All Years An adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun. If the subject is a feminine you will have to apply some rules of agreement and have a feminine article and feminine adjectives too. Rules about the use of nationality adjectives . Ann and Sophie came, and Graham was with them. Place them in room corners or behind furniture. 1- First, note that French nationality adjectives are not capitalized. But some countries have one word to refer to both masculine or feminine. He called out to them to watch out for the unexploded mine. Cela demande normment de courage de faire face son enfant et lui dire la vrit. Ses chaussettes fonces avaient une rayure dessus. The final thing to note is that when you are writing these nationalities out in French, youll need to capitalize the proper noun, but never the adjective. To talk about nationalities, you have to know a few rules about the use of adjectives in French. Elle ma dit quelle tait contente de mon travail. So it organises all the French words according to existing categories such as meanings, feelings and sounds etc, without making any provision for the gender. Normally in French, if an adjective modifies a plural noun or group of nouns where even one is masculine, an s is tacked onto it. It means that when speaking about a specific country, lets take France and Germany for example, you will need to say lAllemagne but not Allemagne and la France and Voice-over: Le miroir. If the noun/group of nouns is feminine, you add -es to the end, and call it a day. Theres no simple trick to knowing the gender of every single French noun (other than looking in a dictionary), but there are several categories of words that are always or usually feminine. In dictionaries, regular French adjectives are usually shown in the masculine singular form. Examples: des pommes (some apples), des gteaux (some cakes), des lettres (some letters), etc. Burt: For definite articles, we use the masculine le to say 'the'. (= him or her) (direct) le. For example, the two words for the actor in French are lacteur (m) and lactrice (f). 1,23, cest parti! If you don't want to look at that complication just yet, you may Content happy, satisfied. Its important to learn the gender of a word as you go along. If the noun is plural then "The" becomes Les. To say them in French, you generally use a very similar pattern to NO, grammatical gender in French is NOT crucial. As a general rule, those countries ending in -e are feminine, and the rest are masculine. English-French dictionary, Suggest a change / proposez une modification. And if that wasnt enough to confuse you, adjectives also change depending on whether the noun they describe is masculine, feminine, singular or plurial. If anyone phones, please tell them Im out. The word you choose for the depends on whether the noun it is used with is masculine or feminine, singular or plural. Examples: de largent (some money), de leau (some water), de lamour (some love), etc. If youre catching up with a French-speaking friend, old or new, youll probably want to ask them how they are, and vice versa. the pronouns le and la. Voice-over: La tablette. What is hot dog in French? In French, there are two categories of nouns, feminine and masculine. les personnages fminins du roman the female characters in the novel. Elle joue dans lquipe de France fminine. This applies to both masculine and feminine nouns. It takes great courage to face your child and tell them the truth.
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