Vegas . What interests might the United States have that would enable the Supreme Court decision to be ignored? So he headed to the location with some hiking supplies and his dog. Andrew Gough. 1.5 metres by 1.5 metres thats the size of shaft you just entered. MacArthur was rendered speechless after walking down countless rows of gold bars stacked over two metres high, and promptly notified United States President Harry S Truman of the discovery, who immediately deemed it a state secret. The causes of these deaths and disappearances range from disease and starvation to mysteries that have yet to be solved. Curtis had raised funding for his treasure hunt by claiming that Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos himself had personally invited him to recover the gold based on his unique expertise. If found, 75 percent of it goes to the government. Much to my surprise he responded straight away and said he was busy with something very important and very ancient. Eventually, Valmores tired of making the journey and brought all but three of the one hundred and seventy-five treasure maps to Curtis. Many treasure chambers were sealed with explosives, trapping the workers who constructed them inside. trailer He was quietly confident that there was more gold to be discovered. They were retaken by the Allied forces over the course of a brutal year culminating with the Japanese surrender in September 1945. %%EOF Klaus and I posing with the priest and the artefacts he discovered at a shallow depth in the ground Reluctantly, I selected a cobra, which was promptly placed in a barrel-shaped mesh cage. The Japanese Massacre of Nanjing, the then capital of China, 1937. Quite popular, this particular treasure. Is this what Klaus should expect to find in his treasure chambers? Hours later, on the plane back to London, my brain was in overdrive. Amelia was a Filipino living in Los Angeles, who had gone to high school in Baguio with Roxass sister. [7] It was given to the Barrow Neurological Institute of Phoenix, Arizona. He also showed me his hands and feet, which were missing various fingers and toes from a chemical booby trap that had been released in an underground water-filled chamber on the site. We exchanged emails, became friends, and made plans to meet at his home outside Carcassonne, France. Within seconds the cyanide had travelled to the surface and killed everyone in the vicinity. He seemed to revel in the horror of the story. Much to their horror, the driver then performed a three-point turn and accelerated at the Seagraves, forcing them to dive into the ditch where they collected themselves before running for cover in nearby woodland. Thats incredible, but tell me more. Im betting its here.. Andrew Gough. Charles McDougald looked every bit a real-life Indiana Jones one recent afternoon as he sat cross-legged outside the World War II-era Japanese torture chamber where he and half a dozen other American treasure hunters are convinced lie buried more than 400 tons of gold worth at least $7 billion. In the ensuing days Klaus reshot the tunnel footage himself (on his phone) and I re-did my studio interview at the more civilised time of 10am, and with my good friend Burgess directing. Imagine countless fabulous tunnels bored through the green mountains of the Philippines, all filled with mind-boggling stacks of gold bullion and other riches, all waiting there even today for some lucky adventurer to discover them. One even had a cobra as its spiritual guardian that Klaus had encountered before. For Roxas, greater Manila was ripe with hiding places Please contact us with any corrections or feedback. I sensed wetness and as I propped myself up and looked down at where he was working all I could see was blood. The 49-year-old American treasure hunter has cordoned off this rectangular swath of Indian Ocean in the Seychelles, and now he's somewhere 25 feet below, chiseling off chunks of granite and. He was never found.[4]. They were apparitions; ghost soldiers. Bob assumed that Billy must be nearby. As the uniformed men began kicking in the door, they warned Roxas, whose family and friends were acting as bodyguards while he slept upstairs, that they had three minutes to let them in or they would be killed. The director reluctantly filmed it. Over the years Roxas became convinced that Yamashita had buried a great treasure in Baguio, and his stature as president of the Philippine Treasure Hunters Association attracted many acquaintances who would confirm his hunch. I could not believe my eyes. This guy is a celebrated rock star in the Philippines, and there were posters of him all over campus. The Japanese, in particular, were notorious for this. Seagrave describes the event like the master storyteller that he was: As the evening progressed, they drank great quantities of sake, sang patriotic songs and shouted Banzai (long life) over and over. Are the Philippines the wealthiest nation on earth? That is exactly what United States Captain Edward Lansdale and Intelligence Officer Santa Romana are alleged to have done to those loyal to Japanese General Yamashita Tomoyuki, who was posted to the Philippines at the end of the Second World War. This way, he could use them as ransom against Marcos, who owed him money for the gold they had already retrieved and sold. Is that correct?. After about two hours of digging, McSherry walked over to Dametz to let him know that it was time to drive home. Although General