To make the React applications interactive we almost use state in every react component. Using a callback passed to setState. useStateWithCallback: import React from 'react'; import useStateWithCallback from 'use-state-with-callback'; // Note: cannot be used on the server-side React setState nested array callback. React is the most used front end library for building modern, interactive front end web apps. It is somewhat of a convention in JS world to have API symmetric - if a method accepts a callback, it returns a promise. React Setstate callback called but render delayed Tags: arrays, javascript, reactjs, setstate. Instead, use componentDidUpdate or a setState callback (setState(updater, callback)), either of which are guaranteed to fire after the update has been applied. Pass an inline callback and an array of dependencies. setState ({counter: this. If In React class components, the setState method offers an optional second argument to pass a callback function. How do we implement the callback functionality like setState with useState then? Set a callback to setState(useState) in React funtional Component # react # functional # javascript # redux. The optional second parameter of the useEffect hook takes an array of values to listen to for changes. In this tutorial, I want to explain you how to implement it. But, in the previous versions of React where we use class components, we use this.setState() method which accepts the first argument as the state we want to update and the second is the callback function which will be executed when the state updated successfully. However, this second argument isn't available for React's useState hook. When to use React setState callback (3) Consider setState call this. Instead of simply printing out a new state we could easily implement a more complex callback function that utilizes our new state. This means, your application is a set of components (that forms a tree with a root and child components) More often than not, your React components will have state. The above code is flawed because those two console.logs are being executed before setState has completed. Your bug will get fixed much faster if we can run your code and it doesn't have dependencies other than React. DEV Community is a community of 623,065 amazing developers Theres no way to do this directly with state setter functions. Installation. Everything is working fine in React 15 but once I upgraded the react version to 16, the set state's callback function is not getting fired. With hooks, you no longer need a callback from the setState function. setState has the following signature. Calling setState in componentWillMount doesn't behave as I would expect. react setstate callback example; react setstate callback; Learn how Grepper helps you improve as a Developer! Usage. React is a component-based user interface library. This is happening, because you are calling this. I just started to learn to react 2 days ago and Im having a hard time with reacts setstate method, all I know is use revstate parameter if want to change state based on previous state, and callback parameter to be executed right after the state change (please correct me if this wrong), so I Someone else could find the key if you published the app or pushed the code to a repository. We call only when we has changed state; We pass callback in setState. If possible, you should utilize your component's external API (which is often accessible via