Freedom of expression organisation ARTICLE 19 has warned that Frances Avia Law, passed today, will threaten freedom of speech in France. Those laws protect individuals and groups from being defamed or insulted because they belong or do not belong, in fact or in fancy, to an ethnicity, a nation, a race, a religion, a sex, a sexual orientation, or a gender identity or because they have a handicap. The right-wing politician was alleged to have broken French hate-speech laws for uploading three particular images to her Twitter account in December 2015. France is probably the most extreme case of hate speech laws being abused in this manner. Systemic failure to cooperate with the authorities could lead to fines of up to 4% of [] They do so by dramatically curbing free speech. France's social media law will limit online hate speech, but it will also curtail legitimate freedom [+] of speech and increase censorship. Topics similar to or like Hate speech laws in France. Hate speech laws in France: lt;p|>The |hate speech laws in France| are matters of both |civil law| and |criminal law|. On 13 May 2020, the French National Assembly adopted the Bill on Countering Online Hatred, or so called Avia Law (Projet de loi Avia). They were first enacted in 1939 to fight the enormous amount of anti-Semitic propaganda in France Threatens Big Fines for Social Media With Hate-Speech Law Social-media companies must remove content deemed hateful in France within 24 hours, or face fines of up to 4% of global revenue Hate speech laws in France. Following the horrific attacks at the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris this January and an ensuing increase in arrests for hate speech, the state of freedom expression in France has become a highly contested topic. The French law was directly inspired by Germanys controversial NetzDG law, adopted in in October 2017, and it is explicitly mentioned in the introduction to the Avia law. Those World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the most definitive collection ever assembled. HATE SPEECH LAW AND POLICY 3 and incitement to racial discrimination. This was followed by instruments on discrimination againstwomen(1979)anddiscriminationbased on Known as the Avia law after Laetitia Avia, the parliamentarian who drafted the original bill, the final law was significantly watered down during its passage through the lower house of parliament and the Senate, following opposition from free speech activists. On the 25th of June, one week after the Hate-Speech Law had been stricken down by the French Constitutionnal Court, our government asked the European Commission to get this defunct project adopted at the EU level.. Against hate-speech French government requires new European rules that would force platforms to promptly remove manifestly unlawful content French far-right leader Marine Le Pen was acquitted on Tuesday of breaking hate speech laws in late 2015 when she posted images of Islamic State atrocities on Twitter. Topic. (Photo by Mario Hommes/DeFodi Images via Getty Images) PARIS (Reuters) - French far-right leader Marine Le Pen was acquitted on Tuesday of breaking hate speech laws in late 2015 when she posted images of In France, 12 protesters were Originally drafted to tackle online hate speech, the law has been widely criticised for being overly broad in terms of the scope of the platforms affected and the content that they are expected to [] July 14, 2015.