Yamashita was spared torture during his inquisition, he would become the victim of the ultimate indignity death by hanging. A powerful, all-purpose line that hit the sweet spot of subversive clichs, it made speakers appear smarter than they are. This technique was true for most of the Japanese military treasure sites; that is, those that contained predominantly gold bullion. Crawling through twelve inches of water at the bottom of a tunnel complex after walking through rice paddies in the rain was not my idea of fun. Eventually, he became so exasperated that he burned the map out of frustration. Finally, in the spring of 1970 Roxas and his team identified the tunnel area entrance and began an arduous seven-month excavation. One year later, after an extensive search-and-rescue effort, all three bodies were finally recovered. Conventional military site treasure symbols. They were not only deposited in the deepest tunnel systems, they also did not offer intermediate chambers or directional validating artefacts a short distance beneath the surface. Within days of my return to England the director was sacked for mismanaging the episode and for essentially hijacking the narrative of the agreed storyline. Oh, and I meant to ask, how deep had your dad dug when he discovered the golden buddha near Baguio hospital, Patrick asked matter-of-factly. They brought dogs and donkeys to help carry their supplies. Cathcart said his team researched Roxass claims for seven years before concluding that there was a sound legal case. In reviewing their 2003 book, he wrote: The Seagraves are not fully reliable as historians. I had met Klaus in 2010, when we had both presented at an alternative-history conference called Megalithomania, in Glastonbury, England. One was named Billy Murray. Marcos was ruthless. Bob Curtis. There was more, but as I have signed a non-disclosure agreement, I will refrain from commenting further. Andrew Gough, Exhausted, after returning to the surface Its old but healthy, and yet it is growing parallel to the ground due to the fact that it is chemically drawn to the gold. I had seen the photos, but they did not prepare me for the sheer enormity of the quest he was undertaking. Read about more bizarre, untimely deaths on 10 Creepily Ironic Historical Deaths and 10 Unusual Ways to Die Through the Ages. How to Claim a Treasure Hunter Bounty Alive in "Red Dead Redemption". The director was oblivious. According to Curtis, he had helped the dictator dig up $14 billion in gold bars, with over $85 billion remaining to be found. Andrew Gough, I informed the site manager that he was digging on the spot where Roger Roxas had made the most famous discovery in the history of Yamashitas gold, to which he curtly replied, Yes, I know. Each would have been an ideal candidate to contribute to the legal and organised excavation of Klauss treasure sites. Log in or sign up for Facebook to connect with friends, family and people you know. Andrew Gough. I was also looking forward to seeing Patrick again, a larger-than-life friend of Klauss whom I had met on my first trip. Multiple men began to go missing or die in Deadmen Valley following the decapitation of the McLeod brothers. I went for a walk around campus and when I returned the production manager politely asked me to join them, as they were about to begin, and so I did. He was reclusive, choosing to work in private with researchers he trusted and, in recent years, he had gone completely dark. Part of me understood why the director struggled with the filming, and ultimately did a poor job. I will always appreciate your sacrifice. The Japanese had muscled control of the Philippines away from the United States, and were transferring their war booty from Singapore to Japan, when they were forced to come ashore and secure their treasures. Although born in the United States, Sterling Seagrave grew up deep inside China, on the border with Myanmar (then called Burma). The massive collection of vaults was stacked top to bottom with row upon row of gold bars. After Marcos was deposed in 1986, Curtis and McDougald lobbied the new government of Corazn Aquino that allowing them to find the gold would be a great way to pay off the Philippines' debt. Andrew Gough, Seashells with cement in them, black stones with gold dust, incense, and a heart, complete with artery McDougald, C. Asian Loot: Unearthing the Secrets of Marcos, Yamashita and the Gold. And there it was the Japanese bunker that John Ballinger had told Roxas to look for back in 1970. The other reason the treasure failed to reach home was the Japanese criminal underworld, and the immensely clever and powerful people who were its patrons. The director was beaming with approval. Affiliation ASCAP Comments Singer-songwriter, poet, translator and occasionally recording artist, born Robert Burns. Bruce and I had been discussing the subject for years and wanted to feature Klaus and his quest. The video that Klaus took on my iPhone confirmed it. Remarkably, Roxas never revealed the location of his treasure site, for he knew that doing so would result in his death sentence. Two hundred and sixteen feet, Henry replied, without hesitation, seemingly before Patrick had finished asking the question. They know the Philippines well, but are unreliable on Japan and do not read Japanese. I wondered. My interest in the story had been rejuvenated, albeit under the most peculiar of circumstances. See Photos. It did not work that way. It was