A file named angular.json at the root level of an Angular workspace provides workspace-wide and project-specific configuration defaults for build and development tools provided by the Angular CLI. The article explains how we can extract all configuration details out of an AngularJS 1.x In this article I want to explain two possible ways to configure Angular libraries. Angular 6 Configuration: angular.json Link to this section. The jest-preset-angular library will configure Jest and it will also configure the Angular TestBed for you. If you now want to pass configuration to your library you have two ways: First one is to have this configuration statically if you already know what your library should deal with. @azure/msal-angular accepts three configuration objects: Configuration: This is the same configuration object that is used for the core @azure/msal-browser library. To do that, we have to add a new client configuration in the InMemoryConfig class: However, it is obviously not very flexible when there are special requirements. The 7 Best UI Component Libraries: There is one common library type that this approach cannot be used for: lazy loaded feature modules. Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) for Angular 6+ is a library for integrating Azure AD into your Angular app. normal-lib.config.ts. Angular: Creating configurable libraries with angular cli. so that you can pass it but do not have to! 28 Angular will help us configure them by default. Next, let us write a LibConfigurationProvider as an abstract class which provides a property which represents the configuration then and let us create a default configuration DefaultLibConfiguration which is used if the consuming app does not pass a config down to the library: In the LibToConfigureModule, so the module of the library, we are expanding it a bit. However, there are situations where you will want to add custom webpack functionality. So in the consumerApp we will change the app.module.ts to. Now if you run the app the message value from environment.ts will be displayed. However, its provided instructions and example application assume a hardcoded configuration Lets prepare the introduction of the APP_INITIALIZER a bit: First we will build a new class ConfigurationStore which is responsible for storing the configuration once we have read it from wherever we gonna read it, most likely over http. Reusable code and schematics A library typically includes reusable code that defines components, services, and other Angular artifacts (pipes, directives, and so on) that you simply import into a project. I've seen people suggest implementing a forRoot method for the library's module, but I'm not sure how to use that in the NgModule decorator of the Authentication module. This makes the configuration more flexible because we are not passing the static config, but a class which provides us the configuration object. Create an Angular library. How to configure Webpack 4 with Angular 7: a complete guide The We do not have a static JSON object we can pass down the lib. MsalGuardConfiguration: A set of options specifically for the Angular guard. Because of this, we have to delete the initial projects if we don't want the defaults, configure schematics and regenerate the Angular application and end-to-end testing projects. A single workspace configuration file, angular.json, is created at the top level Build the angular library Generate a configuration model ng generate class model/TrcLibConfig --project=ng-trc-lib.

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