OECD BETTER LIFE INDEX (BLI): USER FINDINGS FOR AUSTRALIA Australia is currently 6th in number of visits with over 75,800 visits and represents 4% of total user base. The Better Life Index is a set of 11 social indicators, of housing, income, jobs, community, education, environment, governance, health, life satisfaction, safety, work-life balance (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD], 2011).These indicators in turn are composed of 20 sub-indicators through averaging and normalization. Australia's long span of positive output growth continues, demonstrating the economy's resilience. OECD.Stat enables users to search for and extract data from across OECDs many databases. Measuring well-being and progress is a key priority that the OECD is pursuing as part of the Better Life Initiative through various streams of research and on-going work described below. Better Life Index (Edition 2017) There is more to life than the cold numbers of GDP and economic statistics. Data cannot be compared between different editions of the Better Life Index. For our last day, weve been provided with an OECD Better Life Index data set. All rights reserved. TIME 2013; Australia The top cities or regions in numbers of visits are Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide. Data cannot be compared between different editions of the Better Life Index. These sectors' sum gives the The Better-life Index. It's obtained from 24 indicators 1; These indicators are divided between those about Money and Job, those about Environment, crime and housing, those about health and education and those about well-being. We critically review the Better Life Index (BLI) recently introduced by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Follow us on Twitter Follow us in the News Watch our videos on YouTube Listen to TopClass on SoundCloud Education and Skills Today PISA Online Collaborative Platform OECD Teachers Community OECD Education & Skills on Facebook: OECD Education OECD Forum 2018 OECD Better Life Index OECD Data OECD 360 OECD Observer OECD iLibrary OECD Insights FAQ - OECD Better Life Index Do not make any payments in relation to a proposed OECD recruitment process. The life expectancy at birth in Australia is 82 years, two years higher than the OECD average. report as well as an interactive web application, the Better Life Index. For more information on change over time, please contact wellbeing@oecd.org. Australia, the only major developed nation to avoid the 2009 worldwide recession, remains at the top of the OECD index even as a mining boom powering economic growth crests It compares all 30+ countries and their scores against each other. Australia also has exceptional voter turnout at 93% This interactive site allows you to measure well-being in your region and compare it with 402 other OECD regions based on eleven topics central to the quality of our lives. 2 The OECD Better Life Initiative, launched in 2011, focuses on the aspects of life that matter to people and that shape their quality of life. Quick summary: Students are introduced to the OECDs Better Life Index as an alternative measure of development and progress (besides GDP). This dataset looks at a variety of topics essential in the quality of life. Boys perform better than girls with a non statistically significant difference of 2 points (OECD average: 2 points higher for girls). This fifth edition presents the latest evidence from an updated set of over 80 indicators, covering current well-being outcomes, inequalities, and resources for future well-being.