Medicine. To identify the Ojibwe as an Aboriginal people with traditional teachings; To develop awareness of the natural environment; To become familiar with the meanings of the terms Medicine Wheel, sacred, traditional, direction, respect and survival Additional Resources (Grades 1-6)Mohawk Lesson Plan: Social Studies 4 large coloured sheets of paper for the walls (yellow, red, black, white) Markers, crayons or paint, and paper for four-coloured Medicine Wheel drawing. The Medicine Wheel has many teachings: the directions, seasonal cycle, daily cycle, health and well-being, traditional medicines, and so much more! (n.d.). Medicine wheel Henvey project p.1; Medicine Wheel Ceremonies; The holistic plans-of-care occur whereby a Community Member/Client (CM) is invited to sit with a circle of involved care providers to share from their assessments to develop goals/steps. In many Indigenous cultures, the Medicine Wheel 1 metaphor contains all of the traditional teachings and can therefore be used as a guide on any journey, including the educational process. Join Today. There are many . These are essential to the building of all Nations. It offers a generalized overview of some basic lessons and activities associated with the use of the medicine wheel while tying in the developmental process. appreciation of the interconnectedness of all things. Full Circle: First Nations, Mtis, Inuit Ways of Knowing. The Medicine Wheel is both a tool and a guide that was given to us by the Creator and used by Indian people for many things, including healing and wellness. 11 Lessons. The Medicine Wheel Education Online Classroom provides parents, students, teachers and school districts access to authentic Indigenous stories and curriculum based interactive lesson plans, in a virtual format. Please read the plan through first and decide whether or not you will include the OPTIONAL section contained in Appendix A Generating the Medicine Wheel From 1D to 3D. There are a variety of ways to use the materials in this lesson plan. All Courses The Eagle Feather. Read The Sacred Tree (2003), by Phil Lane Jr. Lee Brown. These teachings vary from one community to another but there are some foundational concepts that are similar between the various medicine wheel teachings. 6. All the teachings can be shared at once or a few at a time. versions of medicine wheel teachings. All products. Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation. Evaluation Wheel. In the 2018-19 school year, I made it my goal to infuse more FNMI education into our daily programming - and the Medicine Wheel was one pivotal addition 13) Full Circle: First Nations, Metis, Inuit Ways of Knowing Lesson Plans. Other arts and crafts materials, if available, for more elaborate Medicine Wheel models (hoops, coloured cloth, paint, yarn, leather, etc.) In general terms, illness is the physical manifestation of spiritual, mental and/or emotional imbalance. MediciNe Wheel TeAchiNG Honour Our Children Elder Vera White Eyes Jones said this Medicine Wheel Teaching is about the Seven Sacred Teachings and how they tell us about the skills needed to live good lives and raise good children. Materials Required. The Medicine Wheel is suggested as a guide for ongoing learning and . - Teaching by the Medicine Wheel: An Anishinaabe Framework for Indigenous Education, by Nicole Bell, 2014 - Teachings of the Medicine Wheel is a curriculum unit developed by the Ontario Native Literacy Coalition you can download a student and teacher manual on the Main Resources page.