Programming the escape pods for the isolated Gravett Island, the captain activates the destruct order: fifteen minutes with a silent countdown. Despite the relative comfort of the new suit, Krige was still required to wear painful silver contact lenses that could be worn for only four minutes at a time. Elsewhere, Worf and his men encounter Dr. Crusher as she emerges from the Jefferies tubes with her medical staff and patients. ", "You'd better find a way to make it easy, soldier, or I'm going to start pushing buttons! "Go ahead." As the starship Defiant is about to ram the Borg ship on a suicide run, the U.S.S. The captain adds that the Klingon is the bravest man he's ever known. Celebrating the flight back on Earth that night, Cochrane and the Enterprise crew see an alien ship land nearby. 5, 2021, for Paramount+'s first-ever virtual Star Trek: First Contact Day celebration, in honor of the first meeting between humans and Vulcans on that date in 2063 in Star Trek: First Contact. They then receive word that the fleet has engaged the Borg and listen as the battle appears to go badly. Lily begins to understand Picard's motivations the Borg hurt him before and now he's going to pay them back. According to Jerry Fleck, the actress never complained. One after the other, both officers crawl into a Jefferies tube, wherein they are quietly assimilated by unseen Borg stowaways. Star Trek is boldly assembling its galaxy-spanning stars and creative minds for a galactically great celebration, lining up a day of virtual panels, streaming marathons and more to commemorate a milestone anniversary in Trekkie lore: stardate 73726.8 (thats April 5, 2063 in Earth-speak), the date when humans and Vulcans made that fateful first cont As the leader of the horde of eight, Alice Krige's Borg Queen costume was unique. Realizing that this fight could only destroy himself and his crew, Picard decides to evacuate the ship. Stardate: 50893.5 Original Airdate: Dec 13, 1996. However, one Paramount executive pointed out the weakness of the Borg as being that they were "basically zombies." [11] In recent years, Art Asylum has released a detailed action figure in the likeness of Captain Picard from First Contact, complete with the skull of the Borg Queen. As the Borg are destroyed, Picard climbs to safety and the Borg Queen falls into the deadly gas. See All Features. Picard knows that, once the Borg have control of the Enterprise, they will assimilate Earth. He is stopped, however, when a drone slashes at and cuts Data's new Human skin. The first group of stardates could be referred to, when necessary, as zeroth-issue stardates, such as 1234, and the new issue as first-issue stardates, such as 1234. By October 1995, Eaves and Zimmerman proceeded with their design with approval from Rick Berman. Picard requests he takes tactical and Riker jokingly asks if he "remembers how to fire phasers." Sadly, Herman saw it, too, so we had to (pardon the pun) scratch that one.". According to illustrator Eaves, the process began by reviewing what came before, specifically Bill George's Excelsior from Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. Star Trek, its graphics, logos and all incarnations are property of CBS/Paramount. She shoots at them in a rage, but impervious to bullets, Data approaches Lily. 0-2-1 mark 4!" Activating a holonovel, Picard recreates a scene from The Big Good-Bye, using a holographic Tommy gun to blast the two Borg in a fit of rage. The Enterprise-E enters the temporal vortex.