Lodges 1, 2, 3 and 10 are achieving the highest revenue per guest cabin closer inspection reveals these four lodges are all of the lodges that received a quality rating of Good. Hunting Lodge. Call Today! Frontier Hospitality Advisor excludes unequivocally all inferred or implied terms, conditions and warranties arising out of this article and excludes all liability for loss and damages arising there from. Build Costs. However, on a per guest cabin basis the results are more interesting. There is babysitting service at the property. Texas Hunt Lodge offers over 70 different species to hunt year-round. These results are a bit misleading because as we mentioned in the data selection section, we excluded all non-viable businesses. All reservations require a deposit of one- half the hunt cost, not refundable. Accounting practices for wages expense vary, many owners do not account for their wage in the income & expense statement, & instead their income comes from the net income. Insurance rates are based on many factors, including building design and construction, fire detection, etc. Learn More About My Business Plan Financial Projections Service. dates, hotel's policy etc.). * Non-hunting guests are $200 per night; children 4-10 half price (maximum of 3 guests per hunter) * San Antonio round trip stretch limo pick up $500 plus 20% gratuity. This is due primarily to a difference in accounting practice relating to salaries, wages and benefits. Fill out the form below to submit your booking request: Click here to purchase Hunting License Trophy Whitetail Hunts Season: August 15th January 1st 1 buck (8point or better) and 1 doe per day* *(September 15th January 1st) 3.5 Days = $1,200 4.5 Days $500 per person per day (Includes lodging, meals and guide services) Deer Hunting - Bow Hunts. Lodge 14 is spending the lowest amount on advertising and promotion as a percentage of revenue and unsurprisingly, this lodge is one of only two lodges in the analysis with decreasing revenue over the 3-year period analyzed. This page was last edited on 29 December 2020, at 15:54. Canadian fishing lodges have a high amount of fixed costs, such as airplane charter and field labour, in their cost structure e.g., the lodge pays the same air charter costs regardless of whether the plane is full or not. This basic law shows up everywhere in business, distorting accounts and undermining forecasts. Make projections based on your business operating history utilizing the spreadsheet provided while giving consideration to these similar operations performance. The hunting lodge has to serve as a representative country residence, suitable for receiving business associates and other guests. Home Page; Latest News; Contact Us; Your Hosts ; Your Hunt; ScatterGun Retrievers; The Lodge; Corporate Retreats; Rates & Dates; Celebrity Guests; Easy Travel; Bits & Pieces. The overall average for total expenses on a per guest cabin basis is $27,881. Obviously, it would have been more ideal to have a larger sample size of say 20 fly-in lodges, 20 boat-in lodges & 20 drive-in lodges or 20 American Plan Lodges & 20 Housekeeping Lodges. This is the amount of money that the lodge can save for a rainy day, use to pay off debt, reinvest into the business, or distribute to the owners. They include general office maintenance, and some electronics and computer hardware. As mentioned above, this is an expense item that should increase or decrease proportionately to revenue production.