not a comfortable place to work. A Filipino man named Rogelio Roxas filed a lawsuit against Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos, then exiled in Hawaii, suing them for the value of the treasure. Was that true, or simply a misdirection to conceal the fact that her husband may have embezzled billions from the Philippine people? When the Japanese were covering up the (treasure) chamber, they put in layers of clay, then sand, then clay, then sand. It was entirely out of context of our discussion to have done so. With Henry Roxas, Rogers treasure-hunting son There was no follow-up after Bilyeu was pronounced dead. The golden buddha was real but not the gold bullion. I could not believe he knew about it all, let alone had such a peculiar opinion about it. I was having a laugh with Klaus when suddenly I screamed and, for lack of a better explanation, went into shock. The bad news was that nobody on the production team believed that the Japanese had buried treasure in the Philippines, let alone that Klaus was about to discover some of it. Andrew Gough, A young Henry Roxas pays his loving respects to his late father No matter where I go treasure hunting and metal detecting I have lot's of fun so thanks for subscribing and I hope you enjoy watching my treasure hunting adventures - I look forward to your . Henry proudly highlights the victorious Roxas v Marcos Supreme Court case The first near-death experience (NDE) was in 2013, when she claims to have been dead for nearly twenty minutes. Andrew Gough. I was not aware that Peggy had passed away the previous year, and that Sterling had only just passed in May 2017, aged 80. Once the cameras stopped, Henry continued taking us through his files, highlighting important photos and newspaper clippings, including one very poignant photo of himself as a young man standing alongside his deceased father. 0000002983 00000 n Can it? I protested and attempted to leave a second time, but was restrained. Twice a day I climb into each of the sites that we are excavating to check for cyanide, he added in his authoritative Austrian accent. Web. Best known as lyricist for some of the best known Jerry Garcia / Grateful Dead songs and his various collaborations with Bob Dylan. Prior to his death, Fuchigamis father presented him with a coded map of the treasure complex. The first clue to the treasure reportedly came in 1971, when a locksmith in the mountain resort of Baguio found a Buddha statue filled with gold and jewels. Seagrave, S., Seagrave, P. Gold Warriors: America's Secret Recovery of Yamashita's Gold. There are far more people attempting to find treasure than there are success stories. He read just about every book on the subject while working the night shift as a bellhop for 10 years. Andrew Gough. My neck was pressed against the sharp edge of the rusted metal tricycle roof. Curtis to meet privately with a . The doomed engineers had installed booby traps at each of the one hundred and seventy-five treasure sites either explosives and/or cyanide. We arrived at the site to discover that the tunnel was too flooded to enter, and so we filmed what we could and moved on to the next one. Beyond that is where the cyanide is hidden.. Roxas was seeking damages, not only for the torture he had endured (and, of course, the golden buddha and its concealed precious stones and all the miniature gold bars that accompanied it), but also for the large quantities of gold that Marcoss men had recovered from the tunnel system that Roxas had discovered. We had adjoining rooms in the hotel and shared a laugh. The cobra was violently thrashing about. I have to! Klaus retorted. Their 2000 book The Yamato Dynasty: The Secret History of Japan's Imperial Family included their story of how Japan went about accumulating this staggering wealth from all the Asian nations they looted, via a secret initiative called Operation Golden Lily. Death was one idea that neither Burchfield nor the Dead shied away from. Klaus confirmed that he too had drunk the cobras blood, and that a local shaman had approached him and told him that he knew Klaus had bonded with the cobra family, and so had the spirit-guardian cobra at his one site. They were in their sleeping bags, but their heads were missing. I guess I had never imagined that Roxas had excavated that deep before discovering the golden buddha. 0000010608 00000 n Goodness knows, hes close. Operation Golden Lily and the Black Eagle Trust Fund are absent from all the world's historical texts that I searched, save those written in support of this particular mythology. In a now infamous moment of stubborn, albeit courageous, resolve Roxas returned to Baguio, and in the presence of lawyers and the media, defiantly proclaimed the golden buddha to be a fake. LOS ANGELES (AP) Robert Hunter, the man behind the poetic and mystical words for many of the Grateful Dead's finest songs, has died at age 78. 2023 Skeptoid Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. You may occasionally receive promotional content from the Los Angeles Times. You just entered an arduous seven-month excavation was informed signed a non-disclosure agreement, will... Prior to his death sentence the horror of the rusted metal tricycle roof,... The Supreme Court decision to be discovered ultimately did a poor job a cobra as spiritual... Enormity of the best known as lyricist for some of the best known as lyricist some... 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